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      • KCI등재후보

        감마선 조사(照射) 온실의 시설 및 선량율(線量率)

        지문(C. M. Kim),한창열(C. Harn),영상(Y. S. Kim),이영일(Y. I. Rhee) 한국육종학회 1971 한국육종학회지 Vol.3 No.2

        The facility of gamma greenhouse, the dose rate and the determination of off-limited area were dealt with in this paper. The cobalt-60 source with the activity of 284 Ci was set up in the greenhouse. The exposure doses were from 11 R/h to 75 R/h on the floor surface during the irradiation, while the scattered radiation was 1.2 mR/h at 1 meter distance from center decreasing to 0.05 mR/h at 6 meter when the source was in the container. The off-limited area and residence-prohibited area was 50 and 200 meters radius from the source, respectively. 자연 생육조건하의 식물체에 감마선을 완조사(緩照射)하여 돌연변이율을 높임으로서 효율적인 방사선 육종을 수행할 수 있도록 본 연구소내에 감마온실 1동을 70년에 완공 가동중에 있는바 동시설 및 선량계측 결과를 다음과 같이 요약한다. 1) 선원(線源)은Co-60’ 284 Ci (1970년 5월 현재)이고 이것을 130m²의 정팔각형 온실의 지하에 저장하게 되어있다. 조사(照射)는 원격조작실의 원격조작으로 선원을 지상 2m에 상승시켜서 한다. 2) 온실 상면(床面)의 선량 분포는 11~75 R/h이였다. 3) 선원 지하 저장시 온실내의 산란선량은 0.05~1.2 mR/h로 작업상 안전하다. 4) 원격조작실 내의 산란선량은 0.02mR/h, Pit내에는 0.4~25 mR/h이였다. 5) 출입제한 구역은 반경 50m, 거주지 제한 구역은 200m로 정하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        水稻短稈變異系統의 量的形質에 關한 硏究

        C. Harn(韓昶烈),C.M. Kim(金智文),J.L. Won(元鍾樂),J.O. Rhee(李鍾玉) 한국육종학회 1971 한국육종학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        The variation of quantitative characters were studied on short culm mutants induced by means of gamma-ray from two leading varieties. Some results obtained are summarized as follows; In general the variation of grain density, grain yield, panicle number per plant and panicle length were found to vary relative to mother varieties. Clear correlationship was obtained between culm length and heading date, panicle length, lodging degree, grain yield, and between leading date and grain density or panicle length in short culm lines. Among the short culm mutants, some were desirable line with high yield characters. 水稻 두 奬勵品種의 種子 및 幼苗에 放射線을 照射하여 誘起, 選拔된 短稈變異系統의 量的形質에 對한 變異를 調査하였다. 一般的으로 着粒密度, 收量, 株當穗數 및 穗長 等의 形質의 變異幅은 넓다. 稈長과 出穗期, 穗長, 倒伏程度 및 收量과 出穗期와 着粒密度 및 穗長間의 相關에 있어서는 高度의 有意性이 있었으며, 그리고 短稈變異系統中에서 母品種에 比해 增收될 수 있는 몇有用한 系統을 選拔할 수가 있었다.

      • KCI등재후보

        γ-線 緩照射에 의한 柑橘의 芽條變異 誘起選拔

        C. M. Kim(金智文),J. K. Kim(金淙根),H. W. Kim(金昊元),J. D. Moon(文章達) 한국육종학회 1972 한국육종학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        In order to induce mutation, especially bud sports of cold hardiness, several varieties of Citrus Unshu were chronically irradiated to the γ-rays (⁶⁰Co) differing in dose rate and total dose during different growing stages. Scions and buds from the irradiated plants during dormant and growing stage were grafted on the stock of trifoliate orange and survival rate and growth of grafts were examined. Growth inhibition, deformation and mutation in the irradiated plants during the growing stage were observed. In April, cutting back method was applied to the irradiated plants during dormant stage. The results obtained were as follows: 1. Survival rates of scion grafts from the irradiated plants during dormant stage showed no differences compared with the control at the dose applied (7.69 kR, 15.1R/hr.) in four varieties. 2. In four varieties, survival rates of bud grafts from the irradiated plants during growing period were more than 50% (RD-50) as compared with the control even at the highest dose applied (34.7kR, 18.06 R/hr.). 3. In chronic irradiation during growing period internodial length, petiole length, leaf length, leaf width and leaf area were significantly decreased with increasing dosage. 4. Deformation following irradiation were mostly appeared at higher doses. Deformed leaves were characterized by asymmetry, bifurcation, irregular toothed margin, slender shape, thickness and dark greenness. Also, deformed fruits showed basal protuberance, rugous and thick rind and lower sugar content. Adventitious shoot with untoothed, round, large, thick and dark green leaves also developed from the base of stalk. 5. In three varietieties four individuals with small leaved and compact type were preliminarily selected as cold hardy character from cutting back treated plants.

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