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        부들러의 한국 중립론

        정상수 ( Sangsu Jung ) 한국서양사연구회 2017 서양사연구 Vol.0 No.57

        The former studies insisted that the grounds of Budler’s Korean Neutralism were prevention from military conflict between China and Japan, and exalitation of German dignity in Korea. But Budler judged that the war between China and Japan was likely to break out. In this circumstances he prepared a written advice for the Neutralism of Korea. Budler took the place of Mollendorff, who was absent in Seoul, and made the Korean Neutralism as an objective European adviser. Mollendorff established Belgium as example of Neutralism for Korea, but Budler proposed Swiss. Budler prepared the Korean Neutralism not for the German national interest, but for the Korean national security and development. Comparatively speaking Yu Kil-chun’s Korean Neutralism, which was made in December 1885, Budler’s Neutralism exert a big influence upon the politic in Korea. When the Russian-Japanese War broke out in 1904, Gojung declared the Neutrality of Korea, which was originated from Budler’s Neutralism. (ssjung15@hanmail.net)

      • KCI등재

        독일 외교정책과 베르사유 체제의 붕괴 1919~1926년

        정상수 ( Sangsu Jung ) 한국서양사연구회(구 서울대학교 서양사연구회) 2019 서양사연구 Vol.0 No.60

        The Aim of the Versailles Treaty is that the victorious nations isolate Germany, which was a defeated state in the First World War, But Germany utilized defectiveness of the Versailles System and escaped from isolation.In 1922 the conference was held in Genoa to reconstruct the economy of Europe. There were no significant results. Therefore Germany and Russia signed the Rapallo Treaty, which promised normalization of diplomatic relations. With the Rapallo Treaty Germany escaped from isolation, and the Versailles System begin to collapse. Because the west-european great powers worried the German-russian relations, they signed the Locarno Treaty with Germany. Farther Germany entered into the League of Nations. After Locarno Germany advanced again the East Policy. In 1926 Germany and Russia signed the Berlin Treaty for the neutralization in a defensive war.Germany, which located in middle Europe, utilized the opposition between the west and the east Europe, and then it escaped from isolation. Because both the west-european powers and Russia took a profound interest in the German possibility of economic development, they wanted to connote Germany. (Seoul National University / ssjung15@hanmail.net)

      • KCI등재후보

        1차 세계대전의 동아시아에 대한 파급효과

        정상수(Sangsu Jung) 한국서양사연구회 2013 서양사연구 Vol.0 No.49

        In compliance with the Alliance with England since 1902 Japan entered into the First World War. But Japan is one of the European civil war and World War II, using the advance of China and the North Pacific region and in order to become a major power in East Asia was. Japan, using the civil war in Europe, the First World war, expand its influence in mainland China and the North Pacific region. Ultimately the Japanese wanted to become superpower in East Asia. The Japanese military attacked the German leased land Qingdao in Shandong and the Japanese navy drove the German East Asian Cruiser Squadron to the South Pacific region. After Qingdao fell to the Japanese, the Beijing government was required to accept the Twenty-One Demands in 1915. The problem is the Group V, in which dispatched advisers from Japan will interfere in the internal affairs of China. The United States had resisted the Twenty-One Demands. Through the mediation of England the Group V is reserved. But in the Washington Conference 1921/22 Japan was defeated diplomatically. During the First World War Germany could use the conflict between the United States and Japan in East Asia. But because Germany too believed its military force, it missed an opportunity, in which Germany cooperated with the United States.

      • KCI등재

        일본의 한국 강제병합과 강대국들의 대응 1895~1910년

        정상수(Sangsu Jung) 서울대학교 서양사연구회 2010 서양사연구 Vol.0 No.42

        Japanese scholars insist that the Protectorate Agreement of 1905 (=“Agreement”) and their annexation of Korea are all justifiable, and all other powerful nations then agreed. Germany who interfered with Japan (the winner of the Sino-Japanese War) by influencing the first triple intervention, however, never agreed on the Japanese annexation of Korean Peninsula. The major difference on policy in Korea between England and Germany was clearly shown in the report upon the contracting process of the “Agreement”. While the “Agreement” was proper for the English minister Jordan, the German minister Saldern’s report said it was wrong from the start. Japan won the Russo-Japanese War and they forced Korean government to sign the “Agreement” and emperor Gojong to abdicate, and finally annexed Korea. Some suggests that was because there wasn’t any benefit in return to them as was to United States or United Kingdom. But they strictly kept neutrality in the Russo-Japanese War unlike United States or United Kingdom, and reported the process of Japanese annexation of Korea in relatively neutral and objective points of view. When the “Agreement” was forced to be signed, they tried to find allies and to interfere with the Japanese invasion of Korean Peninsula, and as they couldn’t find any, there was no choice but to remain silent. In 1910, while Japan attempting to annex Korea, they organized the second triple intervention with United States and France, and opposed the annexation by insisting the maintenance of consular jurisdiction of in Korea. But the second triple intervention bore no fruit and eventually collapsed. The second Moroccan Crisis during 1911~1912 which aggravated conflict between Germany and France, the second Balkan Crisis and the Balkan War during 1912~1913, the breakout of The First World War in 1914, those chain of events was enough to distract the powerful nations’ attention from East Asia. Japan could rationalize the annexation of Korea by being a part of the winner of the First World War, so called ‘logic of power’, might outweighing logic so to speak.

      • KCI등재후보

        비스마르크의 식민정책과 거문도 사건

        정상수(Sangsu Jung) 한국서양사연구회 2012 서양사연구 Vol.0 No.46

        If you view from the side of foreign private, Bismarck's colonial politic was not global policy which enhanced the german status and took economic benefits by acquiring colony and spheres of influence, but European policy which completely isolated France. It was Bismarck's diplomatic goals. In March 1884 Bismarck began the german colonial policy. It cooperated with France and broke the english 'Monroe Doctrine' in Africa. Through colonial policy Bismarck wanted to let England recognize the need for allies. In June 1885 the english Cabinet was changed from liberal to conservative. Salisbury, the new english premier minister, took the gesture of cooperation with Germany, and Bismarck stopped the colonial politic. Its case in point would be the showing Port Hamilton incident. If you view the Port Hamilton occupation of England from East Asian paradigm, relations between Korea and China is important. Because of the Port Hamilton incident the European powers studied the State-Identity of Korea until the ending of the Sino-Japanese War 1895, whether Korea was independent state or dependent state on China in foreign policy. If you view the Port Hamilton incident in the global system, you must observe the changes in the german foreign policy. Bismarck stopped his colonial policy, and turned to friendly atmosphere with England. By german acknowledgement of english Port Hamilton occupation he hoped that England would be merged into his alliance system. But because of the english public opinion against the Germany, Salisbury selected the 'splendid isolation' in the foreign policy.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        광역 무선 메쉬 네트워크에서 포텐셜 필드 기반 애니캐스트 라우팅 : 유한 차분법 응용 분산 알고리즘

        정상수(Sangsu Jung),크세라위 말라즈(Malaz Kserawi),이준구(June-Koo Kevin Rhee) 한국정보과학회 2010 정보과학회 컴퓨팅의 실제 논문지 Vol.16 No.6

        본 논문은 광역 무선 메쉬 네트워크에서 1홉 이웃 노드들의 정보만을 이용하는 애니캐스트 라우팅 기법을 제안한다. 제안 프로토콜은 물리계 장 이론에 기반하여 설계되었으며 일정량의 제어 패킷만으로 메쉬 게이트웨이의 부하를 분산한다. 분산 알고리즘 구현을 위하여 유한 차분법을 응용한다. 그리고 시뮬레이션을 통해 제안 프로토콜의 특성을 검증한다. In this paper, we propose an anycast routing scheme for large-scale wireless mesh networks, which requires only one-hop local information with no flooding overhead. We develop an analytical model for anycast mesh networks based on an electrostatic theory. A finite difference method contributes to achieving gateway load balancing with constant control overheads. We verify the performance of the proposed scheme by simulations.

      • 역동적 무선 메쉬 네트워크 트래픽을 위한 필드 기반 애니캐스트 라우팅의 튜닝 파라미터

        진보람 (Boram Jin),정상수(Sangsu Jung) 한국정보과학회 2011 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.38 No.2D

        필드 기반 애니캐스트 라우팅(field based anycast routing FAR)은 백홀(backhaul)로서의 무선 메쉬 네트워크에서 부하분산 지연 감소 노드 실패에 대한 강건성 확장성을 보장하는 라우팅 프로토콜이다. 전자기장 이론에 기반한 알고리즘으로서 지리 정보 기반 라우팅과 백프레셔 라우팅의 강점을 내포하고 있다. FAR는 네트워크의 특성에 따라 지리 정보 기반 라우팅과 백프레셔 라우팅의 반영 비율을 조절할 수 있는 튜닝 파라미터를 포함하고 있지만 고정된 값을 가지는 튜닝 파라미터가 네트워크의 특정 트래픽 상황에만 적합하기 때문에 역동적인 네트워크 트래픽 환경에서는 성능이 최적화되지 못하는 한계가 있다. 본 논문은 튜닝 파라미터에 대한 다양한 함수를 정의하여 네트워크 상황에 보다 유동적으로 적응할 수 있는 필드 기반 애니캐스트 라우팅의 해법을 제시한다. 수치 해석 및 시뮬레이션을 통해 라우팅 안정성을 위한 튜닝 파라미터 함수의 특성을 고찰한다.

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