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Bergman Kernel Function for Hartogs Domains Over Bounded Homogeneous Domains
<P>We obtain an explicit formula of the Bergman kernel for Hartogs domains over bounded homogeneous domains. In order to find a simple formula, we consider a Siegel domain biholomorphic to the bounded homogeneous domain and use its Bergman kernel obtained by Gindikin. The Bergman kernel of the Hartogs domain is expressed by two different forms and the main part of the Bergman kernel is a polynomial whose coefficients contain the Stirling number of the second kind. As an application of our formula, we investigate the Lu Qi-Keng problem for our Hartogs domains and give some important examples of Hartogs domains whose Bergman kernels are zero-free.</P>
Japanese-Brazilians and the new “Brazilian diaspora”
Angelo Ishi 전남대학교 글로벌디아스포라연구소 2012 전남대학교 세계한상문화연구단 국제학술회의 Vol.2012 No.11
Japanese-Brazilians are the third largest ethnic minority group in Japan. The influx of these newcomers has increased since 1990, after the reform in the Japanese immigration law, which opened the doors to foreigners of Japanese descent, or Nikkeijin. This influx was labeled as a “U-Turn” or “Dekassegui” phenomenon, meaning that people with Japanese roots, children and grandchildren of Japanese immigrants, had “u-turned” to Japan as “temporary money-earners” (the meaning of “dekassegui” in Japanese) - mainly as unskilled laborers. Due to these specificities, scholars have paid (perhaps too much?) attention to the “Nikkei” factor when they tried to analyze the issues related to integration and the identity dilemmas of Japanese-Brazilians. Instead, I have called attention to the significance of the “social class” factor to understand the challenges faced by these migrants. Japanese-Brazilians have been discussed mainly from a bi-national perspective, which means, as a phenomenon that occurs on the route between Brazil and Japan. This paper proposes a broader perspective, contextualizing Brazilians in Japan in the new “Brazilian diaspora”. Brazilian migrants allover the world are said to totalize more than 2 million. Transnational networks and connections are increasing among Brazilians living in Japan, USA and Europe. The first “Brazilians in the World” Conference was held in 2008. And in 2010, Brazilian government has launched the CRBE (Council of Brazilian Representatives Abroad). In the “mediasphere”, TV Globo, the biggest Brazilian network, has held big festivals named “Brazilian Day” around the world. In this paper, I will examine how Brazilians in Japan are reacting to these new developments, while reviewing the 20 years of the “Dekassegui” history. I will also take a look at the recent Japanese government policies towards Nikkeijin, as well as the social and cultural activities by Brazilians in Japan.
Oh-ishi, K.,Zhang, H.W.,Ohkubo, T.,Hono, K. Elsevier Sequoia 2007 Materials science & engineering. properties, micro Vol.456 No.1
The microstructure of bulk nanocrystalline Fe-C alloy produced by mechanical milling (MM) and spark plasma sintering (SPS) has been characterized using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and a three-dimensional atom probe (3DAP) to understand the origin of the unusually high yield strength and plastic strain observed from the sample. A bimodal grain structure consisting of fine (∼250nm) and coarse (∼900nm) grains was observed as a result of partial recrystallization. The fine grained region was found to be a duplex phase structure comprised of ferrite and cementite grains. From TEM and 3DAP analyses, the presence of fine oxide particles containing chromium was confirmed. The presence of the recrystallized coarse grains is attributed to the large plastic strain in compression.
On the Use Of Speech Recognition Technology for Foreign Language Pronunciation Teaching
Hirose, Keikichi,Ishi, Caries-T.,Kawai, Goh The Korean Society Of Phonetic Sciences And Speech 2001 말소리 Vol.42 No.-
Recently speech technologies have shown notable advancements and they now play major roles in computer-aided language learning systems. In the current paper, use of speech recognition technologies is viewed with our system for teaching English pronunciation to Japanese speakers.
Bimodally grained high-strength Fe fabricated by mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering
Srinivasarao, B.,Oh-ishi, K.,Ohkubo, T.,Hono, K. Elsevier Science 2009 Acta materialia Vol.57 No.11
Nanocrystalline iron containing a certain fraction of coarse grains with nanosized oxide dispersoids has been processed by mechanically milling Fe powder and subsequent spark plasma sintering. Sintered samples exhibited a high tensile strength of 2100MPa with 5% ductility; by optimizing the sintering conditions, it was possible to tune the strength-ductility balance. The optimally sintered material showed a tensile strength of 1500MPa and 15% elongation. The microstructure consists of nanograined (<100nm) as well as coarse-grained regions (>1μm) with uniform dispersion of nanosized chromium oxide particles (∼10nm). The strength and elongation show strong dependence on the volume fraction of the coarse grains, and the high strength can be attributed to the ultrafine grain size of the nanograined regions and precipitation hardening by the oxide dispersoids. The ductility is considered to be due to the presence of coarse grains.
Hiroshi Akiyama,Sonomi Ishi,Yuki Mashimo,Sadatoshi Tabata Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture 2004 Journal of the Korean institute of landscape archi Vol.2 No.-
This surveillance research drafted a conservation plan of regional green spaces, on a metropolitan area level, geared toward the Minuma Tanbo area of 1260 ha, located in Saitama City, in the suburbs of Tokyo. It was an effective method, applied to an area where Japan's current issues on regional green space were epitomized, as it formed symposiums consisting of various personnel, and the opinions of the citizen had been reflected.