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        중등 영어 교과서의 쓰기활동 분석: 성취기준, 활동유형 및 장르분석을 중심으로

        전도희 ( Dohui Jeon ),김선영 ( Sun Young Kim ) 한국중등영어교육학회 2015 중등영어교육 Vol.8 No.1

        Students`` writing development can be best facilitated when writingpractices underlying the learner-centered approach are incorporated intotextbooks. This study considers whether writing activities in thetextbooks for second graders in middle school were consistent with thelearner-centered approach to teaching writing, which is the key constructof the seventh revision of the English education curriculum in Korea. Forthis purpose, the validity of the writing activities contained in fivetextbooks was analyzed in terms of achievement objectives, types ofwriting activities, and writing genres. The results are as follows. First,writing activities in the textbooks were skewed in achieving some specificachievement objectives while satisfying the general achievementobjectives. It may interfere with the balanced development of students``writing abilities. Second, with regard to ``writing types``, most of the writingactivities in the textbooks forced students to be involved in the controlledwriting type, providing fewer opportunities for students to practice both``guided writing`` and ``free writing`` activities. This finding shows thatwriting types in the textbooks need to be restructured in favor of guidedand free types of activities. Third, with regard to genre, most writingactivities in the textbooks were skewed toward ``personal essays``, whichmay hamper the development of abilities for students to experience andwrite a variety of genres. This study argues that writing activities intextbooks should be organized to broaden a perspective on self-directedlearning.

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