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      • KCI등재

        Actual distribution and present status of a threatened aquatic plant, Sagittaria aginashi (Alismataceae), in Korea

        Takashi shiga,Kazumasa Tsubota,최혁재 한국식물분류학회 2017 식물 분류학회지 Vol.47 No.3

        We evaluated the actual distribution, present status, and number of remnant individuals of Korean Sagittaria aginashi (Alismataceae) based on herbarium specimens and field surveys. We also reidentified Korean S. aginashi by analyzing sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region. We found nine specimens of S. aginashi in herbaria from four localities housed at the Osaka Museum of Natural History (OSA) and at the Korea National Herbarium (KH). During our field research, we could not confirm the current statuses of two collection localities (Taereung and Ansan-si), though this was not the case for Ulsan-si. In addition, we found two new localities in Ulsan-si and Yangsan-si. These three remnant populations are distributed in wetlands in mountainous areas (elev. 480–740 m). With regard to the number of flowering and immature individuals in the three localities, there were <50 and <2,000, respectively, in total. ITS sequences demonstrated that the sequences of Korean and Japanese S. aginashi are uniform and distinct from other Sagittaria species. These results indicate that S. aginashi is a rare and threatened species in Korea. It should be listed as an endangered species on the Korean Red List and requires urgent protection by conservation programs, including the extensive surveys of other possible natural habitats.

      • KCI등재

        New Mongolian records of two genera, seven species, and two hybrid nothospecies from Khar-Us Lake and its associated wetlands

        Takashi shiga,Khurelbaatar Khaliunaa,Shukherdorj Baasanmunkh,Batlai Oyuntsetseg,Shotaro Midorikawa,Hyeok Jae Choi 국립중앙과학관 2020 Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity Vol.13 No.3

        During a floristic survey of Khar-Us Lake and its associated wetlands in Khovd Province, we found sevenspecies and two hybrid nothospecies that have not previously been recorded in Mongolia. These taxawere found in seven localities and included Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle, Najas flexilis (Willd.) Rostk. &W.L.E. Schmidt, N. minor All., and N. tenuissima (A.Braun ex Magnus) Magnus (Hydrocaritaceae);Potamogeton angustifolius J. Presl (Potamogetonaceae); Ceratophyllum platyacanthum Cham. subsp. oryzetorum (Kom.) Les (Ceratophyllaceae); Aldrovanda vesiculosa L. (Droseraceae); Veronica anagalloidesGuss. (Plantaginaceae); and Utricularia japonica Makino (Lentibulariaceae). Two of these genera,Hydrilla Rich. and Aldrovanda L., were also newly recorded from Mongolia. The addition of these taxa tothe present Mongolian flora list brings the numbers of registered taxa and genera to 3,200 and 686,respectively. The morphological characteristics, diagnostic features, and distribution of these taxa inMongolia are described in this report.

      • KCI등재

        Obtaining new records of critically endangered Potamogeton praelongus (Potamogetonaceae) depending on groundwater springs in northern coastal areas of Hokkaido, Japan

        Kohtaroh Shutoh,Tomoki Hirose,Takashi Shibahara,Takashi Shibahara,Mami Yamazaki,Takashi shiga 국립중앙과학관 2022 Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity Vol.15 No.4

        Potamogeton praelongus Wulfen is an aquatic macrophyte that is critically endangered in Japan. Althoughit is widely distributed throughout the boreal climatic zone, several European countries also recognize itas an endangered species. In Japan, it was once widely distributed throughout Hokkaido but has dis appeared or reduced in abundance at its known locations. During 2020e2021, we discovered five newlocations of this species in Wakkanai-shi and Sarufutsu-mura, Northern Hokkaido. Growing conditionsmust be suitable for this species in three of the five locations as it is present with several reproductiveshoots or is widely distributed in source pond or lake. However, conditions were poor in the other twolocations because few shoots were found or plants were observed only in 2020. Environmental condi tions in the new locations were similar to those reported in Europe and North America. In three of thefour locations at Wakkanai-shi, P. praelongus was distributed mainly along the eastern shore facing sanddunes or hills, suggesting that the distribution of this species depends on groundwater springs flowingfrom sand dunes or hills. Further populations may be discovered in the future by intensively surveyingareas near springs since many sand dune lakes and similar environments are present in Hokkaido.

      • KCI등재

        The discovery of a new locality for Aldrovanda vesiculosa (Droseraceae), a critically endangered free-floating plant in Japan

        Shougo Nishihara,Takashi shiga,Jun Nishihiro 국립중앙과학관 2023 Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity Vol.16 No.2

        Aldrovanda vesiculosa L. is a globally endangered aquatic plant, with only two reintroduced populations known in Japan. In October 2022, we found a population of this species with nearly 10,000 individuals in an agricultural pond in Ishikawa Prefecture. This paper describes the estimated population size, habitat conditions, and the results of a genetic comparison with other populations by comparing its nrDNA (internal transcribed spacer) and cpDNA (trnL intron and trnLetrnF spacer) sequences. All the DNA sequences from voucher specimens and GenBank data, including the population discovered in the present study, were identical. Based on the evidence, we presume that this A. vesiculosa population is a wild one.

      • KCI등재

        Contribution to the knowledge on the flora of Numrug Strictly Protected Area and some parts of East Mongolia

        Baasanmunkh SHUKHERDORJ,Takashi shiga,Oyuntsetseg Batlai,Karsten Wesche,Christiane M. Ritz,Khaliunaa Khurelbaatar,김재영,Hyeong Jun Jo,바투후,정규영,최혁재 국립중앙과학관 2019 Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity Vol.12 No.2

        A floristic study of Eastern Mongolian Steppes has been conducted during the growing season of 2014 and continued in 2017, when we focused more on the Numrug Strictly Protected Area. Major objectives of this study were to assess floristic diversity of Eastern Mongolian Steppes and to review the conservation status of some endangered, rare, and very rare species. A total of 488 taxa of vascular plants, which belong to 254 genera of 75 families, including three endemic and 16 subendemic species were sampled. Among these were three endangered, three vulnerable, five near threatened, 16 very rare, and 39 rare species. Remarkably, Myriophyllum sibiricum and Typha latifolia are newly recorded for the flora of Mongolia. Moreover, new distribution records of some species were noted in four phytogeographical regions of Eastern Mongolia, such as Foothills of Great Khingan (30), East Mongolia (12), Mongolian Dauria (11), and Middle Khalkha (3). Finally, we assessed regional conservation status of the five species (two endangered and three vulnerable) from the East Mongolia using the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List criteria and categories.

      • KCI등재

        The aquatic macrophyte flora of a small pond revealing high species richness in the Aomori Prefecture, Japan

        Kohtaroh Shutoh,Takashi Yamanouchi,Syou Kato,Hiroki Yamagishi,Yusuke Ueno,Shiori Hiramatsu,Jun Nishihiro,Takashi shiga 국립중앙과학관 2019 Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity Vol.12 No.3

        A small semiartificial pond, revealing high species richness with respect to the aquatic macrophytes, was studied in the Aomori Prefecture, Japan. The pond had been completely formed ca. 10 years previously after excavation into a wet bog. To identify and evaluate its aquatic macrophyte flora during 2017–2018, we listed the species of aquatic vascular plants and charophytes in the pond and compared this list with those from the natural Japanese lakes using a database of aquatic flora in Japan. Two species were identified by molecular analyses because they lacked any reproductive organs, which were necessary for identifying the species level. We found a total of 57 taxa of aquatic macrophytes including 15 Red List species in Japan or Aomori Prefecture. Comparing the flora list with those from the 66 natural Japanese lakes surveyed since 2001, the pond was ranked fourth in the order of diversity (based on species richness) and rarity (based on numbers of Red List species). Therefore, the pond is an important aquatic environment in terms of aquatic macrophyte conservation in Japan. Interestingly, for a pond with such high species diversity, it is relatively small (0.14 km2), semiartificial, and relatively recently formed.

      • KCI등재후보

        Distribution of Nymphaea pygmaea and N. tetragona (Nymphaeaceae) in Hokkaido, Sakhalin Island, and the Kuril Islands based on herbarium specimen records

        Hanaka Naito,Takashi shiga 국립중앙과학관 2024 Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity Vol.17 No.1

        To determine the distributional area of Nymphaea pygmaea (Salisb.) W.T.Aiton and N. tetragona Georgi(Nymphaeaceae) and to identify the boundary between the two species, we conducted an examination of199 specimens obtained from four herbaria (NGU, OSA, SAPS, TNS). Our analysis revealed that thespecimen collection localities of N. pygmaea and N. tetragona were distinctly separated from east to weston the Ishikari Lowland (42 e44 N, 141 e142 E). Furthermore, we found that the distributionalboundary between these two species was located somewhat south of the 50 N latitude, which has beenidentified in North America and Europe. We also discussed several factors that could be responsible forthe clear geographic division of the two species in Hokkaido, such as differences in geological factors,habitats among the species, and potential reproductive interference.

      • KCI등재

        A new distribution record of Lemna turionifera (Araceae, Lemnoideae) in Korea

        이유리,김재영,정규영,Takashi shiga 국립중앙과학관 2023 Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity Vol.16 No.2

        Here we confirm the first accurate distributional record of Lemna turionifera Landolt (Lemnoideae, Araceae) in Korea. The nomenclator, Elias Landolt (1926e2013), had collected the species in Korea, but to date, there have been no other identifiers of this species. A Lemna species collected from Andong showed the key characters of L. turionifera: pigmented fronds, consistently-sized papillae along the middle vein, purple-colored root base, and turion forming. The chloroplast DNA sequence of the atpF-atpH intergenic spacer of our Lemna sample was identical or quite similar (99.8%e100%) to L. turionifera in Landolt’s collection. Although we could not find flowers, fruits, or seeds during a field survey, after 15 days of indoor incubation, we were able to observe the flowering of L. turionifera. The flower was protogynous, and the spathe was reddish.

      • KCI등재

        First record of Myriophyllum oguraense Miki (Haloragaceae) in Korea

        최혁재,장주은,정선우,Takashi shiga 한국식물분류학회 2014 식물 분류학회지 Vol.44 No.2

        Here we report a previously unrecorded species of Korean Myriophyllum L. (Haloragaceae). This taxon, M. oguraense Miki has been regarded as a Japanese endemic for some 60 years. Myriophyllum oguraense and its closely related M. verticillatum L. share the characteristic of having pectinate emergent leaves that are similar in shape to, but much smaller than, the submerged leaves. However, the primary characteristic that differentiates these taxa is the turion shape (club shaped in M. verticillatum and linear in M. oguraense). The common name, ‘Gin-dong-a-mul-su-sae-mi’ was also newly given considering its characteristic turion shape. Photographs and a key to Korean Myriophyllum species are provided in addition to complete descriptions including information on nomenclatural types, distributions and specimens examined.

      • KCI등재

        Taxonomic identity of Landoltia punctata (Araceae, Lemnoideae) in Korea

        이유리,Hyeok Jae Choi,Takashi shiga 국립중앙과학관 2020 Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity Vol.13 No.3

        The duckweed species, Landoltia punctata (G. Meyer) D. H. Les & D. J. Crawford (family, Araceae; subfamily,Lemnoideae; common name, dotted duckmeat) was found in artificial wetlands in Jeju SpecialSelf-Governing Province, Republic of Korea; however, it has no formal record in Korea. We identified thisspecies based on morphological characteristics and DNA sequences. We also checked Lemnoideaespecimens in the Korean and Japanese herbaria but found no specimens of La. punctata collected in Koreapreviously. The chloroplast DNA sequence (atpF-atpH) of the species collected from Jejudo was identicalto the other La. punctata sequences in the DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ)/The European MolecularBiology Laboratory (EMBL)/GenBank. Their habitat environments and our herbarium research suggestthat this species has recently become distributed in Korea. This study also provides a key to closelyrelated taxa in the subfamily Lemnoideae, with descriptions of these species.

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