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      • Features of Implementing Pedagogical Practices on the Example of EU Countries' Experience

        Mykhailo Poplavskyi International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2024 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.24 No.2

        Studying at a modern university involves using modern methods and the latest advances in science and education, which applies to Ukraine and all higher education institutions in Europe, determining the relevance of the study and its international significance. The study aims to analyze and implement effective and innovative practices that can be used in integrated educational programs, which include interactive work in education at the European level. The use of general scientific approaches, such as theoretical, statistical, and empirical, allows achieving the set goals. The central hypothesis of the research is the presentation of the best pedagogical practices in the educational program, which includes interactive and universal. The results of the study prove the effectiveness of interactive training. Future research is devoted to developing new pedagogical practices and the development of algorithms for their implementation.

      • Data Buffering Multilevel Model at a Multiservice Traffic Service Node

        Mykhailo Klymash,Maryan Kyryk,Nazar Pleskanka,Volodymyr Yanyshyn 한국산학기술학회 2014 SmartCR Vol.4 No.4

        The basic principles of data buffering at a multiservice traffic service node were reviewed. A multilevel data buffering mode was proposed for nodes that serves a large amount of TCP traffic. Each level of the model has its own characteristics and is relatively independent. However, a malfunction of any one of them may adversely affect the efficiency of other levels. The network interface represents the physical level, which is the lowest. Packet routing occurs at the protocol level. Two queues provide communication between the physical layer (a network interface card) and the IP module. One is called the backlog and is used for incoming packets, while the other is called txqueue and works for outgoing packets. In current networks, the basis for data transmission is the TCP/IP protocol stack. It provides a set of tools to deliver data from one application to another. Optimization of the data buffering multilevel model to ensure a satisfactory quality of service in a multiservice data network was performed in this paper.

      • Performance Analysis of Smart Optical Burst Switching Networks for Different Signaling Protocols

        Mykhailo Klymash,Mykola Kaidan,Stepan Dumych 한국산학기술학회 2015 SmartCR Vol.5 No.5

        A future optical transport network needs an extremely high capacity to satisfy the rapid increase in traffic. Many technologies have been developed to increase throughput and energy efficiency and simplify the deployment of optical transport networks. Internet Protocol traffic transmission precedes optical transport networks in requiring new approaches for network nodes. Although optical fiber has a tremendous capacity, switching nodes limit the performance of optical networks. An optical burst switched network concept has been introduced as a promising solution to overcome this problem. Optical burst switched technology effectively utilizes the advantages of both circuit switching and packet switching networks, and also eliminates their drawbacks. Two important issues in achieving the best performance in optical burst switched networks are scheduling bursts and signaling protocols. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive analysis of optical burst switched signaling protocols. We study three protocols for signaling in optical burst switched networks that are used for various traffic types. The Tell-and-Wait and Just Enough Time protocols are used in extreme cases of loss-sensitive and delay-sensitive traffic, respectively. The third signaling protocol, called Intermediate Note Initiation, is a promising solution with an ability to adjust parameters depending upon traffic requirements. We analyze the blocking probability of core nodes with respect to the number of buffers and wavelengths for each signaling protocol. The simulation results show that when the number of optical buffers are five or higher, blocking probability tends to be zero, regardless of the number of wavelengths. Therefore, this tends to decrease loss due to a burst, and improves the overall performance of optical burst switched networks. The burst outstripping problem in optical fiber has been solved by determining a proper buffering policy for each burst, after considering the burst priorities and time delays between consistent bursts.

      • Optimization of the Educational Environment Using Information Technologies

        Sherman, Mykhailo,Martynyshyn, Yaroslav,Khlystun, Olena,Chukhrai, Liubov,Kliuchko, Yuliia,Savkiv, Uliana International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2021 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.21 No.4

        The article analyzes and shows the rapid development information and telecommunication technologies, and their capabilities are becoming unprecedented for human development, effective solutions to many professional problems. The analysis of information and communication technologies of education used in higher educational institutions of Ukraine confirmed that for the effective use of special teaching methods, as well as software and technical teaching aids, it is necessary to have a trained teaching staff and students.

      • Application of Information Technologies for Lifelong Learning

        Poplavskyi, Mykhailo,Bondar, Ihor International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2021 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.21 No.6

        The relevance of the research involves outlining the need for modern professionals to acquire new competencies. In the conditions of rapid civilizational progress, in order to meet the requirements of the labor market in the knowledge society, there is a readiness for continuous training as an indicator of professional success. The purpose of the research is to identify the impact of various forms of application of information technologies for lifelong learning in order to provide the continuous self-development of each person without cultural or age restrictions and on the basis of rapid digital progress. A high level (96%) of need of the adult population in continuing education with the use of digital technologies has been established. The most effective ways to implement the concept of "lifelong learning" have been identified (educational camps, lifelong learning, mass open online courses, Makerspace activities, portfolio use, use of emoji, casual game, scientific research with iVR game, implementation of digital games, work in scientific cafes). 2 basic objectives of continuing professional education for adults have been outlined (continuous improvement of qualifications and obtaining new qualifications). The features of ICT application in adult education have been investigated by using the following methods, namely: flexibility in terms of easy access to ideas, solving various problems, orientation approach, functional learning, group or individual learning, integration of leisure, personal and professional activities, gamification. The advantages of application of information technologies for continuous education (economic, time, and adaptive) have been revealed. The concept of continuous adult learning in the context of digitalization has been concluded. The research provides a description of the structural principles of the concept of additional education; a system of information requests of the applicant, as well as basic technologies for lifelong learning. The research indicates the lack of comprehensive research in the relevant field. The practical significance of the research results lies in the possibility of using the obtained results for a wider acquaintance of the adult population with the importance of the application of lifelong learning for professional activities and the introduction of methods for its implementation in the educational policy of the state.

      • Digital Competence As A Component Of Professional And Information Culture Of A Teacher

        Kharlamov, Mykhailo,Sinelnikov, Ivan,Lysenko, Vladyslav,Yakobenchuk, Nazar,Tkach, Anna,Honcharuk, Оlena International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2021 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.21 No.7

        Based on the scientific and pedagogical analysis of the theory and experience of teaching computer science disciplines, the didactic mechanism for ensuring the continuity of the average (full) general and higher professional education of economists for practical implementation innovative technology of personal experience foundation. The pedagogical conditions for the formation of information competence, including laboratory, design, research work, the use of active teaching methods for acquiring management skills in production and activities of the enterprise. An indispensable requirement for the conditions for the implementation of basic of educational programs is the assessment of competencies. With this the goal was to develop criteria and levels of formation information competence of future economists and carried out complex diagnostics.

      • Study of Pedagogical Practice and Teaching Experience in European Countries

        Poplavskyi, Mykhailo International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2022 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.22 No.3

        Globalization, development of the information society, intensification of migration processes, and internationalization of education in recent years have significantly affected the international labour market and increased competition between professionals in various fields. Academic, research and teaching staff are currently facing rapid changes and growing demand for quality educational services. Under such conditions, educational institutions around the world pay particular attention to improving the quality of the educational process in order for their graduates to be able to compete in the international labour market. The study of the experience of teachers' professional training in advanced countries opens new opportunities for improving the system of pedagogical training in Ukraine in order to adapt it to the requirements of the European educational space. The progressive achievements of countries demonstrating a high level of teachers' professional training in accordance with international standards, having rich historical educational traditions are of considerable scientific interest; consequently, this contributes to their leadership in science and education at the regional and global levels. The purpose of the present academic paper lies in analysing the latest trends in exploring teaching experience in the European countries and performance review of passing by students and teachers of the program on studying of pedagogical practice and experience of teaching in the countries of Europe. Methodology. Analytical and empirical (questionnaire) methods were used in the research process. Results. According to the obtained results of the research, the advantages, the most common areas of educational programs and the wishes of the participants regarding the practical implementation of the experience were identified.

      • Information Technologies in the Formation of Environmental Consciousness in Future Professionals

        Tomchuk, Mykhailo,Khrolenko, Maryna,Volokhata, Kateryna,Bakka, Yuliia,Ieresko, Oleg,Kambalova, Yanina International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2022 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.22 No.1

        The global process of transition from industrial to information society, as well as socio-economic changes taking place in Ukraine, require significant changes in many areas of state activity. It is especially connected with the reforms in the sphere of education. Today, national programs provide for the development of education on the basis of new progressive concepts, the introduction of the educational process of new pedagogical technologies and scientific achievements, the creation of a new system of information education, entrance of Ukaine into the transcontinental computer information system. Information technologies are qualitatively changing the key resources of development: this is no longer a space with fixed production, but primarily mobile finance and intelligence. They have a direct impact on the formation of personal growth, professional content and self-organization, emotional and psychological maturity and consciousness, and so on. One of the main factors in ensuring the stability and social education of the country's citizens is the culture of security, the formation and development of which is an urgent problem today. Comprehensive and systematic development of security culture will significantly increase the readiness of the population, the level of environmental, labor and patriotic education, reduce human losses, material damage from emergencies. Ecological education can be carried out more successfully only gradually and in accordance with the socio-psychological periods of one's development: kindergarten - school - college - university. The creation of such a system of environmental education should be enshrined as the basis of state environmental policy as a constitutional norm with the usage of information technology. Graduates of universities, who are the future of our country, after mastering the skills of basic environmental education must have a high level of environmental culture, which is, in turn, part of general human culture, and investigate environmental issues from the standpoint of their profession. It is known that with the help of environmental education the collective intelligence of society is formed, which can predict human activities and processes occurring in nature, and in some way to help with the elimination of crises. It is through environmental education that another system of human values is being formed, which places great emphasis on intangible wealth and solidarity, and great responsibility of humanity for the ecological state of the native country; provides a higher standard of living as a result of sustainable development, through the introduction of information technology in this system. To improve the quality of life, we need better knowledge, which must be implemented through information technology at the international level.

      • Distance Learning for Higher Education Applicants in War: Information Competence

        Hanna, Truba,Iryna, Radziievska,Mykhailo, Sherman,Nataliia, Morska,Alla, Kulichenko,Nataliia, Havryliuk International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2022 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.22 No.10

        Modern challenges in the educational environment force scientists and practitioners to search for an adequate answer. In particular, the war in Ukraine demonstrated the importance of developing information competence as one of the main means of distinguishing true information from a whole stream of fake news. This is especially relevant in connection with the introduction of distance learning when students must find and process a large amount of information on their own. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to analyze the training of higher education students through the prism of acquiring the necessary level of informational competence in war conditions. For this, general scientific and special research methods, as well as the experimental method, were used. In the results, the peculiarities of the interpretation of information competence in the distance form of education among modern researchers are determined, the psychological components of resistance to fakes are analyzed. Based on the conducted empirical measurements, it was established that thorough work on student education gives positive skills when working independently with Internet materials, strengthens the ability to distinguish false information and propaganda from the real state of affairs. The conclusions summarize the results of the empirical research and suggest ways to improve the situation with the formation of information competence.

      • Design and Hardware Implementation of Fractal Comb-Structured Signals

        Yuriy Bobalo,Andriy Veryha,Mykhailo Klymash,Bohdan Mandziy,Ruslan Politanskyi 한국산학기술학회 2014 SmartCR Vol.4 No.6

        Currently, wireless communications networks are developing very quickly and are utilizing more spectral resources. Despite all the efforts to improve wireless network performance and energy-efficiency, spectrum is still overloaded. This problem results in decreasing signal strength and increasing influence of interference. Therefore, it is highly important to develop new methods of data transmission in wireless networks, providing better energy- and spectral-efficiency. In this paper, we propose new types of fractional comb-structured signals. We developed signal models for different types of fractional signals. We also developed hardware for fractional signal generation and transmission based on the PIC16F873 microcontroller. Finally, we conducted experimental analysis of the obtained signals via oscilloscope. Results show that the proposed signal model can be implemented in wideband wireless communications networks, providing good characteristics.

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