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        Secondary Recrystallization in Metals: Approach by Solid-State Wetting Hyung-Seok Shim and Nong-Moon Hwang

        ( Hyung Seok Shim ),( Nong Moon Hwang ) 대한금속재료학회(구 대한금속학회) 2014 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.52 No.9

        The mystery of Goss selective abnormal grain growth (AGG) in Fe-3%Si steel has long remained unsolved since its discovery by Goss in 1933. Similarly, the mechanism of secondary recrystallization, which is commonly observed in many metallic systems, has long been a puzzle. Here, attempts to solve this puzzle are reviewed with a focus on solid-state wetting along the triple junction of polycrystalline metals. Especially, the grains with sub-boundaries of very low energy exclusively have a high probability to grow by solid-state wetting and as a result can grow abnormally. The 3-dimensional Monte Carlo (MC) and phase field model (PFM) computer simulations showed that the presence of sub-boundaries induces AGG. The existence of sub-boundaries exclusively in abnormally-growing grains was experimentally confirmed in Fe-3%Si steel and in 5052 Al alloy. The time evolution of abnormally growing grains by ex-situ observation and electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) analysis of 5052 Al alloy clearly revealed many microstructural evidences for AGG by triple-junction wetting. Misorientation angle measurements by EBSD of the grains belonging to the penetrating morphology showed that the penetrated grain boundaries have high energy and the penetrating grain boundaries tend to have low energy, in agreement with the wetting condition along the triple junction. Parallel three-dimensional MC simulations starting with the experimental misorientationdata, which consider sub-boundaries and precipitates, show many realistic AGG features observed experimentally. (Received July 28, 2013)

      • 갓바위 公園內 鄕土文化館 利用者 特性과 利用行態 相互間 相關性에 關한 硏究

        金農梧 木浦大學校 沿岸環境硏究所 1993 沿岸環境硏究 Vol.10 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to propose as a fundamental planning theory in the development plan of Gatbawi Park. To find out some variables that impact between the users in the cultural center in Gatbawi park, questionaire method was used. The Items of user factor are Sex, Age, Occupation, Income, Intelegence, and the items of Behaviour factor are Accompany, Purpose, Transportation, Degree of Satisfaction, Visit again, Next destination, Parking area. In the result correlation between Sex and Degree of satisfaction, Age and Accompany, Transportation, Degree of satisfaction, Visit again, Occupation and Accompany, Purpose, Transportation, Income and Transportation are most high. So it would be better to consider the factor of Age between Occompany, Transportation, Occupation between Accompany, Transportation, Purpose etc in the development of Gatbawi Park later.

      • 홍도관광객 계절별 수요변화 양태에 관한 연구

        김농오,김미성 木浦大學校 沿岸環境硏究所 1999 沿岸環境硏究 Vol.16 No.1

        이상과 같이 고찰해 볼 때 홍도 관광객은 계절에 상관없이 순관광을 즐기기위해(87.3%), 1박 2일∼2박 3일 정도 일정을 가지고 멀리 서울 강원 경기지역에서 59.2%정도가 즐겨찾는 곳으로 분석된다. 거의 모두 방문회수가 1회(77.7%)가 대부분임을 감안 일평생에 한번 즐겨찾는 관광명소가 될 수 있도록 서비스를 개선해야 하며 아직도 만족정도가 73.6%에 이르고 있으나 교통편이나 숙박시설 가격이나 질, 다양성 등에 만족한다가 보다 순수한 홍도 자연경관 감상에 기대치에 비해 만족하는 것이 아닌가 사료된다. 타인에 대한 권유의사가 57.1%에 되지 않는다는데 정부에서는 주목해야 한다고 본다. 특히 본 연구결과에 의해서 홍도 관광객은 계절에 변동없이 인구 통계학적인 관광객 구성 요소가 골고루 분포하며 오직 연령에 따라 계절별 분포가 달리 나타난다는 사실을 찾아냈다. 동시에 50대 계층만이 계절이 상관없이 지속적으로 홍도를 관광하는 가장 안정된 고객이라는 것도 밝혀졌다. 갈수록 노령화사회가 되어가고, 직장에서 조기 은퇴자가 많아질 21세기를 내다볼 때 이들 계층을 적극 유치하기 위한 좀더 적극적이고, 시설과 모든 서비스의 고급화 전략을 향후 홍도 관광발전계획에 반영해 줄 것을 권고하며 이에 대한 연구는 향후 과제로 유보하며 글을 맺고자 한다. The main purpose of this study is to find out the Hongdo tourists' distribution deviation variables among 4 seasons. Several variables were found to be correlation equations constants such as age and travel ships. 50 age groups are the unchargeable clients who visit in Hongdo per seasons. 40 age groups need to visit on summer and 30 age groups used to visit on winter differently. But general tourists of Hongdo were apt to visit as a pure tourisis without considering any season.

      • 儒達山公園의 效果的 利用方案에 關한 硏究

        金農梧 木浦大學校沿岸生物硏究所 1989 沿岸生物硏究 Vol.6 No.1

        In the study I analized the actual use of Yudal park and proposed several plans for the effective use of the park. To analize the actual use of the park, I applied questionaire method and Spss computer system. valuable samples are 1161 out of 2.000. In the analysis I find out several results First, The most high use frequency is 1~5 times per month (76.3%) Second, 62.2% of them are used to visit the park on sunday or holiday. 52.2% of them are used to visit the park at after noon. Third, 55.9% of them delay for 1 or 2 hours. Fourth, 48.7% of them visit with their family Fifth, 52.3% of them visit on foot. And 78.3% of them are used to climb the park through the entrance post Sixth, 35.8% of them visit the park for the purpose of resting and 29% of them for health. Seventh, 75% of them satisfied with the sea landscape but 3.8% of them satisfied with the facilities in the park. Eighth, most of them want to develope the park more beautiful. Nineth, most high correlation factors with the distance are use frequency, use day, use time, delaying time, campanions and the means of transportation. Tenth, most high correlative factors with use frequency are age, occupation, and distance Eleventh, most high correlative factors with delaying time are occupation, distance, conpanions and the means of transportion. Twelventh, I proposed 6 plans to develop Yudal park according to the demand.

      • 西南海 島嶼景觀의 視覺的 選好度 分析에 關한 硏究

        金農梧,郭幸求 木浦大學校沿岸生物硏究所 1991 沿岸生物硏究 Vol.8 No.1

        다양한 景觀을 연출하고 있는 西南海岸 島嶼 景觀의 視覺的 選好度를 리커트 尺度(Likert Attitude Scale)와 쌍체 비교 기법(Paired Comparison)을 通하여 각 因子別 選好度 測定과 各 地域別 主要 因子를 分析하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 리커트 尺度를 通하여 視覺的 選好度를 分析한 結果 관매도의 하늘 다리가 가장 높게 나타난 반면 다음으로 홍도의 거북이 바위, 관매도의 기암, 신안군의 광대섬 수림 등의 自然景觀이 높게 나타난 반면에 대흑산도 예리항 전경, 소흑산도 마을 전경, 신안군 하의면 마을 전경 등의 文化京觀은 낮게 나타났다. 2. 쌍체비교기법을 通한 視覺的 選好度 分析結果를 흑산도에서는 기암이 신안군 일대에서는 수풀림, 백사장이, 홍도에서는 동굴, 항구 마을이, 소흑산도에서는 절벽이, 관매도에서는 島嶼군의 景觀이 제일 높은 치를 보이고 있다. 3. 각 因子別 Factor Score을 비교 分析한 結果 마을 景觀이 6.249로 높게 나타났으며, 다음으로 절벽, 항구, 기암, 백사장 순으로 나타났다. 4. 각 地域別 Score를 비교 分析한 結果 홍도 지역이 9.493으로 가장 높게 나타났으며 다음으로 신안군 일대, 관매도, 흑산도, 소흑산도 순으로 나타났다. The purpose of this thesis is to suggest objective basic data for the landscape planning and design through the quantitative analysis of the visual factors in the southwest islands in Korea. I evaluated the visual preference of islands landscape by Likert attitude scale and paired comparison. The results are these. 1. Ranks of visual preference measured by Likert attitude scale method have found to be high values of slide 31, 17, 25, 34 of natual landscape, yield low values of slide 5, 13, 14, 38 of cultural landscape. 2. Result of visual preference analysis measured by paired comparison method have found to be high values of rocks of fantastic shape landscape, in the area of the HUKSANDO, a forest landscape, a white sandy plain landscape in the area of SHINAN GUN, a cavern landscape, a port landscape, a village landscape in the area of the HONGDO, cliff landscape in the area of SOHUKSANDO, an island group in the area of KWANMAEDO. 3. Results of visual preference measuard by Factor score method have found to be a village landscape, a cliff landscape, a port landscape, rocks of fantastic shape landscape, a white sandy plain landscape in that order. 4. According to the result of location score method have found to be the HONGDO(9.493), SAINAN GUN, KWANMAEDO, HUKSANDO, SOHUKSANDO in that order.

      • 해남화원 관광단지 기본계획 변경(안)

        김농오,김미혜 木浦大學校 工業技術硏究所 2000 工業技術硏究誌 Vol.10 No.-

        The purpose of this thesis is to propose more practical master plan of WHAWON Tourism complex. It is nesessary far us that we should arrange and compose the Land, Plants, Structures and Waterforms for human use and enjoyment. Especially tourist' needs is used to changing as social development. And more ecological design approach is necessay for us to satisfy the tourists and inhabitants also. Therefore, more various facilities, for example, amusement facilities, commodities and eco-tourism facilities should be well allocated to the natural sites. Such a needs and spaces should be adapted to WHAWON Tourism complex. First, Casino facilities were 질located for the new chinese international tourists. It is possible that the casino together with golf course could be developed as Tourism Special complex. Second, camping sites were changed for the walkers and campers together with sportsmen approach more easily. Finally, we designed grand play ground for the family tourists distinguished from the other tourism complexes in Korea.

      • 小黑山島 觀光資源利用 實態分析에 關한 硏究

        金農梧 木浦大學校沿岸生物硏究所 1988 沿岸生物硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        In the study I investigated the natural tourism resources in Soh??ksan-do and many man-made tourism resources in the island. Also I analized the actual uses of the tourism rsources and the toruim demands of the inhabitants in the island by questionaire method. The results are as follows. 1. There are excellent natural tourism resources as the forest of Machilus, rocks and cliffs, panoramic view on the Docsil mountain, fishing area etc. But the cloudy days are long and Taipoon and burricane made the sea not to permit ship travel 2. Soh??ksan-do located 10 hours time-zone from Mokpo harbour. But there are only 2 passenger ships in Daeh??ksan-do and there are few hotels in Soh??ksan-do. 3. The tourism demands of the inhabitants in the islands are as follows. ① 87% of the inhabtants live in slate house ② 86.1% of the inhabitants live in below 50% building coverage. ③ 88.3% of the inhabitants live in below 100 pyoung house. ④ 41.8% of the inhabitants live in double bed rooms. ⑤ 83.6% of the inhabitants live for 6 years over. ⑥ 55.8% of the inghabitants are families within 5 members. ⑦ 85.5% of the inhabitants income on the month is below 400,000 won. ⑧ The most highest frequency of occupancy is fishing, 35.7%. ⑨ The most highest frequency of educaion is graduated primary school, 45.9% ⑩ Most immigrants are come from Seoul or Ch( )nnam provice. ⑪ They want facilities of traffic(27.4%), marina(23.6%), water supply(13.2%), and lodging(9.0%) rapidly, etc. ⑫ They worry about the destruction of the island about 63.2% in the tourism development. ⑬ They expect raising their income about 69.3% of the people. ⑭ They classified most valuable tourism resources as rocks(47.1%), fisheries(19.2%), forest(18.3%), sea landscape(14.4%). ⑮ They want to preserve sea(32%), rocks(32%), forest(28%) and relics(8%).

      • 榮山湖 周邊 觀光資源의 效果的 利用方案에 關한 硏究

        金農梧 木浦大學校沿岸生物硏究所 1989 沿岸生物硏究 Vol.6 No.1

        In the study, I analize tourism resources around the Youngsan lake. To analize the tourism resources I applied suitability method. In the study, I find out several results such as these. First, there are 11.63 million tourists in Chunnam province in 1990 and 26.1% of them are come from Chunnam, 18.8% of them are come from Kwangju, 14.8% of them are come from Seoul and 60.3% of them are come from the other areas. Also, 12.2% of Kwangju tourists, 14.7% of Mokpo tourists, 12.8% of Sunch??n tourists, 6.1% of Yeosoo tourists are come around Youngsan lake Second, there are 2 national treasures and 4 treasures are preserved in the region. And most cultural tourism resources are not developed. Third, there are small mountains below 400m, but long and wide Youngsan river has various natural tourism resources, such as, wild life, natural monuments, fishes. And there are many orchards around Youngsan lake. It can be developed as tourists' farm. Fourth, transportation system is well developed and the site located in 1 hour from Kwangju and 0.5% hour from Mokpo. But It may be well to develop scenic road by the way of Youngsan river. Fifth, Most valuable evaluated tourism area is Nabuldo. And the mountains and ridges of Montan myon around the midium part of Youngsan river may be well to develop as tourism resting area. Also wolho li may be well to develop as tourism resting place.

      • 농촌경관의 개발과 보존방안에 관한 연구 : 미국 콜로라도주 사례 colorado state in U.S.A.

        김농오 木浦大學校 沿岸環境硏究所 1997 沿岸環境硏究 Vol.14 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to propose as a fundamental planning theory and policy in the rural landscape projects. Such a new concept of rural landscape planning policy and theory could be applied by a well developed rural area in colorado state. Several results could be found by the study. First, The Authority of regulating the rural land should be transfered to country from federal agency. Second, The rural policy planning process should be changed from Top down planning to self-reliance. Third, It is necessary to cowork with regional agency, regional university and the inhabitants for the purpose of accomplishing rural community development projects. Fourth, It is necessary to study about the new heartland and countified cities. Fifth, Sustainable development projects could be succeeded by means of self-reliance. Finally, Rural landscape could be enhanced by tourism related development policy as colorado state in U.S.A.

      • 세계화 지방화 시대의 서남권 관광개발방안

        김농오 목포대학교 자연자원개발연구소 1999 자연자원연구 Vol.2 No.-

        The main purpose of this thesis is to propose more desirable tourism policy to the government. In the result, several proposals were issued like these. First, tourism infrastructures should be well developed in harmony with southwest natural landscape. Second, various outdoor recreation activities should be distributed to the southwest oceanic regions most suitably to the site. Third, to enhance the tourism activities, the analysis of tourism needs should be found out to satisfy their various tourism desires. Finally, active tourism policy should made to publicate the various tourism resources in the south west islands in korea.

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