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        JOR-SHAN CHOI 한국원자력학회 2010 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.42 No.3

        The growth in global energy demand and the increased recognition of the impacts of carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel plants have aroused a renewed interest on nuclear energy. Many countries are looking afresh at building more nuclear power stations to deal with the twin problems of global warming and the need for more generating capacity. Many in the nuclear community are also anticipating a significant growth of new nuclear generation in the coming decades. If there is a nuclear renaissance, will the expansion of nuclear power be compatible with global non-proliferation and security? or will it add to the environmental burden from the large inventory of spent nuclear fuel already produced in existing nuclear power reactors? We learn from past peaceful nuclear activities that significant concerns associated with nuclear proliferation and spent-fuel management have resulted in a decrease in public acceptance for nuclear power in many countries. The terrorist attack in the United States (US) on September 11, 2001 also raised concern for security and worry that nuclear materials may fall into the wrong hands. As we increase the use of nuclear power, we must simultaneously reduce the proliferation, security and environmental risks in managing spent-fuel below where they are today.



        Choi, Jor-Shan Korean Nuclear Society 2010 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.42 No.3

        The growth in global energy demand and the increased recognition of the impacts of carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel plants have aroused a renewed interest on nuclear energy. Many countries are looking afresh at building more nuclear power stations to deal with the twin problems of global warming and the need for more generating capacity. Many in the nuclear community are also anticipating a significant growth of new nuclear generation in the coming decades. If there is a nuclear renaissance, will the expansion of nuclear power be compatible with global non-proliferation and security? or will it add to the environmental burden from the large inventory of spent nuclear fuel already produced in existing nuclear power reactors? We learn from past peaceful nuclear activities that significant concerns associated with nuclear proliferation and spent-fuel management have resulted in a decrease in public acceptance for nuclear power in many countries. The terrorist attack in the United States (US) on September 11, 2001 also raised concern for security and worry that nuclear materials may fall into the wrong hands. As we increase the use of nuclear power, we must simultaneously reduce the proliferation, security and environmental risks in managing spent-fuel below where they are today.

      • 신 교육과정의 고등학과 과학Ⅰ(상)과 구 교육과정의 생물Ⅰ 교과서에 대한 비교 연구

        조운복,최병태 부산대학교 사범대학 과학교육연구소 1990 科學敎育硏究報 Vol.17 No.-

        새 교육과정의 의해 개편된 고등학교 과학Ⅰ(상) 교과서의 내용을 검토하고 종래의 생물Ⅰ교과서의 내용과 비교 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 신·구 교육과정의 내용을 보면 구 교육과정보다 한 단원이 줄어든 5개 단원으로 구성되며 구 교육과정의 생물의 다양성이 제외되고 생물의 향상성이 새로이 첨가되며, 생식과 발생, 유전등은 생명의 연속성으로 한 단원으로 축소시켰고 사람의 영양을 생물의 영양으로 그 범위를 확대시켰다. 2. 신·구 교육과정의 내용을 살펴 보면 구 교육과정의 분량이 267.8면에 비해 신 교육과정은 215.3면으로 그 분량이 축소되었으며 단원 수도 1단원이 줄었다. 또한 실험, 관찰, 단원별 항목은 구 교육과정의 1.96항목보다 2.14항목으로 늘었으며, 그림 및 사진은 1면당 평균 0.75, 0.77장으로 유사한 구성을 나타내었고, 고찰, 물음, 탐구는 신 교육과정에서 각각 10.6, 20.6, 2.4회로 구 교육과정의 7.8, 11.8, 0.6회에 비해 더 많았으며, 단원 요약도 신 교육과정이 8.1회 구 교육과정이 3.6회였다. 또한 신 교육과정에서는 전 교과서에서 읽을 거리를 다양하게 싣고 있었다. 3. 교과서의 내용중 수준을 보면 각 교육과정에서 조직과 기관(26.8%), 세포(23.5%), 개체(15.4%), 분자(13.2%), 생물권(11.5%)순으로 강조되었고, 구 교육과정은 개체(40.2%), 개체군(16.7%) 조직과 기관 (14.2%), 생물권(11.9%), 세포(10.6%)순으로 신 교육과정에서 개체수준의 강조도가 약화되고 조직과 기관 세포, 분자 수준이 강화되었다. 주제로는 신 교육과정에 유전적 연속성(24.4%), 구조와 기능(23.3%)이 가장 강조되었고 다음으로 생물과 환경(21.6%), 조절과 향상성(21.1%), 행동의 생물학적 기초(5.6%)순이었으며 구 교육과정은 유전적 연속성(28.4%), 생물과 환경(26.6%), 다양성과 단일성(15.9%)순으로 신 교육과정에서는 진화, 다양성과 단일성이 전혀 다루지 않은 반면 구 교육과정에 없던 행동의 생물학적 기초가 강조되었다. 4. 실험과 관찰은 신 교육과정이 평균 10.7항목, 구 교육과정이 11.8항목이나, 단원별 실험수는 신·구 교육과정이 각각 2.14항목, 1.96항목으로 신 교육과정이 더 많았으며, 실험주제도 구 교육과정에 비해 신 교육과정이 교과서별로 더욱 다양하였다. 공통적으로 많이 다루고 있는 주제는 세포의 관찰, 소화효소의 작용, 혈액형의 판정과 관찰, 체세포 분열, 침샘염색체의 관찰등이었다. 5. 재료생물은 신 교육과정에서 총 36종 117회, 구 교육과정에서 40종 80회를 사용했으며, 사용빈도가 높은 재료는 신 교육과정에서 사람(25회), 개구리(18회), 양파(11회), 초파리(8회), 잡초, 집시니벌레(7회)순이며, 구 교육과정에서 사람(13회), 개구리(9회), 양파(6회), 초파리(5회)순이었다. 6. 사용약품은 신 교육과정에서 총 47종 189회, 구 교육과정에서 50종 123회이며, 신 교육과정에서 가장 많이 사용된 약품은 아세트산카아만(24회), 알코올(15회), 염산(13회), 아세트산(12회), 녹말품(9회)순이었으며 구 교육과정에서는 아세트산카아만(16회), 염산(13회), 녹말풀, B형 표준혈청, 아라비아 고무, 알코올, A형 표준혈청, 젤라틴용액, 증류수 등(4회)순이었다. 7. 사용된 기구는 신교육과정에서 83종 499회, 구 교육과정에서 68종 344회이며 신·구 교육과정에서 공통적으로 많이 사용된 기구는 슬라이드 글라스(신60, 구43), 현미경(신56, 구42), 커버 글라스(신46, 구37), 스포이드(신21, 구14), 핀셋(신20, 구17)순이었다. 8. 그림 및 사진은 신·구 교육과정에서 각각 평균 162장, 205장이며 면당 평균 0.75, 0.76으로 유사하였으며, 내용별로는 신·구 교육과정 모두 생물학적 법칙 및 작용에 관한 모식도에 대한 그림 및 사진이 가장 많았고 그 다음으로 신 교육과정에서는 생물의 내부구조에 대한 그림 및 사진, 내부구조 및 모식도에 대한 그림 사진 실험방법에 대한 그림 및 사진순이었으며 구 교육과정은 생물의 내부구조에 대한 그림 및 사진, 외부구조에 대한 그림 및 사진, 실험방법 및 관찰에 대한 그림 및 사진 순이었다. The present work was undertaken to obtain data for developing an ideal high school biology curriculum in korea. The new and former edition of korea high school textbook(science 1 and biology 1) were analyzed and compared each other and the results are summarized as follow; 1. In the regard to the contents, 5 large unit is allocated in the science 1(vol.1) and 6 large unit in the biology 1. Science 1 newly contained homeostasis of organism instead of diversity of organism and reproduction, development and heredity merged into one large unit as continuity of life in this subject. The large unit of nutrition of man has been changed to nutrition of organism. 2. The comparison of the contents ; an average page of science 1 and biology 1 was 215.3 and 267.8 page respectively. An average page of science 1 showed a decrease of 53 page compared with to biology 1. The number of experiment and observation per large unit was increased in the science 1, being 2.14 times compare to 1.96 times in the biology 1. Investigation, question and inquiry of science 1 were 10.6, 20.6 and 2.4 times and these were increased compared to those of the biology 1 which contains 7.8, 11.8, and 0.6 times. Reading material was contained in all textbook of the science 1. 3. Over the level of the contents of the science 1 ; the tissue and organ(26.7%), was mostly emphaised, and cell(23.5%), individual(15.4%), molecule(13.2%) and biosphere(11.5%) in order. Level of the contents of biology 1 was stressed on individual(40.2%), population(16.3%), tissue and organ(14.2%), biosphere(11.9%) and cell(10.6%). Tissue and organ, cell and molecule were more emphasised and individual was less done than in the biology 1. The themes of science 1 were stressed on genetic continuity (24.4%) structure and function (23.3%) organism and environment(21.6%), and regulation and homeostasis(21.1%), and biology 1 stressed on genetic continuity(28.4%) organism and environment(22.6%) and diversity and unit(15.9%). Evolution and diversity and unit in biology 1 were exempted in the science 1. 4. In the view of the experiment and observation, science 1 have 2.14 times per large unit, thus being increased compared to 1.93 of the former one. The common subject for experiment were observation of cell, function of digestive enzyme, observation of blood cell and a blood test, mitosis and observation salivary gland chromosome. 5. The kinds of organism which are used in experiment and observation were total 36 kinds with 117 times in the science 1 and 40 kinds with 80 times in the biology 1. In the science 1, the kinds of material organisms with the highest frequency of the application were man(25 times), frog(18 times), onion(11times), drosophila(8 times), herb and paramecium(7 times) and in the biology 1, the using frequency order of the material organism was man(13 times), frog(9 times), onion(6 times) and drosophila(5 times). 6. In the science 1, there were total 47 kinds with 1.89 times of chemicals in using frequency. A common used chemicals were acetocarmine(24 times), alcohol(15 times), hydrochloric acid(13 times), acetic acid(12 times) and starch(9 times). The kinds of chemicals were 50 kinds with 1.23 times in biology 1, the using tregnency orderv of chemical was acetocarmine(16 times), hydrochloric acid(13 times), starch, anti-A, B-typing serum, arabia gum, alcohol, gellation solution and distilled water(4 times). 7. There were total 83 kinds with 499 times of instruments in the science 1 and 68 kinds with 344 times in the biology 1. The using frequncy order of the instruments were slide glass(sci.60, bio.43), microscope(sci56, bio.42), cover glass(sci.46, bio.37), spoid(sci.21, bio.14) and forcep(sci.20, bio.17). 8. The illustration and picture in the science 1 were decraesed compared to the biology 1 but the number of illustration and picture per one page was similiar to that of biology 1. In view of the contents of the illustration and picture, the most in number of the illustration and picture about drawing and picture of biological principle and operation was followed by drawing and picture of living organism's internal structure an external structure etc. In the science 1, thus being different from the biology 1 in which the most in number was drawing and picture of living organism's external structure.

      • A Single Nucleotide Polymorphism within the Acetyl-Coenzyme A Carboxylase Beta Gene Is Associated with Proteinuria in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

        Maeda, Shiro,Kobayashi, Masa-aki,Araki, Shin-ichi,Babazono, Tetsuya,Freedman, Barry I.,Bostrom, Meredith A.,Cooke, Jessica N.,Toyoda, Masao,Umezono, Tomoya,Tarnow, Lise,Hansen, Torben,Gaede, Peter,Jor Public Library of Science 2010 PLoS genetics Vol.6 No.2

        <▼1><P>It has been suggested that genetic susceptibility plays an important role in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy. A large-scale genotyping analysis of gene-based single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes identified the gene encoding acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase beta (<I>ACACB</I>) as a candidate for a susceptibility to diabetic nephropathy; the landmark SNP was found in the intron 18 of <I>ACACB</I> (rs2268388: intron 18 +4139 C > T, p = 1.4×10<SUP>−6</SUP>, odds ratio = 1.61, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.33–1.96). The association of this SNP with diabetic nephropathy was examined in 9 independent studies (4 from Japan including the original study, one Singaporean, one Korean, and two European) with type 2 diabetes. One case-control study involving European patients with type 1 diabetes was included. The frequency of the T allele for SNP rs2268388 was consistently higher among patients with type 2 diabetes and proteinuria. A meta-analysis revealed that rs2268388 was significantly associated with proteinuria in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes (p = 5.35×10<SUP>−8</SUP>, odds ratio = 1.61, 95% Cl: 1.35–1.91). Rs2268388 was also associated with type 2 diabetes–associated end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in European Americans (p = 6×10<SUP>−4</SUP>, odds ratio = 1.61, 95% Cl: 1.22–2.13). Significant association was not detected between this SNP and nephropathy in those with type 1 diabetes. A subsequent <I>in vitro</I> functional analysis revealed that a 29-bp DNA fragment, including rs2268388, had significant enhancer activity in cultured human renal proximal tubular epithelial cells. Fragments corresponding to the disease susceptibility allele (T) had higher enhancer activity than those of the major allele. These results suggest that <I>ACACB</I> is a strong candidate for conferring susceptibility for proteinuria in patients with type 2 diabetes.</P></▼1><▼2><P><B>Author Summary</B></P><P>Although cumulative epidemiological findings have suggested that genetic susceptibility plays an important role in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy, no gene conferring susceptibility to diabetic nephropathy has been definitively identified. In a large-scale association study of 1,312 Japanese subjects with type 2 diabetes using SNPs from a Japanese SNP database, we show that the T-allele of <I>ACACB</I> rs2268388 is associated with diabetic nephropathy. We also show that the association is consistently observed in patients with type 2 diabetes and proteinuria across different ethnic groups, including populations of European descent. Because a DNA fragment corresponding to the disease susceptibility allele is shown to have higher enhancer activity, we hypothesize that the increase in the expression and/or activity of the encoded acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase beta contributes to the development and progression of diabetic nephropathy. Our present analysis provides novel insight into the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy. This finding is important because diabetic nephropathy is a leading cause of end-stage renal disease and affects life expectancy in subjects with type 2 diabetes.</P></▼2>

      • SCOPUS

        Quality of UVR exposure for different biological systems along a latitudinal gradient

        Vernet, Maria,Diaz, Susana B.,Fuenzalida, Humberto A.,Camilion, Carolina,Booth, Charles R.,Cabrera, Sergio,Casiccia, Claudio,Deferrari, Guillermo,Lovengreen, Charlotte,Paladini, Alejandro,Pedroni, Jor Korean Society of Photoscience 2009 Photochemical & photobiological sciences Vol.8 No.9

        The exposure of organisms to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is characterized by the climatology (annual cycle) and the variance (anomalies) of biologically-weighted irradiances at eight geographical locations in austral South America, from 1995-2002. The net effect of UVR on biological systems is a result of the balance of damage and repair which depends on intensity and duration of irradiance and is modulated by its variability. The emphasis in this study is on day-to-day variability, a time scale of importance to adaptive strategies that counteract UVR damage. The irradiances were weighted with DNA- and phytoplankton photosynthesis-action spectra. Low latitude sites show high average UVR. For all sites, the frequency of days with above average irradiances is higher than below average irradiances. Persistence in anomalies is generally low (${\leq}0.36$ autocorrelation coefficient), but higher for DNA- than phytoplankton photosynthesis-weighted irradiances due to their higher correspondence to stratospheric ozone. Cloudiness and other factors with small wavelength dependence (e.g. aerosols and albedo) are highly correlated with UVR anomalies at low latitudes ($24-33^{\circ}$ S); ozone correlates higher at high latitudes ($42-54.5^{\circ}$ S). Our results show that organisms in this region deal with several days of excess radiation and fewer, shorter and more intense periods of lower than average radiation. Relief from UVR stress (or higher frequency of days below the climatology) is more prevalent at high latitudes ($54.5^{\circ}$ S). Thus, lower latitudes are more stressful to organisms not only because of higher average UVR irradiance but also for the higher frequency of days above the climatology.

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