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      • KCI등재

        Age-related Memory Differences as a Function of Presentation Method, Organization. and Information of Materials


        Reviewing the studies on age-related memory differences since Birren (1959), Craik (1977) has proposed several memory deficit hypotheses, manifestly suggesting the levels-of-processing theory by Craik and Lockhart (1972) as zcitgeist.

      • 사고력 수업을 위한 프로그램의 개발과 교사연수

        김영채(Yung Che KIM),윤정륜(Jeong-Lyoon YOON),양용칠(Yong-chil YANG),박권생(Kwonsaeng PARK),문창현(Chang-hyun MOON) 대한사고개발학회 1996 The International Journal of Creativity & Problem Vol.6 No.1

        This project, originally initiated and supported by the Board of Education of Daegu City, had twofold purposes: One was to develop a theoretical model of integrative teaching of subject contents and thinking skills and, based on it, to develop its training program together with training materials. And the other was to perform teacher training using the model and program developed. It was approached somewhat experimentally and innovatively to reform the traditional teaching practices. This integrative teaching model established assumptions such as thinking skill(s) is a skill or a set of skills (so it can be taught and learnt), thinking skills as well as subject content can be hierarchically organized, thinking skills and strategies should be taught explicitly and systematically, subject content is a mode of thinking, and subject contents should be taught through and, also, by thinking processes. The program developed included the contents such as the followings: (1) Thinking skil ls and strategies (organization of thinking skills, reasoning and form of knowledge, relation of subject content and thinking processes), (2) critical thinking, (3) comprehension of contents and writing (strategies of comprehension of contents, principles and guide of writing), (4) Socratic conversation, questioning and lessons for idea generation techniques ) and (5) , finally, teaching model and instructional development. 61 teachers from the primary and secondary schools volunteered to the teacher traning sessions which lasted for 60 hours. Training sessions followed three steps. The first step was for providing theoretical background and mastery of basic skills, the second step was for having teaching practicum applying the theory to practice and coaching, and the final third step was for reporting and interacting with respective colleague teachers and principals. The result obtained from the analysis of surveys administered immediately after the first step and, also, after completing the whole training sessions and, further, observations of supervsiors and principals of the Board of Education and the others concerned showed the project had been very successful.

      • KCI등재
      • 대학 수학 능력 시험과 사고력 개발

        김영채(Yung Che KIM) 대한사고개발학회 1993 The International Journal of Creativity & Problem Vol.3 No.2

        New college entrance system designed to be implemented from the selection of 1994 freshmen in Korea has three distinctive measures such as College Entrance Aptitude Test (CEAT, Dai-hak-su-hak-nung-ryuk-si-hum), the achievement record of high school, and individual college test. Each is expected to play specific and distinctive function for successful college selection. In this paper, the author reviewed the introduction background of CEAT and examined its conceptual understanding. Finally, it proposed an instruction-learning model could be in line with purpose and function of CEAT. CEAT, which is supposed not only to reflect the societal and future change but also to influence the secondary school education, came to be evolved after many years of study, discussion, and experimentation. It is expected. to play the intergrative function of development of critical thinking skills and high level of academic achievement of learner together. In other words, learners are hoped to understand the subject matter content deeply, think critically, and apply or combine the knowledge extensively and creatively. From there perspective, several criticisms were raised particulary about its conceptual description of National Bo교 of Educational Evaluation. The present study proposed an instruction-learning strategies which might be in service of and in consistent with CEAT. To achieve the integrative function of development of thinking skills through deep understanding of the content, an instruction-learning model to be implemented through three stages such as the basic training stage of learning strategies, the cultivation of learning strategies through use of the subject matter content, and the practical application in subject-specific instruction was proposed. The basic training stage and the cultivation of learning strategies through use of the subject matter content could be curriculum-independent and the last stage subject-dependent. In the basic or preliminary stage, learner needs to be taught and practiced several basic learning strategies such as management of time and attention, structuring, contexting, working question, multiple coding and critical thinking processes. In the second stage, learner intentionally practice with use of specific subject matter content. So he or she needs to practice some combination of strategies in accorance with specific learning task. Ultimately, learning strategies would be embedded in the traditional curriculum instruction. In this final stage, repertoire of learning expected that subject matter instruction proceed to deep understanding of content, to extensional meaingful learning, and to critical thinking learning consequently. However, how the model will work remains to be tested.

      • 편견적 지식과 편파적 추론

        김영채(Yung Che Kim),윤정륜(Jeong-Lyoon Yoon),문창현(Chang-Hyun Moon) 대한사고개발학회 1997 The International Journal of Creativity & Problem Vol.7 No.1

        연구에서는 기존에 가지고 있는 고정관념적인 편견적 지식이 편파적 추론을 생성케 하는지 (편견 구체적인 추론), 그리고, 만약 그러하다면, 그것은 주로 메시지를 대하여 부호화할 때 일어나는지 아니면 검사시 단서의존적으로 생성되는지를 실험해보았다. 대상은 초등학교 2학년에서 고등학교 2학년까지의 10개 학년을 대상으로 하였다. 9개의 이야기 단락을 만들어 한번만 천천히 읽어주고, 추론 문항을 가지고 즉시 검사와 일주일후의 지연 검사를 실시하였다. 각 이야기 단락에 대한 검사 문항에는 편파적 추론의 질문, 논리적 추론의 질문, 축어적 기억의 질문 및 확장적 추론의 질문등이 포함되었으며 실시는 학반단위로 하였다. 성관계의 편파적 추론을 알아보기 위하여 이야기 단락의 주인공을 전형적인 남자 또는 여자로 교차상쇄되게 조작하였고 편파적 지식은 남녀를 비교하는 별도의 설문지를 이용하여 사정하였다. 세가지의 결론을 도출하였는데, (i) 편견적 지식은 그것과 일치하는 방향으로 편파적 추론을 생성시키며 또한 그것은 자발적으로 일어난다, (ii) 편견적 지식에 의한 편파적 추론은 주로 인출 때 일어나며 인출단서의 영향을 크게 받는다. 그리고 (iii) 편파적 추론과 논리적 추론에서 남자와 여자는 다소간 상이한 모습을 보여주었다. This study was to examine whether the stereotypic knowledge such as gender-bias could affect on memory inferences and, in the case, to determine the locus of such inferences which would raise the issue of the inference-on-input versus inference-at-retrieval. We hypothesized that students who held strong gender stereotypes would tend to make inferences about ambiguous memory stories that were consistent with those stereotypes. Further, we hypothesized that the biased inference-drawing would mainly occur cue-dependently at the time of retrieval. Nine story passages were read to the subjects of 1,550 ranging from the grade 2 up through grade 11. And the recognition memory test was given immediately after the story passage presentation and, again, after one week delay. The memory test included both the biased inference question indicating that the child had remembered a gender-stereotypical outcome, even though it had not been stated, and the logical inference questions which were based on the inferences that something had happened that had not been stated, but, unlike the biased inference, no gender-bias was implied. Four story passages were used to assess the effect of the stereotypic knowledge on the biased inference, where the typical boy's and girl's names were manipulatively used in Form A and Form B to make these names cross-balanced. The remaining five story passages were used to determine the effect on the logical inference processing. The stereotypical gender-biased group was operationally defined subjects responded consistently the 'female superior' on dancing, 'mail superior' on arithmetic study, 'male superior' on science study, and 'female superior' on cooking to the separately administered questionnaire. The data gathered were analyzed using with design of biase group (2) x gender (2), by grade and the total group. The study came to the conclusions firstly that the stereotypical knowledge affects subjects to draw biased inferences consistent with those stereotypes. We found the significance difference of the biased memory only at the one-week delayed memory test. Moreover, the effect was strongly shown particularly at grade 6, 7, and 8. Secondly, the study found that the inference processing such as the schema-related one shown in the first conclusion occured clearly at the time of retrieval and, so, cue-dependently. Finally we very cautiously concluded that the female group tended to be more sensitive to the stereotype effect, which should require replicational studies for further close examination.

      • KCI등재

        노년의 지능과 창의력의 변화

        김영채(Yung Che Kim) 대한사고개발학회 2024 사고개발 Vol.20 No.1

        이 연구는 60세를 전후하여 퇴직하고 노년기가 진행되면 그에 따라 지능과 창의력의 구조와 내용이 어떻게 변화하는지를 선행 연구들의 종설적 접근을 통하여 분석해 보았다. 지능은 성인기가 지나면 서서히 안정적으로 쇠퇴해 가지만 그러나 변화의 내용은 어떠한 지능인가에 따라 그리고 개인에 따라 다를 수 있다. 유동성 지능은 노화의 영향을 크게 받아 쇠퇴는 보다 뚜렷하고, 이의 기본적인 기능인 반응의 속도와 정확성은 떨어지기 시작한다. 그러나 결정성 지능은 비교적 고정적이며 노화과정의 영향을 별로 받지 않으며 또한 유동성 지능의 쇠퇴를 유의하게 보상해 줄 수 있다. 지능에 대한 집단 평균치를 개인에게 바로 적용하는 것은 부정확할 수 있는데, 그것은 경험뿐 아니라 보존되는 구체적인 지적기능의 정도가 개인 따라 다르기 때문이다. 창의력의 노화에 대한 정점후 쇠퇴이론에서는 창의력은 30-40대 어디에서 정점에 이르렀다가 그 이후 점차 쇠퇴한다고 보는 반면, 전생애 발달이론에서는 창의력은 연령의 증가에 따라 쇠퇴하는 것이 아니라 다만 그것이 표현되는 스타일이 이동할 뿐이라 주장한다. 사고와 지혜가 성숙해 감에 따라 새로운 노년 스타일을 개발하며 그리하여 노년의 창의적 사고는 혁명적이기보다는 더 점증적인 것으로, 그리고 개념적인 것보다는 더 실험적 내지 시행착오적인 것으로 진화해 간다. 마지막으로 노화 과정에 대한 심리학적 분석이 가지는 몇 가지의 실제적 함의들을 제시해 보았다. This study explored the developmental changes of intelligence and creativity in ageing process of the late adulthood. The intelligence declined generally in ageing once subjects passed the age of around sixty or more, but the pattern of its changes was differential. Fluid intelligence could be surely affected by ageing and the basic reflex skills such as the response time and response accuracy deteriorated steadily. But crystallized intelligence, which had been based on the pre-learned knowledge, could be relatively fixed and so unaffected by the ageing process and, further, it could compensate for some of the effects of fluid intelligence loss. These group data on intellectual skills decline might not be uniformly true of all ageing people and inter-individual variability increased significantly with age. There were two theoretical models explaining the aging-related changes of creative thought. The peak and decline model insisted that there should be creativity peak at the age of around 30 - 40 and thereafter creativity declined. But the life-span developmental model of creativity proposed that creativity would reveal no decline, though the creative activities could be decreased. With development of an old age style of dialectical mode, the creativity of the aged people were seemed to evolve to be more incremental than revolutionary and to be more experimental than conceptual. Finally the study noted several implications of the ageing studies employing subjects of the young-olds.

      • 창의적 사고의 교수 학습 : 열린교육과 관련하여

        김영채,윤정륜,문창현 한국교육학회 대구·경북지회 2000 교육학논총 Vol.21 No.1

        This study has been established, firstly, to reexamine the instructional characteristics of open education (idiosyncratic Korean 'Yeul-rin kyo-yuk) and, secondly, to figure out the instructional model of the creative thinking education. Open education could be characterized by several including (ⅰ) there are two different uses of the term one as denoting the educational system and the other as open education instruction or open teaching-learning, (ⅱ) it is emphasizing the negative side of the traditional lecture-type instruction, and (ⅲ), at the focus of open education, there exists creative thinking development education. And, concerning the thinking and instruction, (ⅰ) all kinds of terms relating to higher-order thinking processes could be integrated and structred into creative problem solving, (ⅱ) knowledge (or subject content) are a different mode of thinking, (ⅲ) 'content = thinking' could mean different approach to instruction, and (iv) there are two different but complementary cognitive processes such as the critical and creative thinking in the creative problem solving process. Finally, concerning the instruction of the creative thinking process, (ⅰ) acquisition of subject content and thinking skills and strategies must be integrated and infused, (ⅱ) lesson plan could have both the content objective and thinking skills objective in most cases, (ⅲ) lesson implementation could be unfolded through three stages such as the anticipation, deep understnding and goig beyond the given, and (ⅳ), finally, instruction for the creative thinking development must be learner-centered and construtivism-derived

      • 韓國人?兒體量의 相對成長에 關한 硏究

        李隆昌,蔡康燮,金泰煥,金一雲 최신의학사 1969 最新醫學 Vol.12 No.10

        The authors analyzed relative growth of body length, body weight, breast circumference and head circumference of Korean infant by way of relative growth formula of Huxley and Teissier. The results were as follows: 1) In male, body weight was positive allometry while breast circumference and head circumference showed negative allometry to body length. 2) In female, they were as similar as in boys. 3) The relative growth of every portion of female was negative allometry to male.

      • 學生福祉施設 및 制度에 관한 調査硏究

        李潤樹,金濚採 경북대학교 학생생활연구소 1968 學生指導硏究 Vol.1 No.1

        生活指導計劃을 樹立하기 위한 基礎資料로서 學生福祉旅設과 制度에 관한 諸般實態를 把握한 다음 學校當局과 協力하여 그 改善方案을 摸索코자 하였다. 本大學校 在學生 2,516名 가운데서 醫科大學을 除對한 4 個 單科大學에서 無選標集한 854名을 調査對象으로 하여 現在의 學生福祉施設 및 制度에 대한 滿足度와 學生들이 特別히 要求하고 있는 學生福祉施設 및 制度에 관한 要求事項을 調査, 分析하였다. 調査結果는 現在의 福祉施設 및 制度에 대하여 滿足하고 있는 學生이 全體의 24.63%인데 비하여 74.39%에 該當하는 學生들이 相當한 不滿을 表示하고 있다. 學生들이 切實하게 要求하고 있는 施設 및 制度는 撞球場, 棋院, 暎畵鑑賞室, 女學生 休憩室과 같은 娛樂 및 休憩室과 卓球場, 室內體育館, 庭球場, 水泳場, 平行棒과 같은 運東施設 그리고 廣範한 奬學金의 惠澤 및 보다 效率的인 圖書館의 運營 等이다. 그래서 本 調査硏究가 밝혀 놓은 學生들의 要求와 希望을 土臺로 그들이 바라는 福祉施設 및 制度의 擴充과 改善을 위한 段階的인 解決方案의 樹立과 그것을 뒷받침할 수 있는 豫算措置가 크게 要請되고 있다. As A. J. Jones, M. E. McCaul and other said, well prepared and organized students welfare facilities and systems play important role for the well-round and happy university life. Nevertheless, practically the personnel workers of Korean have a disregard for its importance occassionaly. For reviewing the present student welfare facilities and systems, on the basis of the obtained data, for making recommendations for the improvement, we investigated as follows. As the aims first is, survey on the University student welfare facilities and systems. Second is investigaton of the extent of the students' satisfaction and adjustment to the present practices. Third, investigation of the students' desire or hopes for the student welfare, including recreation and physical activities. Forth, recommendations for the improvement of the student welfare on the foundation of the obtained findings. The method of study is as follows; We selected 854 students among 2,516 randomly. They are 143 in Agricultural college, 401 in Liberal Arts College, 52 in Law and Plitics College and 258 in Teachers College. During June 5,1965-November 5,1965, we administered the self developed questionaire "Student Welfare Facilities and Systems" to them and made to respond in the rating scale or free description. Lastly obtained result is as follows; Students responded to the rating scale"average" and "satisfied" are 24,63% and to "dissatisfied" 74.39%. The content they desired urgently are recreation or rest-room including billiard-room, badook-room (chess-room), audio-visual room, sports hall and equipments and rest-room for female students, expansion and supplementation of the sports equipments including pingpong, tennis, pool, in-door games and others scholarship system and efficient management of the library. In consideration of the Unversity history, finances and others, we understand that there were too many difficulties in rendering the sufficient and efficient student welfare facilities and systems. But on the foundation of these limitations and requirements of the student as revealed in this survey, we must review the present and plan the betterment to be able to result the maximum efficiency. For doing so, the financial support by the budget measuring is greatly asked too.

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