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      • KCI등재

        Relationship between Brand Personality and the Personality of Consumers, and its Application to Corporate Branding Strategy

        Kim Young-Ei(金?伊),Jung-Wan Lee(李正?),Yong-Ki Lee(李勇基) 한국마케팅과학회 2008 마케팅과학연구 Vol.18 No.3

          본 연구는 브랜드 개성과 소비자 개성간의 인과성을 연구하고, 이러한 관계들이 기업브랜드 전략에 어떻게 적용되는 가를 실증분석 하였다. 분석자료는 한국의 자동차 소비자들로부터 수집되었으며, 요인분석, 분산분석, 그리고 구조모형분석을 이용하여 분석되었다. 본 연구의 결과는 브랜드 개성과 소비자 개성간의 유의한 관계가 있음을 보여주고 있다. 연구의 마지막에는 기업 브랜드 전략을 위한 관리적 시사점과 향후 연구방향이 제시되었다.   Many consumers enjoy the challenge of purchasing a brand that matches well with their own values and personalities (for example, Ko et al., 2008; Ko et al., 2006). Therefore, the personalities of consumers can impact on the final selection of a brand and its brand personality in two ways: first, the consumers may incline to purchase a brand or a product that reflects their own personalities; second, consumers tend to choose a company that has similar brand personalities to those brands that are being promoted. Therefore, the objectives of this study are following:<BR>  1. Is there any empirical relationship between a consumer"s personality and the personality of a brand that he or she chooses?<BR>  2. Can a corporate brand be differentiated by the brand personality?<BR>  In short, consumers are more likely to hold favorable attitudes towards those brands that match their own personality and will most probably purchase those brands matching well with their personality. For example, Matzler et al. (2006) found that extraversion and openness were positively related to hedonic product value; and that the personality traits directly (openness) and indirectly (extraversion, via hedonic value) influenced brand effects, which in tum droved attitudinal and purchase loyalty. Based on the above discussion, the following hypotheses are proposed:<BR>  Hypothesis 1: the personality of a consumer is related to the brand personality of a product/corporate that he/she purchases.<BR>  Kuksov (2007) and Wernerfelt (1990) argued that brands as a symbolic language allowed consumers to communicate their types to each other and postulated that consumers had a certain value of communicating their types to each other. Therefore, how brand meanings are established, and how a firm communicate with consumers about the meanings of the brand are interesting topics for research (for example, Escalas and Bettman, 2005; McCracken, 1989; Moon, 2007). Hence, the following hypothesis is proposed:<BR>  Hypothesis 2: A corporate brand identity is differentiated by the brand personality. And there are significant differences among companies.<BR>  A questionnaire was developed for collecting empirical measures of the Big-Five personality traits and brand personality variables. A survey was conducted to the online access panel members through the Internet during December 2007 in Korea. In total, 500 respondents completed the questionnaire, and considered as useable.<BR>  Personality constructs were measured using the Five-factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) scale and a total of 30 items were actually utilized. Brand personality was measured using the five-dimension scale developed by Aaker (1997). A total of 17 items were actually utilized. The seven-point Likert-type scale was the format of responses, for example, from 1 indicating strongly disagreed to 7 for strongly agreed.<BR>  The Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS) was used for an empirical testing of the model, and the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) was applied to estimate numerical values for the components in the model. To diagnose the presence of distribution problems in the data and to gauge their effects on the parameter estimates, bootstapping method was used.<BR>  The results of the hypothesis-l test empirically show that there exit certain causality relationship between a consumer"s personality and the brand personality of the consumer"s choice. Thus, the consumer"s personality has an impact on consumer"s final selection of a brand that has a brand personality matches well with their own personalities. In other words, the consumers are inclined to purchase a brand that reflects their own personalities and tend to choose a company that has similar brand personalities to those of the brand being promoted.<BR>  The results of this study further suggest t

      • KCI등재

        동물병원의 시장지향성과 공급업체와의 관계지향성이 동물병원 성과에 미치는 영향 - 경영자의 특성과 동물병원 입지에 따른 조절효과

        Yoo Dongkeun(柳?根),Seung Won Suh(徐承源),Yong-Ki Lee(李勇基) 한국마케팅과학회 2008 마케팅과학연구 Vol.18 No.2

          This study developed a model to empirically investigate the effects of market orientation and relationship orientation with suppliers on business performance and examine the moderating effects of entrepreneur"s characteristics (working tenure) and clinic"s location.<BR>  The data was collected from 200 animal clinics which belong to Korean Animal Hospital Association (KAHA)"s national conference in April, 2007. Descriptive statistic, factor analysis, reliability analysis, and regression analysis were conducted to analyze the data using SPSS/PC+ 12.0.<BR>  The findings are as follows. First, the market orientation of animal clinics influences significantly both financial and non-financial performance. When the moderating effect of entrepreneur"s working tenure is considered, market orientation has significant effect on animal clinic"s financial and non-financial performance. However, when the moderating effect of animal clinic"s location is considered, market orientation has not significant effect on animal clinic"s financial and non-financial performance.<BR>  Second, animal clinic"s relationship orientation with suppliers mostly affects the financial and non-financial performance significantly. When entrepreneur"s working tenure in the clinic is longer (above 4 years group), relationship orientation with suppliers significantly affects both financial and non-financial performance. Meanwhile, when the entrepreneur"s working tenure in the clinic is shorter (less than 3 years group), relationship orientation with suppliers doesn"t affect clinic"s financial performance but affect non-financial performance partially. In other words, when entrepreneur"s working tenure is shorter (less than 3 years group), market orientation more influences on clinic"s financial and non-financial performance while relationship orientation with suppliers does less. It is thought that their relation with suppliers and relationship orientation activities with suppliers are less strongly established and maintained yet. So, they primarily focus on market orientation strategy when entrepreneur"s working tenure is shorter.<BR>  Third, when animal clinics are located in non-metropolitan area, relationship orientation with suppliers significantly affects financial and non-financial performance. However, when animal clinics are located in metropolitan area, it doesn"t affect financial and non-financial performance either. It is thought that animal clinics which are located in non-metropolitan area need stronger relationship with suppliers and need support more from them as most of suppliers actively work in metropolitan area not in the non-metropolitan area and animal clinics in metropolitan area can easily get better market information than animal clinics in non-metropolitan area.<BR>  Lastly, while the effect of the market orientation significantly influences animal clinic"s business performance continuously, the effect of the relationship orientation differently influences business performance as it is moderated by entrepreneur"s working tenure and animal clinic"s location. So, relationship orientation with suppliers can be selectively applied to improve the clinic"s financial and no-financial performance.<BR>  In summary, both of animal clinic"s marketing orientation and animal clinic"s relationship orientation with suppliers positively influence their business performance. However, entrepreneur"s working tenure and animal clinic location moderate the relationship between market orientation and relationship orientation and their business performance differently.<BR>  This study is quite meaningful to empirically investigate the effects of both of market orientation and relationship orientation with suppliers on business performance and examine the mode   본 연구는 동물병원 산업에서 동물병원의 시장지향성 활동과 동물병원의 공급업체와의 관계지향성 활동이 동물병원의 사업성과-재무적 및 비재무적-에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 체계적으로 분석하고, 동물병원 경영자의 특성 (경영자의 근속연수)과 동물병원의 사업입지가 이들 영항관계에서 어떠한 조절역할을 하는지를 분석하고자 하였다.<BR>  분석 결과, 동물병원의 시장지향성 활동은 동물병원의 재무적 성과와 비재무적 성과 모두에 유의적으로 영향을 미쳤다. 또한 동물병원의 시장지향성 활동은 동물병원 경영자의 근속연수에 따라 사업성과에 유의적인 영향을 미치나, 동물병원의 입지에 따른 동물병원의 시장지향성은 동물병원의 사업성과에 유의적인 영향을 미치지 않은 것으로 나타났다.<BR>  한편 동물병원의 공급업체와의 관계지향성 활동은 동물병원의 재무적 성과 및 비재무적 성과에 대부분 정의 방향으로 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 동물병원 경영자의 근속연수에 따라 공급업체와의 관계지향성 활동이 동물병원의 사업성과에 미치는 영항에 관한 연구에서, 경영자가 4년 이상 장기간 근속한 경우 관계지향성 활동이 재무적 성과와 비재무적 성과에 정의 방향으로 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 하지만, 동물병원 경영자가 3년 이하 단기간 근속한 경우, 관계지향성 활동은 재무적 성과에 영항을 미치지 않았고 비재무적 성과에는 비교적 약하게 영항을 미치는 것으로 나타났다.<BR>  동물병원의 사업입지에 따라 관계지향성 활동이 동물병원의 사업성과에 미치는 영항에 관한 연구결과에서, 비수도권에서 공급업체와의 관계지향성 활동이 재무적 및 비재무적 성과에 매우 유의하게 영항을 미치는 것으로 나타났고, 수도권에서는 관계지향성 활동이 재무적 및 비재무적 성과에 모두 영향을 주지 않는 것으로 나타났다.<BR>  요약하면, 동물병원의 시장지향성 활동과 공급업체와의 관계지향성 활동이 동물병원의 재무적 및 비재무적 사업성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 전반적인 연구에서, 시장지향성은 동물병원의 사업성과에 일관되게 영향을 미치지만, 공급업체와의 관계지향성 활동은 경영자의 근속기간 및 사업입지에 따라 사업성과에 다른 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 동물병원 경영자의 근속연수나 사업입지에 따라 동물병원의 사업전략을 선택적으로 접목해야함을 알 수 있었다. 마지막으로 연구결과에 따른 시사점, 연구의 한계점과 향후 연구방향에 대해 논의를 하였다.

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