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        장효나 한국중국어교육학회 2024 중국어교육과연구 Vol.0 No.43

        “把”字句是汉语中最常见的句式之一,但外国学习者学习时有一定困难,韩国学生也不例外,由于韩语中没有与“把”字句相对应的句式,学生在学习和使用“把”字句时经常会出现错误。本文在全球汉语中介语语料库和HSK动态作文语料库(2.0版)中检索并提取出韩国中高级学生670条“把”字句偏误语料。借鉴先前学者的分类方法,将偏误分为遗漏、误加、误代和语序错误四大类,对语料库中的偏误进行分类后,在四类偏误的基础上进一步细分为20个小类。通过对“把”字句具体偏误的分析,可以看出中高级韩国学生最常犯的偏误有省略“把”字、误加“把”字、“把”字句中补语的省略和误用、使役动词误用为“把”。针对这四类高频偏误,笔者从母语负迁移、目的语过度泛化等方面分析原因,并针对韩国学生提出“把”字句的教学建议:结合“把”字句的韩语表达句式进行对比教学、补语教学要与“把”字句补语教学同步、使动句与“把”字句进行对比教学、引入“把”字句偏误教学。 The "把(ba)" sentence is one of the most common sentence patterns in Chinese, but foreign learners have certain difficulties in learning it, and Korean students are no exception. Since there is no sentence pattern corresponding to the "把(ba)" sentence in Korean, students often make mistakes when learning and using the "把(ba)" sentence. This paper retrieved and extracted the "把(ba)" sentence corpus of intermediate and advanced students from the Global Chinese Interlanguage Corpus and the HS Dynamic Composition Corpus, and obtained a total of 670 "把(ba)" sentence error corpora. Drawing on the classification method of previous scholars, the errors are divided into four categories: omission, misaddition, missubstitution, and word order errors. After classifying the errors in the corpus, they are further subdivided into 20 subcategories based on the four categories of errors. Through the analysis of the specific errors in the "把(ba)" sentence, it can be seen that the most common errors made by intermediate and advanced Korean students are the omission of the "把(ba)", the misaddition of the "把(ba)", the omission and misuse of the complement in the "把(ba)" sentence, and the misuse of the causative verb as "把(ba)". In response to these four types of high-frequency errors, the author analyzed the causes from the aspects of comparing the characteristics of Korean and Chinese sentences, negative transfer from the mother tongue, and over-generalization of the target language, and put forward teaching suggestions for the "把(ba)" word and sentences for Korean students: conduct comparative teaching based on the Korean expression sentence pattern of "把(ba)" sentences, synchronize the complement teaching with the complement teaching of "把(ba)" sentences, conduct comparative teaching of causative sentences and "把(ba)" sentences, and introduce the teaching of errors in "把(ba)" sentences.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        试论明清时期汉语语音近三百年的演变 ―以≪翻译老乞大≫,≪重刊老乞大谚解≫右音为例―

        장효,안말숙 동양한문학회 2013 동양한문학연구 Vol.36 No.-

        The Ming and Qing Dynasties are the late period of modern Chinese development. With great changes in speech sound and many hot issues for academic research, it is an important transition phase from modern Chinese to contemporary Chinese. Therefore, the phonetic study in Ming and Qing Dynasties has become one of the research focuses for Chinese phonology study. Based on Lao Qi Da, a Chinese textbook used in Cho-Sun Dynasty of Korea, the paper discusses the Chinese phonetic evolution in three hundred years(1515~1795) during the Ming and Qing Dynasties by comparing the right annotated pronunciations in Lao Qi Da(1515) and Nokeoltae Eonhae(1795). 명청시대는 근대 중국어에서 현대 중국어로 넘어가는 중요한 과도기로 어음연구에 있어서 커다란 변화를 가져옴과 동시에 학술적으로도 관심을 많이 받기도 하였다. 명청시대 어음연구는 음운학 연구의 주관심 분야 중의 하나이다. 본고에서는 한국 조선시대의 중국어학습 교재인 『老乞大』를 사례로, 1515년에 편찬된 『飜譯老乞大』와 1795년에 편찬된 『重刊老乞大谚解』 두 저서의 우음(右音)에 대한 비교분석을 통하여 명청시대 즉 1515년에서 1795년까지 근 300년 동안의 중국어어음의 변천에 대해 고찰하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재


        장효 동양한문학회(구 부산한문학회) 2003 동양한문학연구 Vol.18 No.-

        《사성통해(四聲通解)》는 조선시대의 유명한 언어학자인 최세진(崔世珍) 이 4년간 (1514~1517)의 심혈을 기울여 완성한 근대 중국어 음운학 관련 저서로서, 조선시대 중국어의 학습에 아주 폭넓게 영향을 끼친 것으로 알려져 있다. 이 저서에는 근대 중국어의 양성운(陽聲韻) 인 -m운미의 변화에 관한 내용이 실려 있으며, 중국 북방어의 -m 운미가 일쩍이 -n운미로 완전히 병합되었음을 반영하고 있다. 사실, 당나라시대 어떤 방언들은 -m운미가 -n운미로 병합되는 현상이 이미 나타났었다. 이에 본 논문은《사성통해(四聲通解)》의 ‘함(咸), 심 (深), 산(山), 진(臻)’ 사섭(四攝)운미에 대한 분석을 통하여, ‘함(咸), 심(深), 섭(攝) 의 -m 운미와 ‘산(山), 진(臻)’ 섭(攝)의 -n 운미가 이미 합병되었으며 16세기 초(1517) 에 이르러서는 이 두운미가 병합되는 과정이 이미 완료되었음을 고찰하였다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        전래동화에 기초한 장단-말놀이 활동이 유아의 언어능력, 국악능력, 그리기표상능력에 미치는 효과

        장효지(Hyo-Ji Jang),김성희(Sung-Hee Kim) 중앙대학교 한국교육문제연구소 2016 한국교육문제연구 Vol.34 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 만 5세 유아를 대상으로 전래동화에 기초한 장단-말놀이 활동을 개발하고 유아의 언어능력, 국악능력, 그리기표상능력에 미치는 효과를 분석하여 유아교육 현장 적용 및 타당성을 검증하는데 있다. 연구대상은 K시에 소재한 실험집단 C유치원 만 5세 유아 20명과 비교집단 R유치원 만 5세 유아 20명을 연구 대상으로 선정하였으며 연구대상의 평균연령은 실험집단 72.05개월, 비교집단 72.40개월로 동질 집단인 것으로 나타났다. 연구도구는 ‘구문의미 이해력 검사’(서울장애인종합복지관, 2009), 유아국악능력 검사 도구(박형신, 2006), 그리기표상능력(지성애, 2001)을 사용하였다. 연구결과는 SPSS 18.0 프로그램을 사용하여 공변량분석(ANCOVA)를 실시하였다. 본 연구 결과는 ‘전래동화에 기초한 장단-말놀이 활동’은 유아의 언어능력, 국악능력 증진에 효과적인 것으로 밝혀졌다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of a Korean folktale based rhythm-word play activity on children’s language, drawing representation, and traditional Korean music ability in an early childhood education. ‘The Construction Meaning Comprehension Test’ is used to measure children’s language ability and it was developed and standardized by Seoul Community Rehabilitation Center(2009), ‘Traditional Korean Music Ability Test’ developed by Park Hyung-Shin(2006), ‘The Drawing Representation Inventory’ developed by Chi Sung-Ae(2001). In conclusion, a ‘Korean folktale based rhythm-word play activity’ has positive effects on language and traditional Korean music ability development. This study proves the validity of applying ‘ a Korean folktale based rhythm-word play activity’ in young children's education. Therefore, children’s language ability and traditional Korean music ability can be effectively increased by actively applying ‘a Korean folktale based rhythm-word play activity’ teaching-learning method in young children's education.

      • KCI등재

        한국과 중국 어촌관광정책 변천 연구

        장효,한금희,최석남 관광경영학회 2019 관광경영연구 Vol.92 No.-

        The recent rapid development of marine tourism has attracted much attention to fishing villages. Fishing village tourism not only meets the tourism needs of the surrounding citizens, but also has great significance for revitalizing rural areas and balanced national development. This study focuses on the change of fishing village tourism policy in Korea and China. The purpose of this study is to analyze the advantages and disadvantages and characteristics of fishing village tourism policies of both countries, and to provide economic, cultural, policy and environmental complementary suggestions for sustainable fishing village development. The research method mainly focused on bilateral literature and articles. As a result, fishing village tourism in Korea has developed into the center of enactment and enforcement of related laws. In the case of China, the development of fishing village tourism is promoted as the center of government policy. The two countries' fishing villages are engaged in various cooperations in terms of economy, culture, policy and environment.

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