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      • KCI등재

        등산복 추구혜택에 따른 추구이미지와 색선호

        한희정(Hee Jung Han),김미숙(Mi Sook Kim) 한국디자인문화학회 2014 한국디자인문화학회지 Vol.20 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 성별로 등산복 추구하는 혜택에 따른 집단 간 등산복을 통해 추구하는 이미지와 선호하는 색상에 차이가 있는지를 분석하는 것이다. 설문조사를 통해 자료수집을 하였고 887부의 설문지를SPSS 19.0의 요인분석, 군집분석, 신뢰도 분석, ANOVA, 교차분석을 사용하여 분석하였다.본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다: 등산복 추구혜택의 차원을 기준으로 남성은 무관심 집단, 경제성/브랜드추구집단, 기능활동성 추구집단, 경제성/개성 추구집단으로, 여성은 경제성/체형보완 추구집단, 브랜드/개성 추구집단, 소극적 브랜드 추구집단, 소극적 기능성추구집단으로 각 4개 집단으로 구분되었다. 등산복 추구이미지는 매력/패션감각적, 고급/품위 있는, 단순/단정한 이미지의 3개 요인으로 도출되었다. 등산복 추구혜택 집단 간 추구이미지와 재킷, 조끼 티셔츠의 색상선호도에서 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 남성의 경우 단순/단정한 이미지를, 여성은 매력/패션감각적 이미지를 주로 추구하였다. 남성은 재킷, 조끼, 티셔츠에서 파랑, 남색, 연두, 흰/회색을 선호한 반면, 여성은 빨강, 주황과 같은 밝고 선명한 색상을 선호하였다. 연령대와 월소득에 따른 등산복 추구혜택 집단의 분포차이에서 여성 집단에서만 월소득에 따라 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 나타났으며, 여성의 브랜드/개성 추구집단은 고소득층 비율이 가장 높았다. The purpose of this study was to investigate thedifferences in the pursued images and preferred colorsof mountain gear among the male and female groupsdivided by benefits sought for mountain gear. Data werecollected by questionnaire survey, which was conductedto a total of 887 respondents. Factor analysis, clusteranalysis, reliability test, ANOVA, and chi-squareanalysis were used for data analysis using SPSS 19.0.The results of the present study were as follow:Four segments were formulated per gender based onbenefits sought for mountain gear: the indifferent, theeconomy/brand-oriented, the function-ori ented and theeconomy/individuality-oriented for males, and theeconomy/body complimenting function-oriented, thebrand/individuality-oriented, the passive brand-orientedand the passive function-oriented for females. Regardingimages pursued for mountain gear, 3factorswereidentified:fascinating/fashionable,luxurious/refined andsimple/neat images. There were significant differencesin mountain gear images pursued, and color preferencesfor jacket, vest, and t-shirt among the groups. Malegroups tended to pursue simple/neat image, whereasfemales did fascinating/fashionable image. The malegroups tended to prefer blue, purple blue, yellow greenand white/grey for jacket, vest and t-shirts; the femalegroups preferred bright/vivid colors such as red andorange. Significant difference was also found in monthlyincome distribution among the female groups, and thebrand/individuality-oriented showed the highest incomelevel.

      • KCI등재

        유아교사의 수업만족 측정을 위한 구성요인 탐색

        한희정(Han Hee Jung),서현아(Seo Hyun ah) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2017 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.17 No.4

        본 연구는 유아교사의 수업만족을 구성하는 요인을 탐색하고, 이를 측정하기 위한 요인별 문항을 추출하는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 첫째, 유아교사 48명을 대상으로 2016년 8월 4주부터 9월 2주까지 개방형 설문을 통한 조사를 실시하였고, 둘째, 유아교육전문가 7명을 대상으로 2016년 10월 1주 심층면담을 실시하였다. 이러한 절차를 토대로 도출된 유아교사 수업만족의 구성요인은 ‘교사의 정서 및 태도’, ‘상호작용만족’, ‘수업계획만족’, ‘수업환경만족’, ‘수업과정만족’ 등의 5가지로 나타났다. ‘교사의 정서 및 태도’ 에는 반성, 성실, 흥미, 자부심, 즐거움, 보람이 포함되었고, ‘상호작용만족’에는 동기유발, 의사소통, 유아 집중 유발, 유아 흥미 유발, 유아 참여 증진 등이 포함되었다. ‘수업계획만족’에는 준비 자세, 교재교구 준비, 수업 계획, 수업 이해도, 수업 연구 등이, ‘수업환경만족’에는 과한 업무, 수업방해 유아, 교사 컨디션, 시간 부족, 근무 환경 등이, ‘수업과정만족’에는 수업 수준, 개인차 고려, 창의력 증진, 신체활동/체험, 집중과 몰입, 교구/교재 활용 등이 포함되었다. 또한 유아교사의 수업만족측정을 위한 문항은 총 79개가 추출되었다. 이러한 결과는 유아교사의 수업만족을 이끄는데 지표가 되는 유용한 기초자료를 제공했다는데 의의를 찾을 수 있다. The purpose of this study was to explore factors of early childhood teachers’ teaching satisfaction, providing items for each factor that are used to measure that satisfaction. For this purpose, it conducted an open-ended questionnaire survey of 48 early childhood teachers. And then, this study made profound interviews with 7 experts in early childhood education. Through these moves, the study could identify five main factors of early childhood teachers’ teaching satisfaction like ‘sentiment and attitude of teacher’, ‘satisfaction of interactions’, ‘satisfaction of teaching plan’, ‘satisfaction of teaching environment’ and ‘satisfaction of teaching process’. Specifically, ‘Sentiment and attitude of teacher’ was connected with reflection, sincerity, interest, pride, delight and rewarding. ‘Satisfaction of interactions’was about motivation, communication, induction of children’s concentration, induction of children’s interest and promotion of children’s participation. ‘Satisfaction of teaching plan was about posture for teaching, preparation of teaching materials, plans of teaching and understanding and research of what and how is taught. ‘Satisfaction of teaching environmens’ was concerned with overwork, disruptive children, conditions as the early childhood teacher, lack of time and work environment. And ‘Satisfaction of teaching progress’ was about level of teaching, consideration of differences among individual children, creativity promotion, physical activities/experiences, concentration and commitment and utilization of teaching materials. Based on these details of the factors, this study finally drew out total 79 items that can be used to measure early childhood teachers’ teaching satisfaction. In conclusion, this study is meaningful in that it provides such basic information useful to help promote early childhood teachers’teaching satisfaction.

      • KCI등재

        형태초점 교수법이 고등학생의 영어 독해력에 미치는 영향

        한희정 ( Hee Jung Han ),임병빈 ( Byung Bin Im ) 글로벌영어교육학회(구 호남영어교육학회) 2013 Studies in English education Vol.18 No.1

        This study aims to examine the effects of Focus on Form instruction on high school students` English reading comprehension. For 12 weeks, the experimental group received Focus on Form instruction using input enhancement as an implicit approach and consciousness-raising techniques as an explicit approach while the control group received meaning-oriented instruction such as text interpretation and translation in English reading classes. As the result, the experimental group showed higher achievement than the control group. In the upper, middle and low achievement sub-groups of the experimental group, Focus on Form instruction was most effective for middle-level students. On the questionnaire, there was no noticeable difference in the comparison of the preference between the explicit and implicit Focus on Form instruction but implicit Focus on Form instruction was more effective to the low-level group and explicit Focus on Form instruction was more effective to the middle-level group. Thus, teachers need to adapt Focus on Form instruction appropriate to students` reading levels.

      • KCI등재

        산업체 연계형 캡스톤 디자인을 활용한 창의적 학습경험 교수·학습모형 개발 및 적용

        한희정(Han, Hee-Jung) 인문사회과학기술융합학회 2020 예술인문사회융합멀티미디어논문지 Vol.10 No.4

        본 연구는 예비 유아교사를 대상으로 4차 산업혁명 시대에서 산업체가 요구하는 현장 적응역량을 강화하기 위해 산업체 연계형 캡스톤 디자인을 활용한 창의적 학습경험 교수·학습모형을 개발하고, 이를 적용한 뒤 그 효과를 검증하고자 하였다. 먼저, 교수·학습모형의 체계적 설계를 위해 학습자, 교수학습환경, 교수자 요구분석을 실시하고 교육목표, 학습전략 등을 토대로 교수·학습모형을 개발하였으며, 이는‘만나기’,‘탐색하기’,‘고안하기’,‘활용하기’의 4단계를 거친다. 캡스톤 디자인 교과목을 수강하는 유아교육과 재학생 31명을 대상으로 ‘산업체 연계형 캡스톤 디자인을 활용한 창의적 학습경험 교수·학습모형’을 적용하고 효과를 검증하였다. 그 결과, 본 연구에서 개발된 교수·학습모형은 예비 유아교사들의 창의적 문제해결력, 창의융합역량, 대인관계 유능성, 의사소통역량을 향상시키는데 긍정적인 효과가 있었다. 또한 학생들의 활동일지를 통해 자기주도적 학습이 강화되고 문제해결력이 향상되었으며 팀워크, 대인관계 기술이 향상되었음을 알 수 있었다. The objectives of this study were to develop a teaching-learning model for creative learning experience using the industry-linked capstone design, and apply that program and test its effects, ultimately making a contribution to picking up pre-service childhood teachers’ practical adaptation competence as much as required by the industrial sector. For the goals, the study analyzed requirements from learners, teaching-learning environment and teachers and, thereon, designed and developed the teaching-learning model for creative learning experience which contains 4 stages like ‘encountering’, ‘exploring’, ‘devising’ and ‘utilizing’ that would be proceeded in sequence. Then, this research applied the developed program to 31 college students of early childhood education who were currently taking the course of capstone design for the purpose of testing how effective the program was. As a result, this study found that the teaching-learning model developed here was positively effective in promoting those students’ creative problem solving ability, creative fusion capability, interpersonal relationship competence and capability of communication. As supported by the students’ activity journals, it was also found that the developed program effectively reinforced the pre-service childhood teachers’ self-directed learning and improved their skills of problem-solving, team-working or interpersonal relationship.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        초등학생의 낙관성과 외상 후 성장의 관계: 사회적 지지와 자기효능감의 매개효과

        한희정(Han, Hee-Jung),김유미(Kim, You-Me) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2021 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.21 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 초등학생의 낙관성과 외상 후 성장의 관계에서 사회적 지지와 자기효능감의 매개효과를 검증하는 것이다. 이를 위하여 2019년 3월 21일부터 3월 31일까지 서울시 내 초등학교 6학년 학생들을 대상으로 설문을 실시하였고 240명의 자료를 분석하였다. 주요 변인들의 기술통계 및 상관분석을 실시하고 측정모형 및연구모형을 검증하였다. 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 주요 변인들 간의 유의미한 상관관계가 확인되었다. 둘째, 낙관성과 외상 후 성장의 관계에서 사회적 지지와 자기효능감의 매개효과가 확인되었다. 이를 구체적으로 제시하면, 외상 후 성장에 대한 낙관성의 직접 효과는 유의미하게 나타나지 않았으나, 초등학생의 낙관성과 외상후 성장의 관계에서 사회적 지지와 자기효능감의 완전매개효과가 확인되었다. 이러한 연구 결과는 초등학생의 외상 후 성장을 돕기 위한 연수나 상담프로그램을 구성 하는 데 성격적 요인인 낙관성뿐만 아니라 사회적 지지, 자기효능감 등의 환경적· 인지적 요인들을 다차원적으로 고려할 필요가 있음을 시사한다. The purpose of this study is to verify the mediation effect of elementary school students’ social support and self-efficacy on the relation between their optimism and post-traumatic growth. The research data were collected from 240 sixth graders in elementary schools in Seoul. The study used SPSS 22.0 for calculating Cronbach’s alpha, descriptive statistics, and correlation analysis while using AMOS 26.0 to analyze structural equation modeling(SEM). Subsequently, we used the bootstrap method to identify the statistical significance of mediating effects. The results of the analysis were as follows. First, all relations between elementary school students’ optimism, post-traumatic growth, social support, and self-efficacy were significant. Second, social support and self-efficacy had a full mediating effect in the relationship between elementary school students’ optimism and post-traumatic growth, respectively. In other words, elementary school students’ optimism had an indirect effect on post-traumatic growth through social support and self-efficacy, respectively. These findings suggest that it requires considering students’ optimism, social support, and self-efficacy in making policy and developing counseling program for promoting elementary school students’ post-traumatic growth.

      • KCI등재

        여가적 등산에서의 전문화 활동 추구에 따른 등산복 불만족과 선호 디자인

        한희정 ( Hee Jung Han ),김미숙 ( Mi Sook Kim ) 복식문화학회 2014 服飾文化硏究 Vol.22 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in the dissatisfaction with and design preferences for mountain gear among the segments divided by specialization activity-pursued for recreational mountaineering. Data were collected by questionnaire survey from 900 subjects with the experiences of mountaineering and purchasing mountain gear in the past year, and 891 were used for the data analysis. The results of the study were as follows: Three factors were formulated based on mountaineering specialization activity-pursued: expertise-pursued mountaineering, mountaineering with psychological attachment and activity-oriented mountaineering. Four segments were identified based on the specialization activity-pursued: the emotionally-committed, the continuously-participated, the expertise-pursued, and the passively-participated. Significant differences were found in dissatisfaction with and design preference for mountain gear among the segments. The expertise-pursued tended to be more dissatisfied with color and fabric than the others, and preferred various mountain gear design of shape, color combination and construction line. On the other hand, the passively-participated tended to prefer simple and comfortable style with solid color and simple color combination.

      • KCI등재후보

        치과장애인 환자의 외래마취 하 치과치료 귀가 후 전화추후 관리 분석

        김미선,서광석,이정만,김혜정,한진희,한희정,이은희,신순영,신터전,김현정,장주혜,Kim, Mi-Seon,Seo, Kwang-Suk,Lee, Jung-Man,Kim, Hye-Jung,Han, Jin-Hee,Han, Hee-Jeong,Lee, Eun-Hee,Shin, Soonyoung,Shin, Teo-Jeon,Kim, Hyun-Jeong,Chang, Juhea 대한치과마취과학회 2012 Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Vol.12 No.2

        Background: Some disabled patients show insufficient cooperation during dental treatment, and general anesthesia in an outpatient setting can be successfully administered. To minimize post-anesthetic complications is an essential issue, and strict discharge protocols are required for the safety of the patients. Post-anesthetic follow-ups using telephone calls can be applied to improve the quality of the outpatient care system. The authors evaluated the post-operative condition of patients after dental treatment under general anesthesia. Methods: Total 143 patients and their caregivers included in this study. The patients received general anesthesia for dental treatment in Seoul National University Dental Hospital, Clinic for Persons with Disabilities from July, 2011 to April, 2012. Telephone calls were given to the patients or their caregivers to collect information about the patients' systemic condition and anesthesia-related complications. Results: Among 131 patients with responses of telephone calls, 87 patients (66.4%) reported no discomfort, while 44 patients (33.6%) presented post-anesthetic complications. A total of 20 patients reported mild fever, 10 patients had vomiting, and 7 patients had sore throat. Other complications included nausea, fatigue, nasal bleeding, skin sore, and body rash. Among the patients with the history of epilepsy, 63.6% showed post-anesthetic discomfort or complication (P = 0.027, ${\chi}^2$ test). Conclusions: One third of dental patients who received general anesthesia due to insufficientcooperation complained discomfort after discharged from outpatient anesthetic care.

      • 직관적 제어가 가능한 드론과 컨트롤러 개발

        석정환,한희정,백준혁,장원주,김헌,Seok, Jung-Hwan,Han, Jung-Hee,Baek, Jun-Hyuk,Chang, Won-Joo,Kim, Huhn 한국금형공학회 2017 한국금형공학회지 Vol.11 No.3

        Drones can be manipulated in a variety of ways. One of the most common controller is joystick method. But joystick controller uses both hands and takes a long time to learn. Particularly, in the case of 8-character flight, it is necessary to use both front and rear flight (pitch), left and right flight (Roll), and body rotation (Yaw). Joystick controller has limitations to intuitively control it. In particular, when the main body rotates, the viewpoint of the forward direction is changed between the drones and the user, thereby causing a mental rotation problem in which the user must control the rotating state of the drones. Therefore, we developed a motion matching controller that matches the motion of the drones and the controller. That is, the movement of the drone and the movement of the controller are the same. In this study, we used a gyro sensor and an acceleration sensor to map the controller's forward / backward, left / right and body rotation movements to drone's forward / backward, left / right, and rotational flight motion. The motor output is controlled by the throttle dial at the center of the controller. As the motions coincide with each other, it is expected that the first drone operator will be able to control more intuitively than the joystick manipulator with less learning.

      • KCI등재

        볼링선수와 동호인의 볼링 참여동기에 관한 분석

        정용각(Jung Yong Gak),한희정(Han Hee Jung) 한국사회체육학회 2000 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.14 No.-

        The main purpose of this was to examine bowling participation motivation for elite bowler and recreational bowler. The subjects, ranging from high school, university and business teams registered the Korea Bowling Congress to 300 bowling players who are the clubs in Pusan, were chosen for the simple random sampling. Currently taking part in bowling, they were asked to fill out the distributed questionnaires. The questionnaires were analyzed, applying Cronbach's Alpha, one-way ANOVA, MANOVA. A significant level of p<05 was used for all the statistical. The results of this study are as follows ' Recreational bowlers showed higher score for intrinsic motivation such as enjoyment factor and for extrinsic motivation such as conditioning, health fitness and affiliation factors, while elite bowlers showed higher scores for intrinsic motivation such as achievement factor and for extrinsic motivation such as external display, and for amotivation. According to teams, the business team players showed higher scores for intrinsic motivation such as enjoyment factor and for extrinsic motivation such as external display, while high school teams showed higher scores for intrinsic motivation such as achievement factor. According to average point, the average 120-150 point players showed higher scores for intrinsic motivation such as enjoyment factor and for extrinsic motivation such as conditioning, health fitness and affiliation factors, while average 180 point players showed higher scores for intrinsic motivation such as achievement factor and for extrinsic motivation such as external display factor, and for amotivation.

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