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        수지침요법이 중학생의 복통 완화에 미치는 효과

        강현숙 ( Kyoul Ja Cho ),조결자 ( Hyun Sook Kang ) 경희대학교 동서간호학연구소 2007 동서간호학연구지 Vol.13 No.1

        본 연구는 10-12세 사이에서 가장 빈도가 높은 복통(Oh, 1996)의 구급처치 방안으로 수지침이 효과적인지 확인하기 위해 시도하였다. 수지침요법은 손을 몸의 축소판으로 생각하여 수지 안에는 인체의 내장이 있고, 14경맥이 있으므로 이를 자극하여 치료 하는 자극요법으로 수지침요법은 상응점에 가는 침(needle)으로 1mm 깊이의 자극을 주어 치료하는 것을 말한다. 수지침과 같은 상응요법은 수지의 신체 해당부위(상응부)에서 과민 반응점(상응점)이 나타나는 부위에 자극을 주는 방법을 말하므로 수지 안에 있는 복통 상응점을 자극하면 통증이 감소된다(Yoo, 2001). 뿐만 아니라, 수지침은 약물 남용으로 인한 부작용과 내성등에 의한 위험 등 일체의 후유증이 없고 질병예방이 가능하며, 효과가 빠르고 시술이 간편하며 경제적이어서 원할 때 즉시 시술이 가능한 요법이다(Kim & Cho, 2001), 그러므로 학교보건실에서 복통완화를 위한 치료로서의 활용가능성을 검토하기 위하여 학교 보건실에 내방한 중학생을 대상으로 통증완화 효과를 검증하였다. 그 결과 수지침에 의해 주관적으로 느끼는 통증이 완화되었음을 보여주었고, 객관적인 통증척도 중 발한정도는 수지침 요법을 적용한 실험군에서 적용하지 않은 대조군 보다 유의하게 발한이 감소되었다. 또한 객관적인 통증척도인 안면표정과 음성변화에서는 비록 통계적으로는 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았지만 실험군이 대조군보다 통증완화점수의 감소폭이 컸었다. 이는 간헐성 복통 환아에 대한 수지침의 효과 검증결과 통증 강도가 감소하였음을 보고한 Hong(2005b)의 연구결과 와 유사하였다. 또한 두통완화를 위해 수지침을 시술한 결과 주관적 통증 점수와 객관적 통증 영역 중 음성변화 정도가 유의하게 감소하였다고 보고한 Cho와 Kang(2004)의 연구 결과와 복통, 요통 등의 증상을 보인 월경곤란증이 있는 대상자의 경우 수지침 요법이 뜸 요법보다 신속한 효과를 나타낸Kim과 Cho(2001)의 연구, 수지침이 여중생의 생리통 자각증상에 효과를 미치는 것으로 보고한 Moon(2003)의 연구결과에서도 수지침이 통증완화에 효과적이었으므로 본 연구 결과를 지지해주었다. 그러나 연구자마다 대상자들의 연령층이 각기 달랐고, 중학생을 대상으로 한 수지침요법의 효과에 관한 연구는 없었으며, 복통 환아를 대상으로 한 연구는 1편에 불과했기 때문에 본 연구와 정확히 비교하기는 어려웠다. 통증이란 경험하는 사람이 통증이라고 말하는 것은 무엇이나 통증이며 그가 통증이 있다고 말할 때는 언제나 존재 하는 것이다(McCaffery, 1977)고 하여 통증에 관하여 개인의 주관적인 느낌을 강조하고 있다. 객관적인 방법으로 통증을 측정한다고 하여도 수치상 큰 차이를 보이지 않으면 증명하기 어렵다. 그러므로 통증을 경험하고 있는 사람이 수지침 요법을 통해 통증이 완화되었다고 한다면 객관적인 면이 부족해도 본인의 느낌대로 통증이 감소하였다고 평가 할 수 있다. 더군다나 통증이 있을 때 객관적 통증반응 중 안면표정과 음성은 자신의 의지로 어느 정도 조절할 수 있지만 발한은 자신의 의지로 조절하기 어렵다. 따라서 통증의 객관적 반응인 발한정도가 감소되었다고 하는 본 연구의 결과는 비록 객관적 통증 반응인 안면표정이나 음성변화에 차이가 없었지만 이러한 맥락에서 수지침이 통증완화에 도움이 된다고 해석할 수 있다. 그러나 본 연구결과 안위 면에서는 수지침 요법의 효과를 나타내지 않았다. 통증이 완화되면 신체는 자연히 안락한 상태로 될 수 있을 것으로 보았으나 그렇지 못함을 보여주고 있다. 본 연구결과에서 객관적 통증반응이나 안위 면에서 통계적인 유의성이 검증되지 못한 것은 대상자 수가 적은 것과 대상자로부터 연구의 동의를 얻기는 했지만 침습적인 처치에 대한 두려움이 많은 연령층인 중학생이라는 점 등이라고 보아 앞으로는 대상자 수를 늘리며, 다른 연령층을 대상으로 하는 반복연구가 필요하다고 본다. 이상과 같이 본 연구결과 수지침은 복통환자의 주관적으로 느끼는 통증을 감소시키므로 수지침이 복통완화에 어느 정도 효과가 있음을 확인하였다. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of hand acupuncture on relieving of abdominal pain. Method: Fifty-five middle school students who complained abdominal pain were selected as subjects. There were 35 students in the experimental group while 20 students were in the control group. Convenience assignment was used. The experimental group received hand acupuncture treatment which was to puncture corresponding points (epigastric pain A8, A12, A16, K9, F4, E42; lower abdominal pain A1, A4, A6, A8, J1, H2) on both the palm and the back of a hand with disposable acupuncture needles, and then to remove them after a 20-30min. recess during the subjects was in supine position on a bed. Result: Degree of subjective pain decreased statistically in the experimental as compared to the control group. No statistical significant differences were found in objective pain and comfort between experimental and control group. Conclusion: These findings indicate that hand acupuncture is an effective method for reducing abdominal pain. Therefore, hand acupuncture could be considered as an independent nursing intervention for abdominal pain reduction.

      • KCI우수등재

        4년제 정규과정과 RN-BSN과정 간호학생의 간호관 비고

        조결자,백승남 대한간호학회 간호행정학회 2004 간호행정학회지 Vol.10 No.4

        This descriptive survey design study was aimed to investigate nursing students' perspectives of nursing care. One hundred seventeen junior or senior students in BSN program and 131 junior or senior students in RN-BSN program at K University were compared and contrasted in terms of their perspectives on nursing care. Using the instrument developed by Cho Kyoul-Ja and Song Mi-Ryung(1997), the data were collected from April 1st to April 30th in 2003. The findings of the research are as follows. 1. The average perspective score of the RN-BSN students was higher than that of the BSN students. 2. The RN-BSN students reported higher scores than those of the BSN students in perspectives on personal qualification and meanings, and perspectives on scope and function of their nursing care. However, there was no significant difference between the groups in overall nature and domains of nursing care. 3. In terms of the participants' demographic backgrounds such as, grades in the program, religion, history of hospitalization, there was no significant difference between the BSN and RN-BSN groups. 4. No significant difference was found within the RN-BSN group in terms of their nursing perspectives associated with the years of clinical experience. In conclusion, the score of nursing perspectives in RN-BSN student group was higher than that of the BSN students. No other differences were found in this study. The higher nursing perspective score in RN-BSN group is attributed to their clinical experience. Thus, it is suggested that philosophy and value of nursing should be taught early in nursing program in order for nursing students to obtain proper points of views on nursing care. In addition, nursing philosophy, holistic view, and humanistic values should be stressed in continuing education for clinical nurses in order for them to maintain dignitary perspectives in nursing care.

      • 저체중 출생아의 모아상호작용 : 수유와 교육상황을 중심으로

        조결자,전은영 慶熙大學校 1993 論文集 Vol.22 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to determine changes in the degree of mother-infant interaction of low birth weight infants for the period up to three months of mother and infant living together, and to care of them for prevent their developmental problems. 24 dyad of low birth weight infant and his mother were selected by convenience sampling from two general hospitas and one pediatric hospital in Seoul. Data were collected by the researcher throughout the three phage(zero, one, and theree months of the period of mother-infant living together) for 11 months from January, 20 to December 20, 1992. This study were based on the mother-infant interaction model developed by Banard. Mother-infant interaction were collected by using observation and interview. and Maternal Attitud, self-conception, and Symptoms of Stress were ollected by using questionare. Data were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficients, t-test or ANOVA, frequency, and mean. Findings of this study was summarized as follow; 1. The average of infants´s gestational period was 35.04 weeks, modified age was 36.67 weeks, and mother-infant seperational peried was 25.95 days. The average of mother´s age was 30.25 years, and morriage period was 28.4 months. 2. The comparison of two groups for the mother-infant interaction according to the period the mother and infant were living together. 1) At discharge mother-infant interaction during feeding was 41.1% of total score, but at one and three month the scores were graduall increased (one month, 61.1%; three moth, 63.2%). So there was statistically significant difference (p=.000). Within mother´s mother-infant interaction categories, except the catogory of [response to distress] as most of infants didn´t response this catogory, [Cognitive growth fostering] were lower than the other category, but [Cognitive growth fostering] were the most high. 2) At one month fter discharge mother-infant interaction during teaching was 41.6% of total score, but three month of the period of the mother and infant living together scores were increased(52.9%), so there was statistically significant difference(p=.005). Within mother´s mother-infant interaction categories, except the catogory of [response to dis-tress as most of infants didn´t response this category, [Cognitive growth fostering´ were lower than the other category, but [social-emotional growthe fostering] were the most high. 3. 1) Mother characteristios The result of observation about the factors affecting the mother-infant interaction, mother-infant interaction during feeding were affected by infant´s sex and birth weight. At the zero month peried of the mother and infant living together, male infant was higher than female. And the higherbirth weihgt, the more mother-infant interaction (γ=.4833, p=.029). At one month of the period the mother and infant living together, marrital period were negatively correlated with the mother-infant interaction during teaching (γ=-.7197, p=.004), but self-conception were positively correlated (γ=.5019, p=.027). 2) Infant characteristics At three month of mother-infant living together, Gestational period was positively correlate with mother infant interaction(γ=.620, p=.006). INconclusion, the period of mother-infant living together was positively correlated, therefore these findings suggest the need for nursing intervention directed at impoving the quality of the interaction between mother and infant. During feeding and teaching, it was necessary for mother to concern on [cofnivive development fostering]. The result suggest that the mother-infant interaction can be enhanced by providing prenatal education and supporting the mother for mother´s self-conception was directly affected to mother-infant interaction. It is necessary that mother provided to infant with educational environment and had more sensitivity on her baby´s cues although her baby was immature.

      • 中·高等學校 敎科課程中 健康敎育內容에 關한 硏究

        趙潔子,姜賢淑 慶熙大學校 1980 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        The purpose of the study was to survey the proportion of the health education contents in the textbook of middle and high schools according to the grades and subjects, and to offer basic resources for reorganization of textbooks and for the utilization of manpower in the near future. This study was reffered to 589 textbooks which were reorganized in 1979 and edited in 1980, and was concentrated upon 38 textbooks contain health education contents. The results of this study is as follows: 1. Health education contents in the textbook of middle school 1) By grade, the order was 1st grade(17.3%), 3rd grade(16.8%), and 2nd grade(6.6%), Major health education items of each grade was of nutrition(32.6%) in the 1st grade, environmental sanitation(45.2%), in the 2nd grade, and anatomy and physiolosy(21.1%) child care(19.2%) in the 3rd grade. 2) By subject, the proportion of Health education contents between Home economics (16.6%) and Health education(15.3%) was similar, but Science(10.3%) shows low proportion. Major health education items of each subject was of Accident and emergency care(17.3%) in the Physical education, Nutrition(30.5%) in the Home economics and Anatomy and physiolosy(55.8%) in the Science. 2. Health education contents in the textbook of high school 1) By subject, the order was Physical education(29.9%), Military drill(26.7%), Home economics(24.1%) and Biology(23.4%), but there was no significant difference. Major health education items of each subject was of Social medicine and health institute(13.7%) Accident and emergency care(13.3%) in the Physical education, Accident and emergency care(55.9%) in the Military drill, Nutrition(40.4%) in the Home economics, and Anatomy and physiology(68.3%) in the Biology. However, there was a difference on quantity and priority of Health education contents according to the characteristics of subject. 2) In the technical department, the order of contents which were related with health education was House hold technical department(93.3% out of subjects in total unit 102-156), Agricultural technical department(41.8% out of 3 subjects in total unit 102-156), Physical technical department(31.5% out of 2 subjects in total unit 102-156), and Industrial technical department(8.6% out of I subject in total unit 114-156). 3. Health education contents according to the educational grade (course) in the textbooks The rate of unit which was contained Health education contents was similar between middle and high school: male; 15-17 unit, female; 24-26 unit out of the total unit 96-105 in the middle school and male; 34-40 unit, female; 42-50 unit out of the total unit 192-210 in the high school. The proportion of contents in the high school was two times higher(25.9%) than in the middle school(13.9%).

      • 모범학생과 비행학생의 가정환경 비교연구 : 서울시내 일부 주·야간 고등학교를 중심으로

        조결자,조미영,김윤희 慶熙大學校 1986 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        Today, adolescence and student's delinquencies are increasing gradually in the social instability confusion associated with rapid social change. Therefore this research was attemped to help to constructing the bright and sound welfare society, and to contributing the basic data for performing expanding roles as a nursing practitioner and the more contributing to develop the nursing science through counselling and treating their delinquent and criminal behavior. The duration of study was from Sep. 20 to Oct. 20, 1985. The number of all students participated in this study were 891(model 182, delinquent Student 351). The results that analyze and compare the differenciation between two groups in their family environmental factors were as the following. One tool of the study used for classifying the type and the seventy of delinquent behaviros was the 63 items developed by Clark and Wenningor, and then we reconstructed and used only 43 items(Cronbach's α=0.8521) among them. And we used the other questionnaire constructed of 32 items(Cronbach's α=0.912) after correct and modify several times by 3 researchers for family environmental factors. The gathered datas were took statistics using SPSS m accordance with the purpose of study and we came to results like these; 1. General characteristics of subjects. In the distribution of day and night school, girls and boys, day schools(49.9%) and night schools(50.1%) are similar, the number of girls (63.0%) were much more than boys. In the distribution of model and problem students, problem students (65.8%) was much more than the model. In the age and the order of birth, group of 17 years old(36.8%) was extremely much and the middle born(38.7%) too. 2. The comparison of general characteristics between day and night schools model and problem students. Generally, the night school students' age (17.2∼17.3 yrs.) was more than the day school students' (16.2∼16.5 yrs.) In the comparison of class years, problem students were more as the grade is higher. In the sex, day school have more problem behaviors in boy's school, night school have more in girl's school and in the order of birth, the middle, the last born and the only son(or girl) have more problem behaviors. 3. The content and frequency of delinquent behaviors in problem students Among contents and frequencies of delinquent behaviors extremely much behaviors were "drinking"(20.2%), the next behaviors were "smoking" and "destructiveness"(each other 15.5%) and the next was "resistance to his parent"(15.1%). Thirteen behaviors, excepted "having the weapon" "experienced the premarital sexual relation" have much more than night school students. The percentages of students experienced the delinquent behavior in all subjects were 74.7%, frequencies of delinquent behavior in problem students were for one student from one to eleven times. Their delinquent behavior of each person was commonly 1.9 times. 4. Comparison of the family environment between model and problem students 1) The physical family environment In comparison of the physical family environment, there are certainly significant differentiations between model and problem group. In the type of a residence, the group of no-residence have, in the level of parent's age, the group of the prime manhood have, in his parent's religion, the group of no-religion have, and the group of having not a father or a mother have higher rates of delinquent behaviors more than model students, and the lower are the level of his parent's educational background, the more severve are delinquent behavior of problem students. 2) The psychological family environment ① Comparison of the relation between the attitude of the parent's fostering and the students attitude to his parent. The more positive was the attitude of the parent's fostering for his children, the more positive was the student's attitude to his parents. The more positive was the attitude of the mother's fostering for his children, the more positive are the student's attitude to his father. But in the father's fostering attitude to his children was the better, the student's attitude to has mother was not just better. ② parent's fostering attitude for his children In comparison of the differentiation between the mother's attitude for his children and children's attitudes to his mother and father in model and problem students, model students had more positive feeling for his parent than problem students. 5. Comparison of the relation among specific behaviors(smoking, drinking, using of the dependent drug) 1) physical environment In no-owner house groups and no-religion groups in parents of physical environmental factors. In comparison of the relation between the specific behavior and physical family environmental fact the group that their parent had no-owner house, their mother have no-religion, and living seperately from parent at present was much more smoking, drinking, and using of the dependent drug. 2) In comparison of the relation between specific behaviors and psychological family environmental factors, "the no-smoking" "the trust for his children" group was higher level in parent's attitudes on "the approval for his children" and "the respect of his children's opinion" than the past now experienced smoking group. In drinking, no-drinking group is higher level in father s attitude on "the trust for his children" "the approval for his children" the respect of his children's opinion" and "the consideration for his children" than the past and now experienced drinking group. In using of the dependent drug, there are no different between the no-using group and the using group. As the above result, we can find facts that if their parent's educational background and socio-economical level are lower and students don't live with their parents or their parents died already they have more delinquent behaviors. We can find the fact that if the student lives in home where communicate well with his parent and they have satisfactory family life together with trust, such student have lower frequency of delinquent behaviors. We understand and recongnize that the problem children are maked by problem parent and problem family, so our community have to do their best to plan and to implement the best issue for prevention of delinquent adolescents.

      • 兒童期의 놀이와 놀이감에 관한 硏究

        趙潔子 慶熙大學校 1985 論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the nature and value of play materials of 1-6 year old children. And an examination will be given of the literatures on the traditional play of Korean children. For a child, play itself is an end and life. Above all it derives from the internal motive. Thus a player is not affected by the external conditions, such as achievements or marks which are usually compared with those of others, thereby being important in other than play. It involves pleasure and education, even though it is equivalent to business for an adult. The subject of play is a player himself. There are, however, a variety of its objects, for example, lifelike toys, devised teaching materials and tools, or many stuffs available for various purpose. Play contributes to physical growth, sense of achievement, power to problem-solving the increase of imagination and creativity, and the development of intelligence, emotion, and sociality. Friends of the more or less same age whom children can play with, place where they are not prevented from playing free from any restraint, materials by which they are able to show their imagination and creativity-these should be provided for children, so that they may grow and develop their ability to overcome and adjust themselves to the outward environment. Play is also the exit for the emanation of strong curiosity and energy. From all this it is clear that parents, or adults should be concerned with, and interested in, children's play and make efforts to develop it.

      • 韓國 看護大學 敎育課程에 對한 硏究

        文姬子,金潤喜,趙潔子,趙美映,姜賢淑 慶熙大學校 1982 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        The changes of social issues and nursing concepts require the expansion of nursing needs and nursing role, therefore it is keenly demanded the necessity of the research for new curriculum development in nursing. So to make a contribution to the development of nursing education in Korea, we made a comparative study of nursing curriculum of each universities which have baccalaureate program and put them into operation at present; they are 10 Korean universities, 5 American universities and 4 Japanese Universities. Thus by researching the differences among them. We acquired the conclusions as followings. The purpose of Nursing education In case of Korean parts, the contents of those aims must be explained more clearly and more in detail than another results of research. There also has to be made the statements upon the scientific researching methodology in scholarly respect, or the self-development in individual respect, or the lasting endeavour for studies in professional respect. We must put an emphasis upon the statement and education of the direct nursing provider, or the primary health care manager at hospital and community, who is one of the important aims of modern nursing education. The substance of nursing curriculum. 1) Total credits for completion and the comparison of curriculums, classified by the field. The scope of total credits of each nation, according to Colleges ranges; Korea: 140-163, U.S.A.: 121-187, Japan: 13-158 Compared with those of U.S.A. and Japan, the average credits of Korea is higher. Classified by the field, the credits alloted to major courses are 73.3% and liberal courses, only 26%, which shows that it does not satisfy the current educational trend that emphasizes the liberal course. 2) The comparison of curriculums, classified by a school year. In case of Korea, the total credits are evenly assigned to all grades, but the freshman taken the concentration of liberal courses (81.2%). Among the major courses are preponderant the Nursing Supportive subjects in the sophomore and the nursing major ones in the junior and senior. 3) Curriculums classified by the subject. (1) As compared with those of Japan and U.S.A. Korean students are less free in chosing subjects their own way all over the curriculums. It is, therefore, required that the range of the optionals be widened for the open and flexible education. (2) We can find all of three nations (Korea, Japan, U.S.A.) neglect the sphere of the behavioral sciences among the fundamental nursing subjects. In the field of social sciences, among Korea, Japan, and U.S.A., top ranks Japan that tends of the interested in social well-being. In Korea only two universities have this subjects. (3) Nursing major subjects. Defficulties in comparing them lie in the gulfs of the title of subjects, and the structural differences of the formation of curriculums among nations. In case of Korea, although there are a few differences of the number of credit of subjects among colleges, she has uniform aspects for U.S.A., which says that there are no characteristics and self-control each colleges has in Korea. We can notice that the subjects each Korean university shares are also doubled with those of the national examination for nursing qualification. Japan differs from Korea in that subjects are more differentiated and students are provided with more chances to make a choice through the system of subjects and the texture of a curriculum are similar to those of Korea. In case of Korea, therefore, the unification of fundamental subjects (especially in the medical field) and clinical practices is required. (4) The course for teaching profession is taken as either the required or optional just in Korea (80%) and Japan (75%). The number of subjects and total credits of teaching courses is different according to the colleges of Korea and Japan. As for the contents of subjects Korea deals with theory and Japan, the practical thing with which students can adjust themselves to the spot of society. As a result of that, in case of Korea, demanded are the entire review and research upon the purpose of establishing a curriculum, its relation to the total credits and the choice of substance of subjects etc. 4) The patterns of organization in curriculum development. Most of the patterns of organization, classified by clinic subject pivot upon disease and subjests are not mutually unified in case of Korea and Japan. Though the patterns of organization of subjects if formally unified, that of curriculums is not substantially or wholy synthesized, while in case of U.S.A. the unification of the patterns of organization entire curriculum as well as the mutual unification of subjects is attained and each college runs a characteristic curriculum, since the application of nursing theory and the model of a curriculum are different according to college. The prevention of disease, the promoting health and the disease system is patterned, centering around the healthy and their families. Therefore, in case of Korea, it is urgent to unify the curriculum of nursing education for the efficiency of the future oriented nursing education, and it is also imminent to develop the new pattern of a nursing curriculum suited for our own social demand and situation. And we need the continuous studies and search for the method of application in order to development the new curriculum. The comparison of a curriculum with the purpose of nursing education. The substances of subjects are not consistently in accord with the aims of nursing education each college states in Korea, Japan and U.S.A. Especially in case of Korea, the most statements upon the purpose of education are in the social dimension, but the most subjects have the academic dimension. In Korea it is stringent to examine and study the choice of the contents of education in terms of learning, profession, individual and society.

      • KCI등재

        에이즈 보건교육이 초등학생의 에이즈에 관한 지식과 태도에 미치는 효과

        배선미,조결자 韓國學校保健學會 2002 韓國學校保健學會誌 Vol.15 No.2

        This study examined changes of elementary school students' knowledge and attitudes toward AIDS after AIDS health educational programs were conducted. The experiment was executed from November the 28th, 2001 to February the 6th, 2002. Study examinees were 156 fifth year students of 2 elementary schools located at S City. A preliminary inspection was implemented. The post-examination was conducted by a questionnaire survey 2 weeks and 9 weeks after the program was finished. The measurement instrument was the questionnaire developed by Yun, Hyun Sik(1997) and modified by this researcher. Collected data were analyzed with SPSS program package, x^2-test and t-test, Repeated Measure ANOVA. Findings of study are as follows; 1. Hypothesis 1 ; the hypothesis 1 is "The points of AIDS knowledge are different at each moment, before conducting the educational program, 2 weeks after conducting the educational program, and 9 weeks after conducting the educational program". After the above hypothesis was examined, interactive actions were shown among different periods in both groups (F=267.241, p=.000), so that this hypothesis 1 was approved. 2. Hypothesis 2 ; the hypothesis 2 is "The points of attitudes toward AIDS are different at each moment, before conducting the educational program, 2 weeks after conducting the educational program, and 9 weeks after conducting the educational program". It was closely examined, and the findings are that significant differences between two groups were found, whereas any interactions were not shown between two groups(F=3.753, p=.055), after controlling the attitude scores that showed differences before the education by covariable, and examining the results. so that this hypothesis 2 was rejected. The above study tells that the AIDS health education for elementary school students made their knowledge and attitudes change significantly, but the education was not effective for changing students' attitudes. Elementary school students need more systematic and continual AIDS health education.

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