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      • 인터넷시대의 공공도서관

        Freedman, Maurice J. 한국도서관협회 2006 圖協會報 Vol.47 No.9

        인터넷시대에서 공공도서관은 도태할 것인가. 아니면 새로운 황금기를 맞이할 것인가? 이에 대해 적절한 대답과 사례를 제공하는 글이 있어 이번 호에 게재한다. 이 글은 지난 8월17일 부산광역시립시민도서관에서 열린 2006서울세계도서관정보대회 개최 기념 세미나에서 발표된 내용을 번역한 것이다. 강연자 프리드만 박사(Dr. Mourice J. Freedman)는 미국 도서관협회(ALA)의 회장과 미국 뉴욕 웨스트체스터 카운티의 도서관장을 역임하였다. 이 글의 원문은 미국 국무성에서 펴내는 전자저널(2006년 3월호)에 실려 있다.(http://usinfo.state.gov/journals/itgic/0306/ijge/freedman.htm)

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Does Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenic Protein 2 Affect Perioperative Blood Loss after Lumbar and Thoracic Spinal Fusion?

        Brett Freedman,Bayard Carlson,William Robinson,Mohamad Bydon,Michael Yaszemski,Paul Huddleston,Brett Freedman 대한척추외과학회 2018 Asian Spine Journal Vol.12 No.5

        Study Design: Retrospective cohort design. Purpose: This study aimed to determine whether recombinant human bone morphogenic protein 2 (rhBMP-2) reduces total perioperative blood loss during lumbar and thoracic fusion. Overview of Literature: Previous studies on rhBMP-2 versus iliac crest bone grafting in thoracic and lumbar fusions have yielded mixed results regarding reductions in blood loss and have largely neglected the postoperative period when analyzing total blood loss. Additionally, these studies have been limited by heterogeneity and sample size. Methods: We analyzed the blood loss patterns of 617 consecutive adult patients undergoing lumbar and/or thoracic fusions requiring subfascial drain placement at a single institution from January 2009 to December 2016. Patients were divided into BMP and non-BMP cohorts, and a propensity score analysis was conducted to account for the differences between cohorts. Results: At a per-level fused basis, the BMP group exhibited a significant reduction in the intraoperative (66.1 mL per-level fused basis; 95% confidence interval [CI], 127.9 to 4.25 mL; p =0.036) and total perioperative blood loss (100.7 mL per-level fused basis; 95% CI, 200.9 to 0.5 mL; p =0.049). However, no significant differences were observed in an analysis when not controlling for the number of levels or when examining the postoperative drain output. Conclusion: RhBMP-2 appears to reduce both intraoperative and total blood loss during lumbar and thoracic fusions on a per-level fused basis. This total reduction in blood loss was achieved via intraoperative effects because RhBMP-2 had no significant effect on the postoperative drain output.

      • KCI등재

        Perspectives on the Future of the Family Planning Program of Taiwan

        Ronald Freedman,Deborah Freedman 한국인구학회 1993 한국인구학 Vol.16 No.1

        1. The future service tasks of the family planning program will be primarily in the social welfare rather than in the demographic arenas. There are still important things to be done in maintaining and improving the quality of family planning services. The emphasis in general is ikely to be on the quality rather than on the quantity of population. 2. Taiwan could take the lead in developing and testing service models, including both the private and public sectors, for countries with mature programs, low fertility, and strong private sectors. 3. Taiwan's fertility is likely to be within a ow fertility range, e.g., 1.6 to 2.4, for some time to come, like other developed countries. if Values within this range inevitably mean substantial aging of the population, creating probems with respect to care for the elderly and the supply of entry-level labor force members. 4. While our preference is for the replacement-level fertility that is inevitable in the long run, we are skeptical that deliberate fine-tuning of the fertility level within the low-fertility range s possible on the basis of present knowledge and especially in a free society. Policies to deal with the consequences of low fertility are likely to be more important than attempts to increase fertility. However, it is important that Taiwan should have a program of research on factors affecting fertility within the low-level range that characterizes developed countries. 5. While the family planning program is relevant, the policy issues arising from the consequences of low fertility will mainly be the responsibility of other agencies working together. 6. Finally, we have suggested, for serious consideration, possible organizational changes. These involve : a. shifting some service functions to the private sector; b. integrating other governmental family planning services with maternal and child health services; c. elevating the research functions of the Provincial Institute of Family Planning to a national-level, broadbased Institute for Research on Population and Health.

      • Detection of Long and Short DNA Using Nanopores with Graphitic Polyhedral Edges

        Freedman, Kevin J.,Ahn, Chi Won,Kim, Min Jun American Chemical Society 2013 ACS NANO Vol.7 No.6

        <P>Graphene is a unique material with a thickness as low as a single atom, high in-plane conductivity and a robust lattice that is self-supporting over large length scales. Schematically, graphene is an ideal solid-state material for tuning the properties of a nanopore because self-supported sheets, ranging from single to multiple atomic layers, can create pores with near-arbitrary dimensions which can provide exquisite control of the electric field drop within the pore. In this study, we characterize the drilling kinetics of nanopores using a thermionic electron source and various electron beam fluxes to minimize secondary hole formation. Once established, we investigated the use of multilayer graphene to create highly tailored nanostructures including nanopores with graphite polyhedral crystals formed around the nanopore edge. Finally, we report on the translocation of double stranded and single stranded DNA through such graphene pores and show that the single stranded DNA translocates much slower allowing detection of extremely short fragments (25 nucleotides in length). Our findings suggest that the kinetic and controllable properties of graphene nanopores under sculpting conditions can be used to further enhance the detection of DNA analytes.</P><P><B>Graphic Abstract</B> <IMG SRC='http://pubs.acs.org/appl/literatum/publisher/achs/journals/content/ancac3/2013/ancac3.2013.7.issue-6/nn4003665/production/images/medium/nn-2013-003665_0006.gif'></P><P><A href='http://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/nn4003665'>ACS Electronic Supporting Info</A></P>

      • Bone morphogenetic protein 7 (BMP7) gene polymorphisms are associated with inverse relationships between vascular calcification and BMD: the Diabetes Heart Study.

        Freedman, Barry I,Bowden, Donald W,Ziegler, Julie T,Langefeld, Carl D,Lehtinen, Allison B,Rudock, Megan E,Lenchik, Leon,Hruska, Keith A,Register, Thomas C,Carr, J Jeffrey Mary Ann Liebert, Inc 2009 Journal of bone and mineral research Vol.24 No.10

        <P>Inverse relationships have been observed between BMD and vascular calcification (VC), suggesting an underlying metabolic pathway linking these processes. Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are potential candidate genes that may mediate this relationship. Four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the BMP2 gene, 2 SNPs in BMP4, and 16 SNPs in BMP7 were tested for association with measures of VC using CT (coronary and carotid arteries, abdominal aorta), and BMD was measured using DXA (lumbar spine, hip, and distal radius) and quantitative CT (QCT; thoracic and lumbar spine) in 920 European Americans from 374 Diabetes Heart Study families: 762 with type 2 diabetes. Variance components quantitative trait locus association analysis was computed using SOLAR software, and a bivariate principal component analysis (PCA) assessed for genetic relationships between BMD and VC. Association was observed between several measures of BMD and BMP7 rs17404303 (thoracic spine QCT p = 0.03; lumbar spine QCT p = 0.02; hip DXA p = 0.06, dominant models). In addition, 6 of 16 BMP7 SNPs showed significant and opposing effects on the bivariate PCA for VC and BMD (two-sided exact test, p = 0.0143). Polymorphisms in BMP7 are associated with inverse relationships between bone mineralization and VC in the coronary, carotid, and abdominal aorta in a diabetes-enriched cohort of European Americans.</P>


        Nuclear Strategy and Asia

        ( Lawrence Freedman ) 한국국방연구원 1993 The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis Vol.5 No.1

        Nuclear strategy has always been developed more with Europe in mind than Asia. This article explores the implications of this, both with regard to the development of nuclear strategy up to the end of the Cold War and the situation since its conclusion. Even within Europe the theoretical basis for deterrence never appeared so sound as its practical workings. There were no good answers to the question of what should be done "if deterrence fails," but the risk to the Soviet Union of exploring the possibility that the whole strategy was a bluff was too great. The end of the Cold War has encouraged the United States to adopt a minimalist stance on nuclear doctrine. This is reflected in both plans for revising the American force structure and targeting plans. It was always difficult to sustain a commitment to extended deterrence, which implied the readiness to risk nuclear devastation on behalf of a third party, by means of a nuclear posture. Deterrence threats always seemed most credible when issued in the name of the state rather than alliance. However, deployments of the weapons in the territory of the third party could be taken as symbolizing the commitment. If, in the name of a minimalist doctrine, the weapons are withdrawn then this could have a long-term impact on extended deterrence. The demands on extended deterrence largely eased because of the lack of a political dynamic in Europe that threatened the status quo. Now that the situation has become much more fluid, the old Soviet threat may have evaporated, but nuclear states remain and conflicts could arise in circumstances which are for the moment difficult to envisage. Should threats revive then it might prove difficult to revive the old strategy. Western nuclear strategy now has been reduced to essentially little more than a reminder of the utter folly of total war and a capability to resist any attempt by others to exploit nuclear strength. The developed state of nuclear proliferation in Asia provides one reason why the United States might be further encouraged to reduce its nuclear obligations in the region. During the 1990s the American nuclear presence in Asia has been reduced dramatically, with the weapons no longer carried at sea nor based in South Korea. This is justified, as in Europe, by the decline of Soviet power, and by the need for cooperative arms control with Moscow, as well as by confidence in the conventional balance in Korea. However Asia has yet to see the definite end to the Cold War. Russia and Japan are still at odds over the Northern Islands. China and North Korea sustain communist regimes, and the former has a mature nuclear capability while the latter is attempting to develop one. In addition Asia is a continent that has seen more than its share of proliferation. Proliferation in part tends to reflect a loss of confidence in alliance as a source of security guarantees. Once it has taken place there are further disincentives for outside powers to offer guarantees. Already the nuclear dimension is one reason why it is difficult to imagine direct US intervention in an Indo-Pakistan War, and has proved to be a complicating factor in strategic relations in the Middle East. In East Asia, American strategy has not been geared to the specific deterrence of Chinese power since the 197Os, yet Chinese power may start to become the most serious source of uncertainty within the region. The United State`s alliance structures in East Asia are bilateral rather than multilateral, and liable to be complicated by arguments over trade. It is unrealistic to expect the American secu- rity role in the region to sustain a conspicuous nuclear element. The most productive response to the continuing reduction in the Ameri- can security role would be to encourage the development of stronger multilateral structures in the region.

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