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      • KCI등재

        Investigating the Moderating Impact of Hedonism on Online Consumer Behavior

        Mazaheri, Ebrahim,Richard, Marie-Odile,Laroche, Michel Korean Academy of Marketing Science 2010 마케팅과학연구 Vol.20 No.2

        考?到消?者和供?商的利益, 公司利用???媒介??通?向消?者???品. ?一??使得?多?究者和??者都?注?上?物?境?一?域. 本文??了?上消?者行?和具有不同快?主?水平的?址的模型. ?以往的?究不同, 我?包括了所有三?情?(激?, 快?和支配)??此?用到模型中. 本?究中, 我?假??址的外?, 例如背景?色, 音?和字?在消?者最初接?到?址?均影?三?情?(Mazaheri, Richard, and Laroche, 2011). 反之, ?些情??影?消?者??址??的感知??址信息量, 效率和??性的感知. ?些假??Zajonc (1980)的?究一致. 他??情感的作用是?立于感性的和?知操作?且可以影?回?. 我?因此提出?址??和流量的感知影?消?者??址和?品的?度, ?址卷入和??意?. ?外, 我??究?址的快?主?水平?模型中所有?系的??作用. 因此, 我?比?享??址路?系? "高" 和 "低". 我?用39???的?站涵盖了12??品??(8?服?和4??物?品)???模型. ?其中, 回?者??20?是高享?, 19??低享?. EQS6.1的?果支持整?模型: x2=1787 (df=504), CFI=.994; RMSEA=.031. 所有假?都是?著的. ?外, 多群?分析表明在高享?和低享??址群?之?的??非不?量??路?. ?些?果支持三?情?影?消?者??址??, 流量和其他消?者行??量的?知. 我???快??大的影???址?度和?址??性的?知. 激???的影?其他??情?, ?址信息量的?知和?址卷入. 而且, 激??流量的影?非常?著. ?些?果?明在支配和消?者??址效率的?知之?有?强的相?. 支配同?和?址?度和流量相?. ?外, ?果?表明?址卷入和??品的?度是??意?最重要的??因素. ?址信息量和流量也??的影???意?. 多群?分析的?果支持?址快?主?的??作用. ?低(高)享??址相比, ?用(享?)?性?其他?量的影?比高(低)享??址更强. 在?三?情?中, 支配(控制感)影?在高享??址中更强. 快?影?在低享??址中更强. 而且, ?址信息量的影??高享??址更强. ?一方面, 信息效率??址信息量?知的影?和?址卷入??品?度的影?在低享??址中更强. Considering the benefits for both consumers and suppliers, firms are taking advantage of the Internet as a medium to communicate with and sell products to their consumers. This trend makes the online shopping environment a growing field for both researchers and practitioners. This paper contributes by testing a model of online consumer behavior with websites varying in levels of hedonism. Unlike past studies, we included all three types of emotions (arousal, pleasure, and dominance) and flow into the model. In this study, we assumed that website interfaces, such as background colors, music, and fonts impact the three types of emotions at the initial exposure to the site (Mazaheri, Richard, and Laroche, 2011). In turn, these emotions influence flow and consumers' perceptions of the site atmospherics-perception of site informativeness, effectiveness, and entertainment. This assumption is consistent with Zajonc (1980) who argued that affective reactions are independent of perceptual and cognitive operations and can influence responses. We, then, propose that the perceptions of site atmospherics along with flow, influence customers' attitudes toward the website and toward the product, site involvement, and purchase intentions. In addition, we studied the moderating impact of the level of hedonism of websites on all the relationship in the model. Thus, the path coefficients were compared between "high" and "low" hedonic websites. We used 39 real websites from 12 product categories (8 services and 4 physical goods) to test the model. Among them, 20 were perceived as high hedonic and 19 as low hedonic by the respondents. The result of EQS 6.1 support the overall model: $\chi^2$=1787 (df=504), CFI=.994; RMSEA=.031. All the hypotheses were significant. In addition, the results of multi-groups analyses reveal several non-invariant structural paths between high and low hedonic website groups. The findings supported the model regarding the influence of the three types of emotions on customers' perceptions of site atmospherics, flow, and other customer behavior variables. It was found that pleasure strongly influenced site attitudes and perceptions of site entertainment. Arousal positively impacted the other two types of emotions, perceptions of site informativeness, and site involvement. Additionally, the influence of arousal on flow was found to be highly significant. The results suggested a strong association between dominance and customers' perceptions of site effectiveness. Dominance was also found to be associated with site attitudes and flow. Moreover, the findings suggested that site involvement and attitudes toward the product are the most important antecedents of purchase intentions. Site informativeness and flow also significantly influenced purchase intentions. The results of multi-group analysis supported the moderating impacts of hedonism of the websites. Compared to low (high) hedonic sites, the impacts of utilitarian (hedonic) attributes on other variables were stronger in high (low) hedonic websites. Among the three types of emotions, dominance (controlling feelings) effects were stronger in high hedonic sites and pleasure effects were stronger in low hedonic sites. Moreover, the impact of site informativeness was stronger for high hedonic websites compared to their low-hedonic counterparts. On the other hand, the influence of effectiveness of information on perceptions of site informativeness and the impact of site involvement on product attitudes were stronger for low hedonic websites than for high hedonic ones.

      • KCI등재

        Investigating the Moderating Impact of Hedonism on Online Consumer Behavior

        Ebrahim Mazaheri,Marie-Odile Richard,Michel Laroche 한국마케팅과학회 2010 마케팅과학연구 Vol.20 No.2

        考虑到消费者和供应商的利益,公司利用网络为媒介来沟通并向消费者销售产品。这一趋势使得很多研究者和实践者都关注网上购物环境这一领域。本文测试了网上消费者行为和具有不同快乐主义水平的网址的模型。与以往的研究不同,我们包括了所有三种情绪(激励,快乐和支配)并将此运用到模型中。本研究中,我们假设网址的外观,例如背景颜色,音乐和字体在消费者最初接触到网址时均影响三种情绪(Mazaheri, Richard, and Laroche, 2011)。反之,这些情绪会影响消费者对网址氛围的感知–网址信息量,效率和娱乐性的感知。这些假设与Zajonc (1980)的研究一致。他认为情感的作用是独立于感性的和认知操作并且可以影响回应。我们因此提出网址氛围和流量的感知影响消费者对网址和产品的态度,网址卷入和购买意图。另外,我们研究网址的快乐主义水平对模型中所有关系的调节作用。因此,我们比较享乐网址路径系数“高”和“低”。我们用39个真实的网站涵盖了12种产品类别(8种服务和4种实物产品)来测试模型。这其中,回复者认为20个是高享乐,19个为低享乐。 EQS6.1的结果支持整体模型: χ2=1787 (df=504), CFI=.994; RMSEA=.031。所有假设都是显著的。另外,多群组分析表明在高享乐和低享乐网址群组之间的几个非不变量结构路径。这些结果支持三种情绪影响消费者对网址氛围,流量和其他消费者行为变量的认知。我们发现快乐极大的影响这网址态度和网址娱乐性的认知。激励积极的影响其他两种情绪,网址信息量的认知和网址卷入。而且,激励对流量的影响非常显著。这些结果说明在支配和消费者对网址效率的认知之间有很强的相关。支配同时和网址态度和流量相关。另外,结果还表明网址卷入和对产品的态度是购买意图最重要的两个因素。网址信息量和流量也积极的影响购买意图。多群组分析的结果支持网址快乐主义的调节作用。与低(高)享乐网址相比,实用(享乐)属性对其他变量的影响比高(低)享乐网址更强。在这三种情绪中,支配(控制感)影响在高享乐网址中更强。快乐影响在低享乐网址中更强。而且,网址信息量的影响对高享乐网址更强。另一方面,信息效率对网址信息量认知的影响和网址卷入对产品态度的影响在低享乐网址中更强。 Considering the benefits for both consumers and suppliers, firms are taking advantage of the Internet as a medium to communicate with and sell products to their consumers. This trend makes the online shopping environment a growing field for both researchers and practitioners. This paper contributes by testing a model of online consumer behavior with websites varying in levels of hedonism. Unlike past studies, we included all three types of emotions (arousal, pleasure, and dominance) and flow into the model. In this study, we assumed that website interfaces, such as background colors, music, and fonts impact the three types of emotions at the initial exposure to the site (Mazaheri, Richard, and Laroche, 2011). In turn, these emotions influence flow and consumers’ perceptions of the site atmospherics–perception of site informativeness, effectiveness, and entertainment. This assumption is consistent with Zajonc (1980) who argued that affective reactions are independent of perceptual and cognitive operations and can influence responses. We, then, propose that the perceptions of site atmospherics along with flow, influence customers’ attitudes toward the website and toward the product, site involvement, and purchase intentions. In addition, we studied the moderating impact of the level of hedonism of websites on all the relationship in the model. Thus, the path coefficients were compared between “high” and “low” hedonic websites. We used 39 real websites from 12 product categories (8 services and 4 physical goods) to test the model. Among them, 20 were perceived as high hedonic and 19 as low hedonic by the respondents. The result of EQS 6.1 support the overall model: χ2=1787 (df=504), CFI=.994; RMSEA=.031. All the hypotheses were significant. In addition, the results of multi-groups analyses reveal several non-invariant structural paths between high and low hedonic website groups. The findings supported the model regarding the influence of the three types of emotions on customers’ perceptions of site atmospherics, flow, and other customer behavior variables. It was found that pleasure strongly influenced site attitudes and perceptions of site entertainment. Arousal positively impacted the other two types of emotions, perceptions of site informativeness, and site involvement. Additionally, the influence of arousal on flow was found to be highly significant. The results suggested a strong association between dominance and customers’ perceptions of site effectiveness. Dominance was also found to be associated with site attitudes and flow. Moreover, the findings suggested that site involvement and attitudes toward the product are the most important antecedents of purchase intentions. Site informativeness and flow also significantly influenced purchase intentions. The results of multi-group analysis supported the moderating impacts of hedonism of the websites. Compared to low (high) hedonic sites, the impacts of utilitarian (hedonic) attributes on other variables were stronger in high (low) hedonic websites. Among the three types of emotions, dominance (controlling feelings) effects were stronger in high hedonic sites and pleasure effects were stronger in low hedonic sites. Moreover, the impact of site informativeness was stronger for high hedonic websites compared to their low-hedonic counterparts. On the other hand, the influence of effectiveness of information on perceptions of site informativeness and the impact of site involvement on product attitudes were stronger for low hedonic websites than for high hedonic ones.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Major Components of Purslane Cultivars (Portulaca oleracea L.) in Iran

        Hassan Mazaheri,Mohammadreza Hassandokht,Kasra Saidfar 한국원예학회 2009 Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology Vol.50 No.1

        Purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) is a nutritive vegetable used for human diet. We are analyzed the major components of four Iranian purslane cultivars, ‘Ahwaz’, ‘Behbahan’, ‘Bushehr’ and ‘Tehran’. Behbahan had the highest amount of protein (23.8%) among cultivars. Alpha- linolenic acid (18:3ω3) content of studied cultivars ranged from 1.52- 2.28 ㎎ㆍg<SUP>-1</SUP> dry weight that accounted for 32.2- 41.4% of total fatty acids. ‘Tehran’ cultivar had the highest content of dry matter (7.7%), total fatty acid (5.85 ㎎ㆍg<SUP>-1</SUP> dry weight) and α-linolenic acid (2.28 ㎎ㆍg<SUP>-1</SUP> dry weight). Total fatty acid ranged from 3.79- 5.85 ㎎?g<SUP>-1</SUP> dry weight in all cultivars. Contents of potassium (K) and calcium (Ca) were 17.80 and 13.12 ㎎ㆍg<SUP>-1</SUP> dry weight, respectively. Results indicate that Iranian purslane cultivars are rich source of a-linolenic acid, protein and mineral elements and potentially beneficial for human diet.

      • KCI등재

        Assessing the Effect of Zinc Supplementation on the Frequency of Migraine Attack, Duration, Severity, Lipid Profile and hs-CRP in Adult Women

        ( Monireh Mazaheri ),( Arash Mosarrezaii Aghdam ),( Mohammad Heidari ),( Rasoul Zarrin ) 한국임상영양학회 2021 Clinical Nutrition Research Vol.10 No.2

        Migraine is a widespread incapacitating neurologic disorder with debilitating headaches which are usually throbbing due to inefficacy and several side effects, complementary therapies recommended as possible alternatives. The current randomized controlled trial was carried out to evaluate the effect of zinc gluconate supplementation on migraine-related symptoms, serum level of high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and lipid profile in migraineurs. Present study was designed as randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Sixty women with migraine (mean age of 35.44 ± 7.42 years) were randomly allocated to obtain 15 mg per day of zinc gluconate or placebo for 12 weeks. Frequency, periods of headaches and severity of migraine based on numerical rating scale questionnaire and migraine disability assessment (MIDAS) test were checked. Fasting serum level of lipid profile and hs-CRP were assessed at the beginning and the end of trial. Zinc gluconate supplementation significantly reduced the frequency (p = 0.001), periods of migraine attacks (p < 0.001) and severity of migraine and MIDAS (p < 0.001) compared with control group. The serum level of low-density lipoprotein (p < 0.001), total cholesterol (p < 0.001) and hs-CRP (p < 0.001) decreased following zinc supplementation, but no significant differences in serum level of triglycerides (p = 0.1) and high-density lipoprotein (p = 0.3) was observed. However, after adjustment for baseline values using analysis of covariance test, none of lipid profile components and hs-CRP showed a significant difference. Zinc supplementation has beneficial effect on the migraine related complications like its severity, frequency.

      • KCI등재후보

        A new constitutive model to predict effective elastic properties of plain weave fabric composites

        Amir H. Mazaheri,Fathollah Taheri-behrooz 국제구조공학회 2021 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.77 No.5

        In this study, a new constitutive model has been developed to predict the elastic behavior of plain weave textile composites, using the finite element (FE) method. The geometric conditions and basic assumptions of this model are based on the basics of a continuum theory developed for the plane curved composites. In this model, the mechanical properties of the weave region and pure matrix region is calculated separately and then imported for the FE analysis. This new constitutive model is used to implement the mechanical properties of weave region in the representative volume element (RVE). The constitutive relations are implemented as user-material subroutine code (UMAT) in ABAQUS® FE software. The results of FE analysis have been compared with experimental results and other data available in the literature. These comparisons confirmed the capability of the presented model for the prediction of effective elastic properties of plain weave fabric composites.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of antioxidants on push-out bond strength of hydrogen peroxide treated glass fiber posts bonded with two types of resin cement

        Khoroushi, Maryam,Mazaheri, Hamid,Tarighi, Pardis,Samimi, Pouran,Khalighinejad, Navid The Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry 2014 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.39 No.4

        Objectives: Hydrogen peroxide ($H_2O_2$) surface treatment of fiber posts has been reported to increase bond strength of fiber posts to resin cements. However, residual oxygen radicals might jeopardize the bonding procedure. This study examined the effect of three antioxidant agents on the bond strength of fiber posts to conventional and self-adhesive resin cements. Materials and Methods: Post spaces were prepared in forty human maxillary second premolars. Posts were divided into five groups of 8 each: G1 (control), no pre-treatment; G2, 10% $H_2O_2$ pre-treatment; G3, G4 and G5. After $H_2O_2$ application, Hesperidin (HES), Sodium Ascorbate (SA) or Rosmarinic acid (RA) was applied on each group respectively. In each group four posts were cemented with Duo-Link conventional resin cement and the others with self-adhesive BisCem cement. Push-out test was performed and data were analyzed using 2-way ANOVA and tukey's post-hoc test (${\alpha}=0.05$). Results: There was a statistically significant interaction between the cement type and post surface treatment on push-out bond strength of fiber posts (p < 0.001, F = 16). Also it was shown that different posts' surface treatments significantly affect the push-out bond strength of fiber posts (p = 0.001). $H_2O_2$ treated posts (G2) and control posts (G1) cemented with Duo-link showed the highest ($15.96{\pm}5.07MPa$) and lowest bond strengths ($6.79{\pm}3.94$) respectively. Conclusions: It was concluded that $H_2O_2$ surface treatment might enhance the bond strength of fiber posts cemented with conventional resin cements. The effect of antioxidants as post's surface treatment agents depends on the characteristics of resin cements used for bonding procedure.

      • Fabrication of Mg/Al<sub>12</sub>Mg<sub>17</sub> in-situ surface nanocomposite via friction stir processing

        Azizieh, Mahdi,Mazaheri, Mojtaba,Balak, Zohre,Kafashan, Hosein,Kim, Hyoung Seop Elsevier 2018 Materials science & engineering. properties, micro Vol.712 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>In this study, in-situ magnesium matrix surface nanocomposites were prepared by adding Al particles to an as-cast pure Mg ingot using friction stir processing (FSP). The effects of the number of FSP passes, tool design, rotational and travel speeds were investigated. Microstructural investigations showed a significant grain refinement owing to dynamic recrystallization. According to scanning electron microscopy examinations and X-ray diffraction results, Al<SUB>12</SUB>Mg<SUB>17</SUB> intermetallics were formed during FSP due to chemical reaction at the Al-Mg interface. As a result of severe plastic deformation, the intermetallic particles formed at nanometre size. X-ray diffraction showed that the crystalline size of intermetallic particles reached ≤ 50nm, due to high material flow during FSP. The intermetallic formation and grain refining led to an increase in the hardness values 1.5–3 times) that of the as-cast pure Mg ingot.</P>



        Shams, Maram,Mazaheri, Hamid,Vaezpour, Sayed Mansour Korean Mathematical Society 2008 대한수학회보 Vol.45 No.3

        The purpose of this paper is to introduce and discuss the concept of ${\omega}$-Chebyshev subspaces in Banach spaces. The concept of quasi Chebyshev in Banach space is defined. We show that ${\omega}$-Chebyshevity of subspaces are a new class in approximation theory. In this paper, also we consider orthogonality in normed spaces.

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