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      • KCI등재

        한국 해남 양식장에서 홍조 잇바디돌김의 성장기 아미노산과 광합성 색소 성분 조성

        최성제(Sung-Je CHOI) 한국수산해양교육학회 2018 수산해양교육연구 Vol.30 No.4

        To study the effects of marine environmental on thallus of Pyropia dentata (Rhodophyta), I analyzed water temperature, salinity and water quality at the Haenam aquafarm in southern coast of Korea from September to December, 2016. Composition of amino acid and photosynthesis pigment on growing season of P. dentata were studied. Thallus samples were collected at the aquafarm in October and November. Mean water temperature and salinity ranged from 23.11 to 10.93℃ and 30.89 to 32.53 psu, respectively. Dissolved total nitorgen (DTN), dissolved total phosphorus (DTP), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) ranged from 0.108~0.282 mg/L, 0.004~0.017 mg/L, 0.164~0.399 mg/L, 0.007~0.021 mg/L and 0.900~1.500 mg/L, respectively. Concentration of DTN, DTP, TN, TP were highest in September and were lowest in November. Proximate composition, amino acid and photosynthetic pigment with P. dentata sampled from aquafarm in October and November were analyzed. Contents of moisture and crude protein, crude lipid, crude ash, carbohydrate were 11.05±0.04, 34.52±0.61, 0.09±0.01, 20.03±0.18, 34.31±0.67% in October and 14.21±0.21, 27.91±1.41, 0.38±0.09, 12.18±0.28, 45.32±1.69% in November. Photosynthetic pigment of Chl. a, PE and PC concentration of P. dentata thalli were 1.609±0.074, 7.848±3.990, 4.288±1.934 mg/g in October and 0.145±0.013, 6.081±0.393, 3.902±0.227 mg/g in November. The pigment concentration was relatively high in October than November. Total amino acid contents were 24,860.00±911.76 mg/100g in October and 21,039.55±825.53 mg/100g in November. Free amino acid contents were 2,310.52±177.93 mg/100g in October and 2,474.87±141.43 mg/100g in November. These results show that proximate composition, photosynthetic pigment content and amino acid content of P. dentata are affected by changes in marine environment seasonally.

      • KCI등재후보

        해남의 김 양식장별 잇바디돌김(Neopyropia dentata) 3품종의 아미노산 성분 분석

        남혜리,최성제,Hye Ri Nam,Sung Je Choi 국립한국농수산대학교 교육개발센터 2023 현장농수산연구지 Vol.25 No.3

        This study aims to assess the water quality of the Eoran and the Imha aquafarm with different aquafarm environments in Haenamn-gun, and analyzed the composition of total amino acids (TAAs) and free amino acids (FAAs) in three Neopyropia dentata cultivars (Yuldo, Supum1 and 2) in two aquafarms. Mean water temperature ranged from 22.9 to 10.9℃ during September to November 2018. In Eoran aquafarm, the water quality analysis showed that NO<sub>2</sub>-N was high in September, NH<sub>4</sub>-N and COD in October, and NO<sub>3</sub>-N, DIN, and DIP in November. In Imha aquafarm, the water quality analysis showed that NH<sub>4</sub>-N and COD was high in September, NO<sub>3</sub>-N and DIN in October, and NO<sub>2</sub>-N and DIP in November. We confirmed the proximate composition, amino acid composition (TAA/FAA) in two auqufarms. In the Eoran aquafarm, the 'Yuldo' cultivar had significantly higher crude lipid content than two other cultivars (Supum 1 and 2). The 'Supum1' cultivar had significantly higher moisture content, whereas the highest content of crude protein, crude lipid, crude ash, and carbohydrates was found in the 'Supum2' cultivar. In the Imha aquafarm, the content of crude lipid and crude ash was highest in the 'Yuldo' cultivar. The highest content of crude protein and carbohydrates was found in the 'Supum1' cultivar, while the 'Supum2' cultivar had the highest content of moisture. The highest concentration of glutamic acid belong to TAAs is observed in all cultivars from Eoran and Imha aquafarm, while all cultivars in two aquafarm also contained higher content of alanine among the detected FAAs.

      • 방사무늬김 색소변이형 엽상체의 성장과 광합성의 색소함량

        김용표(Young Pyo KIM),최성제(Sung Je CHOI),강성필(Sung Pil KANG),조용희(Young hi JO),신종암(Jong Ahm SHIN) 전남대학교 수산과학연구소 1998 수산과학연구소논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        Comparative studies were made on growth and photosynthetic pigment contents of the gametothallus of the wild-type (U-511), the red-type (F6-1) and the green-type (C-01) in P. yezoensis. The mean gametothallus length of the green-type was lowest in the earlier growth period and was highest in the latter growth period. The mean relative growth rate per day was highest during the earlier growth period and became lower with age of gametothallus in all the three strains, and the differences among the strains were almost negligible during the period later than 28 days old. The mean contents of chlorophyll a, phycoerythrin and phycocyanin on a gametothallus area basis were highest in the red-type mutant. In the red-type mutant, the PE/Chl. a and the PE/PC ratios were highest and the PC/Chl. a ratio was similar to as that of the wild-type.

      • 방사무늬김 색소변이형 사상체 수용액의 흡수스펙트럼

        김용표(Young Pyo KIM),최성제(Sung Je CHOI),김범규(Beom Kyu KIM),심종암(Jong Ahm SHIN) 전남대학교 수산과학연구소 1998 수산과학연구소논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        Comparative study was made on absorption spectra (300-750 ㎜) of water extracts centrifuged (5,000 rpm, 5min.) of the sporothallus of the wild-type (U-511) plant, and the red-type (H-25), the green-type (C-O giant), the yellow-type (ZY-1), the violet-type (ZV-1), the gray-type (ZGr-1), the light red-type (ZLR-1), the light green-type (C-31) and the light yellow-type (ZLY-1) mutants in P. yezoensis. The absorption was recorded with a double monochrometer recording spectrophotometer (Hitachi U-3210) not equipped with an integrating sphere attachment or a head-on photomultiplier. The wild-type plant and the red-, the green-, the violet- and the light red-type mutants showed the spectra having a maximum in near ultraviolet region (300-400 ㎜), indicating the presence of the ultraviolet absorbing substance. The wild-type plant and the red-, the green-, the yellow- and the violet-type mutants showed the spectra having two absorption maxima in 530-580 ㎜ region. The yellow- and the gray-type mutants had the spectra with markedly low absorption in a 300-750 ㎜ region. The violet- and the gray-type mutants were characterized by higher PE/Chl. a and PC/Chl. a ratios. The light green-type mutant was marked by lower PE/Chl. a and PE/PC ratios, while the light yellow-type by higher PE/Chl. a and PE/PC ratios. The light red-type mutant was featured by higher PE/Chl. a and PE/PC ratios and by lower PC/Chl. a ratio. It is inferred : that the light green- and the light yellow-type mutants might result from qualitative and quantitative variations of phycoerythrin ; that the gray- and the light red-type mutants might originate from qualitative variation of phycoerythrin and quantitative variation of chlorophyll a and phycocyanin; that the violet-type mutant might arise from quantitative variation of chlorophyll a; that the yellow-type might stem from quantitative variation of phycocyanin.

      • KCI등재후보

        수온 변화에 따른 방사무늬김(Neopyropia yezoensis) 패각 사상체의 각포자 형성량 비교

        이은택,정달상,김철원,최성제,Eun Taek Lee,Dal Sang Jeong,Chul Won Kim,Sung Je Choi 국립한국농수산대학교 교육개발센터 2023 현장농수산연구지 Vol.25 No.3

        This study investigated effect of water temperature change on the formation and release of conchospores of Neopyropia yezoensis. We observed that conchocelis growth and conchospores formation in oyster shell at labolatory during 7 weeks. In order to investigate the amount of conchospore formation in oyster shells, which was being cultured at 28℃, was moved to 10℃, 18℃, 28℃, and culture during 6 weeks. At 10℃, we observed an average of 127 for 1 week, 127 for 2 weeks, 95 for 3 weeks, 90 for 4 weeks, 76 for 5 weeks, and 75 for 6 weeks. At 18℃, we observed an average of 141 for 1 week, 135 for 2 weeks, 94 for 3 weeks, 153 for 4 weeks, 162 for 5 weeks, and 2 for 6 weeks. At 28℃, we observed an average of 167 for 1 week, 102 for 2 weeks, 148 for 3 weeks, 157 for 4 weeks, 270 for 5 weeks, and 138 for 6 weeks. Conchospores released from the shell grew into a young thalli in the culture for 6 weeks, and the number of ones was counted. The number of young thalli were investigated at 10℃, 0 for 1 week, 189 for 2 weeks, 200 for 3 weeks, 89 for 4 weeks, 56 for 5 weeks and 27 for 6 weeks. At 18℃, It observed 0 for 1 week, 26 for 2 weeks, 546 for 3 weeks, 16 for 4 weeks, 17 for 5 weeks and 154 for 6 weeks. It was not observed at 28℃.

      • 김屬(Porphyra) 3種의 패각사상체 성숙 및 채묘에 미치는 조도의 영향

        김영종(Young Jong KIM),조주현(Ju Hyun JO),최성제(Sung Je CHOI),신종암(Jong Ahm SHIN) 전남대학교 수산과학연구소 1999 수산과학연구소논문집 Vol.8 No.-

        To advance seeding of conchospores of Porphyra dentata, P. seriata and P. tenera, the effects of light intensity and photoperiod on growth of shell-inhabiting conchocelis, and formation and maturation of conchosporangia were studied from May to October in 1998. Growth of shell-inhabiting conchocelis of these species was similar to one another in early culture under natural light intensity, photoperiod and room temperature; growth of P. dentata and P. seriata was higher than that of P. tenera at 800 lux from August to September; growth of these three species was similar to one another at 800 lux in October. The color of shell-inhabiting conchocelis of P. dentata and P. seriata was red and the color of P. tenera black, but all the species were reddish-purple after mid-september. Formation rate of conchosporangia was 90% or more in P. tenera, 70% in P. seriata and less than 40% in P. dentata at September. Maturation of conchosporangia under 500 and 800 lux was better than 1,500 lux in the three species. Numbers of released conchospores were more at 18℃ than at 22℃, and the short-day treatment(8L:16D) gave rise to promotion of conchospore release. Numbers of conchospore germlings attached 1 ㎝ long netting-twine after 30 days of seeding were 35 individuals in P. tenera, 10 individuals in P. seriata and 3 individuals in P. dentata. Attached germlings of P. seriata were increased after 45 and 60 days; it suggests that monospores might be released

      • 유수식 양식장에서 참전복, Haliotis discus hannai의 성장과 수질의 주야변동

        김은희(Eun Hee KIM),곽용구(Yong Gu KWAK),이범성(Bum Sung LEE),최성제(Sung Je CHOI),신종암(Jong Ahm SHIN) 전남대학교 수산과학연구소 1999 수산과학연구소논문집 Vol.8 No.-

        To offer the basic data for the effective rearing management of the ablone, Haliotis discus hannai, diurnal changes of water quality and growth of juvenile(mean initial shell length : 30 ㎜) and adult abalones(mean initial shell length : 60 ㎜) in the indoor running water culture system were studied from July 24th to December 24th, 1988. Growth rates of the juveniles and the adults during the experiment were 37.2 and 11.3%, the weight increments were 10.28 and 24.95 g, and the increase weight ratios 93.6 and 53.9%, respectively. Daily growth rates of the juveniles and the adults were 82.9 and 50.5 ㎛/day. Daily increase weight ratios of the juveniles and the adults were 66.8 and 162.0 ㎎/day. Relationship between shell length and rearing days in the juveniles and the adults were y=0.0992x + 32.641 and y=0.0637x + 67.462. The survival rates of the juveniles and the adults were 98.2 and 99.3%; the mortality was high in August and September when water temperature was high. The water temperature varied from 10.5 to 25.5℃ in the daytime and 8.4 to 25.3℃ in the nighttime during the experiments; the water temperature in both the daytime and nighttime was the highest early in August and in the nighttime the lowest in late December. The specific gravity varied form 1.0217 to 1.0258 in the daytime and 1.0218 to 1.0258 in the nighttime. The pH in the tank of the juvenile abalones and in tank of adult abalones changed from 7.87 to 8.41 and 7.95 to 8.52 in the daytime, and 7.98 to 8.36 and 8.07 to 8.37 in the nighttime, respectively. The dissolved oxygen in the tank of the juveniles and in the tank of the adults fluctuated from 5.76 to 7.52 ㎎/ℓ and 5.36 to 7.54 ㎎/ℓ in the daytime, and 5.40 to 7.46 ㎎/ℓ and 5.03 to 7.48 ㎎/ℓ in the nighttime; the dissolved oxygen in the daytime was higher than in the nighttime. the ammonia-nitrogen in the juvenile tank and in the daytime was higher than in the nighttime. The ammonia-nitrogen in the juvenile tank and in the adult tank varied from 0.455 to 5.280 ㎍-at/ℓ and 0.466 to 7.302 ㎍-at/ℓ in the daytime, and 0.435 to 4.861 ㎍-at/ℓ and 0.218 to 3.362 ㎍-at/ℓ in the nighttime. The nitrate-nitrogen in the juvenile tank and in the adult tank changed from 0.16 to 0.50 ㎍-at/ℓ and 0.22 to 0.76 ㎍-at/ℓ in the daytime, and from 0.14 to 0.39 ㎍-at/ℓ and 0.06 to 0.71 ㎍-at/ℓ in the nighttime. the nitrate-nitrogen in the juvenile tank and in the adult tank changed from 0.70 to 5.57 ㎍-at/ℓ and 0.80 to 6.53 ㎍-at/ℓ in the daytime, and from 0.63 to 7.22 ㎍-at/ℓ and 0.52 to 7.56 ㎍-at/ℓ in the nighttime. The phosphate-phosphorus in the juvenile tank and in the adult tank changed from 0.54 to 1.53 ㎍-at/ℓ and 0.30 to 1.32 ㎍-at/ℓ in the daytime, and from 0.17 to 1.82 ㎍-at/ℓ and 0.59 to 2.10 ㎍-at/ℓ in the nighttime. The silicate in the juvenile tank and in the adult tank varied from 12.79 to 14.87 ㎍-at/ℓ and 9.92 to 14.41 ㎍-at/ℓ in the daytime, and from 9.47 to 15.79 ㎍-at/ℓ and 9.18 to 17.36 ㎍-at/ℓ in the nighttime, respectively.

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