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      • DNA-Linker-Induced SurfaceAssembly of Ultra DenseParallel Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Arrays

        Han, Si-ping,Maune, HareemT.,Barish, Robert D.,Bockrath, Marc,Goddard, William A. American ChemicalSociety 2012 Nano letters Vol.12 No.3

        <P>Ultrathin film preparations of single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) allow economical utilization of nanotube properties in electronics applications. Recent advances have enabled production of micrometer scale SWNT transistors and sensors but scaling these devices down to the nanoscale, and improving the coupling of SWNTs to other nanoscale components, may require techniques that can generate a greater degree of nanoscale geometric order than has thus far been achieved. Here, we introduce linker-induced surface assembly, a new technique that uses small structured DNA linkers to assemble solution dispersed nanotubes into parallel arrays on charged surfaces. Parts of our linkers act as spacers to precisely control the internanotube separation distance down to <3 nm and can serve as scaffolds to position components such as proteins between adjacent parallel nanotubes. The resulting arrays can then be stamped onto other substrates. Our results demonstrate a new paradigm for the self-assembly of anisotropic colloidal nanomaterials into ordered structures and provide a potentially simple, low cost, and scalable route for preparation of exquisitely structured parallel SWNT films with applications in high-performance nanoscale switches, sensors, and meta-materials.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Karl Haag, Modern Linguistics, and ‘Real Character’

        Ian Maun 세종대학교 언어연구소 2016 Journal of Universal Language Vol.17 No.2

        This paper introduces the German linguist Karl Haag (1860-1946) and places his work within the historical context of writings on ‘universal language’, artificial languages and the development of mathematics and logic in the early part of the 20th century. Haag’s 1902 book develops a system to describe the logical structure of language and to represent it not by words but by symbols. The basis of the system is that language is predicated on the human body and it is through our perceptions of space (the vertical, the horizontal, the distant, and the enclosed) that we create both literal and figurative language. These perceptions form semantic primes and may be applied equally to a number of fields, e.g., the biological and the mechanical. Haag produces symbols to represent the primes and the fields. He furthermore introduces the notion of ‘force levels’, by which a single concept such as ‘in’ may apply at five levels (be in, go in, put in, force in, be inserted). A basic argument-predicate structure is offered for syntax, and Haag demonstrates the elliptical nature of relative clauses, as well as the ways in which spatial primes may be used as conjunctions. A critique of the system follows. The relevance of Haag’s work to modern work on linguistics and to a digital Real Character is discussed and appropriate modifications and applications are suggested.

      • KCI등재

        Towards a ‘Real Character’ for the Computer Age

        Ian Maun 세종대학교 언어연구소 2013 Journal of Universal Language Vol.14 No.1

        This paper deals with the theory of a ‘Real Character,’ that is to say, a form of writing which conveys ideas, rather than sounds, and the possible application of such a system to computermediated communication. The need for increasingly efficient international communication is noted and the idea of ‘iconicity’ is incorporated into the argument, together with the narrower idea of the ‘symbol’ as defined by the semiotician Charles Sanders Peirce. Historical antecedents from the seventeenth century onwards are examined, as are present-day artificial languages. Modern research into semantic primes is linked to work on visual primes. The notion of ‘the sentence-as-character,’ is proposed, a format which dispenses with the need for linear syntax. The question of metaphorical meaning is discussed in the light of theories of embodiment. In order to facilitate speedy reading, on-screen Rapid Serial Visual Presentation of texts with animation, colour and 3-D is roposed. Technological issues of computer implementation and further development are raised, ways forward are examined, and cultural and linguistic problems tabled for further consideration.

      • KCI등재

        A Tiny Language: Implementing a ‘Real Character’

        Ian Maun 세종대학교 언어연구소 2018 Journal of Universal Language Vol.19 No.2

        This paper outlines the research thus far undertaken on a ‘Real Character’ (RC) for the digital age, i.e., a pasigraphy (a read-only form of writing) which may be understood by speakers of mutually unintelligible languages. Using Basic English (Ogden 1930, inter al.) as a lexicon, symbols drawn from the work of Haag (1902, 1935) and other symbols, a ‘Tiny Language’ is developed, with a minimal lexicon and few rules. Additional lexical items are created by combining fundamental RC characters. Learning-principles and exercises are provided. The question of the further development of RC is raised, together with the possibility of its becoming a handwritten script as well as digital character.

      • KCI등재

        ‘Real Character’: A New Focus

        Ian Maun 세종대학교 언어연구소 2017 Journal of Universal Language Vol.18 No.2

        This paper gives a brief résumé of the papers thus far published in this series (Maun 2013, 2015, 2016) and goes on to examine a number of questions which will influence the development of a modern-day digital ‘Real Character’. These include translation, lacunae, and idioms. Historical attempts at devising classifications of the world, or ‘ontologies’, are examined. In the light of differences between these attempts, together with the problems posed by translations, lacunae, and idioms, the idea of a universal Real Character is rejected in favour of a focused or tuned version, in which the language and culture of the recipient of a message are taken into account. The system of character composition is retained, but icons containing single characters may be replaced by others with supplementary elements which are necessary for comprehension by the recipient. The functioning of a Real Character Device is considered in the light of the proposed changes to the system of character-composition and syntactic formation.

      • KCI등재

        수도(水稻)의 동피해(銅被害)에 대한 물관리 및 석회물질의 효과

        김만수,한기학,김복영,이민효,김규식 한국환경농학회 1985 한국환경농학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        水稻에 對하여 土壤에서 銅의 濃度를 달리하고 改良劑로서 無施用 消石炭(中和量+㎏/10a) 및 硅炭石(200 ㎏/10a)을 施用한 後에 間斷灌水와 常時湛水로 調節하여 pot 試驗한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1) 收量은 銅 處理濃度가 높을수록 減收되었으며 有意性있는 土壤中 減收濃度는 間斷灌水 : 133.1 ppm 常時湛水 : 136.8 ppm이었다. 2) 銅 200 ppm인 土壤에서 消石炭 施用으로 26∼30% 硅炭石 施用으로 27∼48% 增收되었고 常時湛水하므로 間斷灌水보다 增水되었다. 3) 銅 含量이 높을수록 收量 構成要素中 株當 總數登熱率 및 千粒重이 減少되고 消石炭 및 硅炭石施用으로 穗數와 粒數가 적었다. 4) 銅 含量이 높을수록 玄米 및 莖葉中의 銅 含量이 增加되고 常時湛水 및 消石炭 施用으로 그 含量이 적어졌다. 5) 土壤中 Cu/Ca+Mg 當量比가 增加할수록 莖葉中 銅 含量이 높았다. 6) 石炭物質 施用으로 土壤 pH는 消石炭>硅炭石>無施用 順이었다. 7) 試驗土壤中 銅 含量은 常時湛水가 間斷灌水보다 높았다. A pot experiment was conducted to find out the effects of water management, slaked lime and wollastonite on growth and Cu uptake of rice at Cu added soil. The soil was adjusted to 0, 50, 100 and 200 ppm concentration of Cu. The application amount of slaked lime was the lime requirement plus 150 ㎏/l0a and wollastonite 200 ㎏/10a, respectively. The copper concentration in soil which reduced yield significantly was 133.1 ppm for submersion and 136.8 ppm for intermittent irrigation. The application of lime and wollastonite reduced Cu content in brown rice as well as increased rice yields compared to that of no lime. The copper content in plant was increased with increasing soil Cu concentration, however, reduced with submersion and application of slaked lime, and increased with increasing the ratio of Cu/Ca+Mg equivalent in soil.

      • 乾癬 및 表皮過形成을 보이는 數種皮膚病變에서 Lectin 結合에 關한 免疫酵素組織學的 硏究

        金萬吉,金秀男 고려대학교 의과대학 1986 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.23 No.3

        All animal cells have glycoconjugates on their cell surface which play vital roles in various cell function i.e., receptor, cell growth, differentiation and interaction with cellular environments. Recently, lectins which bind specific sugar residues of glycoconjugate gained popularity in histochemical study of cell membrane. We examined various lectin binding patterns in 12 cases of normal skin, 11 cases of psoriasis, 6 cases of psoriasiform dematitis, 5 cases of warts, and 6 cases of pseudwpitheliomatous hyperplasia, using avidin biotin peroxidase complex method. The results obtained are as follows: 1. Of the 8 lectins, Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), Ricinus communis agglutinin I (RCAI), Concanavalin (Con-A) and Peanut agglutinin (PNA) showed positive binding in the skin tissues. 2. Psoriasis and disease showing epidermal hyperplasia revealed altered lectin staining pattern compared with normal skin. 3. Con-A staining in the normal skin disappeared in psoriasis. 4. PNA lost its staining in the psoriasis. 5. Positive staining pattern of RCAI in the basal layer in the normal skin extended up to the stratum spinosum in the psoriasis. 6. Uninvolved psoriatic skin revealed same lectin binding as the normal skin. 7. Comparing with psoriasis, other diseases showing epithelial hyperplasia manifested no common lectin binding patterns according to degree of hyperplasia.

      • KCI등재

        ‘Real Character’: Towards a Lexicon

        Ian Maun 세종대학교 언어연구소 2015 Journal of Universal Language Vol.16 No.1

        This paper enlarges on previous work undertaken on a modern ‘Real Character,’ that is to say, a pasigraphical form of writing in which meanings are conveyed digitally to the reader by means of icons, indices and symbols (in the Peircean sense) without the intervention of phonetically-based writing. The purpose and audience for such a system are examined. The basis for a lexicon is sought in work on simplified language and possible semantic universals, and the process of affixation in natural languages is examined as a way of identifying prominent semantic notions. Estimates of necessary vocabulary size are made on the basis of previous studies. A critique of a number of existing visual languages is given and methods are suggested for converting semantic notions into a consistent system of images and characters. Ways of giving conceptual support in the digital transmission of such characters are examined. Principles based on work to date are summarised.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        수도생육(水稻生育)에 대한 Ozone(오존) 가스의 영향에 관한 연구 : 4. 수도(水稻)의 영양상태와 Ozone(오존) 가스 피해 4. Effects of Ozone Gas on Rice Growth at Different Nutrition Level

        이숙희,김만수,김복영 한국환경농학회 1987 한국환경농학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        水稻의 營養狀態와 Ozone가스 被害와의 關係를 究明하기 爲하여 眞珠벼를 供試하여 窒素, 燐酸, 加里, 標準肥에 各各 50%增肥 및 50%減肥하여 Ozone가스 0.3ppm을 3時間接觸後에 葉被害率, malondialdehyde, peroxidase의 電氣泳動 및 無機成分含量變化을 調査한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 窒素增施 및 加里減肥로 Ozone가스의 被害가 增加된다. 2. Ozone가스 被害率에서 malondialdehyde의 含量이 增加된다. 3. K₂O/N比가 낮을수록 葉被害가 增加한다. 4. Ozone가스 被害로 葉中 窒素, 燐酸, 加里含量이 減少하는 傾向이다. 5. Peroxidase를 電氣泳動한 結果 施肥量에 따른 band의 差異는 發見하지 못하였으나 Ozone가스 接觸으로 2, 3, 4번째 band에서 變化가 있었다. This study was carried out to investigate the effect of ozone gas on paddy rice at the different nutrition levels. Jinjubyeo variety of rice plant was exposed to 0.3 ppm ozone gas for 3 hours. It was cultivated at three different application levels, optimum, -50%, and +50% of optimum of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, respectively. After ozone gas fumigation, percentage of damaged leaf, malondialdehyde contents, activity of peroxidase, and nutrient contents of rice plant were observed. The results obtained are as follows. 1) Percentage of damaged leaf was increased at the both additional 50% application of nitrogen and 50% reduction of potassium. 2) Malondialdehyde contents of leaves were increased with the ozone gas exposure. 3) Percentage of damaged leaf was increased at the lower level of K₂O/N ratio in leaves. 4) Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium contents in rice leaves were decreased with the ozone gas exposure. 5) The peroxidase bands on gel in electrophoresis were changed by the ozone gas exposure.

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