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      • KCI등재

        인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 행위 주체로서 ‘나’의 유아론적 애매성

        정응근(EungKeunChung),김식(SikKim) 한국체육학회 2007 한국체육학회지 Vol.46 No.4

        ‘나’란 무엇이며, 그 물음이 왜 문제가 되는지, 우리는 의아해할 수 있다. 비트겐슈타인에 의하면 나의 언어는 그 단어들이 ‘오직 말하고 있는 사람에게만 알려질 수 있는 것, 즉 나의 직접적인 사적 감각을 가리키는’ 언어이다. 따라서 만약 나의 언어가 불가능하다면 나의 이론들은 거짓이라고 할 수 있다. 그런데 사람들은 타인들에 대해 ‘나’라는 말을 잘못 사용하고 있다. 달리 말한다면 사람들은 그것의 몇몇 용법들을 전혀 구분하지 않고 일의적으로 ‘나’ 하나의 인격-실체를 지시하기 위해 사용한다. ‘나’라는 말이 가끔 신체-주체를 지시할 경우가 있지만 그것이 일의적일 수 없다는 것은 매우 자명한 사실이다. 따라서 스포츠 행위 주체로서의 ‘나’에 대해 특이하고 독자적인 실체를 뜻하는지의 여부와 나의 불가분하고 연속적인 동일성은 무엇인가라는 문제를 사색해야만 한다. 강조하자면, 언급된 사람이 대명사에 의해 구별되는 방식은 그들이 고유명사에 의해 구별되는 방식과 다르다는 것은 분명하다. 결국 ‘나’는 이름이 아니다. ‘나’라는 단어는 인간의 언어에서 상이한 도구이자, 애매한 유아론적 표현일 뿐이다. What is ‘I’, we may wonder, and why does so question matter? My language, in the sense discussed by Wittgenstein, is language whose words ‘refer to what can only be known to the person speaking: to my immediate private sensation’. Consequently, if my languages are impossible those theories are false. By the way, people commit a fault how to use word of ‘I’. It tells its own tale that it hasn’t the only one sense. Accordingly ‘I’ as the subject who plays the sport is specculated the problems whether ‘I’ denotes a peculiar and separate substance and in what consists my indivisible and continuing identity. Surely the way in which the people mentioned are identified by pronouns is quite different from the way in which they are identified by proper name. Overall the word of ‘I’ is not a name. It is merely a question of ambiguous solipsistic description.

      • KCI등재

        인문,사회과학편 : 철학함으로서의 체육철학

        오현택(HyunTaekOh),정응근(EungKeunChung) 한국체육학회 2006 한국체육학회지 Vol.45 No.1

        The researchers of sport philosophy have various viewpoints, diverse academic interests and have their own methodology. So it is impossible to define the identity, scope and method of sport philosophy in simple and clear. In order to understand sport philosophy with full information, it may be of help that the activities of sport philosophers regard as the results of doing philosophy. In this paper, the activities of sport philosophers are classified into three category; speculative activity, normative activity and analytical activity. This three aspects of the doing philosophy of sport philosophers may not be mutual exclusive but rather mutual related to some degree. In a sport philosophical study, although a particular philosophical doing was chosen as a main method, the other activities are included in the study as assistant and supplementary method. Since sport philosophers are inclined to a particular aspect of doing philosophy among three activities, the differences between methods of study and between use of philosophical concepts is caused from that choices.

      • KCI등재

        인문,사회과학편 : "코리안 카라테"의 등장과 태권도의 해외 진출: 1960년대 한인태권도 사범들의 미국 내 활동을 중심으로

        김주연(JooYounKim),김은정(EunJungKim),정응근(EungKeunChung) 한국체육학회 2007 한국체육학회지 Vol.46 No.1

        본 연구는 1950년대부터 1970년대 초반까지 한인 사범들의 도미와 1960년대 ‘카라테’, ‘코리안 카라테’를 통한 미국 내 태권도의 진출에 대해서 살펴보았다. 특히, ‘코리안 카라테’의 등장을 통해 당시 한인 사범들의 활동을 주목하였는데, 이는 오늘날 태권도의 세계화에 있어서 초기 한인 사범들에 의한 ‘코리안 카라테’의 역할을 생각하지 않을 수 없기 때문이다. 한인 사범들의 도미로 이루어진 태권도의 미국 내 활동은 ‘카라테’에서 ‘코리안 카라테’로 변화되면서 본격적으로 나타났는데, ‘코리안 카라테’는 역사적 전통발기술경기화태권도로 연결을 가능하게 만들었던 태권도의 과도기적 명칭으로서 한인 사범들에 의해 만들어진 것이었다. 한인 사범들에 의한 ‘코리안 카라테’의 등장은 미국을 넘어선 태권도의 해외 진출에 중요한 배경으로서 태권도 세계화에 결정적인 영향을 미치게 되었다. 본 연구는 이러한 점을 명확하게 확인하기 위해서 미국에 진출했던 한인 태권도 사범들의 구술사 증언과 『Black Belt Magazine』의 ‘코리안 카라테’에 대한 기사를 참고하였다. This study was considered about advance of Korean Taekwondo instructors, 'Karate' and 'Korean Karate' as Taekwondo's abroad from 1950's to 1970's in USA. Korean-American Taekwondo instructors used the words as 'Korean Karate' in mid-1960s, 'Korean Karate' was supported for developing of Taekwondo as today's world sport. Taekwondo's distinguishing marks appeared to change from 'Karate' to 'Korean Karate'. Advent of 'Korean Karate' was by Korean Taekwondo instructors, therefore they became to make Taekwondo abroad like today's position. 'Korean Karate' solved for Karate and Taekwondo's confusion relationship, therefore 'Korean Karate' was named as Taekwondo's term in a transition period. This study uses oral history interview in 1960's Korean-American Taekwondo Instructors, and search for articles about 'Korean Karate' in the Black Belt Magazine.

      • KCI우수등재

        인문 · 사회과학편 : 사회체육 계열학과 교육과정 모형개발에 관한 연구

        노희덕(HeeDuckRho),임번장(BurnJangLim),강신복(SinBokKang),정응근(EungKeunChung),김종택(JongTaekKim),성기훈(KeeHoonSung),김정연(JongYonKim),안양옥(YangOkAhn),조미혜(MiHyeCho),김윤희(YounHeeKim) 한국체육학회 1993 한국체육학회지 Vol.32 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to develop a model of curriculums in the department of sports-for-all in University. In order to accomplish this purpose, this study surveyed the role of sports-for-all and its outlooks, curricula of 2 countries, points of view and demands of sports and recreation leader of community, students of department of sports-for-all, based the experts meeting was held to discuss the results from the research. On the basis of the results analyzed in this study, conclusions were made as follows.The aims of curriculum in the deparment of sports-for-all must clear obectives and a sense of duty, and must be imbued with professional knowledge regarding the various major fields. Furthermore, leaders must be developed who have the ability to adapt themselves to the demands of the sports and recreation field. The objectives of the curriculum in the department of sports-for-all must be fostered with proficiency in organizational administration, teaching ability of leisure and recreation, and the acquisition of knowledge related to sports and recreation.The contents of the curriculum in the department of sports-for-all must be selected and organized to acquire the professional knowledges for sports and recreation-leader and the skills to effectively perform their duties in actual sports and recreation field.It is desirable to develop and put into operation, as interrelated fields of sports-for-all: exercise prescription and therapatic specialist course, leisure and recreation specialist course, and administration and management of sport programs` specialist course, sports club specialist course.

      • KCI우수등재

        인문 · 사회편 : 생활체육 투자우선순위에 관한 연구

        임번장(BurnJangLim),노희덕(HeeDurkRro),강신복(SinBokKang),김동진(DongJinKim),정응근(EungKeunChung) 한국체육학회 1991 한국체육학회지 Vol.30 No.2

        The purpose of the study was to select factors of investment and to decide the order of priority among factors (of investment) based on fundamental principle of investment-equality, equity, and efficiency-in the development of sport for all.The study was conducted in expert group working at sport for all. 30 expert members who were 10 scholars. 10 administarors, and 10 men of business participated in the study.Data were collected through the use of Delphi-technique and Analytical hierachy process method.The results of the study are as follows:6 factors of investment are selected in using Delphi-technique : facility, program, leader, publicity, organization of like- minded persons, administration aid.Facility factor is divided to close-range facility, broad area facility, occupational facility, open of school facility, management and utilization of facility, and open of public institution facility. Program factor is divided to program development of event and object, and program popularization. Leader factor is divided to pre-service(cultivation), in-service, arrangement, and better treatment of leader. Publicity factor is divided to community and nation-wide publicity. Organization of like-minded persons factor is divided to organization and aid of club. Administration aid factor is divided to opening of event, establishment of long-range plan and systematic research, foundation of consultation office. and law maintenance & aid of tax system in Sport for All.The order of priority among factors of investment is decided to AHP method.The whole ranking within Sport for All followed facility, publicity, leader, administration aid, organization, and program(CH=0.03061). The ranking within facility of Sport for All is followed expansion of close range facility, open of school facility. management and utilization of facility, expansion of occupational facility, open o. occupational facility, and expansion of broad area facility (CR=0.00994). The ranking within program is followed program development of object, program development of event, and program popularization (CP=0.00102). The ranking within leader is followed arrangement, pre-service, better treatment, and in-service(CR=0.00878). Nation-wide publicity is higher ranking than community (CR=0.00001). Club organization of like-minded persons is higher ranking than club aid (CR=0.00001). The ranking within administration aid is followed law maintenance & aid of tax system, establishment of long-range plan and systematic research, opening of event, and foundation of consultation office (CR=0.00427).

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