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        중국소설(中國小說)의 만주어(滿洲語) 번역본 목록(目錄)에 대한 고찰

        최용철 ( Yong Chul Choe ) 중국어문연구회 2014 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.61

        From the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the emperors had great interests in Manchu translation of Chinese classics and supported it as a national publication project. In order to better understand the daily life and culture of Chinese people, Manchu translation of Chinese novels were extremely valuable applications. Although historical fiction(講史類)) and scholar and beauty romances(才子佳人類) were most commonly translated, it was certainly the Four Masterpieces(四大奇書) that received the greatest attention. The Manchu translation of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms was arguably used by Qing forces in actual battlefields and also considered by the Manchu people as a short introduction to Chinese history. In order to better understand China’s diverse culture, even such an officially prohibited book as the Golden Lotus was published. Given that original texts are not available now and bibliographical information is limited, it is very difficult to make a complete list of Manchu translation of Chinese novels. However, it is still important to introduce to Korean scholars a list of Manchu translation of Chinese novels. Since Manchu and Korean languages are linguistically close, similar translation processes and techniques may be used in the two countries. There are sixty types of Korean translation of Chinese novels available, some of which are overlapped each other. Until the late nineteenth century the Joseon continued to translate Chinese novels of the late Qing period into Korean, but Manchu translation came to disappear by the late eighteenth century. This list of Manchu translation of Chinese novels will be a useful material for future research, especially in comparing Manchu translations with Korean translations and Chinese original texts.

      • KCI등재

        조선시대 ≪삼국지≫와 ≪홍루몽≫의 수용방식 비교

        최용철 ( Choe Yong-chul ) 중국어문연구회 2016 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.78

        The Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Dream of the Red Chamber are representative novels of the Ming and Qing dynasties respectively. In Joseon Korea the Romance of the Three Kingdoms was popular among the general public, but the Dream of the Red Chamber was read by relatively fewer people. This difference was due to the different times of the books` arrival in Korea and differences in the reception of these books on arrival. The Romance of the Three Kingdoms was introduced in the late sixteenth century. It was printed with metal movable type at Gyoseo Printers under protection of the government. The literati enjoyed it so much that the central and local government both published editions, despite criticism by conservative Confucians. However, they did this with woodblock printing. Also, it was translated or adopted into Korean and circulated among the common people. People used this book as a textbook to learn literary Chinese. The Dream of the Red Chamber was directly introduced to the royal court and translators made very elaborate handwritten bilingual editions due to the great interest of high ranking officials. Even the five sequels were translated. However, although the Dream of the Red Chamber was very popular at court, it was rarely read by the common people. In the twentieth century, these two books were finally serially published in newspapers with both hangul and Sinitic characters. Yang, Baek-wha(梁白華), a Korean translater, played an important role in the popularization of these two books by publishing them in serial editions with translations.

      • KCI등재

        일반논문(一般論文) : 명초간본(明初刊本) 과거(科擧)수험서 ≪신편거업계몽(新編擧業啓蒙)≫의 문헌학적 고찰

        최용철 ( Yong Chul Choe ),김희경 ( Hee Kyoung Kim ) 중국어문연구회 2011 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.50

        明初刊本≪新編擧業啓蒙≫是曾蘭所編的一部適用於準備科擧考試的參考書,現藏於韓國高麗大學圖書館珍藏室。根據此書篇目內容,原本應爲八卷本,而所藏本只以卷一、 卷二、 卷六合訂成一冊。該本是現存唯一的海內外孤本,在中國早已失傳,甚至有關記載也難以尋見,其版本價値十分珍貴。可惜,由於相關資料的不足,尙不能考察出該書傳入朝鮮的具體過程和年代以及流傳經過。本文旨在對該書的編纂刊行、 篇章結構、 收錄內容進行系統地考察。第一,編者曾蘭爲明朝初年廣東文昌縣的儒學訓導。爲了便於準備科擧考試的學生們掌握擧業文章的寫法,於是他編纂了一部適用於準備科擧考試的參考書。首先收錄了有助於初學者學習擧業文章的說明部分,然後按實際考試的各場科目,選錄了範文幷加以註釋,最後嚴選歷代科擧程文。第二,≪新編擧業啓蒙≫是有助於我們了解明初科擧考試文體形態的文獻資料。根據其所收錄的文章,形式上體現了由宋元經義文到明淸八股文過渡的形態。第三,從整體來看,明代科擧考試用的書籍出版歷史,大約是在成化年間始成風氣,於嘉靖年間逐漸風行,至萬曆年間最終盛行,達到전峰的。而≪新編擧業啓蒙≫則是在這些書的出版風行之前,卽於明正統六年(1441)所刊印的書。因此該書爲我們提供了有關硏究明初科擧考試和科擧考試用書籍的出版的重要文獻。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        『전등여화』의 전파와 조선목판본의 특징

        최용철 ( Choe Yong-chul ) 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2018 民族文化硏究 Vol.81 No.-

        명나라 초기 이정(李禎)의 전기소설집 『전등여화(剪燈餘話)』는 『전등신화』의 영향을 받아서 영락 18년(1420)에 완성되었다. 그리고 선덕(宣德) 8년(1433)에 복건성 건양현(建陽縣)에서 장광계(張光啓)에 의하여 간행되었다. 그리고 두 작품은 곧이어 합각본으로 널리 전파되었다. 그러나 현재 초간본은 사라지고 명대 중기 이후의 성화(成化, 1465-1487) 연간 간본과 만력(萬曆, 1573-1619) 연간 간본 등이 전해지고 있다. 조선 세종(世宗) 연간의 집현전 학자들은 1445년에 용비어천가(龍飛御天歌)를 편찬할 때 주석에서 『전등여화』 「청성무검록(靑城舞劍錄)」의 일부를 채택하여 활용하였다. 이로써 중국본 『전등여화』가 불과 10년 이내에 조선에 전래되어 읽혀지고 있었음을 밝혀주고 있다. 조선 전기에서 중기에 이르기까지 이 책은 『전등신화』와 더불어 조선 문단에 다양한 영향을 주었다. 성임(成任)이 엮은 『태평통재(太平通載)』에도 『전등여화』의 「무마기인(巫馬期仁)」(원제 「長安夜行錄」)과 「설도(薛濤)」(원제 「田洙遇薛濤聯句記」) 등 2편이 수록되어 있다. 『전등여화』의 이름은 『전등신화』, 『효빈집』 등과 더불어 국왕 연산군(燕山君)의 입에서도 직접 거론되어 연행사절단으로 하여금 중국에서 사들여오라고 하였고 또 해독하기 어려운 백화인 한어(漢語)는 당시 읽기 용이한 한문 즉 문자(文字)로 주해를 달아서 간행하라는 말까지도 한 바 있다. 실제로 명종 연간에 『전등신화구해』가 만들어진 것과 같이 『전등여화』도 구해를 하려는 의도가 있을 것으로 여겨진다. 어숙권의 『고사촬요』 기록에 따르면 16세기 전라도 순창(淳昌)에서 『전등여화』가 판각되었다고 했는데 현재 한국에는 원본이 남아있지 않고 일본으로 전해져서 판본의 일부가 남아 전하게 되었다. 도쿄의 국립공문서관 내각문고(內閣文庫)에 있는 후반부가 유일하게 남아 전하는 조선간본이다. 「순창간본」은 임진왜란(1592-1597) 무렵에 일본으로 유출되었고 일본에서는 이를 근거로 원화(元和, 1615-1623) 연간에 고활자본으로 간행되어 널리 전해지게 되었다. 본 논문에서는 현존하는 명대 판본의 현황과 조선 전래의 상황을 살펴보고, 특히 조선 순창에서 간행된 일본 내각문고 소장본 조선목판본의 판형과 체제 및 후인의 독서기록인 평어(評語) 등 여러 가지 특징을 집중 고찰하고자 한다. 이를 통해 『전등신화』와 함께 조선에 전래되고 간행되었으며 깊은 영향을 끼쳤던 『전등여화』의 실체를 구체적으로 확인하고 당시 문인들의 독서 흔적을 확인할 수 있게 되었다. Lizhen (李禎)'s Collection of Legendary Novels Jiandeng Yuhua (剪燈餘話, Renew Tales of Lantern Cutting) was completed in 1420 the Ming Dynasty. It was published in 1433 in Jianyang (建陽) County, Fujian (福建) Province. However, the first edition has disappeared, and Chenghua (成化) Edition and Wanli (萬曆) Edition remains after the mid-Ming period. The Scholars of Joseon court wrote Qing cheng Wu jian-lu (靑城舞劍 錄, The Record of Sword dance in Blue Castle) as foot notes in 1445 when they publish the Yongbieocheonga (龍飛御天歌, the Song of the Dragon Flying to Heaven). This proves that the Chinese edition has been imported and read in Korea within 10 years since 1433. Jiandeng Yuhua was published in Sunchang (淳昌) County of Joseon Korea in the 16th century. However, the original disappeared in Korea now, only the latter half remains in the Naikaku’s Library (內閣文庫) in National archives of Japan. At the time of Japanese Invasions of Korea (壬辰倭亂, 1592-1597), the Sunchang edition was taken to Japan. In Japan, the Genna (元和) Edition which is based on the Sunchang edition came out and spread widely. In this paper, we examine the present status of the existing editions of Ming period and the situation of the introduction in Joseon Dynasty, particularly the various Characteristics of the Woodblock Edition of Joseon Korea which was published in the 16th century, Sunchang, Korea.

      • KCI등재

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