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      • KCI등재

        [특집] “극동의 영국”으로 변해 가는 일본

        Akira Ogawa(Akira Ogawa) 한국전략문제연구소 2002 전략연구 Vol.- No.24

        The on-going Japan and the U.S. strategic security dialogues in the past nine months are remarkable events that are bearing fruits. A careful preparation began in early spring of 2000 in Washington. The bipartisan American team was created co-chaired by Ambassador Richard Armitage and Professor Joseph Nye. The outcome was issued in October of 2000 before the presidential election took place. After January of 2001, many co-authors of the report including Deputy Secretary of State Armitage joined with the Bush administration and assumed significant posts. The Bush's security policy toward Japan has been clearly stated in the report, which we now call the “Armitage Report”. Of course, the “Armitage Report”, a private policy recommendation, has never officially been endorsed by the Bush administration, but security experts consider it a de-facto and straight statement of the American will and strategy in the Asia-Pacific region. The “Armitage Report” stimulated the Japanese security community when it was made public. LDP (Liberal Democratic Party), under then-PM Yoshiro Mori, launched within the National Defense Division of the Policy Research Council a series of study sessions to investigate and formulate a response to the report. By March, the official LDP response to the “Armitage Report” was made public. This response was titled, “Establishing the Security Policy of Japan and the Japan-U.S. Alliance” and to be brief, called the “Response to Armitage Report”. The report was officially endorsed by LDP the ruling party of Japan. In April, PM Junichiro Koizumi took office and his security policy has been in line with the party's policy platform. The LDP's study groups have been dominating security policy formation in Japan as the opposition parties lack experience, staff and influence. Particularly in the security area, the thrust of the “Armitage Report” is expressed as follows. “We see the special relationship between the United States and Great Britain as a model for the alliance [between the U.S. and Japan]”. The report states “Washington must make clear that it welcomes a Japan that is willing to make a greater contribution and to become a more equal alliance partner”. This arrangement requires the following elements, according to the Report. 1) Reaffirming the defense commitment. The U.S. should reaffirm its commitment to the defense of Japan and those areas under the administrative control of Japan, including the Senkaku islands. 2) Diligent implementation of the revised Guidelines for U.S. -Japan Defense Cooperation, including passage of crisis management legislation. 3) Robust cooperation of all three U.S. armed services with their Japanese counterparts. The U.S. and Japan should strive for greater jointness. (...) They also should define how to assist each other with emerging new challenges, such as international terrorism and transnational criminal activity (...) peacekeeping and peacemaking activities. 4) Development of a force structure that has the characteristics of versatility, mobility, flexibility, diversity, and survivability. (...) We should strive to reduce the American military footprint in Japan as long as our capabilities can be maintained. The LDP's report echoed as the following. “[T]his report has identified, as one of the challenges to promoting wide-ranging global security cooperation in the future and to strengthening our bilateral cooperation, Japanese domestic legal matters including the prohibition on the exercise of the right of collective self-defense derived from the Japanese Constitution. This report has referred to specific measures to address this challenge”. The paper examines nature of strategic security dialogues initiated by the “Armitage Report” which was responded to by the LDP's report. It touches upon three key issues of 1) the right of collective self-defense, 2) emergency laws making, and, 3) missile defense. Prime Minister Koizu

      • KCI등재

        Review : PPARγ Agonist Beyond Glucose Lowering Effect

        ( Akira Sugawara ),( Akira Uruno ),( Masataka Kudo ),( Ken Matsuda ),( Chul Woo Yang ),( Sadayoshi Ito ) 대한내과학회 2011 The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine Vol.26 No.1

        The nuclear hormone receptor PPARγ is activated by several agonists, including members of the thiazolidinedione group of insulin sensitizers. Pleiotropic beneficial effects of these agonists, independent of their blood glucose- lowering effects, have recently been demonstrated in the vasculature. PPARγ agonists have been shown to lower blood pressure in animals and humans, perhaps by suppressing the renin-angiotensin (Ang)-aldosterone system (RAAS), including the inhibition of Ang II type 1 receptor expression, Ang-II-mediated signaling pathways, and Ang-II-induced adrenal aldosterone synthesis/secretion. PPARγ agonists also inhibit the progression of atherosclerosis in animals and humans, possibly through a pathway involving the suppression of RAAS and the thromboxane A2 system, as well as the protection of endothelial function. Moreover, PPARγ-agonist-mediated renal protection, especially the reduction of albuminuria, has been observed in diabetic nephropathy, including animal models of the disease, and in non-diabetic renal dysfunction. The renal protective activities may reflect, at least in part, the ability of PPARγ agonists to lower blood pressure, protect endothelial function, and cause vasodilation of the glomerular efferent arterioles. Additionally, anti-neoplastic effects of PPARγ agonists have recently been described. Based on the multiple therapeutic actions of PPARγ agonists, they will no doubt lead to novel approaches in the treatment of lifestyle-related and other diseases. (Korean J Intern Med 2011;26:19-24)

      • The issue of living environment for children with physically handicapped. Change of the way of bathing aids after moving house.

        Akira Nishimura,Yuko Noguchi,Shio Hayashi,Michiko Bando,Akira Suzuki,Kazuoki Ohara 한국재활복지공학회 2010 한국재활복지공학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2010 No.11

        In Japan, the house renovations are mainly intended for elderly people. On the other hand, the house renovations for the children with physically handicapped are few. Parents are used to carry their child in their arms in baby period, and not using any assistive devices even after the child has grown up. As the result, some mothers get to have lumbago. In this report, the authors researched on movement of parents when they give a bath to their child. Taking the case of family who moved from rented accommodation to newly-built detached house, the authors examined the difference of the movements of and studied the influence on the change of environments in the way of bathing aids for child.

      • How do parents think the hoist system in the bathroom for children with disabilities?

        Akira Nishimura,Kazuoki Ohara,Yuko Noguchi,Michiko Bando,Akira Suzuki,Shio Hayashi 한국재활복지공학회 2011 한국재활복지공학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2011 No.11

        In this study, we summarize parents" views on bathing care for children with disabilities by investigating into the use of hoist system for bathing. As a result, many parents answered that they need to use the hoist system after their children has grown up to 30kg. But there is very little installation of the hoist system.Only ten percent of the parents have experienced the hoist system, and others tend to be under impression that the hoist system is not so useful. And it turned out that parents consider the priority of the hoist system as following. 1. Safety care, 2.Simple operation, 3.lnstalling in small space, 4. Easy cleaning and maintenance, 5.Quick care, 6.Cheap price.

      • KCI등재

        브레히트와 현대연극 : 베르톨트 브레히트와 프리츠 랑 -영화 <사형집행인도 죽는다>를 중심으로-

        아키라이치카와 ( Akira Ichikawa ) 한국브레히트학회 2013 브레히트와 현대연극 Vol.0 No.29

        영화 <사형집행인도 죽는다>는 1942/43년 베르톨트 브레히트와 프리츠 랑이 미국 망명시절 공동으로 제작한 반파시스트 영화의 대표작품에 속한다. 이 영화의 시나리오 작가는 존 웩슬리로 알려져 있으며, 브레히트의 이름은 오랫동안 거론되지 못했다. 이런 연유로 인해 이 작품은 2000년에 30권으로 새롭게 편찬된 브레히트의 전집에는 수록되지 못한 작품이다. 이 영화가 브레히트와 밀접한 연관이 있다는 사실은 비로소 1997/98년 미국 서던 캘리포니아 대학 도서관에서 우연히 두 편의 원고가 발견되면서부터 본격적으로 재기되기 시작하였다. 본 논문은 미국에서 발견된 두 편의 원고 및 인터뷰자료들을 비교분석하면서 이 작품이 브레히트의 작품이라는 것을 그의 연극적인 특징들을 통해 규명해 보고자 한다. 본 논문은 크게 두 부분으로 구성되어 있는데, 첫 번째 부분은 영화의 생성사에 관한 것이며, 두 번째 부분은 영화에서 브레히트적인 요소에 관한 것이다. 우선, 영화의 생성사는 프리츠 랑의 아이디어로부터 출발한다. 프리츠 랑은 1942년 5월 나치정권의 옹호자 라인하르트 하이드리히가 체크의 지하운동조직에 의해 암살당한 소식을 접하고 브레히트와 공동으로 이와 연관된 내용을 영화로 제작할 계획을 세우게 된다. 브레히트와 랑에 의해 공동으로 기획된 트리트먼트에는 <437!! 인질영화>라는 독일어 제목이 붙여졌다. 브레히트와 랑이 공동으로 기획한 트리트먼트는 이어 영화제작을 위한 시나리오로 각색되었는데, 이를 맡은 사람은 미국의 시나리오 작가 존 웩슬리였다. 그러나 영화 시나리오의 저작권을 둘러싸고 브레히트와 웩스리 사이에 소송이 제기되었으며, 이 소송에서 브레히트는 저작권을 잃게 된다. 이 영화는 1943년 3월 26일로스앤젤레스에서 <사형집행인도 죽는다>라는 제목으로 초연되었다. 브레히트가 소송에서 저작권을 상실하긴 하였지만, 이 영화는 많은 부분에서 브레히트적인 요소들이 발견되고 있다. 우선, 이 영화는 전체 세 개의 이야기로 구성된 서사극적인 형식을 취하고 있다. 영화는 크게 체코 지하운동조직의 암살이야기, 아버지가 인질로 잡힌 어느 소녀의 이야기, 나치 비밀경찰의 이야기로 구성되어 있다. 또한 이야기의 내용적인 측면에서도 브레히트적인 요소가 발견되고 있다. 이 영화에서 실제 주인공은 소년라고 할 수 있는데, 이 소녀는 처음에는 정치에 전혀 관심이 없다가 점점 정치에 관심을 가지는 투쟁자로 변모해간다. 더 나아가 영화의 마지막 장면에서도 브레히트적인 요소가 드러나고 있음을 알 수 있다. 이 영화의 종결 부분은 웩슬리에 의해 구현된 ``대중의 감각에 호소하는 카타르시스적인 요소``와 브레히트에 의해 구현된 ``대중의 이성에 호소하는 계몽적인 요소``가 서로 혼합되어 있음을 알 수 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        Portal bifurcation reconstruction using own hepatic vein grafts due to portal vein anomaly of the living donor for the patient with portal vein thrombosis

        Akira Umemura,Hiroyuki Nitta,Takeshi Takahara,Yasushi Hasegawa,Hirokatsu Katagiri,Shoji Kanno,Megumi Kobayashi,Taro Ando,Taku Kimura,Akira Sasaki 한국간담췌외과학회 2020 Annals of hepato-biliary-pancreatic surgery Vol.24 No.4

        A 57-year-old Japanese female was considered for living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) due to end-stage liver cirrhosis caused by primary biliary cholangitis with portal vein thrombosis (PVT) formation. A 26-year-old daughter of the patient was selected as a living donor; however, a computed tomography examination revealed trifurcated-type portal vein anomaly (PVA). Preoperative liver volumetry showed that the right lobe graft was necessary for the recipient; therefore, reconstruction of the portal vein bifurcation during LDLT was necessary. We planned to extract the recipient’s own hepatic vein grafts after total hepatectomy, and these would be attached with anterior and posterior portal branches as jump grafts. We performed laparoscopic donor hepatectomy as usual, and the recipient’s hepatic vein grafts were anastomosed on the bench. Then, the liver graft was inserted, and the hepatic vein reconstruction was routinely performed. We confirmed the alignment between the recipient’s portal vein and the bridged hepatic vein graft of the liver graft’s posterior branch, and anastomosed these two vessels. Moreover, we confirmed the front flow and expansion of the reconstructed posterior branch by declamping only the suprapancreatic side of the portal vein. The decision regarding the punch-out location was crucial. We confirmed the alignment between the reconstructed posterior branch and the bridged hepatic vein graft of the anterior branch, and anastomosed these two vessels employing the punched-out technique. In LDLT, liver transplant surgeons occasionally encounter living donors with PVA or recipients with PVT. Our contrivance may be useful when the liver graft needs reconstruction of portal vein bifurcation.

      • A Design of a Strongly Stable Generalized Minimum Variance Control Using a Genetic Algorithm

        Akira YANOU,Mingcong DENG,Akira INOUE 제어로봇시스템학회 2009 제어로봇시스템학회 국제학술대회 논문집 Vol.2009 No.8

        This paper proposes a design scheme of generalized minimum variance control (GMVC) having a new design parameter. The design parameter is introduced by applying coprime factorization approach and Youla-Kucera parameterization of stabilizing compensators to a generalized minimum variance controller. And it is selected by using a genetic algorithm so that the controller is designed to be stable. Therefore the proposed method gives a strongly stable system, that is, not only the closed-loop system is stable, but also the controller itself is stable.

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