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      • 藥鍼用蜂毒液이 黑色腫細胞에 미치는 抗癌效果에 對한 分子生物學的 硏究

        朴贊烈,南相水,金昌煥,李栽東,姜成吉,李潤浩,安秉哲 경희대학교 동서의학연구소 2001 東西醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.2000 No.-

        To study anti-cancer effect and molecular biological mechanism of bee venom for aqua-acupuncture, the effects of bee venom on cell viability, apoptosis, and cell cycle were analyzed using MTT assay, tryphan blue assay, [3H]thymidnine release assay, flow cytometric analysis, activity of caspase-3 protease activity assay, and immunocytometric analysis of PCNA. To explore whether anti-cancer effects of bee venom are associated with the transcriptional control of gene expression, quantitative RT-PCR analysis of apoptosis- and cell cycle-related genes was performed. The obtained results are summarized as follows: 1.The MTT assay demonstrated that cell viability was decreased by bee venom in a dose-dependant manner. 2.Significant induction of apoptosis was identified using tryphan blue assay. [³H]thymidine release assay, and flow cytometric analysis of sub G₁fraction. 3.In analysis of caspase-3 protease activity, the activity had increased significantly, in a dose-dependant manner. 4.Quantitative RT-PCR analysis of the apoptosis-related genes showed that Bcl-2 and Bcl-X□ were down-regulated whereas Bax was up-regulated by bee venom treatment. 5.In flow cytometric analysis of cell cycle and immunocytometric analysis of PCNA expression, cell numbers of G₁phase was increased by a dose-dependant manner. 6.In quantitative RT-PCR analysis of the cell cycle-related genes, p21, p27, and p57 were increased, while Cyclin D1, CDK4, c-Myc, c-Fos, and Histone H3 were decreased. In contrast, there were no remarkable changes in expression levels of CDC2 and c-Jun.

      • WHO 침구임상 지침서 개정을 위한 국제회의 보고

        박히준,서정철,김세현,김상우,안경애,임사비나,김용석,최도영,강성길 EAST-WEST MEDICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE KYUNG HEE UNI 2005 東西醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.2005 No.-

        The Working Group on the revision of Clinical Research Methodology for Acupuncture met in Seoul, Republic of Korea from 24 to 26 August 2005. The main objectives of the meeting were to review the regional publication guidelines for Clinical Research on Acupuncture, to make necessary revisions in the guidelines, to make recommendations on further collaboration and activities in the field of research on acupuncture, and to discuss scientific evidence-based approaches in the clinical research on acupuncture. Fourteen members from the eight Member States, one secretariat staff from the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific and ten observers from the Republic of Korea attended the meeting. The members presented their papers to review the current status of clinical research on acupuncture. The drafts of proposed revision to the previous guidelines for clinical research methodology on acupuncture were discussed extensively. The issues covered during the discussion included: the definition of the new terms; reorganization of clinical research design; revision and update of contents (e.g., control group); introduction of Institutional Review Board (IRB) on the section of ethical approval; additional outcomes including health-related quality of life (HRQOL), qualitative measures, etc. In the course of these discussions, the working group developed the revised guidelines for clinical research on acupuncture and made recommendations for promoting the dissemination of the revised guidelines.

      • 蜂毒藥鍼刺戟이 腦幹 神經細胞와 Serotonin性 神經細胞의 活性變化에 미치는 영향

        金惠南,高炯均,朴東錫,姜成吉,金容奭,崔容泰 경희대학교 동서의학연구소 2001 東西醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.2000 No.-

        This study was designed to evaluate the effect of the bee venom(BV) aqua-acupuncture on the neuronal activities of serotonergic(5-HT) system in the brainstem. After the BV aqua-acupuncture was applied on Chok-Samni(ST36) and the gluteal part(Blank locus) in rats, the number of Fos immunoreactive neurons was counted by using computerized image analyzing system. Also, the number of colocalization between 5-HT containing neurons Fos immunoreactive neurons were analyzed by using the double immunohistochemical technique. The results of the experiments were summarized as follows : 1.In almost every neucli, the Chok-Samni group and Blank locus group showed more increase in the number of Fos immunoreactive neurons than the control group. Especially, in Arc, DR, LC, RMg, Gi, PAG Rost and PAG LV, the Chok-Samni group showed more significant increase than the control group. Also, in PAG LV Mid and Arc, Chock-Samni group showed more significant increase than the Blank locus group. 2.In DR and PAG LV Mid, Chok-Samni group and the Blank locus group showed more significant increase in the number of colocalization between 5-HT containing neurons and Fos immunoreactive neurons than the control group after the BV aqua- acupuncture. Also, the Chok-Samni group showed more significant increase than the Blank locus group. Consequently, the BV aqua-aqupuncture increased more potent the number of Fos immunoreactive neurons and the activity of serotonergic neurons. Furthermore, the BV aqua-acupuncture was more effective on Chok-Samni than Blank locus group. These results indicate that the BV aqua-acupuncture is very effective therapy to control pain. The therapeutic effect of BV aqua-acupunture may associated with the endogenous modulatory system such as serotonin Those data from the study can be applied to establish the effective treatment of the BV for pain control in the clinical field.

      • 口眼渦斜 患者의 Gadolinium-DPTA enhanced MRI 所見에 대한 臨床的 考察

        김재수,최우석,김용석,고형균,강성길,김창환 경희대학교 동서의학연구소 2001 東西醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.2000 No.-

        This study is designed to evaluate the clinical implications of Gd-DPTA (Gadolinium-diethyl - enetriamine pentacetic acid) enhanced MRI(Magnetic resonance imaging) in Bell's palsy and find it's usefulness in Oriental Medicine In this study, 25 outpatients with Bell's palsy were studied that MRI was performed. To evaluate degree of facial palsy, H-B(House-Brackmann) Grade was used. In Oriental Medical therapy, Acupuncture and Herbal medicine were treated. Subjective causes was divided into exposure to chill, fatigue, stress, mixed cases. Enhanced site was compared with symptoms which were disorder of eye, hearing, taste, and facial muscle palsy. Also, Relation between time which was performed MRI and enhancement was analyzed. The enhanced lesion in MRI was divided into five segments; Internal auditory canal, Labyrinthine segment, Geniculate ganglion, Tympanic segment, Mastoid segment. In Bell's palsy, 20 of 25 patients(80%) had abnormal contrast enhancement of the facial nerve. The H-B grade and interval performed MRI from onset were directly proportionate to enhancement. That is to say, Severe facial palsy short interval show high possibility of enhancement. There was no relation between subjective causes and enhanced site of facial nerve in MRI. Also Clinical symptoms didn't coincide with MRI findings.

      • Experimental studies on the effect of ginseng radix aqua-acupuncture

        Kang, Sung-Keel,Lee, Hye-Jung,Park, Young-Bae 경희대학교 동서의학연구소 1989 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EAST-WEST MEDICINE Vol.1989 No.3

        水鍼療法은 經絡學說을 근거로 鍼□와 藥理□果를 동시에 기대하는 新鍼療法이다. 韓國産人蔘은 各種□患에 대해 豫防 및 治療動果가 있음이 보고 되고 있다. 이를 근거로 人蔘水鍼의 □果를 實驗的으로 比較硏究하고자 시도하였다. 人蔘氷鍼에 대한 實驗으로 人蔘, 白蔘 및 紅蔘애 따른 水鍼動果, 水鍼液외 製劑方法에 따른 水鍼□果. 다른 水鍼藥物과의 □果比較 및 Ethanol 中毒에 대한 人蔘水鍼, 鍼 및 □의 □果比較를 動物實驗을 通해 觀察하여 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1.水蔘, 白蔘 및 紅蔘의 人蔘水鍼이 Alloxan으로 誘發시킨 糖尿病 흰쥐와 Hydrocortisone acetate로 誘發시킨 陽盧動物橫型의 흰쥐에 대해 水蔘, 白蔘 및 紅蔘의 人蔘水鍼모두 有意한 □果가 나타났으며, 特히 白蔘가 水蔘水鍼이 紅蔘水鍼보다 有意하게 認定되었다. 2.白蔘으로 水提法, 水提 alcohol沈法 및 蒸溜·水提 alcohol 沈法에 따라 襲劑한 入蔘水鍼이 Methotrexate로 유발시킨 免疫기능低下나 Hydrocortisene acetate로 유발시킨 陽慮動物模型의 흰쥐에 미치는 □果에 대한 成□비교에서는 水提 alcohol沈法에 따라 □造한 人蔘水鍼이 가장 □果가 良好하였다. 3.methotrexate로 유발시킨 免疫기능低下에 대한 人蔘水鍼과 鹿茸水鍼의 □果比較에서는 人蔘水鍼이 免疫기능低下에 더 有意한 □果를 나타내었고 鹿茸水鍼은 體重增加 및 消化液分泌에 더 有意한 □果를 나타내었다. 또한 Alloxan으로 유발시킨 糖尿病에는 人蔘 및 鹿茸水鍼 모두 有意한 □果를 나타내었다. 4.人蔘水鍼, 鍼 및 灸의 ethanol 中毒에 대한 □果比較에서는 人蔘水鍼과 灸가 鍼□□果보다 有意한 □果를 나타내었다. 以上의 □果로 보아 人蔘水鍼은 성채의 代謝기능과 免□기능에 대해 有意한 回復효과가 있음이 認定되며, 또한 보다 적극적인 人蔘水鍼의 臨床活用을 위해 安全性, 品質관리 및 副作用등에 대한 계속적인 硏究가 補完進行되어야 한다고 思料된다. Aqua-acupuncture is a relatively new method whereby liquid herbal decoction injected into acupuncture loci, a form of an integration of pharmaceutical therapeutics and acupuncture treatment together. Recently aqua-acupuncture which solutions are prepared by Korean Ginseng Radix and other herbal medicines have been experimented with in the laboratories and partially applied in clinics as well. Although most of the results by talc aqua-acupuncture were seen to be very effective, the understanding of its mechanism of action and the foregoing experimental studies are still relatively in the rudimental stage. The results showed that the treatment and prevention of diseases like diabetes, immune suppression and Yang Insuffciency model in animal with Korean Ginseng Radix (GR) aqua-acupuncture proved to be effective. Continued study on the aqua-acupuncture is needed to expand the new method of stimulating acupuncture points. This holds promise of extending the application in clinics. The study also revealed that further studies on the quality of Ginseng, methed of solution preparation and unfavorable side effect are required to provide a firm foundation for the development of this new therapy. Aqua-acupuncture as a new acupuncture13), which is based on the meridian theory in Oriental medicine, is the technique of injection of extract solution derived from herbal medicinal substances into the acupuncture point. It is proved to have excellent therapeutic effect among the recent experimental studies.19-12, 14-21, 35, 36, 44) In the studies it was seen that the quality of Ginseng used and the method of preparation of its solution had an effect on the results in various diseases. Hence, the adequate type of Ginseng and the proper method of solution preparation should be followed before GR aqua-acupuncture is applied to clinical practice in wide. The purpose of this study is to analyse the results of the preceding reports on GR aqua-acupuncture and compare them with the other therapeutics in order to identify strong points GR aqua-acupuncture and to draw out the general issues for the clinical practice.

      • Clinical Application of Acupuncture : Present and Future

        Kang, Sung-Keel 경희대학교 동서의학연구소 1994 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EAST-WEST MEDICINE Vol.1994 No.4

        Acupuncture has been practiced in Asia for more than 2,500 years to relieve symptoms, especially pain, and to cure diseases as well as for maintenance of health and rehabilitation. In East-Asian countries, acupuncture if officially recognized by the goverment and has been widely used in their health care systems. But acupuncture has not yet or is just beginning to be practiced in western countries. I believe the scientific explanation of the acupuncture mechanism and clinical research promotes the popularization of acupuncture treatment for various diseases in many countries. I have reviewed the present status of acupuncture on the technical classification of acupuncture and clinical research, and I strongly recommend further studies on fundamental research, mechanism research, clinical research, the study for the efficacy of acupuncture, acupuncture epidemiology and classic acupuncture literature study especially on the basis of the theoretical and practical concept of Oriental medicine for the clinical application of acupucture.

      • The Effect of Acupuncture,Moxibustion and C.F Aqua-acupuncture on the Contents of Serotonin and Catecholamine in the Several Regions of Rat Brain

        Kang, Sung-Keel,Kim, Young-Jin 경희대학교 동서의학연구소 1991 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EAST-WEST MEDICINE Vol.1991 No.3

        This paper is to investigate the analgesic effects of acupuncture, moxibustion and aqua-acupuncture by measuring the contents of serotonin and catecholamine in several regions of rat brain with HLPC. By the results of the experiment, it is concluded that the acupuncture, moxibustion and C.F. aqua-acupuncture applied to bilateral Kollyun (BL60) loci had significant increases of serotonin and decreases of catecholamine in the frontal cortex, striatum, amygdala and hippocampus in rat brain and these seemed to demonstrate the mechanism of analgesic effect by the change of the serotonin and catecholamine is intracerebral neurotransmitters.

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