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        시의 언어와 민족의 언어

        박수연(Park Soo-yeon) 픽션과논픽션학회 2021 픽션과논픽션 Vol.3 No.1

        본고는 김수영 시의 민족 의식에 대해 고찰한다. 김수영이 민족주의와 거리를 두었다는 평가는, 백낙청의 비평으로부터 시작한다. 그러나 이러한 평가는 김수영에 대한 오해이다. 이러한 진술을 이어 장정일은 김수영을 세계시민주의자 로 전도시키고 있다. 그러나 김수영의 민족주의 비판은 관제민족주의이지 민족주의 일반이 아니다. 김철은 이중언어세대인 김수영에게서 식민지적 혼종성 을 읽고 그런 혼종성이 국민화 프 로젝트를 비판하게 만들었다고 보고 있으나, 김수영이 바판한 것은 위로부터의 국민화 프로젝투 이지 밑으로부터의 민중적 지향 의 민족성이 아니다. 이중언어세대인 김수영에게 일본어는 망령으로서 그 내면을 사로잡은 상태였다. 김수영은 그러한 자신을 숨기지 않고 그대로 보여주므로써 삶에 밀착한 언어로서의 시를 실천했고, 그 태도가 포스트식민주의적 사후 효과를 낳았다. 이것은 우리 민족의 현실태를 있는 그대로 보여주면서 그 현실을 극복하려는 태도였다. 하이데거의 영향을 받은 김수영의 민족록은 삶의 원천을 드러내는 민족의 유비인 고향 에 대해 침묵 으로써 말한다. 하이데거에 따르면 민족 은 그 원천을 알고 있는 자의 능력으로 비밀에 붙여져야 하는 대상이었고, 김수영에게 그것은 침묵의 언어 이자 미메시스의 언어 이다. 이 미메시스의 언어는 정치적 혁명을 수용한 그의 내적 혁명으로 실천된다. 김수영의 고립과 고독은 현실에 대한 격한 긍정을 가능하게 했고, 적과 동지, 최고 정신의 시인과 육체 노동의 식무 를 한데 결합하는 혁명을 이루어낸다. 또한 벤야민을 통해 직역으로서의 순수 언어 를 드러내는 방법론을 수용했다. 그것이 그의 세계의 번역으로서 미메시스이다. 따라서 김수영의 혁명은 적과 동지를 한데 묶고, 그들을 낱낱이 호명하는 능력의 실현이었다. This paper examines Kim Soo-young s poetry s national consciousness. The evaluation that Kim Soo-young distanced from nationalism begins with Baek Nak-cheong s criticism. However, this evaluation is a perversion derived from the lack of reading about Kim Soo-young. Following these statements, Jang Jung-il is turning Kim Soo-young into a global citizen . However, Kim Soo-young s criticism of nationalism is controlled nationalism, not nationalism in general. Kim Cheol read colonial hybridity from Kim Soo-young, a bilingual generation, and believes that such hybridity made him criticize the nationalization project, but what Kim Soo-young criticized is a nationalization project from above, not a popular orientation from below. To Kim Soo-young, the Japanese language was captured as a ghost, and Kim Soo-young showed himself as it was. He practiced poetry as a language closely related to life, and the poetry produced the post-colonial effect of ‘post-colonialism’. Influenced by Heidegger, Kim Soo-young s national theory speaks of hometown as an analogy of the nation that reveals the source of life as silence . According to Heidegger, the nation was an object that had to be kept secret by the ability of those who knew its source, and for Kim Soo-young, it is a language of silence and a language of mimesis . This mimesis language is put into practice as his inner revolution embracing the political revolution. Kim Soo-young s isolation and solitude enabled a strong affirmation of reality, forming a union of enemies and comrades, the best spirit and the maid . He also accepted the methodology of revealing ‘pure language as a literal translation’ through Benjamin, and practiced mimesis as a translation of the world. Therefore, Kim Soo-young s revolution is the realization of the ability to unite enemies and comrades, to look at and call them individually. In Kim Soo-young s literature, the language of people were also bound to appear as a combination of Japan as a ghost and Japanese

      • KCI등재

        최근 제주도 도심과 배경지점에서의 CO2 농도 변화 및 복사강제력 영향 연구

        이수정 ( Soo-jeong Lee ),송상근 ( Sang-keun Song ),박연희 ( Yeon-hee Park ) 한국환경과학회 2016 한국환경과학회지 Vol.25 No.7

        The spatial and temporal variations of CO2 concentrations and radiative forcing (RF) due to CO2 were examined at urban center (Yeon-dong) during 2010-2015 and background sites (Gosan) during 2010-2014 on Jeju Island. The RF at the two sites was estimated based on a simplified expression for calculating RF for the study period. Overall, annual mean CO2 concentrations at the Yeon-dong and Gosan sites have gradually increased, and the concentrations were higher at Yeon-dong (401-422 ppm) than at Gosan (398-404 ppm). The maximum CO2 concentrations at the two sites were observed in winter or spring, followed by fall and summer, with higher concentrations at Yeon-dong. The RF at Yeon-dong (annual mean of up to 0.70 W/m2 in 2015) was higher than that at Gosan (up to 0.46 W/m2 in 2014), possibly because of higher CO2 concentrations at Yeon-dong resulting from population growth and human activities (e.g., fossil fuel combustion). The highest monthly mean RFs at Yeon-dong (approximately 0.92 W/m2) and Gosan (0.52 W/m2) were observed in spring 2015 (Yeon-dong) and spring 2013 (Gosan), whereas the lowest RFs (0.17 and 0.31 W/m2, respectively) in fall 2011 (Yeon-dong) and summer in 2012 (Gosan).

      • KCI등재

        한일회담, 베트남 그리고 김수영

        박수연(Park, Soo-yeon) 우리말글학회 2021 우리말 글 Vol.90 No.-

        김수영 시의 중심 주제가 1964년을 기점으로 변하고 있다는 사실에 대해서는 여러 논의들이 이미 있어왔다. 이 글은 그 중 김수영의 문학과 베트남의 관계에 대해 살펴보려는 것이다. 1964년과 1965년은 한일협정과 베트남 파병 결정이라는 역사적 사실이 확정된 때이다. 학계에서는 ‘65년 체제’라는 명칭을 이미 부여하고 있지만, 이 주제와 관련한 한국문학의 논의는 그다지 많지 않음을 알 수 있다. 이렇다는 것은 65년 체제에 대한 우리 자신의 인식이 그다지 깊지 않다는 사실을 뜻한다. 이 문제를 김수영에게로 가져와서 우리는 다음과 같은 사항을 확인했다. 1) 한일협정과 베트남 파병이 당대의 동아시아 체제에 연동되어 있다는 점에서 근대 식민체제와 전후민주주의에 대한 김수영의 기억과 반응을 분석하고 김수영이 4.19의 시인인데서 멈추지 않고 제국적 질서에 대응하는 세계시민의 모습을 보이고 있다는 점. 이것은 그의 시의 역사적 층위이다. 2) 식민주의 체제에 대한 대응으로 망각이 아니라 개별자들의 소규모적 실천으로 실현하는 민주주의의 담론을 주장하고 있다는 점. 이것은 그의 시의 정치적 층위이다. 이는 당대 한국문학의 윤리에 대한 확인이기도 한데, 이 논문은 이 윤리가 당대의 베트남 전쟁과 관련되어 있음을 살폈다. There have already been many discussions about the fact that the central theme of Kim Soo-young’s poetry has changed since 1964. This article aims to examine the relationship between Kim Soo-young’s literature and Vietnam. 1964 and 1965 were the times when the historical facts of the Korea-Japan agreement and the decision to dispatch troops to Vietnam were confirmed. Although the academic community has already given the name ‘65-year system’, it can be seen that there are not many discussions in Korean literature on this topic. This means that our own perception of the 65-year system is not very deep. Bringing this issue to Soo-young Kim, we confirmed the following: 1) In the sense that the Korea-Japan agreement and the dispatch of troops to Vietnam are linked to the East Asian system of the time, Kim Soo-young’s memory and reaction to the modern colonial system and post-war democracy are analyzed. Kim Soo-young does not stop as a poet of 4.19 rather shows the image of a global citizen responding to the imperial order. This is the historical layer of his poetry. 2) The point is that it insists on the discourse of democracy that realizes the response to the colonial system through small-scale practice of individuals rather than oblivion. This is the political layer of his poetry. This is also a confirmation of the ethics of contemporary Korean literature, and this thesis examines that this ethics is related to the contemporary Vietnam War.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 제주지역 미세먼지의 장기변동 및 농도변화에 관한 국지기상 분석

        박연희 ( Yeon Hee Park ),송상근 ( Sang Keun Song ),이수정 ( Soo Jeong Lee ),김석우 ( Suk Woo Kim ),한승범 ( Seung Bum Han ) 한국환경과학회 2016 한국환경과학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        Long-term variations of PM_{10} and the characteristics of local meteorology related to its concentration changes were analyzed at 4 air quality sites (Ido-dong, Yeon-dong, Donghong-dong, and Gosan) in Jeju during two different periods, such as PI (2001-2006) and PII (2007-2013), over a 13-year period. Overall, the long-term trend of PM_{10} was very slightly downward during the whole study period, while the high PM_{10} concentrations in PII were observed more frequently than those in PI. The concentration variations of PM_{10} during the study period was clarified in correlation between PM_{10} and meteorological variables, e.g. the low (high) PM_{10} concentration with large (small) precipitation or high (low) radiation and in part high PM_{10} concentrations (especially, Donghong-dong and Gosan) with strong wind speed and the westerly/northwesterly winds. This was likely to be caused by the transport effect (from the polluted regions of China) rather than the contribution of local emission sources. The PM_{10} concentrations in “Asian dust” and “Haze” weather types were higher, whereas those in “Precipitation”, “Fog”, and “Thunder and Lighting” weather types were lower. The contribution of long-range transport to the observed PM_{10} levels in the urban center (Ido-dong, Yeon-dong, and Donghong-dong), if estimated by comparison to the data of the background site (Gosan), was found to explain about 80% (on average) of its input.

      • KCI등재

        강요된 개성과 미완의 보편 - 김수영의 「눈」과 「사랑」에 대한 교육에서 제기되는 문제를 중심으로

        박수연(Park, Soo-Yeon) 한국문학회 2018 韓國文學論叢 Vol.78 No.-

        이 글을 통해 주장한 것은 사회구성주의 교육 이념의 한계를 극복할 필요성이다, 그 주장을 위한 사례를 김수영 시에 대한 학교교육에서 찾아볼 수 있다. 논문의 결론은, 김수영 시의 이해가 그의 작품에 대한 실증적 탐구를 기초로 해야 한다는 점이다. 김수영 시의 학교 교육 상황을 살펴보니 실증이 없이 자의적 해석에 기초하고 있는 경우가 많았다. 이는 실증을 통한 융합주체의 형성으로 융합교육의 시대에 참조되어야 할사항이다. 실증이란 주체 형성의 기본 요건이고, 그 주체의 형성이야말로 과학중심의 통섭을 넘어서서 융합학문을 수행하게 하는 기본 전제이기 때문이다. 따라서 학교교육의 올바른 정립을 위해 실증이 더욱 강조될 필요가 있다. 이 결과를 융합교육의 흐름에 맞춰 ‘실증-주체-융합’이 라는 개념적 화두로 정리해볼 수 있다. In this paper, it is necessary to overcome the limitations of educational ideology of social constructivist. The case for that argument can be found in school education about Kim, Soo-young. Our conclusion is that Kim Soo-young s understanding should be based on empirical exploration of his work. When we look at the school education in Kim Soo-young, it is often based on arbitrary interpretation without empirical evidence. This is something to be referred to in the era of convergence education. Empiricism is the basic requirement of the formation of the subject, and the formation of the subject is a basic premise that allows the fusion science to be carried out beyond the consensus of science. Therefore, empirical evidence needs to be emphasized for the proper establishment of school education. This result can be summarized in the conceptual theme of ‘demonstration - subject – convergence’ in accordance with the flow of convergence education

      • Protein kinase A-induced phosphorylation at the Thr154 affects stability of DJ-1

        Ko, Yeon Uk,Kim, Su-Jeong,Lee, Juhyung,Song, Min-Young,Park, Kang-Sik,Park, Jun Bae,Cho, Hyun-Soo,Oh, Young J. Elsevier 2019 Parkinsonism & related disorders Vol.66 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P><B>Introduction</B></P> <P>Most cases of Parkinson's disease (PD) are sporadic, but genetic variations have been discovered in PD patients. PARK7/DJ-1 is a known cause of early-onset autosomal-recessive PD and is implicated in neuroprotection against oxidative stress. Although several post-translational modifications of DJ-1 have been proposed, phospho-modification of DJ-1 and its functional consequences have been less studied.</P> <P><B>Methods</B></P> <P>Putative phosphorylation sites of DJ-1 were determined by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS analysis). Subsequently, phosphorylation site of DJ-1 was confirmed by <I>in vitro</I> kinase assay and cell-based pull-down assay. Impaired dimer formation of phospho-null mutant was measured using DSS crosslinking assay and immunoprecipitation assay. To evaluate physiological consequences of this event, protein stability of DJ-1 WT and DJ-1 phospho-null mutant were compared using cycloheximide chase assay and ubiquitination assay.</P> <P><B>Results</B></P> <P>Here, we showed that DJ-1 directly bound to the catalytic subunit of protein kinase A (PKAcα). We found that PKAcα is responsible for phosphorylation of DJ-1 at the T154 residue. Interestingly, dimerization of DJ-1 was not detected in a DJ-1 T154A mutant. Furthermore, stability of the DJ-1 T154A mutant was dramatically reduced compared with that of wild-type DJ-1. We found that DJ-1 T154A was prone to degradation by the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS).</P> <P><B>Conclusion</B></P> <P>We identified a novel phosphorylation site of DJ-1. Furthermore, we determined protein kinase A that is responsible for this posttranslational modification. Finally, we demonstrated physiological consequences of this event focusing on dimerization and protein stability of DJ-1.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> PKAcα phosphorylates PARK7/DJ1 at the Thr154 residue. </LI> <LI> Disruption of Thr154 phosphorylation is linked to a lower stability. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • KCI등재후보

        태안해안국립공원 학암포 지역의 조류 현황

        강화연(Hwa-Yeon Kang),서슬기(Seul-Gi Seo),박세영(Se-Yeong Park),이지용(Ji-Yong Lee),권영수(Young-Soo Kwon) 국립공원연구원 2015 국립공원연구지 Vol.6 No.4

        서해안 육상지역을 통과하는 조류의 이동생태를 파악하기 위해, 2014년 7월부터 2015년 6월까지 태안해안국립공원 학암포 지역의 조류상을 조사하였다. 조사 결과 관찰된 조류는 총 14목 30과 88종 23,230개체이며, 평균 조사일당 159.7개체가 관찰되었다. 전체 우점종은 괭이갈매기 Larus crassirostris 21.1%, 되새 Fringilla montifringilla 18.5%, 박새 Parus major 12.7%, 붉은머리오목눈이 Paradoxornis webbianus 8.2%, 노랑턱멧새 Emberiza elegans 5.8% 순이었다. 이동시기인 5월과 10월에는 각각 56종, 조사일당 평균 310.5개체로 가장 많은 종과 개체수가 기록되었다. 종과 개체수가 가장 적은 시기는 여름철인 8월로, 기록된 종 수는 24종이며 조사일당 평균 95개체가 관찰되었다. 종풍부도(R ) 지수는 가장 많은 종이 관찰된 5월에 가장 높았으나, 종다양도(H )와 종균등도(E )는 오히려 이동시기에 낮은 편으로 나타났으며, 이는 일부 상위 우점종의 개체수가 월등히 증가했기 때문인 것으로 판단된다. 환경부, 문화재청, IUCN 등이 지정한 멸종위기 및 법정보호종은 총 9종이 관찰되었다. From July 2014 to Jun 2015, bird survey was conducted in Hakampo, Taeanhaean National Park. A total of 23,230 and 159.7 per day of birds representing 14 orders, 30 families, 88 species were observed. The most abundant species were the Black-tailed Gull Larus crassirostris (21.1%), the Brambling Fringilla montifringilla (18.5%), the Great Tit Parus major (12.7%), the Vinous-throated Parrotbill Paradoxornis webbianus (8.2%), Yellow-throated Bunting Emberiza elegans (5.8%). The number of species and individual was the highest in May and October, respectively, as 56 species and 310.5 individual per day were recorded. According to Korean Ministry of Environment, Cultural Herigage Adinistration of Korea and IUCN Red List, a total of 9 protected species were recorded during the survey.

      • KCI등재

        택지개발지구 주거전용 단독주택용지의 지구단위계획 평가 연구

        조정연(Cho, Jeong-Yeon),박철수(Park, Cheol-Soo) 대한건축학회 2014 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.30 No.1

        The aim of this paper is to verify the effectiveness of the District Unit Plan for the exclusive residential zone in Jukjon, Dongbaek, and Pangyo area which is the land development area of the national capital region. The results showed that the Plan was not effective for the architectural developments due to lack of management of the directions of the Plan and lack of pre-conditions for the implementation and the physical environment oriented regulatory approach. We describe the following further details of the results in terms of city density and street view management. Especially according to density, the physical size issue can be mainly found in floor area ratio and the number of floors. Our analysis shows that main reason for both excessive floor area ratio and the excessive number of floors is the violation of the number of households through household split. And street view issues include shape of roof, building construction line, shared public land, parking, and the most common District Unit Plan violation is parking.

      • 피브로인 생산을 위한 누에 후부견사샘의 기관배양

        박수연,하성호,김재현,박태현 성균관대학교 생명과학자원연구소 1994 生命資源科學硏究 Vol.1 No.2

        Posterior silk glands of Bombyx mori were cultured for the in vitro production of silk fibroin. Four-day-old fifth-instar larvae and Grace's media with or without silkworm hemolymph were used for experiments. With the addition of silkworm hemolymph, significant increase in the secretion of fibroin from the lumen to the outside of the gland was observed and total amount of fibroin increased by 14%. Most of the fibroin produced in the media was insoluble protein. Total amount of fibroin reached a plateau in 24 day culture without the addition of silkworm hemolymph, whereas it increased continuously in the medium supplemented with silkworm hemolymph.

      • KCI등재

        천마분말이 고콜레스테롤혈증 흰쥐 혈청의 지질성분에 미치는 영향

        박미연,성낙주,신정애,이수정,박필숙 동아시아식생활학회 1998 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        This study was designed to investigate the optimum recommendation level on Gastrodia rhizoma and the effects on the improvement of the lipids in the dietary hypercholesterolemic rats. Experimental diets mixed with 5% Dioscorea batatas(Group 2), 10% Dioscorea batatas(Group 3), 15% Dioscorea batatas(Group 4), 5% Gastrodia rhizoma(Group 5), 10% Gastrodia rhizoma (Group 6) and 15% Gastrodia rhizoma(Group 7) were administered to the male rats of the Sprague Dawley for 3 weeks. Concentration of total cholesterol in serum was lower in the Gastrodia rhizoma groups than in the other groups, especially total cholesterol concentration of 10% Gastrodia rhizoma(Group 6) was the lowest in the Gastrodia rhizoma groups. Concentration of HDL-cholesterol in serum was higher in the 10% Gastrodia rhizoma and 15% Gastrodia rhizoma than in the other groups. Concentrations of cholesterylester, LDL, LDL-cholesterol in serum were the lowest in the 10% Gastrodia rhizoma. Concentration of glucose and activity of GPT in serum were the lowest in the 10% Gastrodia rhizoma group. The activity of GOT in serum was lower in the 10% Gastrodia rhizoma group and 15% Gastrodia rhizoma group than in the other groups. Therefore, we consider that there are effects on the improvement of the lipids in the Gastrodia rhizoma and the optimum recommendation quantity of Gastrodia rhizoma is 10% to quantity of food composition.

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