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      • 淸末 後期淸流派 文廷式의 改革活動과 變法思想

        鄭在京(Chung Jae-kyoung) 중국근현대사학회 2000 근대중국연구 Vol.1 No.

        This study is a research on a member of the later Qingyi group, Wen Tingshi's(文廷式) intellectual transformations and political activities during the Reform Movement of the late Qing. Through this study, I attempt to answer how the later Qingyi group joined the Reform Movement of the late Qing. Previous scholarships dealt with the later Qingyi group including Wen Tingshi in relation to the emergence of, first, the anti-Li Hongzhang alliance, and, later, Kang You wei and Liang Qichao. Whereas they saw in the Qingyi group the important political resources of the leading group of the Reform Movement of the 1898, however, the scholarships did not explain why, and how, the Qingyi group joined the Movement. The participation of the later Qingyi group in the Reform Movement was, I am trying to say, rather the result of the their own intellectual transformation than merely a matter of political alliance as the previous scholarships insisted. Analysing Wen Tingshi's reports to the Guangxu Emperor from 1894 to 1896, Chapter I demonstrates his intellectual transformation from the traditional Statecraft discourse(Jingshi lun 經世論) to the Reform discourse against the backdrop of the Sino-Japanese War of 1894. In these reports he impeached Li Hongzhang, and consistently insisted on continuation of the war with Japan. And he praised the strong points of Western military system, and criticized that the Westernization(yangwu) of military sector had not proceeded thoroughly. Lamenting the lack of men of talents(rencai 人材) to take charge of the reforms including the Westernization policy, in addition, he requested to start modem educational system. In terms of the economic policy, he insisted that state should develop such resources of profits as sericulture, cotton industry, wine-brewing, and stock-farming. We can see the transformation of his economic policy from the traditional view, which had focused on the security of the livelihood of small peasants, namely Minsheng lun (民生論) into a mercantile one. Surveying Wen Tingshi's reform activities and thoughts after the Sino-Japanese War of 1894, Chapter Ⅱ shows that how he was transformed from a bureaucrat into a modem intellectual. Before resigning in 1896, Wen Tingshi, as the supervisor of the Jiangxue shuju(强學書局), collected and translated Western books (xishu 西書) to educate men of talents. Especially, he focused on the collection and translation of books concerning such items as the political institution of west, commercial affairs, military studies, and so on. For he thought that modem state bureaucrats were needed to acquire knowledge of such items to be Qualified. Having been expelled from the government in 1896, he tried to establish new style schools in his hometown in Jiangxi, He also tried to establish mining company to raise fund for the new style schools. Through these activities, he came to be transformed into a modem intellectual. First, he thought professional educations were needed to provide men of talents performing institutional reforms. Second, he came to realize the commerce and industry as the essence of Western Civilization. Third, insisting on the introduction of a kind of constitutional system, he advocated the fundamental reform of the whole political structure of China.

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