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      • KCI등재

        A new species of Tamarixia Mercet (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae), a parasitoid of Diaphorina communis Mathur (Hemiptera, Liviidae) in Bhutan

        Namgay Om,Zoya A. Yefremova,Ekaterina N. Yegorenkova,G. Andrew C. Beattie,Nerida J. Donovan,Paul Holford 한국응용곤충학회 2017 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.20 No.2

        Parasitised nymphs of Diaphorina communis, a host of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’, were observed on Bergera koenigii in the Wangdue Phodrang Dzongkhag, Bhutan, and parasitised nymphs of Diaphorina citri were found on Murraya paniculata in the Chukhha Dzongkhag. The nymphs of both hosts were collected along with leaf tissue and placed individually in gelatine capsules. Emerging parasitoids were preserved in ethanol and used either for DNA extraction or morphological examination. Molecular and phylogenetic analyses of the sequence data of the COI, ITS1 and ITS2 regions showed that the parasitoids from the two hosts belonged to two different clades. Morphological examination confirmed that the parasitoids belong to two separate species of Tamarixia, and that the parasitoid from Diaphorina communis is a new species. This is the first record of an ectoparasitoid of Diaphorina communis, and the parasitoid has been named Tamarixia drukyulensis sp. n. The molecular and phylogenetic studies also suggest the occurrence of a eulophid parasitoid or hyperparasitoid of Diaphorina communis belonging to the genus, Aprostocetus.

      • KCI등재

        Species of Diaspididae (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha) on citrus in southern Lao PDR, new records for Việt Nam, and revised records for Indochina

        Dao T Hang,Beattie George A.C.,Watson Gillian W.,Phanthavong Sengphet,Lerdxai Inkhamphay Mis,Holford Paul,Burgess Lester 한국응용곤충학회 2023 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.26 No.4

        The Diaspididae (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha), also known as armoured scale insects, is a diverse family of obligate, phytophagous parasites that include major economic pests of terrestrial plants. There are over 2,700 diaspidid species, about 116 of which have been recorded worldwide feeding on species and hybrids of citrus. Citrus is widely cultivated in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) and has been promoted by the country’s government as a poverty alleviation crop. However, little is known about the pest and disease issues faced by farmers of this crop. To help address this, in 2018 we conducted surveys of diaspidids on citrus in southern Lao PDR and found 14 species infesting citrus growing in orchards and home gardens. Identifications were based on morphological features of adult females and 28S, COI and COII DNA sequences. An identification key to the species based on morphological characters is provided. Records of diaspidid species on citrus in Myanmar, Thailand and Cambodia are updated, and records from Peninsular Malaysia provided. The first record on citrus of a Pseudaulacaspis species in Indochina is reported from Việt Nam, and an undescribed species of Pseudaonidia is recorded on citrus in Lao PDR.

      • KCI등재

        Discovery of false coconut scale (Aspidiotus rigidus) and three of its primary parasitoids in Việt Nam, and likely species origins

        Dao Hang Thi,Beattie George Andrew Charles,Watson Gillian W.,Mottern Jason,Evans Greg,Van Nguyen Liem,Nguyen Hoa Thi,Nguyen Viet Duc,Holford Paul 한국응용곤충학회 2020 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.23 No.2

        The false coconut scale, Aspidiotus rigidus Reyne (Hemiptera: Diaspididae), is a serious pest of coconut in the Indonesian and Philippine archipelagos. Field surveys in Viêt Nam in 2015–2018 discovered A. rigidus (a new country record). Also found were three of its primary hymenopteran parasitoids: an unidentified ectoparasitic Aphytis species (Aphelinidae) and two endoparasitoids, Comperiella calauanica (Encyrtidae) and Pteroptrix parvipennis (Aphelinidae). Aphytis sp. was the commonest parasitoid; the average level of parasitism of A. rigidus found in six surveys was 46%, in immatures of both sexes and adult females. Comperiella calauanica was recorded in three surveys, with an average parasitism level of 54% in adult female A. rigidus. It was also found attacking Aspidiotus destructor Signoret. Pteroptrix parvipennis was recorded in 47% of second instar A. rigidus in one survey. In molecular phylogenies based on 28S and COI genes, Pteroptrix parvipennis grouped with species of Encarsia. Although A. rigidus occurs in the largest coconut-growing areas in Việt Nam, incidence of the scale is low, and no outbreaks have been recorded. Its parasitoids therefore have potential for use as biological control agents in areas where the scale is problematic. The low incidence of A. rigidus in Việt Nam and the presence of the three parasitoid species there suggests that the scale and these parasitoids originated in Indochina.

      • KCI등재

        Citrus diaspidids in Viet Nam: New, and confirmation of previous, records based on morphological and molecular verification of taxa

        Hang T. Dao,George A.C. Beattie,Gillian W. Watson,Van Lam Pham,Van Liem Nguyen,Duc Khanh Le,Thi Hoa Nguyen,Viet Nguyen,Paul Holford 한국응용곤충학회 2018 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.21 No.1

        Armoured scales (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) belong to the largest scale insect family and are among the mostinvasive insects in the world. Accurate identification of armoured scales is essential for systematic and phylogeneticstudies; biogeography; trade and plant quarantine; and pest management, particularly biological control. Several species are serious pests of citrus. Records of past field surveys conducted in Viet Nam between 1967 and2010 indicated the presence of 28 species on citrus there. Discrepancies in these records, and the retention ofspecimens of only five species in collections, led us to undertake surveys throughout the citrus-growing regionsof the country in 2013 and 2014 to verify previous records and conserve voucher specimens. The presence of 21diaspidid species was confirmed based on morphological and molecular data. The species observed werecommon but rarely abundant. Populations in commercial orchards may have been influenced by use of pesticides,but most species were recorded also in gardens and orchards where pesticide use was uncommon. Naturalenemies were abundant, but were not thoroughly documented for all the diaspidids we observed. An identificationkey to the species collected is provided. Differences between our findings and previous records from VietNam, from Yunnan and Guangxi in China, and from Indochinese countries neighbouring Viet Nam, indicate theneed for extensive surveys to fully document the diaspidid fauna on citrus in the region.

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