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방사무늬김 색소변이형 엽상체의 성장과 광합성의 색소함량
김용표(Young Pyo KIM),최성제(Sung Je CHOI),강성필(Sung Pil KANG),조용희(Young hi JO),신종암(Jong Ahm SHIN) 전남대학교 수산과학연구소 1998 수산과학연구소논문집 Vol.7 No.-
Comparative studies were made on growth and photosynthetic pigment contents of the gametothallus of the wild-type (U-511), the red-type (F6-1) and the green-type (C-01) in P. yezoensis. The mean gametothallus length of the green-type was lowest in the earlier growth period and was highest in the latter growth period. The mean relative growth rate per day was highest during the earlier growth period and became lower with age of gametothallus in all the three strains, and the differences among the strains were almost negligible during the period later than 28 days old. The mean contents of chlorophyll a, phycoerythrin and phycocyanin on a gametothallus area basis were highest in the red-type mutant. In the red-type mutant, the PE/Chl. a and the PE/PC ratios were highest and the PC/Chl. a ratio was similar to as that of the wild-type.