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        냉동보존된 생쥐배아를 이용한 정도관리에 관한 연구

        한선남,김향미,정혜원,오승은,손영수,유한기,안정자,우복희,Han, Sun-Nam,Kim, Hyang-Mee,Jung, Hae-Won,Oh, Seung-Eun,Son, Young-Soo,Yu, Han-Ki,Ahn, Jung-Ja,Woo, Bock-Hee 대한생식의학회 1993 Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine Vol.20 No.2

        These studies were carried out to investigate the optimal freezing protocol for 2 cell mouse embryos and to find the probability of quality control with 2-cell embryos frozen. The embryos showed the best survival by the protocol composed of a freezing solution with the cryoprotectants(1.5M propanediol + 0.1M sucrose), and a 2-steop thawing method(room temperature, 20 sec-37$^{\circ}C$, 20 sec). The developmental ability of frozen-thaw 2-cell embryos did not differ from that of fresh 2-cell embryos in m-KRB medium with 0.4% bovine serum albumin. But development of frozen-thaw embryos was depended on the supplements of the medium. In the albumin-free medium, the developmental rate(rate of blastocysts) was significantly reduced, compared with that in the medium with 0.4% BSA. Also, when frozen-thaw embryos were cultured in the meduim with human fetal cord serum(HCS), the developmental rate of frozen-thaw embryos was sligtly reduced, compared with that of fresh 2-cell embryos. Finally, frozen-thaw 2-cell mouse embryos were more sensitive to the toxic agent of disposable-plastic syringe. Therefore, toxicity of medium could be effectively detected by frozen-thaw 2-cell mouse embryos.

      • KCI등재

        Prostaglandin E2질정에 의한 유도분만의 효과

        한선남(SN Han),김양숙(YS Kim),이진희(CH Lee),박숙현(SH Park),전정희(JH Jeun),민보인(BI Min) 대한산부인과학회 1985 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.28 No.1

        In order to determine the clinical usefulness of Prostaglandin E2 vaginal pessary in the induction of labour a stable 3mgm Prostaglandin E2 pessary supplied by Korea Upjohn Ltd. was used in the induction of labour in 66 patients admitted to Il Sin Women`s Hospital, Busan, between November 1982 and February 1983. In 19 cases the maximum does of 6mgm was used, a second 3mgm pessarybeing inserted 8~15hrs after the first pessary. Results 1. PGE2 pessaryalone was successful in inducing labour in 32 patients, 48.5%, and was considered to be a definite aid in a further 19, 28.8%. 2. In addition to the 32 patients already delivered or in active labour the action of cervical ripending was seen in an additional 9 patients in that the Bishops score increased by 3 points within 15 hours after the insertion of one 3mgm pessary. 3. In cases successfully induced by PGE2 pessary the average interval between rupture of the membranes and delivery was very short. 2.7hrs, and the average duration of labour was 5.4hours. 4. The overall Cesarean section rate was 21.2% but none was done for failed induction. The main indication was C.P.D., 11 out of 14 patients. 5. The incidence of postpartum hemorrhage, that is a loss of 500cc or more, was slightly higher than the overall hospital incidence. 6. Side effects were minimal. One patient vomited but only 10mls and among 29 pre-eclamptic or eclamptic patients in only 10 was there a change in the blood pressure, an increase by 20mmHg in 7 and decrease by 20mmHg in 3, within 3 hours of insertion of the pessary. 7. There were no episodes of fetal distress that could be attributed to PGE2 administration. 8. The factors possibly affecting the success rate, Bishop`s score, parity, gestational age and indication for induction were analysed. The indication for induction and gestational age were significant factors but parity and Bishop`s score had no affect on the outcome. Among patients with hypertensive complications of pregnancy there was a high success rate but a very low success rate in patients with post mature pregnancies and in these cases apart from one patient there was no other obstetric indication for induction. The high success rate in preterm pregnancies was irrespective of parity of Bishops score but there was always a definite obstetric indication for induction in these cases and this is considered to be the more important factor. This study also shows that the PGE2 pessary is simple to use, acceptable to the patient, has almost no side effects and can be safely used in all cases in which vaginal delivery is possible with a high rate of success. It is planned to continue the use of PGE2 pessary when it is commercially available.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        경구 Prostaglandin E₂의 자궁경관 숙화효과에 관한 연구

        임완희(WH Lim),윤정희(JH Yoon),한선남(SN Han),박둘임(Dl Park),민보은(BE Min) 대한산부인과학회 1983 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.26 No.12

        초산 47예와 경산 38예의 자궁경관이 불량했던 산모를 대상으로 유도분만전 PGE₂ 경구투여에 의한 이중 맹검범을 실시하여 얻은 결론은 다음과 같다. 1. 경구 PGE₂투여는 조산 및 경산에서 우수한 자궁경관 숙화효과가 있다. a) 숙화기후 개선된 Bishops score ; 초산 PGE₂군 : 2.54(p<0.01), 초산 placebo군: 0.70(p>0.05), 경산 PGE₂군 : 3.30%(p<0.01), 경산 placebo군 : 1.78(p<0.01) b) Bishops score 2점 이상 개선된 예 초산 : PGE₂군 75% placebo군 13.0% (p<0.01), 경산PGE₂군 70% placebo군 38.9% (p<0.1). 2. 초산 및 경산의 PGE₂ 경구투여는 숙화기동안 일부에서 유효진통을 유발한다. 초산 : PGE₂군 20.8%. placebo군 0%(p<0.05), 경산 : PGE₂군 40.0%, plaebo군 5.6%(p<0.05) 3. 초산에서 유도분만전 PGE₂ 경구투여도 자궁경관을 숙화시켰던 군은 placebo군보다 재왕절개술율이 낮고, 총 질식분만율이 높다. a) 제왕절개술율 초산 : PGE₂군 20.8%, placebo군 55.5%(p<0.05). 경산 : PGE₂군 10.0%, placebo군 22.2%(p<0.1) b) 총 질식분만율 초산 : PGE₂군 79.2%, placebo군 43.5%(p<0.05) 경산 : PGE₂군 90.0%, placebo군 77.8%(p<0.1) c) 정상분만율 초산 : PGE₂군 54.2%, placebo군 26.1%(p<0.05), 경산 : PGE₂군 90.0%, placebo군 72.2%(p<0.1) 4) 다음의 결과에 의하면 경산의 자궁경관 상태는 양막경검사나 내진같은 기계적 자극으로 보다 쉽게 개선된다고 생각되며, 따라서 Bishops score는 경산보다 초산에서 유도분만 성공의 예후에 더 큰 의의를 갖는다. a) 숙화기후 Bishops score개선도 : 초산 placebo군 : 0.7(p>0.05) 경산 placebo군 : 1.78(p<0.01) b) Bishops score 2점이상 개선된 예, placebo군 : 초산 13%, 경산 38.9% (p<0.01) d) 인공파수후 유효진통이 시작된 예 placebo군 : 초산 13%, 경산 41.2%(p<0.05) d) 경산에서는 총 질식훈만을. 정상분만율, 제왕절개술율 등이 PGE₂군과 placebo군 사이에 유의차가 없는 반면(p>0.1) 초산에서는 placebo군보다 PGE₂군이 제왕절개술율이 낮고 총질식분만율 및 정상분만율이 높았다(p<0. 05). 5. 경구 PGE₂에 의한 자궁경관 숙화는 syntocin의 필요도나 syntocin 정주 소요시간을 감소시키지 못했다. 6. 분만과정 및 태아에 미치는 부작용이 없었고, 산후출혈의 빈도도 높이지 않았다. 요악하면 Bishops score는 경산보다 초산에서 유도 분만 성공의 예후에 더 중요한 인자이나, 초산과 경산에서 A double blind study was designed to evaluate the priming effect of oral PGE₂ on the uterine cervix prior to induction in both primipara and multipara in whom the cervix was considered unfavourable for induction. The patients were selected from women who were admitted for induction at Il Sin Womens Hospital during the 11months from August 1981 to June 1982. In all women Bishops score of the cervix was less than 6 but there were definite indications for induction. 38 of the women had already had one delivery and 47 were being induced prior to their first delivery. Oral PGE₂, 0.5mg tablets were given qlh by 6 times 8-10hrs prior to induction by amniotomy and then syntocin drip if necessary. The results are as follows : 1. Oral PGE₂ had a good priming effect on the uterin cervix in both primipara and multipara. This was shown in a) An increase in Bishops score after the priming phase primipara PGE₂ group : 2.54 points (p<0.01). primipara placebo group ; 0.70 points (p>0.05) multipara PGE₂ group; 3.30 points (p<0.01) multipara placebo group; 1.78 points (p<0.01). b) An increase of Bishops score, 2 points or more primipara ; PGE₂, group 75%, placebo group 13%, (p<0.01). multipara ; PGE₂ group 70%, placebo group 38.9% (p<0.1). 2. Active labour was induced during the priming phase with oral PGE₂ a) primipara ; PGE₂ group 20.8%, placebo group 0% (p<0.05) b) multipara; PGE₂ group 40%, placebo group 5.6% (p<0.05). 3. In primipara the group who had preinduction priming with PGE₂ had a lower rate of cesarean section delivery, and a higher rate of total vagin31 deliveries and normal delivery compared to the placebo group. a) Rate of cesarean section; primipara; PGE₂ group 20.8%, placebo groups 56. 5% (p<0.05) multipara; PEG2 group 10.0%, placebo group 22.2% (q>0.1) b) Rate of total vaginal deliveries; primipara; PGE₂ group 79.2%, placebo group 43.5% (p<0.05) multipara ; PEG2 group 90.0%, placebo group 77.8% (p>0.l) c) Rate of normal deliveries; primipara; PGE₂ group 54.2%, placebo group 26.1% (p<0.05) mult

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