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        Structure , Origin , Development and Senescence of Colleeters in Nerium indicum Mill. ( N. odorum Soland. , Apocynaceae )

        Vinoth Thomas,Yash Dave 한국식물학회 1989 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.32 No.3

        Nerium indicum has adxial basal colleters on each petiole, bract, bracteole, calyx and corolla. The cooleters are finger-shaped sometimes lobed structures with tall heads on short stalks. The petiolar colleters are more abundant than those on the bract, bracteole, calyx and corolla but their structure is similar. Meristematic activity in a small group of protodermal and hypodermal cells at the base of the developing leaf gives rise to the colleter that further differentiates by frequent anticlinal and periclinal divisions. Many of the colleters are vascullarized, sometimes a layer of redially elongated cells is present beneath the epithelial cells. Senescence of a clooeter begins when the leaves have either completed their growth or are still expanding. In senescent colleters, the central cell cytoplasm and nuclei are considerably reduced. Thin layer chromatography of the freshly harvested exudate of colleter shows the presence of rhamnose, glucose and arabinose sugars.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Ultrastructure of the Developing Epicarp in Fruit of Nerium indicum Mill. ( Apocynaceae ) -1

        Thomas Vinoth,Yash Dave 한국식물학회 1991 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.34 No.1

        A sequential sub-cellular study of the epicarp of Nerium indicum has been performed. Cuter epiduermis of the ovary wall is covered externally with a thin cuticle. Cytoplasm posesses most of the cell organelles in the ovary stage itself. Outermost zone of the pericarp is the epicarp, developing from the outer epidermis. In the developing fruit, cell organelles are found with its maximum intensity. In mature fruit, the epicarp becomes multilayered due to the additional development of few collenchymatous cells close to the outermost layer. Epicarpic cell possesses large central vacuole, around which a thin layer of cytoplasm is present. Number of cell organelles are considerably reduced in the mature fruit. In the ovary stage starch grains are electron transparent, while in the mature fruit it is electron transluscent.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Anatomical and Histochemical Changes in Berries of Piper nigrum L.

        Kuriachen P . M .,Yash Dave 한국식물학회 1989 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.32 No.1

        Anatomical and histochemical changes taking place in Piper nigrum berries during their ripening are described. The important observations on the pericarp are the development of sclereids in the exocarp, a continuous band of oil cells in mesocarp and the wall thickening of the endocarpic cells. The mature seed with a single layer of seed coat, representing the innermost tegmen layer, encloses abundant perisperm. The endosperm and embryo are situated laterally at the terminal part of the seed. The perisperm is distinguished into an outer protein-rich zone and inner starch-filled zone. Starch and protein are also deposited in the mature pericarpic tissue. Lipid bodies are seen in the form of oil globules in oil cells.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Morpho - Histogenesis of Fruit Sculpture and Dehiscence in Thespesia populnea ( L. ) Soland ( Malvaceae )

        Rao T . V . Ramana,Yash Dave,J . A . Inamdar 한국식물학회 1987 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.30 No.3

        Morpho-histogenesis of fruit sculpture and dechiscence in Thespesia populnea is described. The fruit wall is differentiated into epicarp, mesocarp and endocarp. The epicarp is stony, rind-like, 30 to 35 layers thick and derived from outer epidermis, sub-epidermis and ground parenchyma of the ovary wall. The spherical and/of tangentially elongated, thick walled cells of epicarp are interspersed with radial bands of sclereids. The mesocarp is a product of the inner zone of ground parenchyma. At maturity 20 to 25 layers of thin walled parenchyma of mesocarp appear sinuous of disorganized. The innermost 1 to 3 layers of ground parenchyma and sub-epidermis and inner epidermis form 35 to 40 layers thick endocarp. Due to the differentiation of fibrous tissue in the projection of median plane of carpel wall and a complete ring of fibrous zone in the endocarp, the dry capsule of Thespesia populnea dehises partially in loculicidal fashion.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Development , Structure and Dehiscence of Follicles of Calotropis procera ( Ait. ) R. Br. ( Asclepiadaceae )

        Kuriachen P M .,Yash Dave,Vinoth Thomas 한국식물학회 1991 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.34 No.2

        The atrichomatous wall of ovary in Calotropis procera becomes highly pubescent in the young fruit, but scabrous in the mature fruit. The single layered epicarp develops from the outer epidermis of the ovary wall. The mesocarp which develops from the mesodermis is distinguished into outer, middle and inner zones. The central mesocarp breaks up in the course of fruit development and disintegrate to form large air chambers. The 2-3 layered lignified endocarp develops from the inner epidermis as well as from the inner mesodermis layers of the ground tissue and shows a `parquetry pattern` of cell arrangement in surface view. The parenchymatous placenta becomes aerenchymatous in the mature fruit. Fruit dehiscence in marginicidal (ventricidal).

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