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        ( Kuroyanagi Shigeo ),유석훈 ( You Seok-hoon ) 한국일본근대학회 2018 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.61

        本硏究は、日本語と韓國語における接續連鎖現象を日韓兩コ一パスを利用して調査、分析し、どのようなタイプに分類することができるかを考察した。日本語や韓國語のように言語類型論的に膠着語と呼ばれる言語では、接續詞と接續助詞という二種類の接續表現を有している。そのために前後文脈を接續する際に接續助詞と接續詞の兩方が使われる場合があり、これを本硏究では接續連鎖現象と呼ぶ。 調査の結果、接續連鎖現象を三つのタイプに分類することができた。一つ目は接續助詞と接續詞が對應する「-て+そして」のような「形式的連鎖」、二つ目は接續助詞と接續詞が形態的には異なるが意味が同じである「-けど+それでも」のような「意味的連鎖」、三つ目は接續助詞と接續詞が形態的にも意味的にも異なる「-ながら+しかし」のような「機能的連鎖」である。 This study aims to research and to classify Conjunctive Concatenation in Japanese and Korean. Japanese and Korean are classified as agglutinative languages in sprachtyplogie, so there are twe ways to indicate a conjunctional expressions by Japanese Conjunctive particle (Korean Connective Ending) or Japanese Conjunction (Korean Conjunctive Adverb). So, there could be used both of Conjunctive particle and Conjunction to connect the context. We call this Conjunctive Concatenation. As a result, we found that there are three typs of Conjunctive Concatenation, first, Morphologic Concatenation, second, Semantic Concatenation and third, Functional Concatenation.

      • KCI등재


        黒柳子生 ( Kuroyanagi¸ Shigeo ) 한국일본근대학회 2021 일본근대학연구 Vol.- No.74

        本稿は韓国語話者が音韻変化を伴う韓国語の語彙をカタカナでどのように表記するのかを調査するために、日本語上級学習者を対象にハングルで表記された語彙を見て、それをカタカナで表記してもらう実験を行った。この実験では、韓国語話者が元々の表記に影響されて転写表記を行うのか、あるいは音韻変化した音声を基にカタカナで表記するのかについて分析を行った。 その結果から以下のようなことが判明した。先行研究では、日本語話者の音韻変化を伴う韓国語語彙のカタカナ表記において、音韻変化を反映した表記である「閉音節」表記が47.79%と最も多く、何らかの形で音韻変化を表記上に示そうとした痕跡が見られる一方で、韓国語話者は閉音節に該当する「促音」表記の16.03%と「撥音」表記の8.33%に留まり、最も多かったのは「転写」表記で59.54%に達した。このことから韓国語話者は日本語話者とは異なり、音韻変化を伴っても「転写」表記を多用することが判明した。 韓国語話者が多く見せた「転写」表記の場合、元々のハングル表記に近い形で表記されているので、表記を再構築するという側面から考えると適している表記と言える。しかし、この表記通りに発音した場合、実際の発音とは異なってしまうために、学習者とのコミュニケーションという側面から考えると適切な表現とは言いにくい。反面、日本語話者の示した音韻変化を反映させた表記の場合、意思疎通においてはある程度有用であると言えるが、本来のハングル表記とはかけ離れてしまうために、原語復元という側面から考えると、適しているとも言えない。このように韓国語のカタカナ表記には解決しなければならない問題点が依然として多いことが分かった。 In order to investigate how Korean speakers transcribe Korean vocabulary with phonological changes in katakana, this paper conducted an experiment in which advanced learners of Japanese were asked to look at vocabulary written in Hangul and transcribe it in katakana. In this experiment, we analyzed whether Korean speakers are influenced by the original notation to make transcription notations or whether they make katakana notations based on phonetic changes in speech. The results of the study revealed the following In the previous study, when Japanese speakers wrote Korean words with phonological changes in katakana, “closed syllable” notation, which reflects phonological changes, was the most common notation (47.79%), indicating that they tried to show phonological changes in some way, while Korean speakers wrote only 16.03% of “prompt” notation, which corresponds to closed syllables, and 8.33% of “repellent” notation. The most common type of transcription was “transcription” at 59.54%. This indicates that Korean speakers, unlike Japanese speakers, frequently use “transcription” even when accompanied by phonological changes. In the case of the “transcription” notation shown by many Korean speakers, the notation is close to the original Hangul notation, which makes it suitable for reconstructing the notation. However, when pronounced as shown in this notation, the pronunciation is different from the actual pronunciation, so it is not an appropriate expression in terms of communication with learners. On the other hand, a notation that reflects the phonetic changes shown by Japanese speakers can be useful for communication to a certain extent, but it is not suitable from the perspective of restoring the original language because it is far from the original Hangul notation. Thus, there are still many problems that need to be solved in the katakana notation of Korean.

      • KCI등재


        黒柳子生 ( Kuroyanagi Shigeo ) 한국일본근대학회 2021 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.71

        この研究では韓国語の破裂音である平音が語頭にある場合と終声として表記されている際に、日本語を母語とする韓国語学習者がどのようにそれらを認識し、カタカナで表記しているのかを調査した。 実験の結果を通して、次のような事実を確認することができた。語頭平音において、清音と半濁音の表記が全体の61.53%を占めた。そして濁音で表記されたものは38.47%を占め、語頭における平音に対しては清音または半濁音で表記される傾向が濁音表記よりも強いことが分かった。また、語頭平音の表記は各音節により偏りがあり、「ㄱ」に対しては8割近い79.23%が清音表記で示されており、最も高い割合を占めた。次いで「ㅈ」が61.27%であった。一方の「ㅂ」は53.17%、そして「ㄷ」は52.47%であり、どちらも清音表記が濁音と半濁音表記よりも多かった。 終声におけるカタカナ表記はその様相が非常に多岐に富んでいた。終声のカタカナ表記を類型別にまとめると、「開音節表記」、「閉音節表記」、「複合表記」、「表記脱落」の四種類に分類することができた。終声表記の全体では閉音節表記が49.22%を占め、開音節表記は43.51%であった。そして表記脱落(4.54%)、複合表記(2.50%)、その他(0.24%)と続いた。語中終声表記においては、閉音節表記が50.24%と半数を超えた一方で、語末終声表記では表記脱落が8.92%を占めるなど、語中終声表記に比べて非常に高い結果となった。 In this study, to investigate how JKL recognizes and written by Katakana when Korean plosives are written at the beginning and at the end of the word. Conducted an experiment to write Korean vocabulary in katakana by advanced Korean learners. Through the results of the experiment, we were able to confirm the following facts. On Heion at the beginning of the word, the notation of Seion and Handakuon accounted for 61.53% of the total. And it was found that the one written in Dakuon accounted for 38.47%, and the tendency to be written in Seion or Handakuon was stronger than that in Dakuon for Heion at the beginning of the word. The katakana notation corresponding to Batchim was very diverse. When the Katakana notation of Batchim is summarized by type, it can be classified into four types: “open syllable notation”, “closed syllable notation”, “composite notation”, and “notation omission”.

      • KCI등재


        黒柳子生 ( Kuroyanagi¸ Shigeo ) 한국일본어교육학회 2020 日本語敎育 Vol.0 No.94

        The purpose of this paper is to investigate how Korean learners of Japanese language recognize Katakana notation for Korean words. For Koreans who have learned Japanese, we conducted an experiment to look at the Korean vocabulary written in Hangeul and write it in Katakana. As a result of the experiment, the following became clear. As a result of the Katakana notation for the beginning of the word by the Korean speakers, it was found that the Korean speakers have more than 60% of the notation in Dakuon than the Seion or Handakuon notation. It became clear that the result was contrary to the Japanese speakers. From this, it is considered that Korean speakers may have a one-to-one correspondence with characters rather than Hangeul sound volue and are written in Katakana than Japanese speakers. The results of Katakana notation for the inside of a word and the end of the word can be classified into four types, “open syllable notation”, “closed syllable notation”, “composite notation”, and “missing notation”. It was revealed that Korean speakers have the highest proportion of open syllables. This is different from the result that Japanese speakers had the most highest proportion of closed syllables, and it was found that Korean speakers tend to use open syllables rather than closed syllables for Batchim notation.


        Dehydroabietic acid, a diterpene, improves diabetes and hyperlipidemia in obese diabetic KK-Ay mice.

        Kang, Min-Sook,Hirai, Shizuka,Goto, Tsuyoshi,Kuroyanagi, Kayo,Kim, Young-Il,Ohyama, Kana,Uemura, Taku,Lee, Joo-Young,Sakamoto, Tomoya,Ezaki, Yoichiro,Yu, Rina,Takahashi, Nobuyuki,Kawada, Teruo Published for International Union of Biochemistry 2009 Biofactors Vol.35 No.5

        <P>Terpenoids, which are contained in a large number of dietary and herbal plants, have many biological effects. In this study, the effects of dehydroabietic acid (DAA), a diterpene, on glucose and lipid metabolism were examined using obese diabetic KK-Ay mice. We showed here that DAA treatment decreased not only plasma glucose and insulin levels but also plasma triglyceride (TG) and hepatic TG levels. To examine the mechanism underlying the effects of DAA, the production of inflammatory cytokines was measured. It was shown that the DAA treatment suppressed the production of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha) (proinflammatory cytokines) and increased that of adiponectin (an anti-inflammatory cytokine). As a result of the changes in the production of inflammatory cytokines caused by the DAA treatment, the accumulation of macrophages in adipose tissues was reduced. These results indicate that treatment with DAA improves the levels of plasma glucose, plasma insulin, plasma TG, and hepatic TG through the decrease in the macrophage infiltration into adipose tissues, suggesting that DAA is a useful food-derived compound for treating obesity-related diseases.</P>

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