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      • 몸짓언어와 자세를 이용한 캐릭터의 복합 감정 표현 시스템의 설계이창숙*ㆍ조경은**ㆍ엄기현

        이창숙,조경은,엄기현 동국대학교 영상문화콘텐츠연구원 2009 영상문화콘텐츠연구 Vol.0 No.-

        인간은 감정을 표현함으로서 언어를 사용하지 않고도 자신의 의사를 전달할 수 있다. 가상의 캐릭터를 현실감 있게 만들기 위해서는 인간과 같은 감정표현이 필요하다. 그러나 현재 게임 내 캐릭터 및 감정 표현 연구에서 보인 감정 표현은 매우 일관적이다. 본 논문에서는 성격에 따라 같은 감정이라도 다르게 표현할 수 있는 복합적 감정 표현 캐릭터 시스템을 제안한다. 또한 몸짓언어와 자세로서 캐릭터의기분과 현재 감정을 표현함으로서, 긍정적 기분일 경우의 일시적 슬픈 감정등의 복합적인 감정 표현을 시도하는 시스템을 제안한다. Design of Mixed-Emotion Expressive System of Character Using Gesture and Posture Lee, Chang-sook․Cho, Kyung-eun․Um, Ky-hyun When human represents feelings, he can express himself intention even without using language. In order to create artificial reality of virtual character, we need to represent his feeling in human's manner. However in current game, character and emotion expressions are represented in patterns. This paper proposes a complex feeling representation system, in which virtual character can represent different expressions from same feeling based on personality. Meanwhile we introduce a complex feeling indicative system in which virtual character can use body languages in forms of gesture and posture to represent the effect of both character's mood and feeling, such as positive and sad condition.

      • 합성세제로 인한 환경오염

        임낭웅,이창숙 中央大學校 建設環境硏究所 1993 環境科學硏究 Vol.4 No.-

        The aesthetically objectionable foam and favour sourced from laundry wastes have been reviwed, in view of effect on environmental pollution. The laundry wastes originate from the use soap, soda and synthetic detergents. These are used for removing grease, dirt and starch from solid clothes. In paticular, the synthetic detergents are heavily used for washing the foods and household appliances. Most commercial laundry wastes are discharged directly to municipal sewage system and treaed together with domestic sewage. Laundry wastes, when float on the surface of water discharged, are serious pollutants. The effects of these substances are toxic. Floating substances with water contribute to decrease BOD(Biochemical Oxygen Demand), which is the main sources of poor water quality. As a result of this, the living organisms are non-survival. To safely remove these polluting substances, they must be treated most economically by the chemical and physical processes. The first is to remove phosphate(PO₄) with Na₂Al₂O₄, followed by sedimentation and separation process. The second method is the acidiification with FeCl₂,FeCl₃,FeSO₄,Fe(SO₃)₃,followed by sedimentation with ferric sulfate. It is then separated with filtering process. The activated sludge process, with long aerobic period, was alse introduced as the effective treating method of the laundry wastes. The review stresses on much tighter regulations on discharging these substances to sewage system, compared to the existing regulations.

      • KCI등재

        명대 단극의 구성과 성립에 관한 시론

        이창숙 영남중국어문학회 1998 중국어문학 Vol.32 No.1

        明代的短劇從嘉靖年間開始産生了. 自從盧前在《明淸戱曲史》裏, 說$quot;短劇云者, 指單折之雜劇而言$quot;以來, 關于短劇的定義, 論者之關有若干分기. 但是曾永義先生的狹義之槪念最合理的, 就是一本三折以內的雜劇. 在音樂方面, 有專用北曲的, 有專用南曲的, 還有混用北曲和南曲的. 短劇的音樂結構, 大部分是南北曲的套曲, 但是有些作品不是套曲, 而只是排列幾支曲調. 特刷是初期短劇之中有未完成套曲的作品, 타們的音樂結構與內容有密接關係. 例如李關集的《一笑散》裏的幾篇都是近於院本的作品, 不是故事業完整的普通作品. 以套曲爲音樂結構的作品, 在劇情結構上, 是首尾完整的一篇故事. 短劇作家的社會地位同以前雜劇作家顯然不同. 他們是中國正統的知識分子, 同時屬於鄕紳階層. 例如; 王九思·李開先·汪道昆等是進士出身, 徐渭是諸生出身. 明中期的主要雜劇作家有共同的人生遭遇. 上述的幾個作家, 在人生的高漸期, 失志而歸鄕, 以後注重於詩文和詞曲創作. 他們帶領歌妓舞童而寫作戱曲. 當時, 在鄕村的迎神纂社, 還在表演院本·雜劇等古老的戱劇. 在鄕村社會生活過的他們, 在院本那樣短小的戱劇的基礎上, 可能創造短劇. 上述李開先的《一美散》可以說是根據當時流行着的院本整理出來的. 總而言之, 短劇是懷才不遇的鄕紳文人, 在他們鄕村的經濟基礎上, 參考院本那樣的短小形式, 創造出來的戱劇.

      • KCI등재

        First record of Cephalanthera erecta var. oblanceolata (Orchidaceae) from Korea

        이창숙,엄상미,최선아,이남숙 한국식물분류학회 2009 식물 분류학회지 Vol.39 No.4

        Cephalanthera erecta var. oblanceolata N. Pearce & P. J. Cribb (Orchidaceae), previously known only from Bhutan, was first recorded in the lowland of Gyeonggi-do, Whaseong-shi, Seosin-myeon. This taxon is distinguished from Cephalanthera erecta by characteristics such as oblanceolate dorsal sepal and lateral petals, lanceolate lateral sepals, and simple, oblanceolate lip without spur. The vernacular name was newly given as ‘Min-eun-nan-cho’, based on the lip without spur. The morphological characteristics and illustrations of the taxon are provided along with its photograph.

      • KCI등재

        Selaginella heterostachys Baker (Selaginellaceae): first report for Korea

        이창숙,김유성,이남숙 한국식물분류학회 2008 식물 분류학회지 Vol.38 No.4

        Selaginella heterostachys Baker (Selaginellaceae), previously known only from southern Japan, China, Taiwan and Vietnam, was found on sunny slopes at forest edges, Gangchon-ri, Chuncheon-si, Gangwon-do. This species is distinguished from the related taxon by ovate lateral microphylls with shallowly cordate base and elongated median microphylls with recurved apex. The local name Gak-si-bi-neul-ikki, meaning of the bride's skirt shape of median microphylls with recurved apex rather than S. nipponica. The morphological characters and illustrations of this species are provided with photographs of the habit.

      • 韓國産 羊齒植物 圖譜Ⅰ

        吳용子,李昌淑 誠信女子大學校 1991 硏究論文集 Vol.31 No.1

        한국산 양치식물 35종은 직접 채집하여 연구한 해부도와 연구내용을 종합하여 1차적으로 정리하였다. 양치식물을 구별할 수 있는 주요한 특징을 기재하고, 식물전체의 특징을 그리거나 사진을 찍어 도해작성하였다. 식물체계는 그간 학자간에 의견을 달리하였던 두개의 과를 그 간의 연구를 통해 고사리과(Pteridaceae)는 Dennstaedtiaceae(잔고사리과)와 Adiantaceae(공작고사리과)로 나누었고, Aspidiaceae(면마과)는 Onocleaceae(야산고사리과), Athyriaceae(개고사리과), Dryopteridaceae(관중과), Thelypteridaceae(처녀고사리과)로 나누었다. The descriptions and anatomical charts about 35 species of the Korean ferns were arranged firstly. These distinct characters could divided tile ferns, and these were observed by light and stereo microscopes. During the time, the fern systems were dealt differently by many scholars. And so, in this paper through the many studies, the family Pteridaceae and the family Aspidiaceae were divided as follows : Pteridaceae was divided with Adiantaceae and Dennstaedtiaceae, and Aspidiaceae was divided with Onocleaceae, Athyriaceae, Dryopteridaceae and Thelypteridaceae.

      • KCI등재

        A New Variety of Elsholtzia (Lamiaceae): E. splendens var. fasciflora from Korea

        이창숙,서형민,정미숙,정영순,이남숙 한국식물분류학회 2010 식물 분류학회지 Vol.40 No.4

        A new variety of Elsholtzia splendens (Lamiaceae) was found by the roadside of a mountain base at Jungmun-dong, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do. The new taxon is termed Elsholtzia splendens var. fasciflora N.S. Lee, M.S. Chung & C.S. Lee, var. nov. The Korean name ‘Da-bal-kkot-hyang-yu’ was given. The morphological characters and illustrations of the species based on the holotype are provided together with a photograph of the habitat. It is distinctly distinguished from Elsholtzia splendens var. splendens by a few characteristics: leaves that area 2−4 cm long, leaves beneath the inflorescence, typically mostly 4; and inflorescence mosyly 2−4, fascicled, involucres oval.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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