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      • KCI우수등재

        인문 · 사회과학편 : 중등 체육교사의 교과서 및 교사용지도서의 활용실태에 관한 심층적 연구

        한상하(SangHaHan) 한국체육학회 1995 한국체육학회지 Vol.34 No.3

        This study aimed at investigating Korean secondary school physical education teachers` utilization pattern of both textbooks and teacher resource books.Data were gathered from two sources: a questionnaire survey of 654 physical education teachers and interviews of 24 additional teachers. The results can be summarized as follows:1. About 24% of the subjects said that they had utilized textbooks "very frequently" or "frequently" when planning and teaching lessons: 38% said "rarely" or "very rarely". Junior high School teachers and large city teachers tended to use textbooks more frequently than high school teachers and rural area teachers, respectively.2. The main reasons for using textbooks were the lack of other appropriate information sources and the national curriculum mandate. The contents and expertise level of textbooks were criticized by many respondents.3. About 18.4% of the teachers said that they had utilized teacher resource books "very frequently" or "frequently" when planning and teaching lessons: 38.6% said "rarely" or "very rarely". Junior high school teachers and public school teachers tended to use teacher resource books more frequently than high school teachers and private school teachers, respectively.4. Many subjects reported the lack of other appropriate information sources and easy availability as the main reasons for using teacher resource books.

      • KCI우수등재

        스포츠 교육학 : 중등체육수업에서의 전문서적 및 학술지의 활용실태

        이종철(JongChulLee),한상하(SangHaHan) 한국체육학회 1998 한국체육학회지 Vol.37 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 체육교사들의 수업 정보자료 중 체육전문서적과 학술지의 활용실태를 파악하고, 교사들이 교수-학습자료의 활용에 대하여 어떤 견해를 갖고 있으며, 앞으로 어떤 변화를 원하는가 등을 살펴보고자 하였다. 또는 체육교사들이 수업을 계획하고, 실시하며, 평가하기까지 어떤 전문서적과 학술지가 어떻게 활용하고 있는지, 그리고 현장지도에 필요한 정보가 무엇인지를 밝혀 효율적인 학습지도의 계획과 실천에 필요한 정보를 제공하고자 한다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위하여 체육교사 654명을 대상으로 설문지법과 15명을 대상으로 심층면담법을 실시하여 빈도분석과 교사 배경변인간 1원변량분석과 χ2검증을 실시한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다.첫째, 체육교사들은 수업시 많이 활용하는 정보자료로는 체육전문서적으로 나타났으며, 문헌정보자료는 교육과정의 내용파악과 학습지도의 연간계획을 수립하거나 학습자료와 학습내용을 준비하는 과정에서 가장 많이 활용하는 것으로 밝혀졌다.둘째, 체육교사들이 수업시 활용되는 정보자료들의 내용 충실도는 체육전문서적을 비교적 높이 평가하고 있었으나, 학술지는 아주 낮게 평가하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 역시 경력교사들이 모든 자료들의 충실도를 낮게 평가하고 있었으며, 그 밖의 보충자료로는 수업경험과 학습미디어를 선호하는 것으로 밝혀졌다.셋째, 실기교과로써 인쇄된 정보자료의 활용도가 낮은 것은 자주 활용할 만한 자료가 매우 부족함을 지적하였으며, 교사들 스스로도 정보자료의 활용을 소극적으로 하고 있다는 점이 문제점으로 대두되었다. 실기수업은 운동경험에 의해서 이루어지고 있기 때문에, 교사교육의 단계에서부터 정보 자료의 활용방법을 지도하는 것이 가장 바람직한 것으로 밝혀졌다.한편, 교수법의 향상이나 정보자료의 효율적인 활용을 위해서는 수업정보자료의 적극적 활용과 교사연수나 학술대회에 자주 참석하고, 체육과 모범수업을 참관하도록 하여 교사 자신의 교수 효율성을 향상시키는 노력을 지속적으로 행해져야 할 것으로 사료된다. Under the condition of instructor oriented education system, ideas and trials to enhance the quality and capability of teachers should be reconsidered for the purpose of educational upgrading. One ways of accomplishing this is to actively utilize the data-base system. The purpose of this study was to find out the data of utilization for major books and journals in physical education class; make sure whether there is any difference in attitude, concerning the utilization pattern of major books and journals according to the traits of individual instructors; and, through them, take a step forward for the improvement of quality in physical education by identifying the essential tips for instruction in physical education classes. Respondents(n=654), middle school and high school physical education teachers, were asked to participate in this research using the self-administrated questionnaire and in depth interview method. The data were analyzed by the descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, and chi-square. The results can be summarized in three step as follows:First, it was found that physical education teachers favored major P.E books. Also, printed materials were mainly and frequently used in comprehending the contents of educational process, in making annual teaching planning, in preparing the materials and contents of instruction. It was noted that instructors got help from sports experience and colleagues; furthermore, long experienced teachers realized more lack of information than the less experienced ones.Second, in terms of information utilization, major physical education books and instructional guide books were used relatively high while journals were used relatively a little.Third, it was indicated that printed materials were not much used in physical education classes due to the lack of useful information. It was suggested that the method of information utilization needs to be introduced at the early stage of teacher education.Anyway, for mote effective teaching and learning, proper utilization of materials is absolutely necessary. With that, study for the well-prepared data and their utilization should be performed steadily. But one of the most important and essential things for teaching improvement is teachers’ own efforts to upgrade their teaching methods and efficiently utilize data available. Physical education teachers should take the trouble to consistently improve their own productivity and capability not only for themselves but also for their students.

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