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      • 도올 김용옥의 세계관과 창조 신앙

        조덕영(Duk Young CHO) 창조론오픈포럼 2021 창조론오픈포럼 Vol.15 No.1

        Doh-ol Young-Oak Kim is a popular scholar in Korea. He has published various theological books. But is he a theologian? It could be. Then why are many Christians always critical of Doh-ol? Are his faith and theology biblical? Stanley J. Grenz said that everyone is theologian. But not all theologies are equal or sound. Sound theology should be biblical. Then what about Doh-ol? Is his theology biblical? I think the answer is no.

      • 미 항공우주국(NASA)의 외계생명관련 중대 발표에 대한 기독교적 입장

        조덕영(Duk Young Cho) 창조론오픈포럼 2011 창조론오픈포럼 Vol.5 No.1

        2010년 12월 2일(현지 시간) 미 항공우주국(NASA)은 외계 생명 관련 연구에 대한 중대 발표(conference)를 하였다. 발표 이전부터 국내외 언론들은 이 사실에 대해 대단한 관심을 표명하였다. 국내 유명 포털 사이트에는 이미 발표가 나기 며칠 전부터 나사, 외계생명 중대발표나 외계인(발견) 등이 검색어 순위 1위로 뛰어오르는 가하면 여러 기독 언론들도 큰 관심을 표명하였다. 본 필자의 창조신학연구소 홈피 (www.kictnet.net)에도 누군가 익명으로 "이제 외계인이 발견되었으니 기독교는 끝났다"는 식의 악의적 댓 글을 남긴 네티즌도 있었다. 나사의 이번 외계생명관련 컨퍼런스에 대한 논지는 무엇이고 문제는 무엇이었을까? 여러 사람들의 문의가 있어 언론 기고문을 보완하여 그 컨퍼런스에 대한 평가를 남겨둔다.

      • 창조 신앙으로 본 인공지능 충격과 4차 산업혁명

        조덕영(Duk Young CHO) 창조론오픈포럼 2017 창조론오픈포럼 Vol.11 No.2

        What has Christian faith to do with The Fourth Industrial Revolution? AlphaGo is a AI(artificial intelligence) computer program that plays the board game Go. AlphaGo is the first Computer Go program. In March. 2016. AlphaGo played South Korean professional Go player Lee Sedol 9 dan(9段), one of the best players at Go. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is emerging technology breakthroughs in a number of fields, including wearable internet, ubiquitous computing, big data, robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, quantum computing, biotechnology, The Internet of Things, 3D printing and autonomous vehicles. In this paper, the author deals with "AlphaGo" Impact and The Fourth Industrial Revolution in creation faith.

      • 창세기 1장, 어떻게 해석할 것인가?

        조덕영(Duk Young CHO) 창조론오픈포럼 2020 창조론오픈포럼 Vol.14 No.1

        The interpretation of Genesis 1 has greatly influenced the formation of Christian theology. This study presents a hermeneutic dilemma in the interpretation of Genesis 1. This dilemma begins with language, the early Bible, and modern science. What will happen to this problem? God said that He saw all that He had made, and it was very good. This paper intends to provide a basis for its interpretation.

      • 초기 기독교의 한반도 전래에 대한 신학적 검토

        조덕영(Duk Young Cho) 창조론오픈포럼 2014 창조론오픈포럼 Vol.8 No.2

        Christianity is a historical religion. God reveals Himself to His people in history. A theological approach to history seeks to outline the biblical interpretation of history, conceived as a movement purposed and controlled by God. It is because God is the Lord of history. So Christians are asked to view the history as a series of events "according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God"(Acts 2:23). This paper deals with a theological consideration on the history of Korean Peninsula since the spread of the early Christianity.

      • 외계 생명체 논쟁과 우주의 연대

        조덕영(Duk Young Cho) 창조론오픈포럼 2008 창조론오픈포럼 Vol.2 No.1

        The matter of the date of the Universe and the Earth is one of the hot debating issues. In this thesis I will investigate extraterrestrial life debate and the date of the Universe and the Earth. There is no confirmed opinion on the date of the Earth and the Universe in Christianity. This thesis shows us that some Christians may accept the theory of evolution and the existence of extraterrestrial life. Scripture does not mention extraterrestrial life. This debate, therefore, never finds faults of Scripture.

      • 빛의 창조에 대한 신학적 이해

        조덕영(Duk Young Cho) 창조론오픈포럼 2011 창조론오픈포럼 Vol.5 No.2

        This paper deals with the theological implications of the creation of light. In the first Chapter of the Bible, God(Elohim) is described as the Creator of light by fiat that was good to see it. But light, by definition, is not an entity in its own right. It is the link between two other entities, the communication from its emitter to observer or recipient. The ancient Hebrews did not differentiate between natural and supernatural light. The term light has been also used in spirituality. Spiritual light was a holy thing and the natural symbol for deity. Bible commentators see the presence of light as a metaphor of truth, good and evil, knowledge and ignorance. God is pictured as creating light and being clothed with light.

      • 신정론(神正論)의 성경적 해석

        조덕영(Duk Young CHO) 창조론오픈포럼 2015 창조론오픈포럼 Vol.9 No.2

        How could the holy and loving God, who is in control of all things, allow evil to exist in the world? How can we believe that God is both good and sovereign for the evil in the world? This questions have been debated since the creation of the church. Theodicy is the study of the problem of evil in the world. The term "theodicy" is derived from the Greek theos(God) and dikee(justice). Gottfried Leibniz coined the term "theodicy" in an attempt to justify God"s existence in light of the apparent imperfections of the world in 1710. He argued that God must have created the best of all possible worlds. This paper reviews biblical interpretation of theodicy.

      • 코로나19의 창조신학

        조덕영(Duk Young CHO) 창조론오픈포럼 2020 창조론오픈포럼 Vol.14 No.2

        Corona19(COVID-19) is rapidly changing the world. A type of corona virus(Corona19) that causes diseases in humans. In humans, it usually causes respiratory infections that are not serious, but that can sometimes cause more serious infections that can kill people. A pandemic is defined as “an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people”(WHO). The classical definition includes nothing about population immunity, virology or disease severity. It is not easy to even imagine how far the ripple effect will go. How will it affect Christianity? Is humanity sustainable? How does the Bible say about Corona19? This paper tries to answer those answers.

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