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      • KCI등재

        집필자의 전문성에 따른 『한국사』 교과서의 서술 양상 -통일신라기 정치·사회경제사를 중심으로-

        정선화(Jeong, Sun-hwa) 신라사학회 2021 新羅史學報 Vol.- No.52

        본고는 고등학교 『한국사』교과서의 집필진을 대상으로 집필의 전문성에 따른 통일신라기의 서술 양상을 연구한 것이다. 조사 대상은 2007 개정 교육과정에 의한 6종 『한국사』, 2009 개정 교육과정에 의한 8종 『한국사』, 2015 개정 교육과정에 의한 8종 『한국사』 집필진 중에서 설문조사 및 심층면접에 응한 12명의 저자를 대상으로 진행하였다. 역사교과서는 본문과 다양한 형태의 학습자료로 구성되어 있다. 2007 개정 교육과정의 역사과 교과서의 집필기준에는 역사학계의 최신 연구 성과를 집필하도록 명시하였다. 이러한 교과서의 성격에 기초하여 『한국사』 통일신라기의 정치·사회경제 부분의 ‘본문 서술’과 ‘학습자료’에 대한 사실 관계 및 그 서술 변화를 살펴보았다. 먼저 Ⅱ장에서는 내용 지식에 따른 본문 서술의 집필 양상을 살펴보았다. 신라 중대 정치사 분야에서 ‘聖書’처럼 기술되었던 ‘전제 왕권’ 이라는 용어는 2015『한국사』 에서는 거의 사라졌음을 확인하였다. 상대등 권한에 대한 서술에도 변화가 있음을 알 수 있었다. Ⅲ장에서는 교수 내용 지식에 따른 학습자료의 활용 양상을 살펴보았다. 그래프, 도표 활용에 대한 오류 및 사료의 원문 해석이 잘못된 경우는 완전히 사라지지는 않았으나 다양성을 추구하고자 하는 변화의 모습을 확인할 수 있었다. This study studied the descriptive aspects of Unified Silla according to the professionalism of writing among the writers of Korean history textbooks in high school. The survey was conducted on 12 writers who participated in surveys and in-depth interviews among by the 2007 revised curriculum, the 2009 revised curriculum, and the 2015 revised curriculum. History textbooks are composed of text and various forms of learning materials. The standards for writing history textbooks for the 2007 revised curriculum stipulated that the history community should write the latest research achievements. Based on the nature of these textbooks, we would like to examine the facts about "textual descriptions" and "learning materials" and their descriptive changes through the author"s expertise. Two main categories were reviewed to examine the professionalism of the writers. In Chapter II, we looked at the content knowledge based on the descriptions of the text, and in Chapter Ⅲ, we looked at the teaching content knowledge through the use of the study materials. Errors in graph, chart utilization, and misinterpretation of the original text of the feed did not completely disappear, but we could see the changes that wanted to pursue diversity. The analysis of the author"s perspective of the Unified Silla Period in Korean history can be summarized into four aspects. The first is the way the writers are organized. The second is the method for minimizing error generation. The third is the re-education of field teachers. The fourth is the diverse composition of Korean history textbook writers.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 문법서 기술 방식에 관한 교사 인식 및 선호도 연구

        정선화 ( Sun Hwa Jeong ) 우리어문학회 2014 우리어문연구 Vol.49 No.-

        This article is to establish fundamental teaching materials for development of substantial and practical grammar books for Korean language through looking into teachers’ perception and preference for the methods of describing grammar books. Two groups of teachers, experienced and novice teachers, who are real consumers of grammar books for Korean language, participated in this research. Current grammar books were examined regarding how and why they were used by teachers, and teaching materials for grammar that will be published in the near future was investigated focusing on overall methods describing grammar books. In addition, concrete ways of describing grammar books were added to this study. Result of the survey showed that Korean Grammar for Foreigners 2 published by the national institute of the Korean language was a grammar book that teachers refer the most when preparing class. The survey also revealed that easy explanation for applying to class should be considered as priority. According to teaching experience, teachers had a different expectation to grammar books. Teachers who had not much experience in teaching anticipated even contents related to teaching methods, and career teachers tried to acquire a deeper knowledge of grammar from grammar books. Unlikely experienced teachers who preferred to use current grammatical terms, novice teachers preferred to change difficult grammatical terms to easy ones, which indicates appropriate grammar books need to be developed depending on experience. This study has a significant meaning of giving a suggestion on describing grammar books for Korean language that will be developed as well as reviewing current grammar books through exploring teachers’ perception and preference.

      • KCI등재

        『日本史B』 교과서의 廣開土王碑 관련 서술과 역사인식

        鄭善花(Jeong, Sun-hwa) 역사교육연구회 2021 역사교육 Vol.159 No.-

        This research analyzes historical perception that emerged through the description of King Gwanggaeto stele text and the use of learning materials in the history textbook of Japanese high schools. In Japanese high school history textbooks, King Gwanggaeto stele has been used as evidence to support the ‘Imna Ilbon-bu’ along with the same historical materials that have been included in history textbooks since the 1960s. In the history circles of Korea and Japan, it is a common view that the ‘Imna Ilbon-bu’ of Nihonshoki has been overcome because it is different from the truth. However, it is problematic that the current Japanese high school history textbook still contains the same learning materials that the existing ‘Imna Ilbon-bu’. In disguise, ‘objectives’ are instilling distorted historical perceptions in Japanese high school students. The Japanese history textbook uses historical materials compiled in the same unit as King Gwanggaeto stele to mechanically establish the relationship between ancient Japan and the Korean Peninsula to plant false historical awareness. The relationship with the southern part of the Korean Peninsula, described as a friendly relationship, is part of the world of Japan, and through the war with Goguryeo, a historical view is included in the world of the Korean Peninsula. In the end, the historical view, which had been presenting the legitimacy of colonization of the Korean Peninsula through ancient historical materials, shows that the history textbooks still retain their vitality to this day.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        학습자료로서 正倉院 소장 유물의 활용 검토

        정선화(Jeong, Sun-hwa) 신라사학회 2020 新羅史學報 Vol.0 No.50

        본고는 학습자료로서 正倉院 소장 유물의 활용 방안을 모색하기 위해 고등학교 『한국사』에 기재된 관련 서술을 검토하였다. 일본 奈良의 正倉院에는 일본・한국・중국 뿐 아니라 서역 등에서 제작된 것으로 추정되는 수천 점의 유물이 소장되어 있다. 한반도와 관련된 유물은 통일신라와 백제에서 제작했거나 제작한 것으로 추정하는 유물이며 한반도에서 선물로 보낸 물품과 교역품이 대부분을 차지한다. 지금까지 알려진 한반도 관련 정창원 소장 유물은 문서, 신라이두가 기록된 毛氈, 사하리, 악기, 소품, 약품, 향 등 다양하다. 『한국사』에는 2007 개정교육과정부터 정창원 소장 한반도 관련 유물이 수록되기 시작하였다. 기재된 단원은 유물의 성격에 따라 다양한 곳에 편재되어 있었다. 「신라촌락문서」는 문서에 기록된 내용을 토대로 통일신라의 경제생활을 다루는 곳에 기재되었으며 나머지 일반 유물자료는 대외 교류를 다루는 곳에 수록되어 있었다. 본문 서술의 주 내용은 통일신라와 일본의 관계를 설명하는 교류적 측면을 강조하였다. 그러다보니 『한국사』에 수록된 정창원 관련 유물은 대부분이 교역품이거나 일본과의 연관성을 염두에 둔 서술이 주를 이루었다. 끝으로 정창원 유물자료의 활용 현황을 토대로 효율적인 활용 방안을 제시하였다. 활용 방안에 앞서 지적한 문제점은 첫째는 구성방식의 적합성 여부, 둘째는 용어 사용의 적합성 여부를 검토하였다. 문제점 정리에 이어 정창원 유물을 학습자료로 효율적으로 활용할 수 있는 방안으로 첫 번째는 제품의 포장 완충지로 재활용된 종이와 목간 자료를 함께 서술하여 고대인의 문자 생활을 특집으로 마련해 보는 것을 제안하였다. 두 번째는 문자 자료를 대일 교역 관계에 활용하는 방안을 제안하였고, 세 번째는 모전 관련 유물의 활용 방안을 제안을 하였다. 네 번째는 유물 관련 史實의 다양한 서술과 목화자단기국을 바라보는 관점의 변화 등을 제안하였다. This study reviewed the relevant descriptions in the 『한국사』 of high schoolin order to find ways to utilize the Shoso -in collection artifacts as learningmaterials. Shõsõ-in in Japan has thousands of artifacts believed to have beenmade in the West as well as Japan, Korea, and China. The relics related toKorea are those produced or presumed to be from Unified Silla and Baekje,and most of them are items and trade items sent as gifts on the KoreanPeninsula. The relics of the Shõsõ-in collection related to the Korean Peninsulaso far known are documents, saha-ri, instruments, props, incense, etc. fromwhich Sin Raidu was recorded. The 『한국사』 began to contain relics related to the Korean Peninsula bythe director of Shõsõ-in from the 2007 revised curriculum. Relics that are clearor presumed to have been produced on the Korean Peninsula were used aslearning materials. The listed sectio nsw erecompiled in various placesdepending on the nature of the relics. Based on the documents, 「신라촌락문서」was recorded in the place dealing with the economic life of Unified Silla, andthe rest of the general relics are contained in the place dealing with foreignexchange. Other examples i nclude Sahari, Silla Muk, Mojeon, and Silla Geum.The main contents of the text description emphasized the exchange aspectsthat explain the relationship between Unified Silla and Japan. As a result, mostof the Shoso-in related relics in 『한국사』 are trade goods or descriptions withJapan in mind. Finally, based on the current status of use of Shõsõ-in Relics Materials, problems and efficient utilization measures were presented. The problems were first examined for suitability of the configuration method and second for suitability of the use of the term. As a way to efficiently utilize the relics of Shõsõ-in as learning materials, the first suggested that the materials of the ancient people’s text life be specially prepared by describing the recycled paper and wooden materials as the packaging buffer of the product. The second proposed the use of text messages for trade relations with Japan, and the third proposed the use of historical artifacts. The fourth suggested various descriptions of the relics and changes in the view of the cotton short-term bureau.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 듣기교육 연구의 통시적 고찰

        정선화(Jeong, Sun-hwa) 중앙어문학회 2014 語文論集 Vol.58 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 한국어 듣기교육 연구물을 통시적으로 고찰해 보고 듣기교육 연구의 균형적인 발전을 위해 나아가야 할 방향성을 재고(再考)하고자 함이다. 이를 위해 한국어교육 선행연구사를 토대로 듣기교육의 과거와 현재의 위치를 살피고, 지금까지 연구 결과물들을 검토하였다. 듣기교육 연구는 다른 연구에 비해 빈약하지만 2005년 이후 급증하였고, 2010년부터는 학술지 논문보다 학위논문의 수가 우세한 것으로 나타났다. 학습자들의 다양화로 듣기교육 연구 대상은 초기에는 주로 초급이 많았으나 2005년 이후 중급과 고급으로 변하였고, 학습목적별로는 일반목적, 학문목적, 이주여성으로 연구대상이 점차 바뀌었다. 주제별로 교수법과 교재론이 다수를 차지하지만 2000년대 후반부터 매체 활용이나 전략, 기능 연계와 같은 새로운 교수법의 시도도 보였다. 듣기 평가를 주제로 한 연구는 낮은 비율을 보였고, 주로 한국어능력시험 분석이 많았다. 한국어 듣기교육 연구는 독립된 듣기교육과정과 듣기교재의 부재 속에서 초기부터 기본적으로 동일한 논지의 연구가 많은 것으로 나타났다. 이를 해결하기 위해 현장과 연구자와의 소통을 모색하고, 전공자와 교사, 그리고 외국인 연구자들의 연구를 권장하고 바람직한 연구 여건을 마련해야 할 것이다. This paper examines the research of Korean listening education diachronically and reconsiders the way researchers should pursue for balanced development of Korean listening education. Based on the preceding research of Korean education, listening education’s past and present status quo were reviewed and investigated. Although the research of listening education is meager compared to other researches, it rapidly increased since 2005, and the number of thesis shows a preponderance of articles in journals since 2010. The object of the study of listening education were mostly beginners, but since 2005, with the increased number of students from diverse nationalities, who have different levels of Korean, intermediate and advanced levels became the object of the research. As to the goal of study, general and academic purpose was mainly investigated, but recently there has been increased studies focusing on women who marry Korean men. By topics, teaching methods and theory of textbooks were the main subjects of the research, but new teaching methods such as media, strategies, and functional linkage have been researched since the late 2000s. The rate of research of listening comprehension test was low, and analysis of Test of Proficiency in Korean was a main subject of research. Due to the lack of listening textbooks and independent curriculum, recent listening research still focuses on the same old content as previous studies. To solve this problem, communication between Korean teachers, text book writers, proficiency test makers, and researchers is needed. And not only research activities of specialists, foreign researchers and field teachers should be encouraged but also an adequate research environment should be provided.

      • KCI등재

        간호대학생의 스트레스, 우울 및 임상실습만족도와의 관계

        정선화(Jeong, Sun Hwa),박성희(Park, Sung Hee) 한국재활간호학회 2013 재활간호학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among stress, depression, and satisfaction to clinical practice in nursing students. Methods: Three hundred forty-five nursing college students were selected by convenient sampling and data were collected from October to November, 2011. Results: The nursing students experienced moderate stress level. The most severe stressors were adjustment to school and clinical practice. Also, they experienced more than moderate level of satisfaction on clinical practice. The most satisfiable factors were clinical practice circumstance and practice hours. The sophomore had more severe stress and depression and had lower clinical practice satisfaction than the junior. Satisfying with major in nursing as well as clinical practice had a significantly negative correlation with stress and depression. Conclusion: Based on this results, we need to develop programs for increasing satisfaction to clinical practice and major in nursing. The program will enhance adaptation ability to clinical practice.

      • KCI등재

        도플러 레이더를 위한 X-Band SOM 설계

        정선화(Sun-Hwa Jeong),황희용(Hee-Yong Hwang) 한국전자파학회 2013 한국전자파학회논문지 Vol.24 No.12

        본 논문에서는 하나의 트랜지스터로 발진과 주파수 혼합이 동시에 이루어지는 self-oscillating-mixer(SOM) 방식을 적용하여 높은 변환 이득을 갖는 X-band 도플러 레이더를 설계하였다. SOM의 위상 잡음 특성을 향상시키기 위하여 λ/2 slotted square patch resonator(SSPR) 공진기를 제안하였으며, 동일 주파수에서 기존 공진기에 비해 50 %의 면적 감소와 175.4의 높은 Q값을 이루었다. 제작된 SOM은 저 전력 시스템을 구현하기 위해 1.7 V의 낮은 바이어스 전압을 인가해 주었으며, 높은 변환 이득을 위하여 트랜지스터의 pinch-off voltage 근처를 동작점 으로 설정하였고, 변환 이득이 최대가 되도록 최적화 하였다. 제안된 SOM의 출력 파워는 10.65 GHz에서 ?3.16 dBm으로 측정되었으며, DC Power consumption은 7.65 mW로 상대적으로 작은 전력을 소모한다. 또한, 9.48 dB의 높은 변환 이득 특성과 100 kHz offset에서 ?90.91 dBc/Hz의 위상 잡음 특성을 나타내며, 이때 성능지수(FOM)는 ?181.8 dBc/Hz 으로 다른 SOM에 비해 7 dB 이상 개선되었다. This paper presents a X-band doppler radar with high conversion gain using a self-oscillating-mixer(SOM) that oscillation and frequency mixing is realized at the same time. To improve phase noise of the SOM oscillator, a λ/2 slotted square patch resonator(SSPR) was proposed, which shows high Q-factor of 175.4 and the 50 % reduced circuit area compared to the conventional resonator. To implement the low power system, low biasing voltage of 1.7 V was supplied. To enhance the conversion gain of the SOM, bias circuit is configured near the pinch-off region of transistor, and the conversion gain was optimized. The output power of the proposed SOM was -3.16 dBm at 10.65 GHz. A high conversion gain of 9.48 dB was obtained whereas DC Power consumption is relatively low about 7.65 mW. The phase noise is -90.91 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz offset. The figure-of-merit(FOM) of the proposed SOM was measured as -181.8 dBc/Hz, which is supplier to other SOMs by more than about 7 dB.

      • KCI등재

        중학교 역사교과서 속 고대 목간 자료의 검토와 활용

        鄭善花(Jeong Sun Hwa) 역사교육연구회 2018 歷史敎育 Vol.145 No.-

        It reviewed the status of ancient wooden descriptions contained in middle school history textbooks from the 2007 revision curriculum to the 2009 revision curriculum. I think it is meaningful that the analysis of historical textbooks related to ancient wooden tablets is the first time since the study on history textbooks was mainly conducted by analyzing illustration materials such as descriptions and maps. The wooden writing was written by the ancient people of the time, so it also provides a wealth of information about ancient history that is unknown in the literature. Therefore, it is very important to interpret the remaining characters and understand their meaning. However, the analysis on the status of historical textbooks in middle school showed some problems. In this article, I have considered the desirable direction of describing ancient wooden tablets in the middle school history textbooks. In particular, the research focused on the wood-to-wall type of writing, the relevance of wooden materials to the body of text books, and how well the primary source system reflects the value of wooden tablets. Based on this, the features of the ancient wooden description were summarized before the improvement measures for problems with the description were proposed.

      • KCI등재

        口語의 특성을 반영한 듣기 敎育 方案 연구 : 省略 현상을 중심으로

        정선화(Jeong Sun-Hwa) 중앙어문학회 2009 語文論集 Vol.42 No.-

        The aim of this paper is to research effective listening education. The subject of listening education is spoken language which is different from written language in register. Listening education is required to teach the characteristics of spoken language and expose authentic material to the learners in the classroom. To accomplish I suggested classify listening education into authentic and standard listening education. Standard listening education has application to all kinds of language skills and standard Korean. Authentic listening education is related to teaching the characteristics of spoken language. For instance, clustering, redundancy, reducedforms, performance variables etc. This paper examined the different aspects of ellipsis, one of authentic listening education content, based on existing research between the current published listening textbooks and spoken language and proposed the method of authentic listening education.

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