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        Effect of ground ginger on dough and biscuit characteristics and acrylamide content

        Huaijie Yang,Lin Li,Yongpo Yin,Bing Li,Xia Zhang,Wenjuan Jiao,Yi Liang 한국식품과학회 2019 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.28 No.5

        Effect of different contents of ground ginger[0%, 1%, 3%, 5%, and 7% (w/w)] on flour quality, doughand biscuit characteristic and acrylamide content wereinvestigated. Texture results showed that by adding 1% (w/w) ground ginger, hardness of dough, hardness andchewiness of biscuit decreased, which was beneficial forbiscuit making. Moreover, the L* value of biscuit droppedwhile the a* and b* value rose with the increase of gingercontents, indicating darker, redder and yellower biscuits. Sensory score of biscuits became worse but acrylamidecontent reduced with the addition of ground ginger. Thephenol hydroxyl group of gingerol played a more importantrole in the reaction of formation of acrylamide than the sidechain. Finally, biscuit with 1% ground ginger contentshowed good texture, color and acceptable sensory evaluation,as well as lowering the acrylamide content by 6.2%.

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