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      • Fiber Surface Engineering to Improve Papermaking Raw Material Quality

        EUGENE I-CHEN WANG,YUAN SHING PERNG 한국펄프·종이공학회 2006 한국펄프종이학회 기타 간행물 Vol.- No.-

        We used polymers of alternating cationic and anionic nature to build up shells on fiber surfaces, strengthen the worn-out fibers and improve paper properties made from such fibers. OCC and ONP pulps were either dipped or salted out in the cationic polyallylamine, polyacrylamide and starch solutions. After centrifugal drying, these were followed by treatments in anionic polyacrylic acid, poly-acrylamide, and starch solutions, respectively. The shell-enhanced fibers were formed into handsheets and their physical properties evaluated. The results show that building multiple shells on worn-out fiber surfaces can strengthen the fibers and paper. The simpler and more practical impregnation-centrifuging treatment provided the desired effects, whereas salting out the polymers produced somewhat superior fibers. The latter process, were impractical, however. The first pair of polymeric shells imparted marked strength improvement, whereas later layers had diminishing efficacies. Overall, the methods can improve fiber quality, attaining paper strength requirements without resorting to expensive measures. Alternate cationic polymer and filler powders were also deposited on fiber surface based on the micriparticle system in an anticipation of stiffness gains. Platy minerals, such as montmorillonite, bentonite, sericite, clay and talc were added following cationic PAM. After dewatering of polymer-pigment shelled fiber of one to 3 pairs of layers, handsheets either calendered or uncalendered were evaluated. The results indicate that regardless of calendaring, stiffness of the handsheets did not improve appreciably while certain other strength properties showed gains. We also attempted the novel starch gel filler addition method wherein tapioca starch and fillers (PCC, sericite or clay) were mixed at high solids content of 50% and cooked until gelatinized. The filled handsheets were dried under various conditions and then tested for their properties. Improvements in strengths of modified filled paper were observed.

      • Effects of Fiber Characteristics on the Greaseproofing Property of Paper

        YUAN-SHING PERNG,EUGENE I-CHEN WANG,LAN-SHENG KUO,YU-CHUN CHEN 한국펄프·종이공학회 2006 한국펄프종이학회 기타 간행물 Vol.- No.-

        Grease barrier food containers are commonly used for packaging of fast food, cooked food, and food in general. Greaseproofing is also used for certificate paper and label paper etc. Different pulp raw materials, due to their different fiber morphology and chemical compositions, produce papers of varying characteristics. We used optical photomicroscopy and fiber analysis data to evaluate fiber morphology and traits under various beating conditions in order to understand which pulp raw materials produced superior greaseproofing property when a fluorinated greaseproofing agent was added internally. The experiment studied 9 species of pulps, including 2 softwood (northern pine and radiata pine) bleached kraft pulps which were beaten to 550 and 350 mL CSF, respectively; 3 hardwoods (eucalypts, acacia, mixed Indonesian hardwoods) bleached kraft pulps which were beaten to 450 and 250 mL CSF, respectively; and nonwood fibers of reed, bagasse, and abaca. A fluorinated greaseproofing chemical at 0.12% dosage with respect to dry pulp was added to each pulp preparation and formed handsheets. A total of 67 sets of handsheets were prepared, and their basis weights, thickness, bulks, opacities, wet opacities, air resistance, water absorption and degrees of greaseproofing were measured for an overall evaluation of pulp and freeness on greaseproofing papers. The experimental fiber length, coarseness and distribution characteristics and the greaseproofing results suggest that softwood pulps (radiate pine < northern pine) were superior to hardwood pulps (eucalypts > acacia > mixed Indonesian hardwoods). The unbeaten pulps gave papers with high porosities and nearly devoid of greaseproofing property. Greaseproofing is proportional to air resistance. Among the nonwood fibers, bagasse had the best greaseproofing property, followed by reed and abaca was the poorest. With regards to waterproofing property, hardwood pulps (mixed Indonesian hardwoods > acacia > eucalypts) were better than softwood pulps (northern pine > radiate pine). Among the Nonwood fibers, reed had the highest waterproofing property, and it was followed by abaca, while bagasse had the poorest waterproofing characteristic. In summary, bleached kraft northern pine, eucalypts and reed pulps were best suited for making greaseproofing papers, Freeness of the pulps should be kept at 200~280 mL CSF for optimal performance.

      • The Improvement of the Opacity and Printing Strength of Fancy Paper Overlaid Plywood

        LAN-SHENG KUO,YUAN-SHING PERNG,EUGENE I-CHEN WANG,CHEN-FA YEN,TSUEN-HAN KAO 한국펄프·종이공학회 2006 한국펄프종이학회 기타 간행물 Vol.- No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the opacity and printing strength of MG paper overlaid plywood. The printing strength of ink on MG paper can be evaluated effectively by a formula E<SUP>*2</SUP> = [(L<SUP>*</SUP>)<SUP>2</SUP> + (a<SUP>*</SUP>)<SUP>2</SUP> + (b<SUP>*</SUP>)<SUP>2</SUP>]<SUP>1/2</SUP> that we proposed. Higher E value indicates good printing strength of ink-on-paper. We also assess the real color of translucent printed MG paper with a formula CIE △E<SUP>*</SUP> (color difference between a pile of same paper to be opaque and fancy paper laminated board). In addition, the color difference on paper surface caused by the color of wood-based board (bottom) can be evaluated by a formula of Pc. No. Generally, an acceptable appearance quality of fancy boards is △E<SUP>*</SUP> < 2.0 and small Pc.No. value. The experimental results showed that Japan-made MG papers ?J1, J2 and J3 have better printing strength and gloss than that of Taiwan-made paper (T1). The reason for this was that Taiwan-made paper has poor printing strength and low gloss, which might be correlated to the fiber compositions in paper. Higher printing strength can be seen for short fiber containing handsheets when comparing to that of handsheets. Nonetheless, low-freeness sheets gives better printing strength than that of high-freeness sheets. High-opacity MG paper gives good opacifying effect to the fancy paper laminated wood-based boards. Comparing the surface color of 2 kinds of fancy paper laminated boards, paperboard T1 laminated with high-opacity fancy paper showed slight color difference. The same results can be seen for ?? g/㎡ handsheets. Higher-opacity Acacia and Eucalyptus bleached sulfate pulps (short fiber) gives higher opacifying effect on the plywood when comparing to Northan pine and Radiata pine sulfate pulps(long fiber). The former ones also showed small color differences when comparing the color differences between the color of fancy paper and laminated paper board. Additionally, the color of bottom plywood can’t be shown through for the highopacify surface paper adhered to. Besides, the PC No of the base paper laminated board is small as well. Apparently, we can add colorants to the binders for the manufacture of various handsheets (30 g/㎡) with various pulp mix ratios to increase the opacity of paperboards to certain extents. When we using yellow and brown binders in paper laminated board, the color difference between Acacia and Eucalyptus handsheets overlaid boards decreasing to 2.0 (acceptable △E<SUP>*</SUP>< 2.0, hard to discern), but not much improvement for Northern and Radiata pines. Definitely, show-through defects can be discernible for lower opacity papers. In general, admirable printing strength of fancy paper by which glued to plywood can be made with high-opacity paper and colored binders techniques.

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