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      • KCI우수등재

        시민아파트의 재조명: 자조주택의 수직적 집적을 통한 현지정착형 부지와 서비스

        최막중(Choi, Mack Joong),최봄이(Choi, Bommy) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2017 國土計劃 Vol.52 No.2

        This paper identifies the characteristics of the frame apartments built in Seoul in the late 1960s with the name of ‘citizen(si-min) apartment’ in comparison to the methods which have been popularly employed to solve the problem of squatter settlements in developing countries since WWII. The frame apartments share the characteristics of site and service projects in the sense that the government provides both land tenure and infrastructure · basic services while it clears out squatter settlements located in mountainous and hilly areas in the central part of Seoul. They also share the characteristics of in situ upgrading because the project site is located in the same area in order to provide continuously employment accessibility of the residents in squatter settlements. What makes resettlement in situ possible is vertical accumulation or densification of self-help housing units, taking advantage of apartments which characterize Korean urban development. The frame apartments are self-help housing intended for ownership, as the residents pay back the apartment construction costs through amortization and are also responsible for interior work. The government provide a leasehold of land for free as well as subsidized interest rate for amortization. Accordingly the frame apartments can be characterized as in situ site and service with densification of self-help housing.

      • KCI우수등재

        한국의 고밀 주거개발이 대중교통 활성화에 미친 효과

        최막중(Choi, Mack Joong),김수진(Kim, Sujin),임혜연(Lim, Hae Yeon) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2016 國土計劃 Vol.51 No.4

        Many developing countries, faced with rapid urbanization, suffer from a lack of public transport as well as urban sprawl with low-density residential developments. In contrast, Korea has successfully supplied public transport including subway, while promoting high-density residential developments as represented by apartments. This study empirically tests the causality between high-density residential development and utilization of public transport, focusing on the sequence of supply between subways and apartments in Seoul. Subway stations in Seoul are classified into residential and non-residential types based on the number of riders who get on and off the subway by time slot. Then the opening year of each subway station of residential type is compared with the average year of building completion for apartments located within a 500m and 750m radius from the station. If the latter antecedes the former, those stations are categorized as DOT (Development-oriented Transit), while the rest of stations as TOD (Transit-oriented Development). Multiple regression analyses demonstrate that an increase in apartment density results in increased number of subway users in DOT stations and the estimated rate of increment is not different from that in TOD stations. These results imply that it would be possible for developing countries with limited financial resources to focus on high-density residential developments first and provide public transport infrastructure later, if carefully planned, as in the case of Korea.

      • KCI우수등재

        주택의 대량공급을 위한 한국 도시개발 모형의 실증적 특성

        최막중(Choi, Mack Joong),임이랑(Lim, Yirang),박규전(Park, Kyu Jeon) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2014 國土計劃 Vol.49 No.4

        Developing countries face a severe problem of housing shortage as slum and squatter settlements proliferate with rapid urbanization, whereas Korea has overcome the problem by adopting mass production of housing. This study provides empirical evidences that characterize Korean urban and housing development model and derives implications for solving housing problems in developing countries. Based on the theory of developmental state in which strong government intervention is associated with private capital of large corporations, it first illustrates how large construction companies have initiated high-density multi-family housing (apartment) development in Korea. This argument is then empirically supported by statistics showing the structure of housing construction industry. Furthermore, international comparison of the size and density of housing estate development among developing countries (Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippine), western countries (UK, France, United States), and Korea reveals that Korea has the highest development density. In contrast, developing countries are characterized by small size and low density of residential development, which results only in limited housing supply. It is therefore discussed how the Korean model can be applied to developing countries, taking account of policy variations in each country.

      • KCI우수등재

        도시계획세의 고유성과 합목적성에 관한 연구

        최막중(Choi Mack-Joong),김형민(Kim Hyung-Min) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2009 國土計劃 Vol.44 No.2

        This paper investigates the characteristics and rationales of city planning tax in Korea. The city planning tax was originally introduced as a kind of special assessment to recoup the betterment resulted from infrastructure provision and urban development projects. But it is practically hard to distinguish city planning tax from property tax because both are levied to provide local public service and share the same tax base. Meanwhile the city planning tax is legally required to allocate its revenue to special accounts earmarked for infrastructure provision and urban development projects. However, in reality, most of the tax revenue is used for general purposes. As the result the paper concludes that the city planning tax is nothing but an additional property tax, calling for restructuring of Korean property tax system.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI우수등재

        주택금융의 활성화가 가구의 주택수요에 미치는 영향

        최막중(Choi Mack Joong),지규현(Ji Kyu Hyun) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2001 國土計劃 Vol.36 No.7

        This paper investigates how and how much housing demand of individual household can be stirred up by housing finance, considering the recent efforts to improve the Korean housing finance system as represented by the introduction of MBS(Mortgage Backed Securities). It develops a theoretical model to determine the optimal LTV(Loan-to-Value) ratio and housing value, and empirically carries out simulation based upon household survey data. The simulation result shows that the affordable housing price increases on the average by 50~70%, provided that housing finance is fully available. This in turn implies that 41.6% and 50.3% of the households living in ‘Chonsei’ and monthly rental housing respectively can improve their tenure status(including ownership). It also predicts that improved housing finance may facilitate suburbanization particularly in the Seoul metropolitan area, as households seeking home ownership move to the suburbs of relatively low housing prices.

      • KCI우수등재

        용적률 및 개발용도 규제의 변화가 주택가격과 지가에 미치는 영향에 관한 이론적 분석

        최막중(Choi Mack-Joong) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2001 國土計劃 Vol.36 No.3

        Based upon housing and land market equilibrium model and urban economic theory, this paper theoretically investigates the effects of strengthening of land classification (allocation to development and preservation uses) and density regulations on housing and land prices, a major policy concern related to recent changes in land use legislations in Korea. Comparing closed city, open city, and two-region models, it identifies various effects and policy implications particularly by distinguishing local/direct from global/indirect effects on land prices and taking account of spillover effects on surrounding regions in the same housing and land market area. To minimize the impacts of changes in land classification and density regulations on housing and land prices, it also suggests that strengthening of one regulation be packaged with relaxation of the other.

      • KCI우수등재

        Redevelopment After New Development

        최막중(Choi Mack Joong) 대한국토·도시계획학회 1997 國土計劃 Vol.32 No.6

        본 연구는 최근 수도권 신도시 및 준농림지역에 건설된 고층아파트들의 장래 재건축 문제를 진단하고 있다. 이러한 문제가 제기되는 까닭은, 향후 이 지역 아파트들의 재건축을 위해서는 건물 용적의 추가적인 증가가 필요하고, 도한 그 증가량은 도시주변부의 주택가격이 상대적으로 낮은 수준임을 고려할 때 이에 반비례하여 커져야 할 것이나, 이 지역 아파트들은 이미 상당 수준 고밀 개발되어 있어 주택가격 또는 이를 반영한 지가가 크게 상승하지 않는 이상 추가적인 밀도 증가의 여지가 많지 않기 때문이다. 재건축의 경제 모형(최막중, 1997)을 동태적 차원으로 연장ㆍ변환시키고, 대표적으로 분당 및 용인, 화성군에 1990년대 들어 건설된 아파트들을 대상으로 모의실험을 한 결과, 분당지역의 경우 앞으로 지가가 최소한 연평균 11~14%, 용인ㆍ화성군의 경우 16~17%씩 상승하여야 향후 50년(2045년) 이내에 재건축 사업의 경제성을 보장할 수 있다는 결론이 도출된다. 반면 향후 20년이 지난 시점(2015)에서 재건축 사업이 가능하기 위해서는, 분당의 경우 연평균 17~25%, 용인ㆍ화성군의 경우 연평균 30~33% 만큼 지가가 상승하여야 한다(이상 법정 용적률 400%, 주택평수 증가율 150% 가정). 이러한 결과는 지난 1980~95년간 서울의 연평균 지가상승률이 13.9%였으며, 1990년대 들어 지가상승률이 크게 둔화되었다는 사실 등을 고려할 때, 향후 이 지역 아파트들의 재건축은 결코 낙관할 수 없는 과제임을 시사하고 있다. 특히 준농림지역은 신도시 지역에 비해 지가 수준이 낮음에도 불구하고 건물 밀도는 거의 동일하거나 높은 수준으로서 재건축의 경제적 타당성은 더욱 희박한 것으로 나타난다. 이는 장래 이 지역 아파트들의 집단적 슬럼화의 가능성마저 경고하는 것으로, 현재 시점에서 토지이용의 비효율성은 곧바로 미래 시점에서 재건축의 불투명성 문제로 직결되어 지속가능한 도시개발의 위협 요인으로 작용한다는 사실을 깨우쳐 주고 있다.

      • KCI우수등재

        非住居人口 및 驛勢圈人口에 의한 商圈占有 規模와 需要特性

        崔莫重(Choi Mack-Joong),李宰雨(Lee Jae-Woo) 대한국토·도시계획학회 1999 國土計劃 Vol.34 No.1

        This paper attempts to examine the volume and characteristics of shopping trips linked to places other than home (non-resident shopping) as well as those related to subway travel (transit shopping) based upon questionnaire survey on customers who visit the subcenter shopping area in Seoul. Major findings include : Non-resident and transit group accounts for 27% and 37% of shopping demand respectively. Non-resident group tends to visit shopping centers closer to work places than home. Transit group tends to travel much longer distance than others. Both non-resident and transit groups show different socio-demographic background and shopping behavior from other groups and therefore. among others, tend to attach more importance to accessibility and multi-purpose trips. Finally suggestions are made concerning a revision of traditional trade area analysis methods, prospect of CBD trade area, linear/starlike form of trade area, development strategy for subway station and surrounding areas including mixed-use development, shopping center location and marketing strategies etc.

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