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        딸기 검은 무늬병(病)(Alternaria alternata(Fr.) Keissler)에 관한 연구(硏究) (2) -배양적(培養的) 성질(性質), 영양생리(營養生理) 및 살균제(殺菌劑)의 방제(防除) 효과(效果)에 대하여-

        조종택 ( Chong Taik Cho ),배태웅 ( Tae Ung Bae ),하상영 ( Sang Young Hah ),한희세 ( Hee Se Han ),문병주 ( Byung Joo Moon ) 東亞大學校附設 石堂傳統文化硏究院 1981 石堂論叢 Vol.5 No.-

        딸기 검은 무늬病菌, Alernaria alternate (Fr.) Keissler의 몇가지 培養的 性質, 營養生理 및 葉劑防除 效果에 대하여 實驗한 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 供試菌의 菌叢빛깔은 菌株, 培地, 溫度, vitamin 및 炭素源에 따라 差가 있었다. 2. 公試菌의 K-3菌株는 一般的으로 溫度, 培地, 炭素源 및 vitamin에 관계없이 K-2와 J-1菌株에 비하여 菌絲生長 速度가 빠르고 分生胞子가 많이 形成되었다. 3. 公試菌의 菌絲生長은 菌株 모두 天然培地에서는 良好하여 PDA에서 가장 效果的이었고 다음은 V-8 Agar, CMA의 順이었고 合成培地에서는 K-3菌株는 生長하였으나 K-2, J-1菌株는 극히 不良하였다. 分生胞子 形成은 菌株 모두 V-8 Agar에서 가장 많이 形成되었으며 그 외 公試培地에서는 저조하였다. 4. 公試菌의 菌絲生長과 分生胞子形成 溫度범위는 10~35℃이며 最適溫度는 28℃ 부근이었다. 5. 公試菌의 J-1, K-2菌株는 菌絲生長에 thiamine 결핍 菌株이었으나 K-3菌株는 pyridoxine 첨가에 의하여 生長이 촉진되는 경향이었다. 分生胞子形成은 菌株 모두 pyridoxine 添加에 의하여 촉진 되었고 inositol, biotin도 效果的 이었으나 thiamine은 오히려 胞子形成을 억제하였다. 6. 菌絲生長은 thiamine 濃度間에 뚜렷한 차이가 없었고 分生胞子形成은 K-3菌株에서는 pyridoxine 120r/l, J-1, K-2菌株에서는 100r/l에서 最高形成量을 나타내었다. 7 公試菌의 J-1, K-2菌株는 供試한 7種의 炭素源 모두 thiamine 또는 thiamine과 pyridoxine이 存在하지 않는한 菌絲生長과 分生胞子形成에 效果가 없었다. thiamine 添加될 경우 菌株 모두 菌絲生長에 있어서는 多糖類인 dextrin과 starch에서 가장 效果的이었고 分生胞子形成에 있어서도 多糖類인 starch, dextrin, 複糖類인 maltose, sucrose가 가장 效果的이었다. 8. 公試葉劑中 菌株에 관계없이 zineb, zimaneb가 本 病의 防除에 가장 效果的이었고 다음은 crovral, polpan, daconil, captan順이었다. The experiments were carried out to investigate the cultural characteristics, nutritional physiology and chemical control of Alternaria alternata, the causal fungus of strawberry black leaf spot. The results obtained were summarized as follows. 1. The color of colony surface of the fungus varied with the isolates, culture media, temperatures, vitamins, and carbon sources. 2. Of the 3 isolates tested, in general, isolate K-3 grew better and produced more conidia than did the other two isolates. 3. Of the 5 media tested, P.D.A. gave the most radial growth, followed by V-8 Agar and C.M.A., Richard`s Agar and Czapek`s Agar were the least, whereas isolate K-3 grew well on 2 synthetic media. Most conidia formed on V-8 Agar. 4. Optimum temperature for the mycelial growth and conidial formation of the fungus was near 28℃. 5. Of the 3 isolates tested, isolate J-1 and K-2 were thiamine-deficient organism, but isolate K-3 didn`t require thiamine-hydrochloride. Pyridoxine hydrochloride was the most effective on conidial formation of all 3 isolates, followed by inositol and biotin. 6. No statistically significant differences were convinced among the concentration of thiamine-hydrochloride for the mycelial growth and the oprimum concentration of pyridoxine-hydrochloride for the conidial formation was about 120r/l in isolate K-3, and 100r/l in isolates K-2 and J-1. 7. Seven kinds of carbon sources tested were not utilized by isolate J-1 and K-2, so far as thiamine-hydrochloride was not added. When thiamine-Lydrochloride was added, dextrin and soluble starch were the most favorable for the mycelial growth. In the conidial formation, soluble starch, dextrin, maltose and sucrose were the most effective. 8. Under the condition of artificial infection, zineb and zimaneb were the most effective in controling the strawberry black leaf spot and followed by roval, polpan, daconil and captan.

      • Sclerotinia sclerotiorum(Lib.) de Bary에 의한 들깨 菌劾病과 그 新寄主

        曺鐘澤,文炳周 東亞大學校生命資源科學大學附設 農業資源硏究所 1994 農業生命資援硏究 Vol.3 No.2

        최근 부산근교의 하우스재배 지대에서는 채소용으로 재배되는 들깨의 줄기에는 잘룩병이 나타나고 잎에는 갈색∼흑갈색의 병반이 형성되어 습하면 연부현상이 나타나며 ???병부에는 菌核이 형성되는 신병해가 발생하여 그 피해가 막심하다. 본 병균의 形態와 病徵을 조사한 결과 Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary로 同定되었는데 그 특징은 다음과 같다. 자낭내의 자낭포자는 그 크기가 동일하고 자낭포자는 2핵이며 자낭포자의 길이와 나비의 비가 2.0보다 크고 자낭반의 皮層은 prismatica조직으로 구성되어 있었다. 菌核은 그 크기가 평균 2.8mm로서 PDA평면배에서 주로 균총 가장자리에 윤상으로 형성되고, 균핵의 皮層은 암갈색 원형의 세포가 2∼6층으로 구성되고 그 내부는 oblita조직으로 구성되며 皮層외부에는 tomentum hypha가 형성되지 않았다. 人工接種에 의하여 본 병원균에 대한 新寄主 10種과 우리나라 미기록 기주 2종을 발견하였다. A new disease of perilla was recently found in the area of house culture near Pusan and it is causing a serious damage of crops in the area. Symptoms of the disease are damping-off of infected stems and also occur on leaves as showing brown to dark brown spots, which is caused a soft rot in wet conditions. Sclerotia of the pathogen is also formed on the infected stem. The pathogen was identified as Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary due to the morphology and symptoms. The detailed characteristics of the pathogen are summarised as follows. 1. Ascospores are equally binucleate and the ratio of length and width is over 2.0. Ectal excipulum at the margin of apothecium is composed of texture prismatica. 2. The size of sclerotia is approximately 2.8mm in diamter and it is usually produced at the growing margin of colony on PDA medium. Cortex of sclerotia is composed of 2-6 layers of dark browned and cycloid cells. It is composed of hyaline texure obilata within sclerotial medulla and not formed tomentum hyphae on outside of cortex. From the artificial inoculation test, 10 plant species were determined as new host plants and 2 plant species unrecorded in Korea were found.

      • 딸기 시들음병균에 대한 Trichoderma 속 균의 길항작용에 관한 연구 : Ⅲ. Chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase Activity Ⅲ. Chitinase와 β-1,3-glucanase 활성

        문병주,정후섭,조종택 東亞大學校生命資源科學大學附設 農業資源硏究所 1994 農業生命資援硏究 Vol.3 No.1

        T. harzianum은 합성 배지에 유일한 탄소원으로서 chitin, laminarin, 본 병균의 세포벽, 밑기울 분말, clover잎 분말, maltose를 단독으로 첨가하여 생육시키면 chitinase와 β-1, 3-glucanase를 생성하였으나, chitinase 활성은 세포벽 첨가구에서 가장 높았고 다음은 chitin이었으며 maltose와 밑기울에서도 높은 활성을 보였으나 clover에서는 극히 낮았다. β-1, 3-glucanase 활성은 maltose에서 가장 높았고 다음은 laminarin이었으며 그 이외에는 극히 낮았다. 양 효소의 활성은 pH 3.5와 5.5가 pH 7.5에 비하여 높았으며, T. harzianum과 본 병균을 혼합하면 단독배양에 비하여 높았다. T. viride도 유일한 탄소원으로서 chitin 또는 laminarin을 첨가하면 각각 chitinase와 β-1,3-glucanase를 생성하였으나, chitinase 활성은 T. harzianum에 비하여 현저하게 낮았고 β-1,3-glucanase의 활성은 비슷하였다. Chitinase production by Trichoderma harzianum was highest in the culture with cell walls of the pathogen or chitin, moderately high with maltose or wheat bran, and very poor with clover leaf power. Relatively large amount of β-1,3-glucanase was excreted by T. harzianum when maltose or laminarin was used as a sole carbon source for the culture of the fungus, whereas cell walls, wheat bran and clover leaf powder had little effect on the enzyme production. For both of the enzymes, the enzyme activities were higher at pH 3.5-5.5 than at pH 7.5, and higher enzyme activities were detected in the dual culture of T. harzianum and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. fragariae than in the culture of T. harzianum alone. The activity of chitinase by T. viride was significantly lower than by T. harzianum, and the activity of β-1,3-glucanase was similar between the two antagonisitcs, although T. viride produced chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase when chitin or laminarin was added as a sole carbon source.

      • 딸기의 花芽分化와 그 發育에 關한 硏究 [第一報]

        曺鍾澤 東亞大學校 1971 東亞論叢 Vol.8 No.3

        1. 高冷地 育苗에 의한 딸기의 促成 栽培 方法은 勞力, 經費가 많이 들고 株冷藏에 의한 抑制栽培方法은 苗의 쇠약으로 活着率이 나쁘기 때문에 短期間에 花芽分化를 일으킬 수 있는 人工低溫處理 方法과 分化後의 花芽發育促進과 體眠打破를 위하여 生長調整劑의 處理에 關한 試驗을 하였다. 2. 供試 品種은 Danner, Hong-hak, Early dawn, Red grow, ??玉을 使用하였다. 3. 人工低溫處理는 8月 31日~9月 9日까지 10日間, 9℃~14℃로 處理하였고, 處理中 1日間 8時間의 電照를 하였다. 4. 花芽 發育 促進을 위하여 Gibberellin 10ppm을 2回 산포하였다. 5. 花芽 分化 狀況은 紅鶴과 Early dawn이 80%, Red grow가 40%, Danner와 幸玉은 20%였다. 6. 年末 年始에 딸기를 收穫할 수 있는 開花 限界期인 11月 20日까지에 開花한 成績은 株當紅鶴이 11.3個, Early dawn이 10.3, Red grow 6.3, 幸玉 2.4, Danner 1.6個였으나 Gibberellin을 處理한 區에 있어서는 紅鶴이 16.4, Early dawn이 13.4, Red grow 9.9로 그 效果가 좋았다. 7. 果實의 收量은 2月 10日 現在까지에 紅鶴이 株當 10.5個, Early dawn이 9.7, Danner가 9.3個 收穫 되었으나 Gibberellin을 處理한 區에서는 紅鶴이 15.0, Early dawn이 13.1, Danner가 11.4, Red grow가 10.8個로 收穫되었다. 8. 이 試驗 結果로 미루어 보아 딸기의 促成栽培는 人工低溫과 Gibberellin을 處理를 兼하여 實施하는 것이 가장 效果的이고 實用的이라고 생각한다. 1. It was observed that the way of forcing Strawberries by raising seedlings on cold high land wanted much labour and high cost, and its effect depended largely upon the weather conditions. We therefore tried to harvest strawberries during December and January by shorting the period of flower bud differentiation and its development conducted both artificial low temperature treatment and Gibberellin treatment. 2. Varieties observed were Danner, Hong-hak, Hang-ok, Early dawn, Red grow. 3. Low temperature treatment was conducted for 10 days from August 31th to September 9th. Strawberry seedlings which were closely planted in a low temperature box were lighted with 20 Watt fluorescent lamp from 30cm away for 8 hours a day. 4. The results for flower bud differentiation were observed that Hong-hak and Early dawn were 80% differentiation, Red grow 40%, Danner and Hang-ok 20%. 5. On November 20th, the finial period when we could harvest strawberries at the Christmas and New year season, Hong-hak bloomed 11.3 flowers per a plant, Early dawn 10.3, Red grow 6.3, Hang-ok 2.4, Danner 1.6, But at the Gibberellin treatment plot, Hong-hak bloomed 16.4 flowers a plant, Early dawn 13.4, Red grow 9.9. 6. Up to the 10th February, total yields of strawberries were 10.5 berries for Hong-hak per a plant, 9.7 for Early dawn, 9.3 for Danner 7.5 for Red glow and 3.5 for Hang-ok. But at the Gibberellin treatment plot, 15.0 berries for Hong-hak, 13.1 for Early dawn 11.4, for Danner, 10.8 for Red grow.

      • 딸기 시들음병균에 대한 Trichoderma 속 균의 길항작용에 관한 연구 : Ⅳ. Antagonism of T. harzianum in Soils Ⅳ. 토양에서의 T.harzianum 길항작용

        문병주,정후섭,조종택 東亞大學校生命資源科學大學附設 農業資源硏究所 1994 農業生命資援硏究 Vol.3 No.2

        In vitro에서 볏짚, 밀기울, 옥수수분말, chitin 또는 게껍질을 첨가하면 T. harzianum의 딸기 시들음병균에 대한 길항작용은 높았으나 clover 잎 분말에서는 낮았다. 또한 이 길항작용은 25∼30℃, 산성토양(pH 3.5-5.5), 40∼50%의 토양수분에서 촉진되었다. When rice straw, wheat bran, corn, chitin or crabshell powder was added in soil in vitro, the antagonistic activity of T. harzianum on F. oxysporum f. sp. fragariae increased, whereas incorporation of clover leaf powder had no effect on the antagonistic activity. The activity was also the highest at 25∼30℃ and in acid soil(pH 3.5∼5.5) with 40∼50% moisture content.

      • 딸기 겹무늬 病菌, Dendrophoma obscurans(Ell. & Ev.)Anderson의 柄子殼 및 柄胞子 形成에 미치는 몇가지 發育因子의 영향

        曺鐘澤,文炳周 東亞大學校 1981 東亞論叢 Vol.18 No.1

        몇 가지 發育因子가 딸기 겹무늬病菌, Dendrophoma obscurans(Ell. & Ev.) Anderson 의 柄子殼과 柄胞子 形成에 미치는 영향에 대하여 비교 검토한 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 本 菌의 柄子殼과 柄胞子는 순수 合成 培地에서는 전연 形成되지 않았다. 2. 供試한 7種의 發育因子 中에서 柄子殼 形成에 가장 效果的인 것은 malt extract 이었으며 다음은 yeast extract, thiamine-HCI 順이었으나 柄胞子는 thiamine-HCI 添加에 의하여 가장 많이 形成되었다. 그 적정 濃度는 malt extract가 1∼5%, yeast extract는 1%,, thiamine은 400r/1 이었다. 3. 柄子殼과 柄胞子의 多量 形成에 적합한 培地 조성은 Czapek's Agar의 炭素源을 gluose로 대치하고 여기에 thiamine 100r/1와 malt extract 0.5%를 混合 添加할 경우 가장 效果的이었다. 4. 柄子殼 및 柄胞子 形成에 대한 發育因子의 促進效果는 S-2 菌株가 他菌株에 비하여 有意的으로 컸다. The experiments were conducted to clear the effects of growth factors on the production of pycnidia and pycniospores of Dendrophoma obscurans (Ell. & Ev.) Anderson. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. The fungus failed to form mature pycnidia on synthetic media such as Elliot's Agar, Czapek's Agar and Richara's Agar. 2. Of the 7 growth factors tested, malt extract was the best for pycnidia formation, and followed by yeast extract and thiamine-HCI, while thiamine-HCI was the most effective for formation of pycniospores. The proper concentration of malt extract, yeast extract and thiamine-HCI were 1∼5%, 1% and 400r/1, respectively. 3. Malt extract 5g/1 with thiamine-HCI 100r/1 was the most effective in increasing the amount of formation of pycnidia and pycniospores, when the sugar source in Czapek's Agar as the basal medium was replaced with glucose. 4. Of 4 isolate used, S-2 isolate produced more pycnidia and pycniospores than did the other isolates, when the growth factors were added in the basal medium.

      • 거북밀깍지벌레(Cerostegia japonicus)의 發生消長과 그 防除에 관한 硏究

        裵泰雄,曺種澤,河祥永,韓熙世,文炳周 東亞大學校 1979 東亞論叢 Vol.16 No.2

        거북밀깍지벌레의 效果的인 防除法을 규명하기 위하여 釜山地域에서의 發生消長을 검토하고, 4종류의 寄主別로 기계유유제, 有機燐劑 3종 및 Carbamate劑 3종을 공시하여 殺蟲率을 Bliss의 Probit법으로 분석하고 農藥의 농도에 따른 蟲體의 呼吸代謝를 검토 하였다. 1. 釜山地方에서의 거북밀깍지벌레의 孵化器는 6月15日∼7月12日이였으며 孵化最盛期는 7月 初旬이였다. 2. 防除適期는 8月10日경이었다. 3. 8月3日에 처리한 寄主別의 본 害蟲의 LD?이 가장 낮은 것은 자목련에서는 DEP, 감나무에서는 BUX,사철나무와 치자나무에서는 BUX와 DEP로서 전체적으로 볼 때 BUX 및 DEP가 가장 效果的이고 그 다음이 Diazinon이였다. 4. 8月18日 처리에서 LD?이 가장 낮은 것은 자목련과 감나무에서는 Diazinon이, 사철나무와 치자나무에서는 BUX와 DEP로서 전체적으로 보면 Diazinon, BUX와 DEP등이 感受性이 높았다. 5. 8月3日의 처리에서 LD?이 가장 낮은 농약은 BUX로서 寄主別 농도 범위는 0.011∼0.043%였다. 6. 8月18日의 처리에서 LD?이 가장 낮은 농약은 BUX와 Diazinon으로서 寄主別 농도 범위는 각각 0.011∼0.1076%, 0.028∼0.074%였다. 7. 本 害蟲의 正常 酸素消費量은 9.25∼10.02㎕O₂/㎎ body weight/hour였으며 寄主에 따른 차이를 인정할 수 없었다. 8. Diazinon과 BUX에서는 농도가 높아질수록 산소소비량은 정상호흡량 보다 훨씬 증가하였으나 기계유유제에서는 감소되었다. In order to investigate the effective control of Florida was scale (Cerostegia japonicus), the seasonal occurrences of 1st in star in Busan area was examined, the insecticides tested with the different four hosts were carbamates(NAC,BUX BPMC), organicphosphates(DEP,MEP,Diazinon)and Machine-oil emulson, and the mortality was analyzed by the probit analysis. Also the effects of insecticide's concentration on respiratory metabolism of Florida wax scale was examined. The results obtained were as follows 1. The periods of the larva occurrence was from June 15 to July 12, and the major peak of its occurrence was found to be in the early July. 2. The adequate period for the effective control of Florida wax scale was about August 10. 3. The lowest insecticides of LD 50 values to Florida wax scale with each hosts in August 10 was DEP in the people magnolia, BUX in the persimmon tree, BUX and DEP in the spindle tree and the gardenia. So generally the most effective insecticides for controlling it were BUX and DEP, Diazinon was the next. 4. In the second experiments treated in August 18, the lowest insecticide of LD50 values to it was Diazinon in the purple magnolia and the persimmon tree, BUX and DEP in the spindle tree and the gardenia. So the susceptibility of it to the insecticides was highest in Diazinon, BUX and DEP. 5. The lowest insecticide of LD90 values to it was BUX and the concentration range by the hosts was from. 0.011% to 0.043%. 6. In the second experiment treated in August 18, the lowest insecticides of LD90 values to it were BUX and Diazinon, and the concentration ranges by the hosts were from 0.011 to 0.1076%, 0.028 to 0.074% respectively. 7. The normal oxygen consumption of Florida wax scale was from 9.25 to 10.02㎕O₂/㎎ body weight/hour and wasn't recognized the significance by the hosts. 8. The oxygen consumption of it in Diazinon and BUX was higher with increasing of insecticides concentration than the normal respiratory, but it was decreased in machine oil emulsion.

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