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      • 루비깍지벌레防除에 관한 硏究

        權五均 제주대학교 1983 논문집 Vol.16 No.-

        깍지벌레중 驅除가 어려운 루비깍지벌레(Wax scale : Ceroplastes rubens MASKELL)에 對하여 깍지벌레 驅除에 많이 使用하고 있는 Supracid와 acaricides인 Micut를 가지고 防除試驗을 行하여 Micut의 效果가 Supracid에 比하여 多小떨어지나 1∼2令期에는 95%以上의 防除效果가 있음을 確認하였다. 루비깍지벌레의 發生이 많아 密度가 높은 果園에서는 Supracid를 撒布하여 防除하고, 密度가 낮은 果園에서는 Micut를 利用하여 응애와 같이 同時 驅除하는 것이 좋을 것이라고 본다. 1. This experiment was conducted to study the control of one of the major Pests of citrus, the wax scale (Ceroplastes rubens MASKELL), with "Supracid" and "Micut". 2. "Mciut" was less control effects than "Supracid" in ratio of death, but it was control effects of over 95% at the 1st and 2nd instar. 3. The results suggest that "Supracid" was sprayed in the citrus orchard many the wax scale and "Micut" wasdone a few it and mite, showing one of the promising and applicable control system in there.

      • 우리나라 輸出金融의 支援效果및 制度的 問題點

        權五均 건국대학교 1982 論文集 Vol.14 No.1

        In the structure of capital, the Korean industries in genera have been led, in the process of high and rapid national economic growth, to show high ratio of borrowed capital against their own fund. In addition to this high dependence on borrowed capital, the high interest rates that have been prevalent in Korea for long time has placed the industries in unfavorable position against other major competing countries from point of capital cost. Therefore, in order to safe the industries from uncompetitive positions resulted from high capital cost, the Goverment has been taking various kind of financial policies and measures with high priorities and privileges on export financing system. In other words, in order to keep the export loan interest rate to the equivalent level of international interest rates, the Government has adopted preferential interest rates, and furthermore, other financial benefits have also been provided to the exporters by way of increasing overall size of loan for exports. This system of export financing is also practiced in many other major competing countries of South East Asia, with the only exception of Japan. When we are comparing our export loan system with other countries, it may be stated that the Korean loan systems are well balanced to the level of other countries with many favours such as loan rate, loan period, (i.e. the lower interest rate for export loan than other domestic loans), although the loan interest rate itself is comparatively higher than that of others. Accordingly, the comparative analysis in simple numerical terms of the systems indicates that the Korean industries are privileged with effectiveness of strengthened international competition in the aspect of opportunity cost of capital and improvement of productivity, despite of some disadvanges in financial cost against other competing countries. However, despite this positive aspect we can see in the simple and comparative calculation of the systems, the actual contribution of the export financing systems toward the export promotion is assumed very negligible, according to the result of regression analysis. It may be because that the export financing systems in Korea has lost their flexibility in actual export activities, as the systems had not been managed selectively and elastically in line with the change of economic conditions domestically as well as internationally. This adverse phenomenon is attributable to the exporters, who have just enjoyed the routine and habitual loan privilege in the past and not exerted their full efforts to increase export volume to a greatest extent, oblivious of the ineffectiveness resulting from diminishing intensity of the loan itself and blindly following the strengthening loan support. Thereby, this export financing system has been degraded just as a neccessary evil. On the other hand, this export financing system has brought about various subsidiary ill-effects in respect of national economy, such as inefficiency in distorted distribution of resources, sturdiness in overall financing system due to the quantitive expansion of export loan, limitted management capabilities resulted from interference to self-growth of enterprises, shortage in domestic supply, domestic price hike by increase of monetary supply, and other interference to proper utilization of domestic raw materials and insufficient promotion of domestic production of equipment and machinery. As a consequence, it may be stated that problems and tasks ahead in the export financing system in Korea are to minimize the ill-effects of the system mentioned above and to operate it with more flexibility. To achieve this goal, short term export loan should be steadily decreased and directed toward the medium and long term loans, and the financial incentive should be reinforced so as to gain the improvement of foreign currency earning in real value. Also the difference of the interest rates between export loan and other domestic loans should be steadily corrected by an overall adjustment of interest rate, and this export financing system and policy should be administered with more flexibility along with over Government policies.

      • 귤응애의 약제방제 시험

        권오균 제주대학교 1971 논문집 Vol.3 No.-

        The problem is not only the selection of drugs when spraying in Cheju citrus orchards, but also should be considered to heed for continuous use of drugs and methods of spraying, improvemments of sprayer. 1) This experiment was performed to find the control effects of citrus red mites with the four kinds of marketing acaricides and new acaricides as citrazon. 2) There were no significant differences among the treatments by acaricides C-8514 E.C. was less control effects than any other acaricides in ratio of death.

      • 새로운 殺蟲劑에 의한 귤응애의 防除試驗

        權五均 제주대학교 1979 논문집 Vol.11 No.-

        The experiment was conducted to study the control of one of the major pests, the citrus red mite, Panonycbus citri with new acaricides. Although selection of effective acricides is the key to the control of citrus red mite, repeated application with the same chemical should be avoided because of the problem of chemical resistance. Among the chemical used "Torque" and "Prictran" gave the most effective control. Slight phytotoxic symptoms were observed on the young leaves with "Prictran" application.

      • 분산 시스템에서 개선된 O(logN) 상호배제 알고리즘 제안

        송권수,오병균 木浦大學校 情報産業硏究所 1993 情報産業硏究誌 Vol.1 No.-

        본 논문은 분산 시스템에서 수행시간이 O(logN)으로 개선된 토큰 중심의 상호배제 알고리즘을 제안하였다. 이 알고리즘에서, 논리적 트리는 완전 연결(fully connected) 네트워크를 유지하며, 루트(Root)는 메세지 전송이 없을때 병행 요청 사이트들 가운데 토큰을 갖는 마지막 사이트이다. 사이트가 상호배제를 필요로 할 때, 그사이트는 토큰을 갖을 수 있는 사이트에 요청 메세지를 보내는 작업을 요청 메세지가 Root에 도착할 때까지 계속해 나간다. 따라서, 토큰을 탐색하는 메세지의 수는 Root에 도달하는 길(path)의 사이트 수에 비례한다. 토큰의 탐색속도를 향상시키기 위하여 알고리즘은 논리적 트리의 높이(hight)를 줄인다. 알고리즘의 메세지 수행시간은 N이 사이트의 수 일때 가벼운 traffic에서는 O(logN)이고, 복잡한 traffic에서는 3개를 감소한다. 본 알고리즘의 중요한 특성은 분산된 큐자료 구조를 사용하며, 이 구조는 토큰으로 자료 구조를 간단히 할 뿐 아니라 타임스탬프나 무한 수열의 사용을 제거하므로 신뢰도를 높여준다. In this paper, we present an O(logN) token-based mutual exclusion algorithm for distributed systems. In the algorithm, a logical tree is maintained in a fully connected network, and the root is the last site to get the token among the current requesting sites when no message is in transmission. When a site invokes mutual exclusion, it send its request to the site possibly holding the token. The request is continuously forwarded until it arrives at the root. Therefore, the number of messages for the search of the token is proportional to the number of sites on the path leading to the root. To speed up the research for the token, the algorithm reduces the hight of the logical tree. The message complexity of the algorithm is O(logN) in light traffic, where N is the number of sites, and is reduced to three in the heavy traffic. An interesting characteristic of the algorithm is the use of distributed queue data structure. The distributed queue data structure simplifies the data structure in the token, dispenses with the use of unbounded sequence numbers or timestamps, and provides a high degree of reliability.

      • 소아 입원 환아의 결핵 반응 양성율에 관한 연구

        이건수,권오균 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1986 충남의대잡지 Vol.13 No.2

        A clinical study was made on 264 cases of in-patients who had been admitted at Pediatric Department, Chungnam National University Hospital from January 1985 to December 1986. The Mantoux test was performed and B. C. G. vaccination coverage rate was assessed. The results were as follows: 1. The B. C. G. vaccination coverage rate was 90.5% in urban ares, and 89.5% in rural area. 2. The positive rate of the Mantoux test in urban area was 7.8% in B. C. G. vaccinated cases, and 6.3% in B. C. G. non-vaccinated cases. 3. The positive rate of the Mantoux test in rural area was 9.4% in B. C. G. vaccinate cases, and 20% in B. C. G. non-vaccinated cases which was higher than that in urban area. 4. The positive rate of the Mantoux test was highest in 6-12 years(20.6%) and followed as decreasing orders, more than 12 years(11.1%), 3-6 years(10%), and less than 1 year (4%). 5. The postivie rate of the Mantoux test was 10% in boys, and 6.7% in girls. The sex ratio of male: female was 1.5:1. 6. The confirmed cases as tuberculosis of the Mantoux test positive cases was 26.1% and was significantly higher than that in other diseases.

      • 배추(Brassica campestris L. var. pekinensis Makino)의 cDNA library 구축 및 상동성 비교

        안주미,권오병,전봉균,이풍연,이정민,권무식 성균관대학교 생명과학자원연구소 1995 生命資源科學硏究 Vol.2 No.1

        Expressed sequence tag(EST) has a good value to discover a new gene or to study its structure. Some 20 ESTs were generated to obtain new genetic resources of chinese cabbage(Brassian campestris L. var. pekinensis Makino). Poly A+ RNAs were isolated from 10-day-old seedlings grown at 25℃ under the day light. cDNA gene bank was constructed using λ ZAP /cDNA synthesis /Giga Pack Gold Packing kit. About a million clones were able to obtain from the library. All the clones examined so far had insert DNAs. Nucleotide compositions of randomly selected clones were determined by the Sanger mthod. The DNA sequences were compared with those deposited in the GenePept and GenBank database to figure out nucleotide homologies. Two ESTs showed significant similarities to the enlisted sequences. They are chloroplast GADPH subunit of Arabidopsis thaliana and carbonic anhydrase of A. thaliana. The full DNA sequences of the two clones are being determined. The cDNA gene bank constructed. in this experiment will being used to isolate more genes induced by the light in the plant.

      • 한국인에서 혈액응고인자 IX 유전자의 제한효소 절편길이 다형성에 관한 연구

        전봉균,이풍연,권오병,이정민,안주미,권무식 성균관대학교 생명과학자원연구소 1995 生命資源科學硏究 Vol.2 No.1

        DNA-based prenatal diagnosis or carrier detection for hemophilia B in Korean has been developed by RFLPs. The polymorphisms were Taq I and Xmn I . Genomic DNAs were extracted from the blood of 56 females and 10 males at the age of twenty. The PCR primers were chemically synthesized by the method of phosphoramidite. Taq I-59 & -39 derived from flanking sequences of intron 4 generate 163nt fragment. And, Xmn 1-59 & -39, derived from the flanking sequences of intron 3 allow amplification 222nt fragment. Using Polymerase chain reaction(PCR) method, each segment(intron 3-Xmn I, intron 4-Taq I) was amplified with each primers and the genomic DNA as template. The amplified DNA fragments were treated with an appropriate restriction enzyme. The Xmn I polymorphism of the factor IX gene was detected on agarose gel as segments of 154 and 68nt, respectively. The heterozygote frequency, calculated from the allele frequencies (0.025/0.975) in intron 3-Xmn I polymorphism, was 4.8%. In case of intron 4-Taq I polymorphism, there is no polymorphic site. So that the heterozygote frequency calculated from the allele frequencies (0.0/1.0) in intron 4-Taq I polymorphism, was 0%. Thus, the two intragenic polymorphisms predicted to be informative was 4.8% in this study. The results are not correlated with those obtained from the Caucasian. It suggests that Korean exhibit different patterns of Xmn I and Taq I polymorphism in the human coagulation factor IX gene.

      • 韓國人에서 血友病 B 遺傳子(血液凝固因子 Ⅸ)의 構造 및 制限酵素 Dde Ⅰ, MnI Ⅰ 切片길이 多形性에 關한 分子 遺傳學的 考察

        이풍연,전봉균,이정민,권오병,권무식 성균관대학교 생명과학자원연구소 1996 生命資源科學硏究 Vol.2 No.2

        Hemophilia B, a human chromosome X-linked recessive disease, is a bleeding disorder resulting from defect or abnormality in blood coagulation factor IX. DNA-based prenatal diagnosis or carrier detection for hemophilia B in Korean has been developed by analyzing restriction fragment length polymorphisms(RFLPs). Two polymorphisms( Dde I and Mnl I) were investigated as follow. Genomic DNAs were extracted from blood of 50 females at the age of twenty. The primers were chemically synthesized by the method of phosphoamidite. Mnl I primers were derived from exon 6, while Dde I primers, from the flanking sequences of intron 1 of the factor IX gene. Genomic DNAs were amplified with Mnl I primers to generate 405 nts long fragments in all cases. They were digested with Mnl I to analyze the polymorphic site on agarose gel. No MnlI polymorphic site was found in all cases. Also, the genomic DNAs were amplified with Dde I primers to generate ca. 320 nts long fragments in all cases. These results are not correlated with those obtained from the Caucasian. It suggests that Korean could exhibit different patterns of Dde I and Mnl I polymorphisms in the gene for blood coagulation factor IX. Direct sequencing of the polymorpic sites will confirm the above sugestion.

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