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      • IPCC AR6 WGI 제2장 주요 내용과 핵심 결과

        Jinho Ahn,Sergey K. Gulev,Peter W. Thorne,Frank J. Dentener,Catia M. Domingues,Sebastian Gerland,Daoyi Gong,Darrell S. Kaufman,Hyacinth C. Nnamchi,Johannes Quaas,Juan A. Rivera,Shubha Sathyendranath,S 한국기상학회 2021 한국기상학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2021 No.10

        IPCC 6차보고서 2장에서는 현재의 지구시스템 상태를 진단하는데 촛점을 맞추고 있다. 먼저 기후변화의 주요 요인이 되는 대기 이산화탄소 농도의 경우, 현재의 농도는 최근 2백만 동안 경험하지 못한 수준이며, 상승속도는 최소 80만 년 동안 100년 시간규모에서 가장 높다. 지난 수십 년 동안의 기후시스템의 주요 인자는 수백 년 또는 수천 년 동안 경험하지 못한 수준으로 올라가고 있으며, 최소한 과거 2000년 동안 경험하지 못한 속도로 변하고 있다. 지구평균표면온도(GMST)는 1850-1900년 대비 2011-2020년에 약 1.09도 증가하였는데, 육지에서는 1.59도, 해양에서는 0.88도 상승하였다. 전지구적 물순환은 적어도 1980년 이후 강화되었고, 대규모 대기순환은 20세기 중반 이후 강화되었을 가능성이 높다. 북극 해빙(sea ice)의 연평균과 여름철 면적은 적어도 1850년 이후 최소가 된 것이 확실하다. 육상 빙권에서의 변화는 전반적으로 수백 년에서 수천 년 규모에서 유래가 없을 정도이다. 20세기 이후의 해수면 상승 속도는 백 년의 시간 규모에서 적어도 3000년 동안 가장 빠른데, 상승이 가속화 되고 있다. 해양에서도 과거 수백 년에서 수천 년 동안 유래없는 현상이 감지되고 있는데, 해양생물 변화의 경우 대규모 해양온난화와 해양화학 변화와 일치한다. 육상생물 또한 대규모 온난화와 일치하는 변화를 보이고 있다. 중기플리오세온난기(Mid-Pliocene Warm Period, 3.3-3.0 백만 년 전) 동안 지구의 이산화탄소 농도가 지금과 비슷했으나, 현재의 지구보다는 따뜻했는데, 과거의 온난했던 시기는 미래 기후를 예측하는데 도움을 준다.


        The influence of foreign vs. North American emissions on surface ozone in the US

        Reidmiller, D. R.,Fiore, A. M.,Jaffe, D. A.,Bergmann, D.,Cuvelier, C.,Dentener, F. J.,Duncan, B. N.,Folberth, G.,Gauss, M.,Gong, S.,Hess, P.,Jonson, J. E.,Keating, T.,Lupu, A.,Marmer, E.,Park, R.,Schu Copernicus GmbH 2009 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Vol.9 No.14

        <P>Abstract. As part of the Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution (HTAP; http:// www.htap.org) project, we analyze results from 15 global and 1 hemispheric chemical transport models and compare these to Clean Air Status and Trends Network (CASTNet) observations in the United States (US) for 2001. Using the policy-relevant maximum daily 8-h average ozone (MDA8 O3) statistic, the multi-model ensemble represents the observations well (mean r2=0.57, ensemble bias = +4.1 ppbv for all US regions and all seasons) despite a wide range in the individual model results. Correlations are strongest in the northeastern US during spring and fall (r2=0.68); and weakest in the midwestern US in summer (r2=0.46). However, large positive mean biases exist during summer for all eastern US regions, ranging from 10-20 ppbv, and a smaller negative bias is present in the western US during spring (~3 ppbv). In nearly all other regions and seasons, the biases of the model ensemble simulations are ≤5 ppbv. Sensitivity simulations in which anthropogenic O3-precursor emissions (NOx + NMVOC + CO + aerosols) were decreased by 20% in four source regions: East Asia (EA), South Asia (SA), Europe (EU) and North America (NA) show that the greatest response of MDA8 O3 to the summed foreign emissions reductions occurs during spring in the West (0.9 ppbv reduction due to 20% emissions reductions from EA + SA + EU). East Asia is the largest contributor to MDA8 O3 at all ranges of the O3 distribution for most regions (typically ~0.45 ppbv) followed closely by Europe. The exception is in the northeastern US where emissions reductions in EU had a slightly greater influence than EA emissions, particularly in the middle of the MDA8 O3 distribution (response of ~0.35 ppbv between 35-55 ppbv). EA and EU influences are both far greater (about 4x) than that from SA in all regions and seasons. In all regions and seasons O3-precursor emissions reductions of 20% in the NA source region decrease MDA8 O3 the most - by a factor of 2 to nearly 10 relative to foreign emissions reductions. The O3 response to anthropogenic NA emissions is greatest in the eastern US during summer at the high end of the O3 distribution (5-6 ppbv for 20% reductions). While the impact of foreign emissions on surface O3 in the US is not negligible - and is of increasing concern given the recent growth in Asian emissions - domestic emissions reductions remain a far more effective means of decreasing MDA8 O3 values, particularly those above 75 ppb (the current US standard). </P>


        HTAP2 multi-model estimates of premature human mortality due to intercontinental transport of air pollution and emission sectors

        Liang, Ciao-Kai,West, J. Jason,Silva, Raquel A.,Bian, Huisheng,Chin, Mian,Davila, Yanko,Dentener, Frank J.,Emmons, Louisa,Flemming, Johannes,Folberth, Gerd,Henze, Daven,Im, Ulas,Jonson, Jan Eiof,Keati Copernicus GmbH 2018 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Vol.18 No.14

        <P><p><strong>Abstract.</strong> Ambient air pollution from ozone and fine particulate matter is associated with premature mortality. As emissions from one continent influence air quality over others, changes in emissions can also influence human health on other continents. We estimate global air-pollution-related premature mortality from exposure to PM<span class='inline-formula'><sub>2.5</sub></span> and ozone and the avoided deaths due to 20<span class='thinspace'></span>% anthropogenic emission reductions from six source regions, North America (NAM), Europe (EUR), South Asia (SAS), East Asia (EAS), Russia-Belarus-Ukraine (RBU), and the Middle East (MDE), three global emission sectors, power and industry (PIN), ground transportation (TRN), and residential (RES), and one global domain (GLO), using an ensemble of global chemical transport model simulations coordinated by the second phase of the Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollutants (TF HTAP2), and epidemiologically derived<span id='page10498'/> concentration response functions. We build on results from previous studies of TF HTAP by using improved atmospheric models driven by new estimates of 2010 anthropogenic emissions (excluding methane), with more source and receptor regions, new consideration of source sector impacts, and new epidemiological mortality functions. We estimate 290<span class='thinspace'></span>000 (95<span class='thinspace'></span>% confidence interval (CI): 30<span class='thinspace'></span>000, 600<span class='thinspace'></span>000) premature <span class='inline-formula'>O<sub>3</sub></span>-related deaths and 2.8 million (0.5 million, 4.6 million) PM<span class='inline-formula'><sub>2.5</sub></span>-related premature deaths globally for the baseline year 2010. While 20<span class='thinspace'></span>% emission reductions from one region generally lead to more avoided deaths within the source region than outside, reducing emissions from MDE and RBU can avoid more <span class='inline-formula'>O<sub>3</sub></span>-related deaths outside of these regions than within, and reducing MDE emissions also avoids more PM<span class='inline-formula'><sub>2.5</sub></span>-related deaths outside of MDE than within. Our findings that most avoided <span class='inline-formula'>O<sub>3</sub></span>-related deaths from emission reductions in NAM and EUR occur outside of those regions contrast with those of previous studies, while estimates of PM<span class='inline-formula'><sub>2.5</sub></span>-related deaths from NAM, EUR, SAS, and EAS emission reductions agree well. In addition, EUR, MDE, and RBU have more avoided <span class='inline-formula'>O<sub>3</sub></span>-related deaths from reducing foreign emissions than from domestic reductions. For six regional emission reductions, the total avoided extra-regional mortality is estimated as 6000 (<span class='inline-formula'>−</span>3400, 15<span class='thinspace'></span>500) deaths per year and 25<span class='thinspace'></span>100 (8200, 35<span class='thinspace'></span>800) deaths per year through changes in <span class='inline-formula'>O<sub>3</sub></span> and PM<span class='inline-formula'><sub>2.5</sub></span>, respectively. Interregional transport of air pollutants leads to more deaths through changes in PM<span class='inline-formula'><sub>2.5</sub></span> than in <span class='inline-formula'>O<sub>3</sub></span>, even though <span class='inline-formula'>O<sub>3</sub></span> is transported more on interregional scales, since PM<span class='inline-formula'><sub>2.5</sub></span> has a stronger influence on mortality. For NAM and EUR, our estimates of avoided mortality from regional and extra-regional emission reductions are comparable to those estimated by regional models for these same experiments. In sectoral emission reductions, TRN emissions account for the greatest fraction (26-53<span class='thinspace'></span>% of global emission reduction) of <span class='inline-formula'>O<sub>3</sub></span>-rela

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