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        高宗의 헤이그특사 파견과 국내항일투쟁

        金祥起(Sang-Gi Kim) 독립기념관 한국독립운동연구소 2007 한국독립운동사연구 Vol.0 No.29

        고종은 헤이그의 만국평화회의에 특사를 파견하여 일제의 불법적인 한국 침략을 규탄하고 한국의 자주독립을 호소하였다. 그러나 제국주의 열강은 고종의 호소를 외면했고 오히려 고종은 일제에 의해 강제로 퇴위당하고 말았다. 고종을 강제로 퇴위시키려 한다는 소식에 同友會를 중심으로 서울시민들의 시위가 7월 17일부터 벌어졌다. 19일 새벽 고종의 양위 소식이 전해지자 격분한 시민들은 일진회의 국민신문사를 파괴하고 일본인 가옥을 부수고 일본군경과 투석전을 감행하였다. 구한국 군인들도 무장한 채 탈영하여 시민들과 함께 종로의 파출소를 공격하였다. 시민들은 결사대를 조직하고 이완용과 이지용, 이근택 등 친일파의 가옥을 불태웠다. 일제는 시위를 주도한 동우회를 급습하여 회장을 비롯하여 회원들을 체포하여 종신형과 10년형을 선고하고 전라도 지도와 진도로 유배시켰다. 고종의 강제 퇴위 소식이 발표되자 독약을 먹고 자결하는가 하면 고종의 일본행을 막기 위해 열차를 저지시킬 계획을 세우다 체포되어 총살형을 당한 이도 나왔다. 일제의 구한국 군대의 해산에 맞서 시위대는 박승환 대대장의 자결을 신호로 하여 일본군과 시가전을 벌이면서 항쟁하였다. 지방의 진위대도 해산을 거부하고 무장한 채탈영하여 항일의병에 합류하였다. 또한 잠시 소강상태에 있던 의병 세력들도 분개하여 의병을 재기하여 전국적인 항쟁에 돌입하였다. 고종의 헤이그특사 파견은 군주로서의 책임을 다하고자 한 자주적 처사였다. 고종은 이 사건으로 강제로 퇴위되었지만 시민들은 퇴위 반대항쟁 과정에서 민족적 역량을 축적해갔으며, 전국적인 규모의 의병전쟁으로 확대되어 저항적 민족이념이 자리잡게 하였다. The Emperor Gojong dispatched an special envoy to The Hague Peace Conference, censured the Japanese act of illegal invasion of Korea and appealed to the Conference for Korea’s autonomy. But the imperialist Powers disregarded the Emperor’s appeal and Gojong was deposed by force by Japanese imperialism to the contrary. As soon as the news spread that Gojong would be deposed compulsively, the demonstration of the citizens of Seoul with Dongwoohoi (a society of like-minded friends) as the center started to take place from the 17th of July. As the citizens heard of the news of Gojong’s abdication of the throne at the crack of dawn on the 19th of July, they were enraged and destroyed the office building of “Gookmin newspaper” which was the bulletin of Iljinhoi (a pro-Japanese organization) and the houses of Japanese people, and carried out resolutely to throw stones at the Japanese military and police. Also the Korean soldiers who once served in the former Korean army deserted from encampment with their arms attacked a police box in Jongro, Seoul together with the citizens. The citizens organized a do-or-die squad organization and burned the houses of Wan-Yong Lee, Ji-Yong Lee and Geun-Taek Lee. Imperialist Japan made a sudden attack on Dongwoohoi which led the demonstration and arrested its members including its chairman, and passed a life sentence and 10 year jail sentence upon them, and banished them to Jido and Jindo, Jeollado. As the news that Gojong was deposed compulsively was announced, some people made suicide and some were arrested and shot to death because they made a plan to stop a train in order to obstruct Gojong’s deportation to Japan. With the battalion commander Seung-Hwan Park’s committing suicide, the demonstrators to meet the dismissal of the Korean troop struggled against the Japanese army starting street fighting. The army in the provinces rejected its dismissal and the soldiers deserted from encampment with their arms and joined the anti-Japanese army in the cause of justice. Also other forces of the anti-Japanese army in the cause of justice in a momentary state of lull rose again and dashed into nationwide armed resistance. Gojong’s dispatch of a special envoy to The Hague was an autonomous measure to carry out his responsibilities as a ruler. Although he was deposed compulsively due to the event in The Hague, the citizens stored up national capacity in the course of struggle against Gojong’s abdication. And the anti-japanese struggle by the army in the cause of justice, which was developed into a nationwide scale, made it possible for a resistant national principle to settle in the mind of Koreans.

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