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        자연과 율법

        천병석(Byung-Suk Cheon) 연세대학교 신과대학(연합신학대학원) 2010 신학논단 Vol.59 No.-

        ??This paper seeks to highlight nature and law at the forefront of theology. The gradually increasing interest on today's environmental crisis is settling academically into the studies of ecology or bionomy. As Korean theology, indigenous theology and Minjung theology have been providing until now theological introspection on traditional culture and social reality. Now, the theology of life will be able to bring new results to Korean theology by focusing on nature and future. 'Nature and law' is a blotted name from the distrust and negligence in the history of theology of Protestantism. It has been pushed back as the object to overcome of 'revelation' or 'the Gospel'. However, the meaning of existence and value of nature and law was never denied and could not be denied. If environment and life have become highlighted as important subjects in this era, now is the time in which a new theological deliberation on nature and law is needed.<br/> ??To theologically treat nature and law, it is to confirm the legitimacy of their existence and right. It is to stand the both before creation in the same way. It can be said that what is needed for such composition of discussion is so-called 'the sense of balance based on the theory of justification'. The things to discuss and examine through 'the sense of balance based on the theory of justification' are as follow: the discussions on from what meaning nature and law became opened to creation, what are their limitations, how they can recover their independent theological rights and such assertion for recovering their rights will ultimately bring for the result of accepting, expanding and intensifying the traditional theory of justification. The things that are dealt prior to such discussions are as follow: the legitimacy of posing question with the theme of nature and law, concept provision of nature and law through the analysis of the origin of word and its theological relevance and the consideration on similarity and difference of the recent ecological interest and Reformation theology in light of this theological relevance. ??This paper seeks to highlight nature and law at the forefront of theology. The gradually increasing interest on today's environmental crisis is settling academically into the studies of ecology or bionomy. As Korean theology, indigenous theology and Minjung theology have been providing until now theological introspection on traditional culture and social reality. Now, the theology of life will be able to bring new results to Korean theology by focusing on nature and future. 'Nature and law' is a blotted name from the distrust and negligence in the history of theology of Protestantism. It has been pushed back as the object to overcome of 'revelation' or 'the Gospel'. However, the meaning of existence and value of nature and law was never denied and could not be denied. If environment and life have become highlighted as important subjects in this era, now is the time in which a new theological deliberation on nature and law is needed.<br/> ??To theologically treat nature and law, it is to confirm the legitimacy of their existence and right. It is to stand the both before creation in the same way. It can be said that what is needed for such composition of discussion is so-called 'the sense of balance based on the theory of justification'. The things to discuss and examine through 'the sense of balance based on the theory of justification' are as follow: the discussions on from what meaning nature and law became opened to creation, what are their limitations, how they can recover their independent theological rights and such assertion for recovering their rights will ultimately bring for the result of accepting, expanding and intensifying the traditional theory of justification. The things that are dealt prior to such discussions are as follow: the legitimacy of posing question with the theme of nature and law, concept provision of nature and law through the analysis of the origin of word and its theological relevance and the consideration on similarity and difference of the recent ecological interest and Reformation theology in light of this theological relevance.

      • KCI등재

        동서의 현실과 신학적 현실 개념: 동양 신학을 위한 예비 검토

        천병석(Cheon Byung Suk) 한신대학교 신학사상연구소 2015 신학사상 Vol.0 No.168

        본 논문의 목적은 동양신학의 이론적 가능성을 모색하는 데 있다. 일반적으로 아시아 신학은 아시아적 정체성을 정당화하기 위한 의도로 시도되어 왔다. 본 연구는 이러한 시도가 오히려 신학의 정체성을 상실할 위험이 있다고 보고, 신학적으로 동서양의 현실을 조망하는 관점을 취한다. 그래서 본 연구는 사회학적 현실개념(P. Berger)과 그것에 착안하여 구성된 소위 신학적 인간학(W. Pannenberg)을, 동양적 현실개념(김충렬)과 비교하여, 그것들은 단지 서구적 현실개념(박동환)일 뿐이고 하나님의 현실성에 미치지 못한다는 것을 밝힌다. 서양 종교로서의 기독교를 비판하는 '종말론적 관찰방식'(K. Barth)과 '비종교적 해석'(D. Bonhoeffer)은 서양적 현실이 아니라, 인간의 현실 가운데 하나님의 현실을 포착한다는 점에서 간접적으로 동양적 신학의 가능성을 엿보게 한다. 하나님 현실성의 이론적 근거가 분명하게 설정된다면 동서양의 유산들은 모두 이론형성의 재료로서 사용 가능하기 때문이다. 그러므로 신학에서의 동양적 이론형성의 가능성은 무엇보다 신학적 근거 설정을 뚜렷하게 획득하는 데 있다고 할 수 있다. The purpose of this paper is to explore the theoretical possibility of Eastern theology. Generally, Eastern theology was attempted with the intent to justify the eastern identity. Such attempt seems to have been in the risk of actually losing the identity of theology itself. So instead, this study focuses on the perspective that overlooks theologically the reality of Eastern and Western. By comparing 'the sociological concept of reality' (P. Berger) and 'the so-called theological anthropology' to conceive that concept (W. Pannenberg) with the concept of 'the Eastern reality' (C. H. Kim), this research clarifies that those are only 'the concepts of the Western reality' (D. H. Park) and don't reach 'the reality of God'. The 'eschatological observation method' (K. Barth) and the 'non-religious interpretation' (D. Bonhoeffer) that criticize Christianity as a Western religion, show the possibility of Eastern Theology indirectly in that they capture the reality of God in the middle of reality of human. If the theoretical basis of the reality of God is established clearly, the heritage of both East and West can be used as a reference of theory building. Therefore, the possibility of Eastern theology can be distinctly acquired best through theological basis.

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