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      • KCI등재후보

        경희대학교 수원 캠퍼스의 교문디자인 연구

        김동찬,이윤수,박중구,황세현,김명기 경희대학교 디자인연구원 2000 예술· 디자인학연구 Vol.3 No.1

        The Suwon Campus of Kyunghee University was decided to rebuild a university gate to make new image of the university for a new millenium. The purpose of this study is to design a university gate not only for a gate but also for a commemorative environmental model which presents a spirit and idea of the Kyunghee University. The entire design of the gate has a renaissance style, the design of it's center has a triumphal arch form which cars can go through, and the design of it's side has a corridor form which pedestrians can walk. The gate is designed to present the spirit for human and world peace which Kyunghee University intends.

      • 단수수 條斑細菌病에 대한 品種間 抵抗性 差異와 羅病菌의 窒素 및 糖 含量과의 關係

        金明運,白壽鳳,閔庚燦 건국대학교 1969 學術誌 Vol.10 No.1

        This experiment was undertaken with the purpose of obtaining the basical data on the culturing techniques, breeding and plant protection in the cultivating of Sweet sorghum in Korea. The Sweet Sorghum 11 U.S. varieties, 2 Japanese and 2 Koreans were cultivated unders the natural condition in infecting of disease. The investigation was performed on the varietal difference in the resist trance to bacterial strip disease and the nitrogen and sugar contents in diseased leaves, and correlation between the diseased ratio and several agronomic characteristics. The results obtained are as follows. 1) It was no found that the variety exempted from disease, White collier, Missouri groytop, Rex, Rurier Var-1 and Atlas were more resisted in certain degree, Sorip-zong (Small grain var.) Tracy, Chinese, Zeuk-Jaelaizong and Honey-I were resited in medium degree and Early sumac, Sugar drip, Red amber, Ames amber and Rex orange were weaker in resistant to disease. 2) In the Correlation between the heading data and degree in resistant disease, generally, medium maturing varites were relatively strong resistant, laste varieties were weakest with exception of very few varieties. 3) In the correlation and regression between the several agronomic characteristics and diseased ratio, the curium lenth and weight of curium had no significant differences, heading date had r= -0,591*, y=90,822-0.354x and brix degree had r= -0.68**, y=19,992-0,246x. 4) The leaves of resistance varieties were more contained the nitrogen, sugar and increased C/N ratio than those of susceptibles.

      • 청소년들이 지각하는 스포츠의 가치성향

        김성찬,이창준,양명환 濟州大學敎 體育科學硏究所 1995 체육과학연구 Vol.1 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to examine the value orientations of sport as perceived by the youth and college student. Specifically, the purpose was to investigate whether differences on selected sport values were significantly related to gender, age, and sport participation. Subjects were 1561 students(830 male and 738 female),using sysytimatical cluster sampling, from the six secondary schools and one university in Cheju. Data for the study were collected via 10 items qestionnaire. A 5-point Likert scale, strongly disagree( 1 )-strongly agree(5), was used to measure the value orientation of sport. Sufficient internal reliabilty(Cronbachs Alpha=.84) was found for the items comprising this scale. Frequencies and one-way ANOVA were used for statistical analysis. The subjects viewed the following values acquired from the sport participation to be most important: improvement of physical fitness, good citizenship, a vehicle of social development, competition in good faith and coorperation, self-discipline, cultivation of fair play. The results indicated that gender, age and level of sport participation had a significant effects on value orientation of sport. Specifically, the gender result showed that male students perceived significantly higher level of all values of sport than did female students. The age result indicated that, for the male students, junior school students perceived significantly higher level of respect for authority than did other groups, while college students perceived significantly higher level of patriotism, self-discipline, and leadership, and physical fitness than did junior & high school students. With respect to female students, junior school students perceived significantly higher level of cultivation of competition in good faith & coorperation, respect for authority, and fair-play attitude scores than did other groups. The sport participation results revealed that, for the male students, high-sport participants expressed significnatly higher levels of all sport values(socia1 development, good citizenship, competition in good faith and coorperation, respect for authority, patriotism, social mobility, fair play, self-discipline, leadership, and physical fitness)than did low-sport participants. For the female students, high-sport participant expressed significnatly higher levels of social development, competition in good faith and coorperation, respect for authority, social mobility, fair play, self-discipline, and leadership values than did low-sport participants. Overally, the findings of this study indicated that sports are perceived in positive terms from the youth and college students.

      • KCI등재후보

        경희대학교 평화의 전당 광장 조성계획

        김동찬,이윤수,유재설,강남욱,김명기 경희대학교 디자인연구원 2001 예술· 디자인학연구 Vol.4 No.1

        This study was aimed to make a plan to accentuate the memorial of the exterior space and to supply the function of the rest space in order to create space well-matched for the building idea of the great peace hall in Kyunghee University. In this study, it was suggested the plan to improve the existing plaza around the great peace hall. The plan was maked to offer people of Kyunghee University the place as daily culture and rest space, and the inspired image of Kyunghee University.

      • 도시특성을 고려한 교통유발계수 산정에 관한 연구 : 대전시를 중심으로 In the City of Daejeon

        김명수,전찬용,황현종 한밭대학교 2004 한밭대학교 논문집 Vol.21 No.-

        The biggest problem in urban transport is congestion. The purpose of this study is to understand "Electronic Road Pricing System, which is one of the traffic demand control plan for relieving such a traffic congestion, and look for the plans to improve it. For this, traffic inducement coefficient was selected, which shows the regional characteristic of Daejeon through investigation on each facility. As one can see from the investigated inducement coefficient, the same type of facilities show different characteristics. Also, it is thought that per unit burden charge that has been maintained for over 20 years should be raised relevantly in consideration to inflation. Also, it is thought that several ways have to be sought for the facility owners' active participation in the traffic volume reduction program. Studies like this research would bring the following items as their effect; Relieve traffic congestion(partly) and reduce the passage time. Personal benefits following fuel cost etc. Socio-economic effect following logistics cost and environmental pollutants etc.

      • 독립요소분석에서 누적분포함수를 사용한 신호분리

        김웅명,박찬호,이현수 경희대학교 산학협력기술연구원 2001 산학협력기술연구논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        In this paper, the aim is to solve blind source separation problem using ICA(Independent Component Analysis) in neural networks. ICA is method of joint entropy maximization from mixed signal(observed signal). However, when probability distribution function of unknown source signals are various, Infomax ICA can not separate the source signal from mixed signal because of using fixed activation function. Infomax ICA use To solve this problem, we use MWARP algorithm which can make adaptive activation function similar to the cumulative distribution function of source. Several experiments have been tested with three source signals uniform distribution noise, pure sinusoid and speech signal. The result shows that MWARP efficiently separates source signals.

      • 韓國醬의 菌學的 硏究

        金明燦 慶尙大學校 1976 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        在來式 메주의 醱酵에 關與하는 微生物의 樣相을 調査하고 그 微生物類와 奬의 醱酵와의 相關關係를 硏究할 目的으로 韓國의 各 地域에서 募集한 메주試料 9種의 性狀分析을 함과 同時에 各種 微生物을 分離 同定하고 또 其中에서 外見上 比較的 醱酵가 良好하다고 생각되는 1試料 D메주를 가지고서 奬을 담고 經時的으로 微生物의 變遷 및 各種 成分의 消長을 調査 分析했는데 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 메주試料의 外皮層은 水分 11∼20%의 黃褐色 擘固層을 하고 있고 그 內部層은 水分 17∼40%의 黑褐色 ??層을 形成하고 있다. 外皮層은 pH 5.9∼7.4이고 內部層은 pH 6.8∼8.5이며 細?이 ??하고 多少 암모니아?를 發하는 것도 있었다. 2. 메주試料에서 곰팡이가 20種類 分離되고 主로 Aspergillus oryzae屬, Mucor屬, Rhizopus屬, Penicilliun屬이 重複해서 나타났고 메주의 醱酵에는 多種類의 곰팡이가 關與하여 있다. 酵母類는 數種의 酵母가 分離외었을 뿐이고 메주는 酵母類 ?? 培地로서 不適當하다고 생각된다. 細?類는 8種類의 細?이 分離되고 其中에서도 Bacillus subtilis(Ehrenberg)Cohn은 7種의 試料에서 分離되고 그 生?數도 最大 13X10이고 메주에 生育하는 微生物中 最大이며 메주 製造에 主 役割을 하는 ?種으로 보인다. 3. 奬의 醱酵過程에 있어서 곰팡이類는 醱酵 1∼2週間에 나타났으나 醱酵 6週間째에는 分離되지 않았다. 효모類는 전혀 分離되지 않았다. 細?類는 最初부터 Bacillus subtilis (Ehrenberg) Cohn, Bacillus subtilis var. niger Smith. Gordon and Clark 및 Pediococcus halophilus Mees등 3種이 分離되었는데 時間이 經過 함에 따라서 그 數가 減少했다. 4. 奬 醱酵中 可俗性 空素와 NH₂-N는 各各 第4週間째까지 急速하게 增加하고 그 後에는 相互 比例해서 연次 增加하고 NH₃-N 는 第2週間째 까지 急速하게 增加하지만 그 後에는 緩慢하게 增加했다. 種酸은 연次 增加해서 直線을 나타내고 還元?은 第4週間 째 까지는 緩慢하게 增加하여 0.66g/100ml로 되고 그 後 第8週間 째 까지 變化하지 않았다. pH는 總酸에 反比例한 曲線을 나타내고 最初 6.4에서 第 5週間나 째에 5.6으로 되고 서第8週間까지 계속 되었다. α-amylase,β-amylase 및 protease activity는 모두 比例해서 減少했다. 遊離 아미노醱은 各種 아미노醱의 種類에 따라서 多少의 差는 있으나 대개로 NH₂-N의 增加에 比例했다. 5. 메주 및 奬試料에서 分離된 2種의 Aspergillus flavus를 培養해서 만든 白米에서 Aflatoxin이 檢出되지 않았다. 結局 韓國의 奬類는 主로 메주의 ??한 多種類의 곰팡이類와 第?類가 分?한 各種 酵素類의 綜合作用에 依해서 加水分解한 成分이 食?水中에 俗出되고 그 各 成分드르이 相互作用에 依하여 만들어지는 것이라고 생각된다. With the objective to study the microflora that have to do with fermentation of Korean Meju and to determine the interrelationships between the action of these microbes and the fermentation of Jang, nine samples of Meju were collected from wide localities in Korea and analysis of their properties, isolation and identification of the microbes in them were carried out after preparing Jang with one of the nine samples. Periodical surveys and analysis of the changes of the changes of the microbes as well as the vicissitudesof the component of the Jang were made. Results of thes tudy are smmarizd as follows: 1. The Korean Meju is, as a rule, a spherical or rectangular cake exclusively of yeallow bean "mash," theouter layer of meju consisting in a yellowish brown, hard statum of 11-20L% moisture, while the inner layer, forming a dark brown, soft core of 17-40% moisture. The outer layer, pH 5.9-7.4, swarms with molds, thereas the inner layer, pH 6.8-8.5, smelling, at times, a little amonia, breeds bacteria. 2. From the nine samples of Meju, 20 kinds of molds were isolated, mostly of Aspergillus oryzae, Mucor, Rhizopus, and Penicillium groups to indicate that inthe fermentation of Meju a variety of molds take active part. From the nine samples of Meju some yeasts of only a few Kinds were isolate, and it is assumed that Meju si hardly suitable medium for yeasts to propagete. Eight kinds of bacteria were isolated from the nine samples. Of then, Bacillus subtilis (Ehrenberg) Cohn was isolaed from no less than 7 or thenine samples, and numbering the greater (13X10? at the maximum) at the time of all the microbes growing in Meju. 3. In the course of fermentation of Jang, molds were found in the first and second weeks, but in the sixth weeks no molds were isolated any longer. No yeasts appeared during the first to sixth week. As to bacteria, three kind ... Bacillus subtilis (Ehrenberg) Cohn; Bacillus subtilis var. niger Smith, Gordon & Clark ; and Pedicoccus haplophilus Mees... were isolated from the start, but their number decreased as time went. 4. In the course of fermentation, soluble nitrogen and NH₂-N each kept increasing rapidly until the fourth week, but thereafter the increase was slow. Total acid gradually increased, drawing a straight upward line, while the reducing sugar slowly increased till the fourth week to reach 0.66gr/100 ml, but decreased rather rapidly in fifth week to 0.35gr/100 ml, wirth no change observed thereafter. pH drew a curve in inverse proportion to the total acid, ranging from 6.4 in the first to 5.6 by the fifth week, which latter lasted until the eighth week, α-amylase, β-amylase, and protease activity decreased in proportion to one another. Free amino had a slight difference in increase from the another kind, but their increase feamined in direct proportion to that of NH₂-N. 5. From the rice-koji prepared with the use of two strains of Aspergillus flavus isolated from Meju and Jang, no aflatoxin was detected. 6. In conclusion, the Jang of Korea is produced when the components which are hydrolyzed through the combined action of the various enzymes that the many kinds of molds and bacteria bred inthe Meju secrete, ooze in the water, and also by an inter-action of all these differnt components.

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