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      • KCI등재

        농업용 저수지 유역의 보전전략 수립을 위한 특성평가지표 개발

        장병관,황보철,황국웅,Jang, Byoung-Kwan,Whang, Bo-Chul,Hwang, Kook-Woong 한국조경학회 2008 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.35 No.6

        The agricultural reservoir watershed plan suggests three specific indices or ways to measure the potential for maintaining reservoir quality in balance with existing or proposed uses: an index of the reservoir's vulnerability to accelerated eutrophication, an index of the degree of land use intensity in reservoir watersheds, and an index of present water quality. Three items that contribute to reservoir eutrophication are included in the vulnerability index: the ratio of reservoir volume to drainage-basin area, shoreline configuration, and mean depth. The watershed land-use intensity index is based on road proximity and upland watershed land-use intensity. Water quality can be given a COD level. All six indicators are considered separately and then rated as follow: low (1), medium (2), or high (3). Five out of 30survey sites were less than 8points, 17sites were less than 11points and 8sites were less than 14points. This study suggests that the sites in the first ranking were potential areas for preservation, sites in the second ranking were potential areas for environmental friendly planning and sites in the third ranking were potential areas for residential need oriented planning. The advantage of this study is the low cost of gathering data for the development of local policy for the planning, management and protection of reservoir basin.

      • KCI등재

        자연생태공원 조성의 경제적 타당성 분석 - 영천자연생태공원을 사례로 -

        장병관,윤대식,김상황,Jang Byoung-Kwan,Yun Dae-Sic,Kim Sang-Hwang 한국조경학회 2005 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.33 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the economic feasibility of the construction of a new ecological park, based on the case of a plan in Yeongcheon City. For fulfilling the purpose of this study, questionnaire survey was conducted in Yeongcheon City. Based on the survey data, cost-benefit analysis is conducted. For this study, costs and benefits of the project are estimated. Then, using NPV, IRR, and B/C ratio criteria, cost-benefit analysis for this study is conducted. from the empirical cost-benefit analysis, NPV of the proposed project is estimated at 5,420 million Won, IRR is estimated at 12.16%, and B/C ratio is estimated at 1.44. Thus, it is found that the construction of a new ecological park in this area would be feasible from the economic point of view.

      • KCI등재

        옻골마을 비보경관의 환경생태적 의미

        장병관,황보철,Jang, Byoung-Kwan,Whang, Bo-Chul 한국조경학회 2008 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.36 No.2

        An empirical study and environmental and ecological analysis were conducted on Otgol Village(a village of the Gyeongju Choi's clan in Daegu) where an enclosed pond and groves are still observed. In particular, the enclosed pond and groves and village water system were investigated from an ecological perspective. The enclosed landscape is described based on feng shui principles and the environmental and ecological significance were examined. In general, the environmental and ecological significance is very broad; however, they were analyzed in terms of the quality of life as an empirical study as follows: First, water quality was measured to investigate the improvement of continuous water system functions. In other words, water quality was measured at East Valley(resting space), West Valley(living space), the enclosed pond where the two valleys merge, and the stream that flows out of the pond. Second, the climate functions of the enclosed groves that border the village were examined. In other words, temperature was measured in two places(200m distance from the center of the groves). Third, whether or not a sound ecosystem can be sustained was investigated. In other words, landscape ecological indicators were chosen and measured. The results are as follows: First, the enclosed pond played the role of purifying water quality. While the East Valley has been popular with men for its rock walls and torrents, the West Valley has been popular with women as a living space(ex: doing the laundry). Therefore, the difference of water quality can be explained. Second, since enclosed groves are in a small village forest, they are very weak in terms of being wind proof and temperature reduction effects. Instead, they play the role of the village boundary. Third, the groves are ecologically sound considering the landscape ecological indicators and are similar to ordinary traditional rural villages. In terms of the connection of the green zone, the village groves are well connected to the village boundary wood. If the village groves are restored, in particular, they would offer a decent habitat for grove creatures. According to this study, the traditional village space was formed upon the influence of Feng Shui theories that are based on environmental and ecological principles that focus on the harmony between humans and nature. From the environmental and ecological perspective, the enclosed pond and groves are important factors in building a sustainable village. The diverse water space would help to improve water quality and increase water volume by promoting the water circulation system. In addition, the village woods would surround the village and decrease the temperature and humidity difference between winter and summer. If the groves are small and badly damaged, however, they are meaningful only in dividing the region. The overall improvement of a forestation system and botanical composition may increase the biological diversity and promote the migration of species. Otgol Village has developed an enclosed landscape to improve the village environment. In other words, a sound and refreshing living environment can be developed when the natural ecological system is well understood and properly preserved. Additionally, this traditional village planning will be the environmental and ecological method. From the perspective of environmental ecology, therefore, a traditional village is recommended. 본 연구는 현재 비보 못과 비보 숲의 형태가 남아있는 대구광역시 소재 경주 최씨의 씨족마을인 옻골마을을 대상으로 실증적인 조사를 하여 환경생태적으로 해석하고자 한다. 특히, 비보경관인 비보연못, 비보숲 그리고 마을수계를 환경생태적으로 해석하고 규명하고자 한다. 연구방법은 연구대상지에 현재 남아 있는 비보경관에 대해 풍수지리적으로 서술하고 이것에 대한 환경생태적 의미를 규명하고자 한다. 환경생태적 의미는 매우 포괄적인 개념이지만 본 연구는 실증적 연구로서 삶의 질의 측면에서 다음과 같이 해석하고자 한다. 첫째, 지속적인 수계기능의 활성화를 규명하고자 수질을 측정했다. 즉 선비의 상징 및 휴식공간이 있는 동계, 생활주거공간인 서계, 이 두 계곡의 물이 합쳐지는 비보연못 그리고 연못에서 머문 후 마을 밖으로 흐르는 개울의 수질을 측정했다. 둘째, 마을의 안과 밖을 경계하는 비보숲의 미기후에 대한 기능을 평가하고자 했다. 즉 숲을 중심으로 각각 200m 떨어진 지점에 각 지점별 2개의 온도기를 설치하여 시간대별로 기온을 측정했다. 셋째, 건전한 생태계를 지속시킬 수 있는지에 대해 측정했다. 즉 경관생태지표를 선정하여 측정했다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 비보연못은 수질정화의 기능을 하는 것으로 규명되었다. 또한 동계정, 정려각 등 조경공간의 기능이 배치되어 있는 동계는 암벽과 계류 등 경관이 빼어나 주로 남성들이 이용하는 공간이었던 것에 비하여 주거공간이 많은 서계는 빨래 등 여성들의 활동에 필요한 공간으로 사용된 것으로 수질의 차를 설명할 수 있을 것으로 사려된다. 둘째, 비보숲의 경우는 그 목적인 방풍과 온도저감을 기대하기는 적합하지 않는 소규모의 마을숲으로 다만 마을의 영역을 구분하는 기능을 한다고 해석함이 바람직할 것이다. 셋째, 경관생태지표를 통한 생태적 건전성은 양호하며 보통의 전통농촌마을과 유사성을 보이고 있다. 녹지연결측면에서 본다면 마을 경계녹지와 마을숲의 연결은 매우 양호하다. 특히 훼손된 마을숲을 잘 복원한다면 생물서식환경의 기능을 할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. 연구결과를 고찰해보면, 전통마을공간은 인간과 자연이 유기적인 통합체로 공존하는 환경생태학적 사고를 바탕에 둔 풍수지리사상의 영향으로 형성되었다. 또한 환경생태적 방법으로 볼 때, 풍수지리사상 중 비보사상에 의해 조성된 비보못과 비보숲의 의미는 지속 가능한 마을을 조성하는 중요 요소로 볼 수 있다. 다양한 수공간은 물의 순환체계를 원활하게 해주어 수질정화와 수량 확보에 크게 기여할 것이며, 숲은 마을을 위요시켜주면서 미기후를 조성하게 해주어서 겨울과 여름철의 기온차와 습도차를 줄어줄 것이다. 하지만, 숲의 규모가 작고 훼손이 심한 경우 상징적인 영역성을 나타내는 경우가 많다. 그리고 전체 녹지체계와 식생구성은 생물다양성을 증진시키고 종의 이동을 원활하게 하는 연결녹지로서 기여할 것이다. 옻골마을은 마을형국을 보다 완전하게 만들기 위해 비보경관을 조성했다. 즉 땅의 생태질서를 최대한 유지하고 그것에 대한 점진적 이해를 바탕으로 조정된 마을로 쾌적한 주거환경을 만들어 낼 수 있었다. 또한 이러한 전통마을계획방법은 유기적이고 환경생태적인 방법이라고 할 수 있을 것이다. 환경생태학에서 보는 전통마을은 객관적으로 이해될 수 있는 대상이다.

      • 시험용 달 궤도선의 추진계 압력 제어 장치용 복사 히터 설계를 위한 열 해석

        장병관(Byung-Kwan Jang),이장준(Jang-Joon Lee),김선훈(Sun-Hoon Kim),원수희(Su-Hee Won) 대한기계학회 2019 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2019 No.11

        A radiant heater is applied to the thermal design on the PCA (Pressure Control Assembly) of the propulsion system in KPLO (Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter) unlike the conventional thermal design of the propulsion system. KARI (Korea Aerospace Research Institutue) has plans to validate the radiant heater design by thermal analysis and thermal vacuum test. First, we created a thermal model simulating the vacuum test situation and carried out the heater design processes using the numerical analysis in this paper. The heater designed through this analysis met the temperature requirements of the PCA and the stability of the heater. In addition, this heater was integrated into the system thermal model to perform thermal analysis in Earth-Moon transfer orbit. And we have confirmed that the temperature of all components in the PCA is within the allowable temperature range. These analysis results will be compared with the future test results to finally determine the heater design.

      • KCI등재

        Xylose 기질을 소모하는 재조합 Saccharomyces cerevisiae의 lactic acid 생산수율 향상을 위한 조건 탐색

        장병관(Byeong-Kwan Jang),정덕열(Deokyeol Jeong),설정만(Jeongman Seol),이유경(You-Kyung Lee),김수린(Soo Rin Kim) 한국생물공학회 2020 KSBB Journal Vol.35 No.2

        Lactic acid is widely used in the food, pharmaceutical, textile and chemical industries. Also, poly-lactic acid (PLA) is in increasing demand as an environmentally friendly and biodegradable plastic. In our prior study, a lactic acid-producing, xylose-fermenting Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain (SR8 LDH) has been developed. In the present study, we tested the SR8 LDH strain under various fermentation conditions to discover the most important condition determining lactic acid and ethanol production profiles. Using xylose as a substrate significantly improved lactic acid yields compared to using glucose under microaerobic conditions. High initial cell density improved lactic acid productivity, but it did not affect ethanol production. Lastly, when fermenting xylose, the PDC1 gene encoding pyruvate decarboxylase was transcriptionally repressed, which might be associated with the production of low ethanol and high lactic acid. These results indicate that the type of a carbon source, i.e. using xylose instead of glucose could be a promising solution for lactic acid production by engineered S. cerevisiae.

      • KCI등재

        열 해석을 이용한 달 궤도선의 추진계 압력 제어 장치 복사 히터 설계

        장병관(Byung-kwan Jang),이장준(Jang-joon Lee),김선훈(Sun-hoon Kim),원수희(Su-hee Won) 대한기계학회 2020 大韓機械學會論文集B Vol.44 No.6

        한국형 시험용 달 궤도선의 추진계 압력 제어 장치에는 접착형 히터를 사용했던 기존의 열 설계와 다르게 복사 히터가 적용된다. 한국항공우주연구원은 복사 히터 열 설계를 열 해석과 열 진공 시험으로 검증할 계획을 가지고 있다. 먼저 본 논문에서는 열 진공 시험을 모사하는 모델을 생성하고 수치해석을 통해 복사 히터를 설계했다. 이 해석을 통해 설계된 히터는 설계 허용치를 만족했고 히터의 안정적인 열 공급으로 인해 압력 제어 장치의 부품들은 온도 요구 조건을 만족할 수 있었다. 그리고 이 히터 모델을 궤도선 열 모델에 통합하여 지구-달 천이 궤도 열 해석을 수행했다. 그 결과 압력 제어 장치의 모든 부품들의 온도가 허용 온도 범위에 들어오는 것을 확인했다. 이 해석 결과를 추후 진행될 열진공 시험에서의 시험 결과와 비교하여 최종적으로 히터 설계를 결정할 것이다. A customized radiant heater was applied to the thermal design of the pressure control assembly (PCA) of the propulsion system in the Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter, unlike the previous conventional thermal design in which a patch heater was used. The Korea Aerospace Research Institute proposed to validate the radiant heater design via thermal analysis and a thermal vacuum test. First, we created a model simulating the vacuum test situation and conducted the heater design processes using the numerical analysis presented in this paper. The heater designed through this analysis met the temperature and stability requirements of the PCA. In addition, this heater was integrated into the system’s thermal model to perform a thermal analysis in the Earth-Moon transfer orbit. Consequently, we confirmed that the temperature of all components in the PCA was within the allowable range. These analysis results will be compared with future test results to finalize the heater design.

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