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        Protective Effects of N-acetylcystenine and Selenium against Doxorubicin Toxicity in Rats

        Yeo-sung Yoon,Sun-don Kim,Min-hye Lee,Heung-shik S.Lee,In-se Lee,Je-kyung Sung,Eun-sung Park 대한수의학회 2003 Journal of Veterinary Science Vol.4 No.2

        Effects of N-acetylcysteine and Selenium against Doxorubicin Toxicity in RatsEun-sung Park, Sun-don Kim1, Min-hye Lee, Heung-shik S. Lee, In-se Lee, Je-kyung Sung and Yeo-sung Yoon*

      • 쿠싱증후군 환자에서 당 대사 이상 정도에 따른 인슐린 감수성과 인슐린 저항성의 변화

        정인경,김성훈,정재훈,민용기,이명식,이문규,유형준,안규정,노정현,김동준,김광원 대한내분비학회 2003 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.18 No.4

        연구배경 당질 코르티코이드는 당 대사에 매우 중요한 호르몬으로 내인성 당질 코르티코이드 과다상태인 쿠싱증후군에서는 말초조직에서 인슐린 저항이 증가하고 이를 보상하고자 인슐린 분비의 증가로 고인슐린혈증이 동반된다고 보고되고 있다. 하지만 생체 내에서와 달리 시험관내에서는 췌도세포에 당질 코르티코이드를 장시간 처리하면, 인슐린 분비 및 생합성이직접적으로 억제됨이 확인된 바 있어 쿠싱증후군 환자에서 당뇨병의 원인으로는 아마도 말초조직에서 증가된 인슐린 저항성 뿐 아니라 이를 충분히 보상하지 못하는 췌장에서의 인슐린 분비 저하가 같이 동반되어있지 않을까 하는 가설을 세우게 되었고, 아직까지 당질코르티코이드가 당대사 이상을 일으키는 기전에 대해 쿠싱증후군을 당대사 정도에 따라 인슐린 감수성과 분비능을 분석한 연구는 없었기에 이를 알아보고자 하였다. 방법: 삼성서울병원에서 쿠싱증후군으로 진단 받은 환자 15명을 대상으로 하였다. 이에 대한 대조군으로는 쿠싱증후군 환자와 같은 성별 그리고 체질량지수를 갖은 15명의 건강한 성인을 대상으로 비교 하였다 쿠싱증후군 환자를 대상으로 경구당부하 검사를 통해 당대사 정도를 정상군, 내당능장애군, 그리고 당뇨병군으로 나눈 후 정맥 당부하 검사를 시행하여 각군의 인슐린 저항성과 인슐린 분비능의 지표를 비교하고, 수술 후 쿠싱증후군이 완치된 상태에서 수술 전후의 당대사 지표의 변화를 조사하였다. 결과: 1) 쿠싱증후군 환자 중 정상인은 20%, 내당능 장애는 27%, 그리고 당뇨병은 53%였다. 체질량지수, 나이, 그리고 발병 기간은 세 군간에 의미 있는 차이가 없었으나, 24시간 소변검사의 코르티솔 농도는 당뇨병군에서 의미있게 높았다. 2) 정맥당부하 검사 결과, 인슐린 감수성 지표인 Sl는쿠싱증추린」서 1.58±0.10[×10^(-4)(min^(-1)(μU/mL)^(-1)]로 정상 대조군의 3.37±0.49[×10^(-4)(min^(-1)(μU/mL)^(-1)]에 비해 의미있게 낮았으나(P=0.024), 쿠싱증후군 환자 중 NGT, IGT, DM 군간에 서로 통계적인 차이는 없었다. 3) SG는 정상 대조군과 쿠싱증후군 환자간에는 의미있는 차이가 없었고, 쿠싱 증후군에 있어서 당대사가 악화될수록 감소하는 경향을 보였으나 의미있는 차이는 없었다. 4) 인슐린 분비능의 지표인 AIRg는 정상인에 비해 전체 쿠싱증후군 환자의 경우 증가하는 경향을 보였으나 의미있는 차이는 없었다. 하지만 쿠싱증후군 환자중에서 당대사 상태에 따라 NGT군은 1299 (1297∼1310)(mu/g/min ×10^(-2))로 정상 대조군(368.9±98.6[mu/g/min ×10^(-2)]) 보다도 의미있게 높았고, DM군{202.2 (91.1~371.4) [mu/g/min ×10^(-2)}은 NGT군에 비해 의미있게 낮았다(P=0.0031). 5) 15명중 현재 완치 상태에 있는 6명에 대해 수술전과 후로 비교하였다. 수술 전 당대사 상태가 1명은정상, 1명은 내당능 장애, 그리고 4명은 당뇨병이었으나 수술 후 시행한 경구 당부하 검사상 모두 정상 당대사 상태를 보였다. 6) 수술 후 완치된 환자 6명에 있어 인슐린 감수성지표인 Sl는 수술전에 중앙값이 1.22[×10^(-4)(min^(-1)(μU/mL)^(-1)]로 대조군에 비해 의미있게 감고』어 있었으나(p.0.05), 수술후 10.95 [×10^(-4)(min^(-1)(μU/mL)^(-1)]로 정상 수준으로 회복되었고(P=0.0022), 인슐린 분비능을 나타내는 AIRg [mu/g/min ×10^(-2)] 값도 정상수준으로 회복되었다. 특히 인슐린 분비능의 회복양상은 혈당농도에 따라 판이하게 나타나서, 정상과 내당능장애 상태에 있던 2명은 수술전에 1201 [mu/g/min ×10^(-2)]로 증가되어 있던 AIRg 값이 수술 후 정상 수준으로 감소하였고, 수술 전에 당뇨병 상태에 있던 4명의 경우 245.9 [mu/g/min ×10^(-2)]로 인슐린 분비능이 감고il어 있었는데 이들은 수술 후 모두 정상 수준으로 증가되었다 (P=0.0286). 결론: 쿠싱증후군 환자에서 당대사 이상은 80%로 높은 유병률을 보였다. 모든 쿠싱증후군환자에서 인슐린 감수성은 정상인에 비해 저하되어 있어 말초조직의 인슐린 저항이 선행됨을 시사하며, 인슐린 분비능은 당대사의 정도에 따라 다르게 나타났는데, 정상 당대사군에서는 인슐린의 저항성을 극복할 만큼 정상 대조군보다 더 많은 양의 인슐린 분비를 하다가 고코르티솔혈증이 심할수록 인슐린 분비능의 감소로 당뇨병으로 진행됨을 확인할 수 있었고, 이런 인슐린 저항성과 인슐린 분비장애는 수술 후 다시 회복되는 가역적인변화를 보였다. Background: Glucocorticoid plays an important role in the control of carbohydrate metabolism. Patients with Cushing's syndrome have been reported to have an increased incidence of carbohydrate intolerance due to peripheral insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia, although the exact incidence and nature of this disorder have remained unclear. Few results have been published about insulin resistance and insulin secretion according to the level of glucose concentration, or about the reversibility of such defects in patients with Cushing's syndrome. Methods: To assess the effect of glucocorticoid on the insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion in Cushing's syndrome, 15 patients with Cushing's syndrome were classified into 3 groups (normal glucose tolerance: NGT, impaired glucose tolerance: IGT, diabetes: DM) according to the degree of glucose tolerance based on the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). Insulin modified, frequently sampled, intravenous glucose tolerance test (FSIGT) was performed before and after curative surgery on these patients and on 15 healthy control subjects. Data were evaluated by non-parametric statistical analysis. Results: 1) Among the 15 patients with Cushing's syndrome, 3 (20%) were NGT, 4 (27%) IGT, and 8 (53%) DM, based on OGTT. Twenty-four hour urinary free cortisol (UFC) was significantly higher in the DM group. 2) Insulin sensitivity index (SI) of Cushing's syndrome was significantly lower than that of the control group p=0.0024), but was not significantly different among the three Cushing's syndrome groups of NGT, IGT and DM. 3) Glucose mediated glucose disposal (SG) (Ed- confirm this abbreviation; it does not seem to match the definition) of Cushing's syndrome was not significantly different from that of the control group. 4) Insulin secretion (AIRg) of Cushing's syndrome tended to be high, but it was not significantly different from that of control. However, according to the level of glucose concentration there was significant difference in AlRg among the three Cushing's syndrome groups p=0.0031); AIRg of DM was significantly lower than that of NGT. 5) After surgical treatment, parameters of insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion were normalized in 6 cured patients; 1 with NGT, 1 with IGT, and 4 with DM, preoperatively. Median SI of all 6 patients was significantly improved up to the normal range postoperatively p=0.0022). Median AIRg of these 6 patients was balanced around that of normal control postoperatively p=0.0286). Conclusion: Eighty percent of patients with Cushing's syndrome had abnormality of carbohydrate metabolism. Insulin sensitivity was significantly decreased in Cushing's syndrome. Insulin secretion was significantly higher only in the NGT and IGT groups of Cushing's syndrome. As the hypercortisolemia is exacerbated, insulin secretion is significantly decreased and causes DM, suggesting that glucocorticoid has a direct or indirect toxic effect on the pancreatic beta cell (J Kor SOC Endocrinol 18:392-403, 2003).


        총경동맥 폐쇄시간에 따르는 국소 뇌혈류 변화 : 실험적 연구 An Experimental Cat Model

        강준기,성태경,조병일,백민우,김문찬,허춘웅,하영수,송진언 대한신경외과학회 1983 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.12 No.3

        The microvasculature of the brain is also quite susceptible to ischemic insult, and substantial portions of the brain are not reperfused after restoration of the blood supply following overtime of critical ischemic periods. The purpose of this series of experiments was to determine the effects of ischemia on subsequential regional cerebral blood flow measurements and cortical electric activities following reperfusion after ischemia and also to define the proper time of vascular occlusion without irreversible neural damage. Cerebral ischemia was induced in cat by bilateral common carotid occlusions for periods of 10, 30, to 60 minutes, and the blood supply was reperfused for 3 hours after clamp-off. Regional cerebral blood flow(rCBF) was measured by hydrogen clearance technique following ischemia, restoration of blood supply and electroencephalogram recovery could be predicted according to the rCBF. Forty adult cats weighing 2.7 to 4.0㎏ were used in this study. The animals were divided into 4 groups of 10 cats each : normal control, 10 min-clamped, 30 min-clamped, and 60 min-clamped groups. The results obtained were as follows : 1) The mean rCBF was 24.6±7.0㎖/100g/min in control group. 2) Bilateral carotid occlusions resulted in a reduction of the rCBF(12.4±4.1㎖/100g/min) to 50% of control flow on both hemispheres. 3) Sequential changes of the rCBF after reperfusion : (1) There was restored the rCBF(21.3±5.1㎖/100g/min) to control flow in the 10 minutes-clamped group. (2) There was a 85% recovery of control flow in the 30 minutes-clamped group. (3) There was a only 25% recovery of control flow in the 60 minutes-clamped group. 4) A close correlation was found between cortical electrical activity and rCBF suggesting a threshold relationship. (1) The changes of cortical electric activity began to notice at rCBF less than 17.4±4.7㎖/100g/min. (2) The recovery of cortical electric activity noted at rCBF more than 10.2±2.3㎖/100g/min. 5) There was no evidence of ischemic involvement at the cortex, white matter and basal ganglia in the 10 minutes clamped group, but demonstrated a dense wedge shaped infarct at the cortex and uncus herniation in the 60 minutes clamped group. The rCBF and cortical electric activity restored to normal values in reperfusion within 10 minutes after occlusion of both common carotid arteries.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Ultrasonic Degradation of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds in Seawater and Brackish Water

        So Young Park,Jong Sung Park,Ha Yoon Lee,Ji Yong Heo,Yeo Min Yoon,Kyung Ho Choi,Nam Guk Her 대한환경공학회 2011 Environmental Engineering Research Vol.16 No.3

        In this study, a series of experiments was conducted on the relative degradation of commonly known endocrine-disrupting compounds such as bisphenol A (BPA) and 17α-ethinyl estradiol (Ee₂) in a single-component aqueous solution using 28 and 580 kHz ultrasonic reactors. The experiments were conducted with three different types of model water: deionized water (DI), synthetic brackish water (SBW), and synthetic seawater (SSW) at pH 4, 7.5, and 11 in the presence of inert glass beads and humic acids. Significantly higher sonochemical degradation (93-97% for BPA) occurred at 580 kHz than at 28 kHz (43-61% for BPA), regardless of water type. A slightly higher degradation was observed for Ee₂ compared to that of BPA. The degradation rate of BPA and Ee₂ in DI water, SBW, and SSW after 30 min of ultrasound irradiation at 580 kHz increased slightly with the increase in pH from 4 (0.073-0.091 min-1 for BPA and 0.081-0.094 min-1 for Ee₂) to 7.5 (0.087-0.114 min-1 for BPA and 0.092?0.124 min-1 for Ee₂). In contrast, significant degradation was observed at pH 11 (0.149-0.221 min-1 for BPA and 0.147-0.228 min-1 for Ee₂). For the given frequencies of 28 and 580 kHz, the degradation rate increased in the presence of glass beads (0.1 mm and 25 g) for both BPA and Ee₂: 0.018-0.107 min-1 without beads and 0.052-0.142 min-1 with beads for BPA; 0.021-0.111 min-1 without beads and 0.054-0.136 min-1 with beads for Ee₂. A slight increase in degradation of both BPA and Ee₂ was found as the concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC, humic acids) increased in both SBW and SSW: 0.107-0.115 min-1 in SBW and 0.087-0.101 min-1 in SSW for BPA; 0.111-0.111 min-1 in SWB and 0.092-0.105 min-1 in SSW for Ee₂. After 30 min of sonicating the humic acid solution, DOC removal varied depending on the water type: 27% (3 mg L-1) and 7% (10 mg L-1) in SBW and 7% (3 mg L-1) and 4% (10 mg L-1) in SSW.

      • KCI등재

        태연혈(太淵穴)의 유침 시간에 따른 체온 변화 -적외선체열촬영(赤外線體熱撮影)을 중심으로-

        이봉효 ( Bong Hyo Lee ),이경민 ( Kyung Min Lee ),박지하 ( Ji Ha Park ),김민서 ( Min Seo Kim ),김산들 ( San Deul Kim ),박병규 ( Byeong Gyu Park ),양현동 ( Hyun Dong Yang ),예성호 ( Sung Ho Yea ),이호정 ( Ho Jung Lee ),최재원 ( Jae 경락경혈학회 2012 Korean Journal of Acupuncture Vol.29 No.2

        Objectives: This study was performed to find the desirable remaining time of needle in the acupuncture treatment. Methods: The 21 volunteers were given acupuncture at LU9 vertically and needles were remained for 2 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min, respectively. The thermographic change induced by acupuncture was measured with Digital Infrared Thermographic Image at the following acupoints: LU11, LU10, LU9, LU8, LU5, LU1, and PC7. The statistical significance of thermographi change was evaluated using paired t-test and post hoc Wilcoxon test. Results: The most significant changes after acupuncture were produced when needles were remained for 10 min or 15 min. LU11, LU5, LU1, and PC7 were the point at which all of the remaining time produced significant change commonly. At LU11, the biggest change was produced when needle was remained for 15 min, while at LU5, LU1, and PC7, the biggest change was produced when needle was remained for 30 min, and the smallest change was produced when needle was remained for 10 min at all of acupoints of LU11, LU5, LU1, and PC7. The unbalance between left side and right was decreased the most largely in 15 min group. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that the desirable remaining time of acupuncture needle might be 15 min.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        우울증에서 보는 신체증상에 관한 연구

        민성길,김경희 大韓神經精神醫學會 1978 신경정신의학 Vol.17 No.2

        Two hundred and one inpatients with diagnosis of depressive neurosis, involutional melancholia and psychotic depression (including depression of manic-depressive psychosis) who had been found free from physical illness were studied for their somptoms in relation to diagnosis, sex, age, precipitating factor, premorbid personality and coexisting psychological feature. Average number of somatic symptoms recorded in charts was 4.8 (SD 1.56) per patient. Females and patients with depressive neurosis and involutional melancholia complained more somatic symptoms. Insomnia was most common and was significantly associated with loss-separation. Headache was more common in men and was significantly associated with obsessive personality, hostility, anxiety and depressive ideas. But somatic pain was more common in women and neurotic depression, and was significantly associated with hostility. Paresthesia was more common in involutional melancholia but otherwise was similar to somatic pain. Fatigability was more common in men and neurotic depression and was significantly associated with schizoid personality and fear for disease-death. Dizziness was more common in women and was associated with anxiety. Indigestion-anorexia was the second most common and complained more by women and depressive neurotics and was significantly associated with obsessive and schizoid personality, stress-frustration and with various emotional disturbances. Dyspnea and palpitation were similar to gastrointestinal complaints but were associated significantly with hostility. These result suggest that the choice of somatic symptoms in depression is influenced by some psychodynamic factors, and that more complaints of visceral systems, especially of gastrointestinal system may be characteristic for korean patients.

      • KCI등재

        청소년의 문제행동에 대한 인지행동 집단치료의 효과 : 폭력 행동을 중심으로 Focuced on Violent Behaviors

        민성길,이호분,육기환,남궁희승,류경희 大韓神經精神醫學會 1999 신경정신의학 Vol.38 No.4

        연구목적 : 본 연구는 인지행동적 집단치료를 문제행동을 보이는 청소년에 시행하여 청소년 문제행동과 폭력행동의 감소에 미치는 효과를 평가하고 효과에 영향을 주는 요인을 찾아 청소년 문제행동과 폭력행동에 대한 개입의 모델을 제시하려하였다. 방 법 : 교사들에 의해 문제행동을 보이는 학생으로 의뢰된 27명의 중학교 2학년 남녀학생들에게 15 회기에 걸친 인지행동적 집단치료를 시행하였다. 대조군은 같은 중학교 2학년 남녀 학생 20명으로 이들에게는 치료를 실시하지 않았다. 대상군과 대조군을 치료 전후에 자기기술형 비행척도, 폭력행동척도를 작성하게 하였으며, 담임 교사로 하여금 대상군에게 치료전후에 교사용 문제행동 척도, 문제행동 적발빈도 조사를 실시하였다. 결 과 : 1) 자기기술형 비행 척도, 폭력행동 척도로 평가한 결과 대상군에서는 치료 후에 비행이 유의하게 감소하였으며, 대조군과 비교하였을 때 양군간의 유의한 차이가 있었다. 2) 대상군에 대한 교사용 문제행동 척도, 문제행동 적발 빈도조사에서 치료 전후에 문제행동이 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 3) 치료효과를 조별로 비교하면 자기 기술형 비행척도는 조별로 유의하게 차이를 보였고. 2조는 교사용 문제행동 적발 빈도 조사를 제외한 모든 척도에서 유의한 호전을 보였다. 4) 문제행동의 호전에 영향을 주는 요인은 대상군의 성별, 문제행동정도와 치료자였으며, 폭력 행동의 호전에 영향을 주는 요인은 대상군의 문제행동정도였다. 결 론 : 문제행동을 보이는 청소년을 대상으로 한 인지행동적 집단치료는 그들 스스로 평가한 문제 행동 감소의 효과는 있었으나, 교사가 평가하기에는 유의한 차이가 없었으며, 폭력행동에 대해서 특이한 효과는 보여 주지 못하였다. 하지만 대상군의 성별, 문제행동의 정도, 치료자에 따라서는 문제행동의 감소, 폭력행동의 감소 모두에 효과가 있었다. 이러한 결과는 대상군의 선정과 치료자의 숙련도에 따라서는 인지-행동치료가 청소년 문제행동과 폭력행동에 대한 적절한 치료 모델이 될 수 있음을 시사한다. Objectives : The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of cognitive-behavioral group therapy on improving adolescents' behavioral problems, especially violent behavior. Method : The subjects were 27 middle school students referred by their teachers for behavioral problems. We devided them into 4 teams and treated them for 15 sessions of cognitive-behavioral group therapy. The control group were 20 middle school students who had no cognitive-behavioral therapy. We assessed their behaviors pre-and post intervention by two series of scale, ie. self ratings and teacher ratings. Self ratings included 'misbehavior scales' and 'violent behavior subscale' ; teacher ratings included 'teacher-children rating scale' and 'detection of misbehavior scale'. Result : 1) In self-rating scales, the misbehavior of the subject group decreased more than the coltrol group, but not the violent scale. There were statistically significant group differences of improving effect in misbehavior scales. 2) In teacher rating scales, there was no significant decrease in the behavioral problems of the subject group. 3) By teams there were significant different intervention effects among 4 teams in self rating misbehavior scale. Team 2 improved on all scales except teacher-rating detection of misbehavior scale. 4) Determinant factors of intervention effect on behavioral problems were the degree of baseline behavioral problems, sex of subjects and therapist. Conclusion : The results from this study suggest that cognitive-behavioral group therapy was effective in decreasing the behavioral problems of adolescents. But the effect of therapy depends on sex, the degree of behavioral problems of subjects and the therapist.

      • 자연대류를 고려한 전력용 변압기의 2차원 온도분포 해석

        민경조,김중경,한성진,주수원 東亞大學校附設 情報技術硏究所 2005 情報技術硏究所論文誌 Vol.13 No.1

        Recently, the efficiency of power transformer is improved and the size is becoming smaller. So, it is very important that temperature characteristics of the transformer should be estimated and predicted precisely. This paper deals with the temperature distribution of power transformer by simplified 2-D hybrid mesh model. The temperature distribution was obtained by CFD algorithm considering natural convection. Heat sources are calculated first by magnetic field analysis based on F.E.M. and are used as the input data for thermal field problem based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) algorithm. The calculated temperature distribution of the simplified 2-D power transformer model shows good results in accuracy as well as in computing time.

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