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        Physical Layer Security in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Under A Hybrid Full-/Half-Duplex Receiver Deployment Strategy

        Tong-Xing Zheng,Hui-Ming Wang,Jinhong Yuan,Zhu Han,Moon Ho Lee INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS 2017 IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications Vol. No.

        <P>This paper studies physical layer security in a wireless ad hoc network with numerous legitimate transmitter-receiver pairs and eavesdroppers. A hybrid full-duplex (FD)/half-duplex receiver deployment strategy is proposed to secure legitimate transmissions, by letting a fraction of legitimate receivers work in the FD mode sending jamming signals to confuse eavesdroppers upon their information receptions, and letting the other receivers work in the half-duplex mode just receiving their desired signals. The objective of this paper is to choose properly the fraction of FD receivers for achieving the optimal network security performance. Both accurate expressions and tractable approximations for the connection outage probability and the secrecy outage probability of an arbitrary legitimate link are derived, based on which the area secure link number, network-wide secrecy throughput, and network-wide secrecy energy efficiency are optimized, respectively. Various insights into the optimal fraction are further developed, and its closed-form expressions are also derived under perfect self-interference cancellation or in a dense network. It is concluded that the fraction of FD receivers triggers a non-trivial tradeoff between reliability and secrecy, and the proposed strategy can significantly enhance the network security performance.</P>


        Multi-Antenna Transmission With Artificial Noise Against Randomly Distributed Eavesdroppers

        Tong-Xing Zheng,Hui-Ming Wang,Jinhong Yuan,Towsley, Don,Moon Ho Lee Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2015 IEEE Transactions on Communications Vol. No.

        <P>In this paper, we study the secure multi-antenna transmission with artificial noise (AN) under slow fading channels coexisting with randomly located eavesdroppers. We provide a comprehensive secrecy performance analysis and system design/optimization under a stochastic geometry framework. Specifically, we first evaluate the secrecy outage performance, and derive a closed-form expression for the optimal power allocation ratio of the information signal power to the total transmit power that minimizes the secrecy outage probability (SOP). Subject to a SOP constraint, we then propose a dynamic parameter transmission scheme (DPTS) and a static parameter transmission scheme (SPTS) to maximize secrecy throughput, and provide explicit solutions on the optimal transmission parameters, including the wiretap code rates, the on-off transmission threshold and the power allocation ratio. Our results give new insight into secure transmission designs. For example, secrecy rate is a concave function of the power allocation ratio in DPTS, and AN plays a significant role under SOP constraints and in dense eavesdropper scenarios. In SPTS, transmission probability is a concave function of the power allocation ratio, and secrecy throughput is a quasi-concave function of the secrecy rate. Numerical results are demonstrated to validate our theoretical analysis.</P>


        Multi-Antenna Transmission in Downlink Heterogeneous Cellular Networks Under A Threshold-Based Mobile Association Policy

        Zheng, Tong-Xing,Wang, Hui-Ming,Lee, Moon Ho Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2017 IEEE Transactions on Communications Vol. No.

        <P>With the recent emergence of 5G era, heterogeneous cellular networks (HCNs) have invoked a popular research interest. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive analysis for multi-antenna transmissions in a multi-tier downlink HCN. We first propose a reliability-oriented threshold-based mobile association policy, where each user connects to the strongest base station from which this user can obtain the largest <I>truncated long-term received power</I>. Under our mobile association policy, we derive analytical expressions for the exact outage probability of an arbitrary randomly located user, along with computationally convenient lower and upper bounds. Asymptotic analysis on the outage probability shows that introducing a large access threshold into mobile association significantly decreases the outage probability. We further investigate the spectrum efficiency and the energy efficiency of the HCN. Our theoretic analysis and numerical validations show that both the spectrum and energy efficiencies can be improved by properly choosing the access threshold.</P>


        Safeguarding Decentralized Wireless Networks Using Full-Duplex Jamming Receivers

        Zheng, Tong-Xing,Wang, Hui-Ming,Yang, Qian,Lee, Moon Ho IEEE 2017 IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications Vol.16 No.1

        <P>In this paper, we study the benefits of full-duplex (FD) receiver jamming in enhancing the physical-layer security of a two-tier decentralized wireless network with each tier deployed with a large number of pairs of a single-antenna transmitter and a multi-antenna receiver. In the underlying tier, the transmitter sends unclassified information and the receiver works in the half-duplex (HD) mode receiving the desired signal. In the overlaid tier, the transmitter delivers confidential information in the presence of randomly located eavesdroppers, and the receiver works in the FD mode radiating jamming signals to confuse eavesdroppers and receiving the desired signal simultaneously. We provide a comprehensive performance analysis and network design under a stochastic geometry framework. Specifically, we consider the scenarios where each FD receiver uses single-and multi-antenna jamming, and analyze the connection probability and the secrecy outage probability of a typical FD receiver by deriving accurate expressions and more tractable approximations for the two probabilities. We also determine the optimal deployment density of the FD-mode tier to maximize the network-wide secrecy throughput subject to constraints including the given dual probabilities and the network-wide throughput of the HD-mode tier. Numerical results are demonstrated to verify our theoretical findings, and show that the network-wide secrecy throughput is significantly improved by properly deploying the FD-mode tier.</P>

      • Physical Layer Security in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks

        Hui-Ming Wang,Tong-Xing Zheng,Jinhong Yuan,Towsley, Don,Moon Ho Lee IEEE 2016 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS Vol.64 No.3

        <P>The heterogeneous cellular network (HCN) is a promising approach to the deployment of 5G cellular networks. This paper comprehensively studies physical layer security in a multitier HCN where base stations (BSs), authorized users, and eavesdroppers are all randomly located. We first propose an access threshold-based secrecy mobile association policy that associates each user with the BS providing the maximum truncated average received signal power beyond a threshold. Under the proposed policy, we investigate the connection probability and secrecy probability of a randomly located user and provide tractable expressions for the two metrics. Asymptotic analysis reveals that setting a larger access threshold increases the connection probability while decreases the secrecy probability. We further evaluate the network-wide secrecy throughput and the minimum secrecy throughput per user with both connection and secrecy probability constraints. We show that introducing a properly chosen access threshold significantly enhances the secrecy throughput performance of a HCN.</P>

      • Wireless Powered Asynchronous Backscatter Networks With Sporadic Short Packets: Performance Analysis and Optimization

        Yang, Qian,Wang, Hui-Ming,Zheng, Tong-Xing,Han, Zhu,Lee, Moon Ho IEEE 2018 IEEE Internet of things journal Vol.5 No.2

        <P>In the fifth generation era, the pervasive applications of Internet of Things and massive machine-type communications have initiated increasing research interests on the backscatter wireless powered communication (B-WPC) technique due to its ultrahigh energy efficiency and low cost. The ubiquitous B-WPC network is characterized by nodes with dynamic spatial positions and sporadic short packets, of which the performance has not been fully investigated. In this paper, we give a comprehensive analysis of a multiantenna B-WPC network with sporadic short packets under a stochastic geometry framework. By exploiting a time-space Poisson point process model, the behavior of the network is well captured in a decentralized and asynchronous transmission way. We then analyze the energy and information outage performance in the energy harvest and backscatter modulation phases of the backscatter network, respectively. The optimal transmission slot length and division are obtained by maximizing the network-wide spatial throughput. Moreover, we find an interesting result that there exists the optimal tradeoff between the durations of the energy harvest and backscatter modulation phases for spatial throughput maximization. Numerical results are demonstrated to verify our analytical findings and show that this tradeoff region gets shrunk when the outage constraints become more stringent.</P>

      • Safeguarding Millimeter Wave Communications Against Randomly Located Eavesdroppers

        Ju, Ying,Wang, Hui-Ming,Zheng, Tong-Xing,Yin, Qinye,Lee, Moon Ho IEEE 2018 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Vol.17 No.4

        <P>Mm-wave offers a sensible solution to the capacity crunch faced by 5G wireless communications. This paper comprehensively studies physical layer security in a multi-input single-output mm-wave system, where multiple single-antenna eavesdroppers are randomly located. Concerning the specific propagation characteristics of mm-wave, we investigate two secure transmission schemes, namely maximum ratio transmitting beamforming and artificial noise (AN) beamforming. Specifically, we first derive closed-form expressions of the connection probability for both schemes. We then analyze the secrecy outage probability in both non-colluding eavesdroppers and colluding eavesdroppers scenarios. Also, we maximize the secrecy throughput under a secrecy outage probability constraint, and obtain optimal transmission parameters, especially the power allocation between AN and the information signal for AN beamforming. Numerical results are provided to verify our theoretical analysis. We observe that the density of eavesdroppers, the spatially resolvable paths of the destination and eavesdroppers all contribute to the secrecy performance and the parameter design of mm-wave systems.</P>

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