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      • LGB와 Barrier에 나타난 X-bar 통사론과 하위인접조건

        이석만 청주대학교 대학원 1993 우암논총 Vol.10 No.-

        The aim of this paper is to compare and explain the difference of subjacency and X-bar syntax represented in LGB(1981) and Barrier(1986), and is to study how the theory of the transfor-mational grammar on the X-bar syntax and subjacency has been developed. The phrase structure syntax of the standard theory has the weakness that it can not analyze the phrase such as "this very tall girl" as the phrasal constituent, since the phrase structure syntax does not contain the Intermediate cafegory which is larger than word, but smaller than phrase. In order to solute this defect of phrase structural syntax, such an X-bar syntax as the following was proposed in extended standard theory. But X-bar syntax also does not have the device which can re-cognize such an embeded sentence, "John to go' as in "I want John to go" as a sentence In other words, X-bar syntax can not but treat the "to" of an embeded sentence as the AUX But since the "to" is not the AUX, it is difficult to recogize the embeded sentence, "John to go" as a sentence. In order to solve this defect, the syntax of LGB introduced the concept of inflection(INFL) representing tense and agreement(AGR), and came to recognize the embeded sentence, "John to go as a sentence The system-atized X-bar of LGB is as follows; ◁본문참조▷ But the X-bar syntax of LGB raises the collision phenomenon whlch Wh-nouement is collided with I-movement. As the X-bar syntax of LGB, therefore, vlotates Doubly Filled COMP Filter, it makes an ungrammatical sentemce. In order to solute this weakness of LGB, Barrier(1986) revlsed the X-bar syntax of LGB as follows. As the result of Barrier(1986), Whmovement came to move to the position of specifier(SPEC), and I movement to that of complernentlzer (COMP) And also It was alleged In LGB that Complex Noun Phrase Constraint(Ross, 1967), Sentential Subject Constraint(Ross,1967) , and Wh-Island Constraint (Chomsky)call be combined with sublacency condttlon. The subjacency condition proposed by Chomsky is as follows; No constituent can move across more than one bounding node in any single rule application(bounding node=S and NP, or two Ss). But In Barrier(1986), the concept of adjunctlon was intro-duced and could Interprete and explain the sentences that LGB could not solute.

      • 分類 音韻論的 英語强勢

        李錫滿 청주대학교 국제문제연구원 1987 國際文化硏究 Vol.4 No.-

        It is the first aim of this study to understand the features and the structures of English stress, and then to survey what rules and constraints affect upon English stress and how English stress rule is decide upon. The second aim of this study is to examine a various phenomena of English stress in the position of taxonomic phonology in order to examine how English stress patterns have been dealt with up to now. In this study, I analyzed the various, involved English stress patterns and set up the general principles of taxonomic English stress. And in order to effectively learn taxonomic English stress phenomena, I showed some learning and applied methods of various, involved taxonomic English stress patterns as follows. 1. Both monosyllable and polysyllables of English word necessarily have a primary stress on one syllable. 2. The vowel of unstressed syllable is/ ∂ / or / i / and the vowel of stressed syllable is a diphthong or long vowel. 3. English word stress caused by derivative suffix devides into native English suffixes and foreign suffixes affected by Latin, Greece and French, and the word stress with native English suffix does not change, but the word stress with French suffix is placed on the last syllable and the word stress with Latin and Greece is placed on the penultimate or antepenultimate syllable. 4. In case of the word stress with foreign suffix, the vowel of penultimate is composed of diphthong or long vowel, or monophthong followed by consonant cluster. 5. Noun compund word is common in case of English compound word and the stress patterns of noun compound word is composed of / ′ + `/ or / ´ + ˘/ . 6. English word group stress pattern consists of / ^ + ´ / in general, because an English phrase can have only on primary stress, and that is near or at the end. 7. In case of sentence stress, in order to maintain correct rhythmic stress, major stress is placed on the content words(nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, demonstratives and interrogatives) and minor stress is placed on the function word (articles, prepositions, personal pronouns, possessive adjectives, relative pronouns, common conjunction, one used as a noun-substitute, and auxiliary verb(be, have, do, will, would, shall, should, can could, may, might and, must). In consideration of these general principlis of taxonomic English stress patterns, I suggest that in the preference to reading and writing, the english teacher must teach accurate pronunciation, listening and speaking representing suprasegmental phonemes(intonation, rhythm, pitch, stress, and junctures) in speech, and that the English teacher should, therefore, emphasize these suprasegmental phonemes and accurate pronunciation from the beginning, making clear their important role in comprehensible speech.

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