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      • KCI등재

        The Optical Measurement and Quantitative Analysis of Algesia in Spodoptera litura Larva

        Ying-Yun Chen,Rong-Seng Chang,Mi-Yin Tsai,Der-Chin Chen 한국광학회 2015 Current Optics and Photonics Vol.19 No.2

        Muscle vibration measurement has long been an unique scientific study, in general, and the directreaction of animals to feel pain (algesia), either from vascular or muscle contraction, is a complexperceptual experience. Thus this paper proposes a way to measure animal algesia quantitatively, bymeasuring the changes in muscle vibration due to a pinprick on the surface of the skin of a Spodopteralitura larva. Using the laser optical triangulation measurement principle, along with a CMOS image sensor,linear laser, software analysis, and other tools, we quantify the subtle object point displacement, with aprecision of up to 10 μm, for our chosen Spodoptera litura larva animal model, in which it is not easyto identify the tiny changes in muscle contraction dynamics with the naked eye. We inject differentconcentrations of formalin reagent (empty needle, 12% formalin, and 37% formalin) to obtain a varietyof different muscle vibration frequencies as the experimental results. Because of the high concentrationsof reagent applied, we see a high frequency shift of muscle vibration, which can be presented as painindices, so that the algesia can be quantified

      • KCI등재

        Research on Subcutaneous Pulse Shape Measurement by Near-infrared Moiré Technique

        Ying-Yun Chen,Zhizhen Liu,Jian Du,Rong-Seng Chang 한국광학회 2015 Current Optics and Photonics Vol.19 No.2

        A pulse is generated when the heart pumps blood into the arterial system. The heart pumps blood onlywhen it contracts, not when it relaxes; therefore, blood enters the arterial system in a cyclical form. Arterybeating is visible in some parts of the body surface, such as the radial artery of the wrist. This papermainly uses the feature in which near-infrared spectroscopy penetrates skin to construct a non-invasivemeasurement system that can measure small vibration in the subcutaneous tissue of the human body, andthen uses it for the pulse measurement. This measurement system uses the optical moiré principle, togetherwith the fringe displacement made by small vibration in the subcutaneous tissue, and an image analysisprogram to calculate the height variation from small vibrations in the subcutaneous tissue. It completesa measurement system that records height variation with time, and that together with a fast Fouriertransform (FFT) program, they can convert the pulse waveform generated by vibration (time-amplitude)to heartbeat frequency (frequency-amplitude). This is a new and non-invasive medical assistance systemfor measuring the pulse of the human body, with the advantages of being simple, fast, safe and objective

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