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      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        여뀌과 이형경식물의 (異型莖植物) 의 Dimorphism 과 Bisexuality 의 변화

        한창열 (Chang Yawl Harn) 한국식물학회 1960 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.3 No.2

        HARN. Chang Yawl (Chonnam U. Kwangju Korea) - Studies on the dimorpism and Transition of disexuality of keterostylous Polyonaceae- Kor. jour. Bot 3(2): 6-18 1960 The present experiments were designed in order to clarify the differences between the long and short styled plants and the transgresssive gradition in the degree of dimorphism among the three heterostylous species of the Polygonus, P. japonica, F. esculentum, and P. senticosa, based on investigations regarding the floral structure, ecological and physiological traits, the results of which are sunmarized as follows: (1) P. japonica, although it exhibits typical dimorphism, has undergone so high a differentiation between long and short styled that its long styled individuals behave as if they were female; and short styled individuals as if male. In long-styled individuals, filament, anther, and pollen grains show signs of degeneration, most of the pollen being abortive. On the other hand, in short styled individuals, the filament, anther, and pollen grains have attained remarkable development; the pollen grains are large and fertile. In short-plant the fertilized flowers readily drop off in every stage of their embryo development. This species has completely lost the self-fertile property, which is characteristic of the non-dimorphic Polygonum genus. Althugh this specsei typically exhibits the physiological characteristics of dimorphism in controlled pollination, the short-styled individuals bear no seed in nature, thus misleading taxonomists to identify the short-styled plant as male. 2) The morphological feature of the flower organ of P. senticosa obviously indicates definite dimorphism. Physiologically, however, no differentiation towards dimorphism was observed, the specics stil retaining, both in long and shot-individuals, the self-fartile property common to the Polygonum genus. Elaborate examinations revealed that regardless of the modes of pollination, both felrtilization and seed setting flourish, no differentiation between legitimate and illegitimate unions being recognizable. This sort of physiologica1 property has not been observed in the investigations of other heterostylous plants. It is assumed that this species is differentiated structurally into dimorphism, but not yet physiologically. In nature, however, this plant would have more opportunities to be cross-pollinated, i. e., legitimately combined, than self-pollinated because of the development of two forms of flowers. 3) In terms of heterostylism, the F. esculentum just occupies the intermediate position between P. japonica and P. senticosa structurally, ecologically, and physiologically. Doescription of some of the physiological behavior of the plant will suffice to demonstrate the above fact. While P. japonica has completely lost its self-fertile property, P. senticosa still retains it wolly. In F. esculentum 2-6% of self-fertility is the result in illegitimate combination. There occur occasionally hereditary self fertile individuals among some of the F. esculentum. P. japonica have no such individuals. In P. senticosa since complete fertility is the result in iliegitimate combination, it may be said that in this species the occurrence of self-fertile individual is 100%. 4) P. japonica, by the extreme structural differentiation of flower forms, not only givs the impression of its transition toward dioecious, but physiologicalty it also indicates the sign that the long-style plays the role of pistil, and the short-style, the seamen. Contrary to this. P. senticosa has developed two forms of flowers, thus exhibiting dimorphic features, but no diferentiation has yet occurred physiologically, still retaining fully the original property of non-dimorphic Polygonum genus. F. esculentum takes the intermediate position morphologically, ecologically, and physiologically. If it is assumed that in these species the transition has taken place from harmaphrodite to dimorphism, P. japonica would be the most adv

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Persicaria senticosa Nakai 의 이 Dimorphism 에 관한 연구

        한창열 (Chang Yawl Harn) 한국식물학회 1960 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.3 No.1

        HARN. Chang Yawl (Chonnam U. Kwangju, Korea): Siudies on the dimorpism of the Perisicaria senticosa Nakai-Kor. jour. Bot. 3(1) 16-25 During his researches regarding the morphological and physiological properties of Polygonaceae, the author has found that the species, Persicaria senticosa, aiso besides the heterostylous plants of Polygonum family, Fagopyrum esculentum, and Persicaria japonica which was recently verified by the author as dimorphic, shows the typical floral structure of heterostylism, the description of which is not found in taxonomical works. Further research on this species have revealed that this plant, despite pessessing characteristic structulal dimorphism, does not exhibit even the slight signs of heterostylcus properties physiologically. This is a deviation from the usual behavior of normal heterostylous plants. What is interesting is the fact that the physiological behavior of this speeies is quite contrary to that of P. japonica which is considered to be the most highly speciaiized dimorphic plant. Thus it Is assumed that if some species of this family had taken a heterostylic form in its course of development from autogamy to allogamy, P. seoticosa would be the least differentiated type of dimorphic forms among the three heterostylous plants, including buckwheat, of this family. The results obtained in this experiment are summarized as follows: 1) P. senticosa has two forms of flower, one, long style-short stamened; the other, short style-long stamened. Not only conspicuous is this primary difference, but the secondary difference, such as pollen grain size, is noticeable between long and short styled individuals, thus expressing structurally the definite trait of a dimorphic plant. 2) Structural alteration of floral parts towards dimorphism has preceeded far less in comparison with those of the P. japonica and F. esculentum. 3) Elaborate studies on fertility reveal that this species dose not show the slighbest sign of the physiological chararteristics of dimorphic plants. In other words, regardless of the modes of combinations, legitimate and illegitimate, fertilization and fruit setting flourish unimpaired. 4) Growth of pollen tubes apparently parallels the results in the fertility, tubes reaching ovary approximately 30 minutes after pollination both in legitimate and illegitimate combinations. Pollen tube penetration appears to be comparatively rapid. 5) A slight differenre in the growth of pollen tube seems to exist between legitimate and illegitimate combinations, legitimate union giving slightly faster tube penetration. 6) In the present experiment it was clarified that P. senticosa, known to possess one form of flower in taxonomy, is in reality dimorphic plant having two of flowers. Although this species if definitely heterostylous in floral structure, physiological evidence and pollen tube behavior show that the differentiation of this plant toward the dimorphism has apparently proceeded slightly except for some parts of floral organ. In ordinary heterostylous plants it is a matter of common occurrence that when iilegitimately combined, there is poor or no fertility, Contrary to the universal propety of heterostylous plants, no difference is oberved in the fertility and pollen tube gowth between the legutumate and illegitimate combinations in the case of P. somkiosa. Compared to the P. japonica and F. esculentum, whichare supposed to have undergone high degree of dimorphic differentiation, it is an unavoidable conclusion that P. senticos has not yet developed as a heterostyle plant except for some of its floral parts. If P. japonica is assumed to be the most diffentiated type of heterostylous plant, thenthe P. senticosa would be regarded as the primitive, retaining still the self-fertile nature so common to the Polygonun genus. In nature, however, this plant has a better chance to be pollinated legitimately owing to the two forms of flowers than to be pollinated illegitimately. The

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Persicaria Japonica ( MISSNER ) Gross et Nakai 의 이형화와 (二型花) 수정력에 관한 연구

        한창열 (Chang Yawl Harn) 한국식물학회 1960 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.3 No.1

        HARN, Chang Yawl : Studies on the dimorphism and Fertility of Persicaria japonica (MEISSNER) Cross et Nakai. Kor Jour. Bot. 3(I) 1-15 1960 Numerous investigations, since the works of DARWIN, have teen made regarding the heterostylous plants by JOST (1907), CORRENS (1924), LAIBACK (1924), LEWIS (1943), and many others. Studies on the heterostylous Polygonum, however, were not reported except for the buckwheat, Fagopyrum esculentum, which was investigatedy by SCHOCH-BODMER (1930), EAST (1934), FROLOVA & Co-Workers (1946), MORRIS (1947, 1951), TATEBE (1949, 1951, 1953), present author (1957), and others. It is because no heterostylous species, besides buckwheat, have been known to exist in the Polygonum family. The author, during his studies on both heterostylism and fertility of Polygonaceae, has found that the species, persicaris japonica (Meissener) Gross et Nakai, is not dioecious as has been known in taxnonomy, but in reality heterostylous both morphologically and physiologically. It was found that this Plant, regarded by taxonomist, as a male plant setting no seed, actually set seed (botanical fruit) when legitimate combination was made. Since his brief report on the dimorphic Phenomena of this plant in 1956, the author`s further research on the manner of fertilization has revealed that this species is a peeuliae type whose dimorphism has undergone extreme specialization structurally and physiologically, the short-styled individual behaving in nature as a male plant and the long-styled individual, as female, whereas in controlled pollination the plant shows highly differentiated typical dimorphism. When compared with the other dimorphous species of this family, F. esculentum and P. srnticosa. it has been clarified that these three species differ in the degree of differentigtion of their dimorphism morphologically and physiologically. That is, P. japonica has developed such a high specialization as to mislead the taxonomists, while P. senticosa shows almost no noticeable difference between long- and shortstyled individuals retaining most of the inherent physiological character common to the genus except for the fact that it has two forms of flowers. F. esculentum appears to have taken the intermediate position in every respect. The results obtained in the present experiment are summarized as follows : 1) P. japonica has two kinds of individuals, one long style-shore stamened: the other, short style-long stamened. The floral structure of this plants shows typical characteristics of dimorphic heterostylism. The differentiation between the two forms of flower has proceeded so highly both in primary and secondary difference of flower structure that this may be regarded as the most specialized form of dimorphism. 2) The differences of floral structure between the long and short styled individuals are remarkable coupared with the other dimorphic species of the family. 3) The stament of long styled plants show the sign of deteriolation whereas these of the short styled flower are well-developed. 4) When lecgitimate combinations are made, both L- and S-styled individuals are fertilized well and set seed (fruit), while in the illegitimate combination no fertilization and seed setting occur. Physiologically this species exhibits the typical behavior of dimorphic plants. 5) The self-fertile character, so common in other species of the other non-heterostyle Polygonum familly, has disappeared completely. 6) Under natural conditions, no or few seed setting is observed in short styled individuals that behave as if they were male plants. 7) In hand pollination, the combinations of both L x S aud S x L alike yield relatively good fertility and seed-formations, the behavior of short styled individuals in artificial pollination differing remarkably from that in nature. 8) Under controlled pollination. L x S combination sets far more seed than in the combination of S x L. In the S-styled individuals, the fertilized flower has

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        배추 청방고근 (靑邦苦根) × 무우 울산재래의 속간잡종에 대한 세포유전학적 연구

        한창열(Chang Yawl Harn),이병기(Byung Ki Lee) 한국식물학회 1962 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.5 No.3

        HARN, Chang Yawl and Byung Ki LEE (Chunpuk National Univ.) Cytogenetical studies on the intergeneric hybrids of Brassica pekinensis and Raphanus sativus. Kor. Jour. Bot. V(3): 21-24, 1962. Intergeneric crossings between the inbred line of Brassica pekinensis var. Chorng-bangkokun and inbred line of Raphanus sativus var. Oolsanjaelae were made using Brassica as female plant, and obtained two individuals of intergeneric hybrids. Morphological characters of the two F_1 hybrids are mostly intermediate of the two parental species, and their somatic chromosome number is 19. Meiotic behaviors of the parental plants were normal, while those of F_1 plants were extremely irregular. The mean pairing frequencies per cell of hybrids are 1.09_(II)+ 16.81 I (examined in May), and 1.75_(II)+15.47_I (examined in June). Majority of the pollen grain of parent species are normal, whereas those of F_1`s are invariably abortive. No seed setting was obtained in the hybrid plants left in the open field.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        백채 ( 白菜) , 무우 및 속간잡종 ( aRF1 ) 에 대한 발생학적 연구

        한창열 (Chang Yawl Harn) 한국식물학회 1963 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.6 No.1

        HARN, Chargyawl (Coll. of Agr., Chonpuk National Univ.) Development of sporangia and gametophytes of the Brassica pekinensis, Raphanus sativus and their intergeneric hybrid (aRF_1). Kor. Jour. Bot. VI(1): 1-7, 1963. Two individuals of intergeneric hybrids in the crossing of Brassica penkinensis ♀× Raphanus sativus ♂ were obtained, and among the three kinds of plants, Brassic, Rphanus, and F_l, comparison on the mega- and microsporogenesis, megagametophyte formation, and morphological changes in the developing sporangia, etc., were made. Differences between Brassica and Raphanus were observed in the shape of mega- and microsporangia, their changes in development, and the formation of megagameto- phyte. Sporangia of the F_l plants, until pre-meiotic stage, show intermediate, maternal, patenal, or vigorous inclination, and the difference of these characteristics when compared with those of the parent is slight. Meiotic irregularity resulted from the intergeneric hybridity of F_l plant gives rise to the abnormal mega- and microspore and accompanied abortive female and male gametophytes, bringing about the remarkably differences from its parent in the morphological changes of the developing mesa- and microsporangia.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        고려인삼의 자성배우체형성에 (雌性配偶體形成) 관한 연구

        한창열(Chang Yawl Harn),황종규(Jong Kyu Whang) 한국식물학회 1963 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.6 No.2

        HARN, Changyawl and WHANG, Jongkyu(Coll, of Agr., Chonpuk National University) Development of female gametophyte of Panax ginseng. Kor. Jour. Bot. VI(2): 3-6, 1963. As a part of embryological studies of Panax ginseng, megasporangium and megagametophyte formations were investigated. Ovule is found to be anatropous. Small-sized nucellus is surrounded by thick layered single integument. As the embryo sac develops, the nucellus along with some parts of the inner epidermis of integument disintegrates and completely disappers at flowering stage. Embryo sac takes the type of typical Polygonum although antipodal cells disappear and polar nuclei fuse to form secondary nucleus before fertilization, Mature embryo sac consists of egg apparatus and large secondary nucleus lying adjacent to the egg. Besides the normal ovule, tiny incomplete ovule develops near the base of style. Frequently two normal ovules are formed in a single locule. Chromosome number counted is PMC is n=24.

      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        개나리속의 종간교잡에 (種間交雜) 관한 연구

        한창열 (Chang Yawl Harn) 한국식물학회 1961 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.4 No.1

        Harn, Chang Yawl (Chonpuk U., Iri, Korea)-Studies on the interspecific crossing of FORSYTHIA Genus. Kor. Jour. Bot. 4 (1) 1~8 196l: Interspecific crossing of two species, F. saxatilis and F. Koreana, was caerried out in order to make clear the segregatifn ratio of style length, mode of fertility, the fertility of Fl generratio, dioecism, and other taxonomic question, the result of which being summarized as follows: 1) Style length is segregated inte 1:1 ratio. 2) The behavior of fertility in the legitimate and illegitimate unions between the different species is exactly like that in the two dimorphic forms of the same species. 3) The mode of fertility between the long and short style of the Fl generation also follows that of the heterostyle plants. 4) No difficulties or irregularities are observed in the interspecific crossing and the Fl`s ferility. 5) In Fl generation exceedingly high morphological and physiological variations are observed. 6) The short style individual is well fertilized and sets seed when legitimately combined. The insistence that the short style is male, this genus being dioecious, is groundless. 7) Among Fl individuals, are observed a few dwarf-types with tiny and weak vegetative and reproductive organs: 8) The two species used behave in many ways like the different styles of the same species.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Zebrina pendula 의 웅성배우체에 (雄性配偶體) 관한 연구

        한창열(Chang Yawl Harn),이병기(Byung Ki Lee) 한국식물학회 1962 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.5 No.2

        HARN, Chang Yawl & Byung Ki LEE (Chunpuk National Univ.) Studies on the microgametophyte of Zebrina pendula. Kor. Jour. Bot. V(2): 1-5. 1962. Attempts were made in order to make clear the meiotic irregularities, male gametophyte formation and spermatogenesis for the purpose of applying these embryological facts to taxonomic works. Followings are the results obtained: 1. Meiosis is extremely irregular, giving rise to giant, micro, and empty pollens. Meiotic division in each PMC is observed synchronizing. 2. In the microspore immediately before the vegetative-generative nuclear division, the nucleus locates appressed to the inner wall, most of the other part of the cell being occupied by large vacuoles. 3. Spindle symmetry in the microspore nuclear division is of intermediate type. 4. Nuclear divisions in each microspore are not synchronized as in meiosis. 5. Generative nucleus is located in close contact with the inner wall, while the vegetative nucleus occupies the central part of pollen grain. The pollen in this stage looks somewhat like broad bean. Afterward the generative nucleus loses contact with the wall, the nuclear shape changing from lenticular to roundsh. 6. The generative nucleus in fully matured pollen grain usually takes the shape of crescence, those in abortive pollen, lenticular or ellipsoidal, etc.

      • KCI등재후보

        器官分化ㆍ進化ㆍ育種에 있어서 genome의 變化

        C. Harn(韓昶烈),Chee Harn(韓智學) 한국육종학회 1994 한국육종학회지 Vol.26 No.3

        The age-old concept of classical genetics on the genetic information has been that gene loci which are arranged linearly on the chromosomes are fixed and genome is stable and static. By contrast, in the new concept the genome is regarded to be dynamic, changing, in certain cases, abruptly or in response to the environment. Some of the example of genomic changes are the rearrangement of immunoglobulin genes, amplification of rRNA genes in the animal oocytes, and the presence of transposable elements. In the course of evolution genomes have changed from small to large and from simple to complex. In the differentiation of tissues and organs during the ontogeny the undifferentiated zygotic nucleus becomes differentiated and changes in complexity. The major mechanisms bringing about these changes in evolution and ontogeny are gene duplication by unequal crossing over, rapid amplification of nongenic repetitive DNA by rolling circle model, and movement from place to place of DNA segments by the specific structural organization of transposable elements. The genetic variations, sources for the evolution and breeding, are also changes in the nuclear genomes but different entirely in the mechanisms from the genetic changes mentioned above. They are the products of meiotic divisions which bring about the genetic diversities in the reproductive cells. The mechanisms resulting in these changes are (1) recombinations of chromosomes between the parental genomes, (2) gene recombinations by intergenic crossing over at the nongenic region of DNA, and (3) recombinations of exons by intragenic crossing over at the intron regions of the genes.

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