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      • Rat의 복강내에 투여한 5-fluorouracil-polyglycolic acid 제형이 장기에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        강대영,송규상,최정목,노승무,정경수,오정연,김진향,양준묵,최선웅,이진호,조준식,민병무,김용백,김창식,박근성,김승영,김학용,인현빈 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1998 충남의대잡지 Vol.25 No.1

        For more effective intraperitoneal chemotherapy, the authers made 5-fluorouracil-polyglycolic acid composite disks(FU-PGA disks) with 5-fluorouracil and polyglycolic acid, a biodegradable polymer. We inserted the FU-PGA disk into the peritoneal cavites of Sprague-Dawley male rats, the control and three experimental groups; one FU-PGA disk insert group(300mg/kg), two FU-PGA disk insert group(600mg/kg), and three FU-PGA disk insert group(900mg/kg). The control group received a similar number of PGA disk inserts. A pharmacokinetic study was performed to measure the 5-fluorouracil concentration in the peritoneal fluid, blood, and tissues(liver, kidney and heart) at 24 hours, 72hours and 168 hours after insertion of the FU-PGA disk. Light and electron microscopic studies were done. The results were as follows: 1) The number of white blood cells and platelets decreased after FU-PGA insertion. The degree was proportional to the duration and amounts inserted. The change in the number of red blood cells varied slightly. 2) Light microscopically, slight changes were noted at 168 hours in the 3 disk insert group (900mg/kg). Mild fatty change and hepatocyte degeneration around the central veins of the liver were noted, with vacuolar degeneration in the proximal convoluted tubules of the kidney. 3) Electron microscopically,the liver showed focal increases of lipid droplets in the hepatocytes, and irregular nuclear membrane with focal nucleolar segregation of the fibrillar and granular elements. Also the double membranous structure of the hepatocytes and Kupffer cells was widened with bleb formation. The kidney showed wide separation of the nuclear double membrane in the proximal convoluted tubular cells and mesangial cells, with vacuolation and myelin figure formation in the mitochondria of the proximal convoluted tubular cells, at 72 hours and 168 hours in the 2 to 3 FU-PGA insert groups. The heart showed focal loss of cristae,vacuolation and myelin figure formation in the mitochondria of the 2 to 3 FU-PGA insert groups. In conclusion, despite the large amont of FU-PGA inserted, the histopathological changes in the liver, kidney and heart were slight, and consonant with the very low amount of 5-fluorouracil concentrations detected in the liver, kidney and heart. The above results suggest that the FU-PGA composite can serve as a new device for releasing drugs in a controlled manner and easily targeted to intraperitoneal organs. This device can improve the efficacy of intraperitoneal chemotherapy for gastric cancer.

      • General Equilibrium Model of Economic Growth and Structural Change in Agriculture

        Park, Jung Keun,Kang, Chang Yong 전북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 1984 農大論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        經濟構造의 變化는 最終需要나 中間財需要等 需要條件의 變化에 따라 說明되기도 하고 資源, 技術 等 供給條件의 變化에 따라 論明되기도 한다. 그러나 需要·供給條件의 相五聯關性을 따른 經濟購造變化의 說明이 가장 바람직하다고 할수 있다. Tolley-Smidt, Kelley- williamson, Yamaguchi-Binswanger等은 經濟構造 變化를 一般均衡模型에 의하여 分析하였다. 그들의 模型은 모두 農業部門의 二部門 模型에 基礎를 둔다. 그러나 開發途上國의 經濟成長에 따른 農業內部의 構造變化는 食糧部門과 非食糧部門의 特性을 뚜렷하게 區分짓기 때문에 經濟成長과 構造變化는 食糧部門, 非食糧部門, 非農業部門의 三部門模型에 의하여 接近할 必要가 있다. 本硏衆 이와 같은 問題點에 立脚하여 Yamaguchi-Binswanger 部門 模型을 三部門模型으로 延長, 擴大코저 한다. A selective review of the hypotheses purporting to explain the structural changes of economy reveals the structure of final or intermediate demand as a key explanation of structural change, while others suggest that any model purporting to explain this phenomenon should explore differences in production technologies, factor substitution possibilities and rate of technical change. However, the critical importance of interdependence between demand and supply condition naturally leades to general equilibrium model. Tolley-Smidt, Kelley-Williamson, and Yamaguchi-Binswanger analyzed the structural change with general equilibrium condition under the two sector (agriculture and industry) model. However, for most developing countries the structural change within agriculature can be observed as a result of the rapid economic growth. In the light of this point, this study is an attempt to analyze the economic development in terms of vital relationship within agriculatural sectors (food grain and non-food grain) and between these sectors and industry and to extend Yamaguchi-Binswanger model to three sector model.

      • KCI등재

        북서태평양에 서식하는 살오징어(Todarodes pacificus) 계군 분석에 대한 고찰

        김정연,문창호,윤문근,강창근,김경렬,나태희,최은정,이충일,Kim, Jeong-Yun,Moon, Chang-Ho,Yoon, Moon-Geun,Kang, Chang-Keun,Kim, Kyung-Ryul,Na, Taehee,Choy, Eun Jung,Lee, Chung Il 한국해양학회 2012 바다 Vol.17 No.4

        This paper reviews comparison analysis of current and latest application for stock identification methods of Todarodes pacificus, and the pros and cons of each method and consideration of how to compensate for each other. Todarodes pacificus which migrates wide areas in western North Pacific is important fishery resource ecologically and commercially. Todarodes pacificus is also considered as 'biological indicator' of ocean environmental changes. And changes in its short and long term catch and distribution area occur along with environmental changes. For example, while the catch of pollack, a cold water fish, has dramatically decreased until today after the climate regime shift in 1987/1988, the catch of Todarodes pacificus has been dramatically increased. Regarding the decrease in pollack catch, overfishing and climate changes were considered as the main causes, but there has been no definite reason until today. One of the reasons why there is no definite answer is related with no proper analysis about ecological and environmental aspects based on stock identification. Subpopulation is a group sharing the same gene pool through sexual reproduction process within limited boundaries having similar ecological characteristics. Each individual with same stock might be affected by different environment in temporal and spatial during the process of spawning, recruitment and then reproduction. Thereby, accurate stock analysis about the species can play an efficient alternative to comply with effective resource management and rapid changes. Four main stock analysis were applied to Todarodes pacificus: Morphologic Method, Ecological Method, Tagging Method, Genetic Method. Ecological method is studies for analysis of differences in spawning grounds by analysing the individual ecological change, distribution, migration status, parasitic state of parasite, kinds of parasite and parasite infection rate etc. Currently the method has been studying lively can identify the group in the similar environment. However It is difficult to know to identify the same genetic group in each other. Tagging Method is direct method. It can analyse cohort's migration, distribution and location of spawning, but it is very difficult to recapture tagged squids and hard to tag juveniles. Genetic method, which is for useful fishery resource stock analysis has provided the basic information regarding resource management study. Genetic method for stock analysis is determined according to markers' sensitivity and need to select high multiform of genetic markers. For stock identification, isozyme multiform has been used for genetic markers. Recently there is increase in use of makers with high range variability among DNA sequencing like mitochondria, microsatellite. Even the current morphologic method, tagging method and ecological method played important rolls through finding Todarodes pacificus' life cycle, migration route and changes in spawning grounds, it is still difficult to analyze the stock of Todarodes pacificus as those are distributed in difference seas. Lately, by taking advantages of each stock analysis method, more complicated method is being applied. If based on such analysis and genetic method for improvement are played, there will be much advance in management system for the resource fluctuation of Todarodes pacificus. 본 종설논문은 살오징어의 기존 및 최근에 새롭게 적용되고 있는 계군 분석방법들을 비교 분석하여 각 분석방법의 장단점과 분석방법간의 상호보완에 대하여 고찰하였다. 살오징어는 북서태평양의 넓은 지역을 회유하는 어종으로 생태계 및 상업적으로 중요한 자원이다. 살오징어는 해양환경변화의 생물학적 지표로서의 가능성을 평가 받고 있으며, 장단기적인 어획량 및 분포역의 변화가 환경 변화와 함께 나타난다. 예를 들어, 1987/1988 무렵에 발생한 기후체제전환 이후 한류성 어종으로 분류되는 명태의 어획량은 급감하여 현재까지 그 영향이 지속되고 있는 반면, 살 오징어 어획량은 크게 증가하였다. 현재까지 명태 어획량의 감소에 대하여 남획과 기후변화에 초점이 맞추어진 해석이 있으나, 뚜렷한 원인 분석은 이루어지지 않고 있다. 그 이유 중 한 가지는 계군 분석에 근거한 생태, 환경적 측면에 대한 정확한 원인 분석이 이루어지지 않고 있는 것과 관련이 된다. 계군은 유사한 생물학적 특징을 가진 개체들이 제한된 영역 내에서 유성생식과정을 통하여 동일한 유전자 풀(gene pool)을 공유하는 집단으로, 동일 계군을 형성하는 개체들은 산란에서 자원으로 가입 후 다시 재생산 과정에 이르기까지 시간 및 공간적으로 각기 다른 환경의 영향을 받을 수 있다. 따라서, 종에 대한 정확한 계군 분석은 자원의 효과적인 관리 및 급격한 변화에 대한 중요한 대응 방안의 역할을 할 수 있다. 살오징어 계군 분석에 적용된 주요 방법은 크게 4가지로 형태학적 방법, 생태학적 방법, 표지방류법, 유전학적 방법이 있다. 형태학적인 방법은 분석방법이 가장 간단하고 다수의 개체를 비교적 쉽게 분석할 수 있지만 각 형질들은 성장기간 동안 환경에 의해 영향을 많이 받게 되어 개체간의 차이가 생긴다. 생태학적 방법은 주로 개체의 생리적인 변화와 분포 및 회유상태, 기생충의 기생상태나 종류 및 기생률 등을 분석, 산란장의 차이를 알아보는 연구이며, 현재 활발히 연구되고 있는 방법으로 유사한 환경에서 생활하는 집단을 알 수 있지만 유전적으로 같은 집단인지는 알기 어렵다. 표지방류법은 직접적인 방법으로 계군의 회유 및 분포, 산란장의 위치를 파악할 수 있지만 수거가 어렵고 초기 단계에는 표식을 하기 어렵다. 수산생물의 계군 분석을 위한 유전학적 방법은 자원관리학적 연구에 관한 기본적 정보를 제공해 왔다. 계군 분석을 위한 유전학적 방법은 이에 사용하는 유전자 마커(marker)의 감도에 따라 결정되며, 유전자 마커의 다형성이 높은 것을 선택해야 한다. 계군 분석을 위한 유전자 마커로는 오랜 기간 동안 동위효소 다형이 사용되어졌으며, 최근에는 mitochondria, microsatellite와 같이 DNA 염기배열 중에서도 변이성이 높은 영역을 선택하여 마커로 이용한 연구가 증가되고 있다. 기존의 형태학적 방법, 표지방류법, 생태학적인 방법들은 살오징어의 생활사, 회유경로, 산란장의 변화 등을 밝혀내어 계군을 파악하는데 많은 기여를 하였지만 여전히 각 해역에 분포하는 살오징어의 계군을 파악하기에는 어려움이 있다. 최근에는 기존의 계군 분석이 지닌 장단점을 비교 분석하여 복합적인 방법의 계군 분석이 이루어지며, 이러한 정보들을 바탕으로 유전학적 방법을 보완한다면 살오징어 자원의 변동에 대한 관리 방안을 마련하는데 도움을 줄 것이다.

      • Annual Change and C:N:P ratio in Particulate Organic Matter in Chinhae Bay, Korea

        이필용,강창근,박종수,박주석,LEE, PIL-YONG,KANG, CHANG-KEUN,PARK, JONG-SOO,PARK, JOO-SUCK The Korean Society of Oceanography 1994 韓國海洋學會誌 Vol.29 No.2

        An investigation of the annual change and C:N:P ratio in particulate organic matter (POM) in Chinhae Bay, a semi-enclosed bay of the southern coast of Korean Peninsula, was carried out for a period of 12 months between January and December, 1993. The concentrations of POM have a broad range: 198∼4,416 ugC/l, 24∼792 ugN/l and 4.5∼69.0 ugP/l, Marked seasonal changes of POM, particularly particulate organic carbon (POC) and nitrogen (PON), were observed in the surface water. Generally, the concentration of POM peaks in summer. The C:N:P composition ratio of particulate organic matter, which is high in summer, also shows a seasonal change. The C:N assimilation ratio is constant at 6.53, which is consistent with the Redfield ratio. The significant linear relationship between POM and chlorophyll-a in the surface water during the survey period (except for January and February) and the C:N ratio suggest that the concentration of POM is controlled by phytoplankton biomass. POM peaks in summer, a period characterized by high freshwater input and the strong stratification, as a result of the intense proliferation of phytoplankton by a large amount of nutrient loading from the tributaries. On the other hand, the high C:P and N:P ratios in summer indicate that P is limited for phytoplankton growth owing to N-enrichment from a high input of freshwater with a high dissolved inorganic N:P ratio.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        DRG 지불제도 도입에 따른 의료보험청구 행태 변화

        강길원,박형근,김창엽,김용익,하범만,Kang, Gil-Won,Park, Hyoung-Keun,Kim, Chang-Yup,Kim, Yong-Ik,Ha, Beom-Man 대한예방의학회 2000 예방의학회지 Vol.33 No.4

        Objectives : To evaluate the impacts of the DRG payment system on the behavior of medical insurance claimants. Specifically, we evaluated the case-mix index, the numbers of diagnosis and procedure codes utilized, and the corresponding rate of diagnosis codes before, during and after implementation of the DRG payment system. Methods : In order to evaluate the case-mix index, the number of diagnosis and procedure codes utilized, we used medical insurance claim data from all medical facilities that participated in the DRG-based Prospective Payment Demonstration Program. This medical insurance claim data consisted of both pre-demonstration program data (fee-for-service, from November, 1998 to January, 1999) and post-demonstration program data (DRG-based Prospective Payment, from February, 1999 to April, 1999). And in order to evaluate the corresponding rate of diagnosis codes utilized, we reviewed 820 medical records from 20 medical institutes that were selected by random sampling methods. Results : The case-mix index rate decreased after the DRG-based Prospective Payment Demonstration Program was introduced. The average numbers of different claim diagnosis codes used decreased (new DRGs from 2.22 to 1.24, and previous DRGs from 1.69 to 1.21), as did the average number of claim procedure codes used (new DRGs from 3.02 to 2.16, and previous DRGs from 2.97 to 2.43). With respect to the time of participation in the program, the change in number of claim procedure codes was significant, but the change in number of claim diagnosis codes was not. The corresponding rate of claim diagnosis codes increased (from 57.5% to 82.6%), as did the exclusion rate of claim diagnosis codes (from 16.5% to 25.1%). Conclusions : After the implementation of the DRG payment system, the corresponding rate of insurance claim codes and the corresponding exclusion rate of claim diagnosis codes both increased, because the inducement system for entering the codes for claim review was changed.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        A Case of Occupational Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Associated with Trichloroethylene

        Jae, Young,Hwang, Eu Dong,Leem, Ah Young,Kang, Beo Deul,Chang, Soo Yun,Kim, Ho Keun,Park, In Kyu,Kim, Song Yee,Kim, Eun Young,Jung, Ji Ye,Kang, Young Ae,Park, Moo Suk,Kim, Young Sam,Kim, Se Kyu,Chang, The Korean Academy of Tuberculosis and Respiratory 2014 Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Vol.76 No.2

        Trichloroethylene (TCE) is a toxic chemical commonly used as a degreasing agent, and it is usually found in a colorless or blue liquid form. TCE has a sweet, chloroform-like odor, and this volatile chlorinated organic chemical can cause toxic hepatitis, neurophysiological disorders, skin disorders, and hypersensitivity syndromes. However, the hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) attributed to TCE has rarely been reported. We hereby describe a case of HP associated with TCE in a 29-year-old man who was employed as a lead welder at a computer repair center. He was installing the capacitors on computer chip boards and had been wiped down with TCE. He was admitted to our hospital with complaints of dry coughs, night sweats, and weight losses for the past two months. HP due to TCE exposure was being suspected due to his occupational history, and the results of a video-associated thoracoscopic biopsy confirmed the suspicions. Symptoms have resolved after the steroid pulse therapy and his occupational change. TCE should be taken into consideration as a potential trigger of HP. Early recognition and avoidance of the TCE exposure in the future is important for the treatment of TCE induced HP.

      • KCI등재후보

        8년간(1992~1999) 산업안전보건연구원에 의뢰된 직업병 심의 사례 분석

        강성규,김규상,김양호,최정근,안연순,진영우,최병순,양정선,김은아,채창호,최용휴,김대성,박정선,정호근 대한산업의학회 2000 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        Objectives : Pneumoconisis and noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) have been reported as main occupational diseases by the Special Health Examination. The Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance has reported various work-related diseases, however, these two diseases occupied almost a half of compensated cases. Therefore, it was not well known about the status of occupational diseases other than pneumoconiosis, NIHL, and cardio-cerebrovascular accident (CVA). This study was conducted to analyze claimed cases as an occupational disease, that was requested to the Korea Industrial Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA). Methods : The local office of the Korea Labor Welfare Corporation (KLWC) has asked the KOSHA for confirmation of claimed cases as an occupational disease. We analyzed 379 cases requested from KLWC, the Ministry of Labor, employers, unions and occupational health agencies from 1992 to 1999. Results : Male was 80.7 % of the requested cases. Their mean age was 42 years old and 75.5 % of them were more than 35 years old. The requested cases were increased rapidly from 25 cases in 1992 to 108 cases in 1999 and the accept rate was 50.7 %. The majority of requested cases were respiratory diseases(22.4%), cancers(18.5%), Neuropsychiatric problems(14.5%), and musculoskeletal problems(13.5%). The accept rate was high in reproductive, respiratory, musculoskeletal and digestive disorders and low in neuropsychiatric, renal and otologic problems and occupational cancers. 73.6% of them were caused by chemical agents, especially 28.5 % were by organic solvents. 67% of them were clinically confirmed at university hospitals. A half of the cases were from KyongIn area, even the request came from the whole country. Conclusions : A claim was common in workers whose age was over 35 years old and exposure history was over 10 years. The respiratory diseases and neuropsychiatric disorders were still main problems in occupational health and occupational cancers was increasing even though its accept rate was not high yet.

      • 홈네트워킹용 400㎒ 대역 무선송수신기 설계 및 제작

        강용철,유창근 남서울대학교 2003 남서울대학교 논문집 Vol.9 No.-

        The current paper aims to design and develop a UHF Band RF transceiver, a communica-tion protocol and loop antenna for home networking. We adopted and a synchronized bit protocol to realize a RF transceiver module with434 Mtyz and SmW. We also adopted loop antenna in order to minimize the size of transceivers and realize them with ease.

      • 결핵성 척추염에서 양측 접근법에 의한 전방척추융합술의 수술적치험 1예

        강중식,조준,윤승환,문창택,장상근 건국대학교 의과학연구소 2001 건국의과학학술지 Vol.11 No.-

        In the treatment of tuberculous spondylitis, posterior spinal fusion is more simple and safe procedures than anterior spinal fusion. We performed bilateral anterior spinal fusion with autologous iliac bone graft and concomitant with psoas muscle abscess drainage and antituberculosis drug. As a result, patient was possible early ambulation and he had no recurrence, no complication such as resorption of bone fragment and kyphotic angle change. This article describeds the advantage of bilateral anterior approach in tuberculous spondylitis wish psoas abscess.

      • 중독한 추체로 증상을 보인 cyclosporine에 의한 뇌증 1예

        강정현,곽승근,신현영,김성은,이정호,이정찬,곽상혁,윤환중,조덕연,김삼용,김제,송창준 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 2000 충남의대잡지 Vol.27 No.1

        The use of cyclosporine(CsA), a potent immunosuppressive agent, is associated with numerous side effects. Neurotoxicity was earlier less well known, but with growing experience central nervous system side effects are now reported up to 40% of patients. Among various CsA-induced neurotoxicities, tremor is most common and posterior leukoencephalopathy is well characterized. An encephalopathy presenting with pyramidal weakness, however, seems to be rare and poorly documented. We report here a case of encephalopathy presenting with multiple generalized seizures followed by fluctuating quadriparesis developed a few days after starting CsA and resolved spontaneously after withdrawal of the drug . A 48-year-old woman with aplastic anemia was placed upon immmunosuppressive treatment consisting of antithymocyte globulin(ATG), CsA, and methylprednisolone. Two days after starting the therapy, she developed a generalized seizure. The next day she developed 2 more episodes of seizure and the therapy was stopped. Computed tomogram of the brain was normal. Six days after starting therapy, she developed mild motor weakness and paresthesia of both lower extremities, which progressed to a definite quariparesis confining her to a bed in 3 days. Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) of the brain revealed asymmetric, bilateral high-signal abnormalites in the subcortical white matter of fronto-temporal areas. After reaching to a maximum with some fluactuation(14 days after starting the therapy) the motor weakness started to be resolved. She was discharged with a almost complete resolution of the weakness 45 days after starting the therapy. Five months later she did well and brain MRI was negative.

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