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        대학생의 힐링자원봉사활동에 대한 봉사관련변인 및 봉사지속의지의 영향력에 관한 연구

        이애련(Lee Ae Lyeon) 한국웰니스학회 2016 한국웰니스학회지 Vol.11 No.3

        본 연구는 대학생 자원봉사자 322명을 중심으로 힐링자원봉사활동에 관련변인들이 어떠한 영향을 미치는가를 분석하였다. 봉사관련변인, 봉사지속의지, 힐링자원봉사활동이 인구사회학적 변인에 따라 어떠한 영향을 미치는가를 알아보기 위해 t- test, ANOVA분석을 실시한 결과, 인구학적인 요인에 있어 여학생이 관심지지도와 봉사배려요구가 남학생보다 높은 것으로 나타났으며, 봉사할 때 정부나 봉사자치단체에 인정과 보상에 대한 배려를 요구하는 것으로 나타났다. 학년에 있어 2학년보다 3·4학년이 봉사만족도가 높은 것은 학교적응시기와 미래의 취업과 연관이 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 소득수준은 하·중집단이 상집단보다 관심지지도와 봉사대상자와의 관계가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 종교에 있어서는 종교가 있을수록 가족이나 주위사람의 관심지지도가 높은 것으로 나타났으며, 봉사횟수는 월 1회이하보다는 주 4회이상으로 봉사시간이 많을수록 봉사대상자인 클라이엔트(노인, 아동, 여성, 장애인)와의 유대관계가 좋아지고, 봉사만족도가 높아지면서 봉사지속의지가 높아짐을 알 수 있다. 대학생들의 봉사활동이 일회성이나 단기적인 봉사활동이 아닌 지속적인 봉사활동이 이루어지려면 지금까지 봉사참여률에 있어 양적인 측면 치중에서 벗어나 질적으로 충분한 수준에서 안정화 되도록 하는 한국자원문화의 정착과 봉사지속안정화가 필요하다. 앞으로의 자원봉사는 내가 누군가의 필요에 의해 유용한 존재라고 느끼는 기회가 많아지고 보람과 자아성취감으로 인해 삶에 의미를 부여하고 자아실현을 하는 힐링자원봉사가 되어야 한다. This study analyzed the affects on the relevant factors in the healing volunteer college students around the 322 people who serve in a volunteer center in Gyeonggi Province. Through this, we propose a plan for healing volunteer activities required for the welfare society. The study was conducted t- test, ANOVA analysis to see how this affects the service according to the sustainable commitment, healing volunteer socio - demographic variables. Students Healing volunteer activities are demographic factors, sociological factors than (gender, grade level, income level, religion, service number) of interest (approval rating, relationship, serving business interests and volunteer subjects, and service needs consideration, service satisfaction) a lot It appeared to affect. Students Healing volunteer activities are demographic factors, sociological factors than (gender, grade level, income level, religion, service number) of interest (approval rating, relationship, serving business interests and volunteer subjects, and service needs consideration, service satisfaction) a lot It appeared to affect.Service showed that the number of volunteer hours more the increases at least once a week is-good relationships with the clients, serve the people interested person has high approval ratings and family around. As there is high participation activeness and participation rewarding college students volunteer, approval ratings interested in a higher advantage major, serving relationship with the person, serving business interests, volunteer care maintenance requirements also serve satisfaction, service continued, healing volunteering showed that high Demographic factors and factors related services, continued willingness to serve, and analyzed the reiationship between haeling and volunteer for the healing volunteering to service continued commitment Step 1 background variables, Step 2 service- related factoes, in Step 3 to serve sustainable commitment in the regressin analyzed was conducted to. Confirm the relationship between commitment and volunteer lasting healing volunteering in sustainable impact on the willingness to serve, healing volunteer activities according to demographic characteristics were performed regression analysis. Add the regression analysis showed that service duration whether factors that help increase the utilization of their employment sector participation, the more rewarding, students. College students volunteer subjects in the higher good relationship with the client, service satisfaction and business interests, and lasting willing to serve the healing was higher this volunteer activity. Volunteering is sustainable in the long term, rather than a one-time requires continued research on healing volunteer with satisfaction.

      • KCI등재

        가족생활주기에 있어 아동기가족의 주부를 중심으로 노후생활의식에 따른 노후대책에 관한 연구

        이애련 ( Ae Lyeon Lee ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2012 유라시아연구 Vol.9 No.3

        Year to prepare for an aging society, their own problem that need to be addressed are faced with the social security system in Korea did is not enough. Preparation for aging in the long term in the Family Life Cycle to 30 to prepare for retirement in their 40 would be ideal. But In reality 30-40 the burden of parenting and child education, child marriage is a housewife. Therefore, the retirement consciousness, but the actual retirement, there are many difficulties. This study with young children to stage 6 when the family life cycle stage 3 of childhood family Housewives of 30-40 recruited 245 patients retirement plan retirement consciousness were investigated. Background variables of the the subjects age, education, monthly income, and Occupation husband, wife, occupation, number of children, religion, old age support expectations, retirement preparation funds, individual pension, retirement planning, aged recognized the time. Preparations for old age is a time Retirement life planning, Employment Planning, consciousness preparations for old age retirement according to the economic plan and the retirement plan were measured. Retirement consciousness composed of a total of 12 questions from the survey. Each with a 5-point Likert scale questions retirement consciousness (each area of very high very low 1 point to 5 points) The higher the score, all retirement conscious is high. Preparation for aging the economic life of the 6 questions, medical of the life 7 questions, 7 questions re - employment retirement re-education 6 questions, 5 questions Leisure consists of 31 items, and medical life retirement plan, each item five point Likert scale with aging higher scores of the measures is very low (1 point to 5 points is very high), and high retirement plan. The date obtained were analyzed by Frenguency, percentage, Mean, x- test. t- test. F-test. ch-square F-test Duncan`s with Spss WIN 18.0 The major findings of who study were summerized as follows: 1. Generally, according to the background of consciousness, ready to aging and age differences in the study of how more than young, the more ready to aging funds. Prepare the group aged less money award than to prepare a collective, a group founded more than a aging plan that groups the more horizontal position, ready for aging when economic thought under the age of 30 think about it, rather than a collective group that is ready for aging was higher consciousness. 2. Typically, the background and retirement, retirement preparation ritual act in accordance with retirement preparation studied whether there is any difference in the results a lot of progress, establish retirement plans more aggressive behavior and retirement preparation can see that. Retirement age, the more ready to act, the Non Denominational religion than Christianity, the desired retirement re-employment forms, and other occupations who wish to present the more retirement ready for lots of action groups showed that: 3. Prepare retirement ceremony ready to act on simple regression analysis conducted by the impact resulting economic life, health living, retirement re-employment. Showed no significant differences in leisure activities. 4. Typically, the background and ready to retirement factors to determine the impact of actions ready to retirement ceremony after controlling for hierarchical regression analysis conducted ever employed in the first stage results of the control variables to affect two the dependent variables age, retirement plan progress. When ready for retirement, you want to re-employment was old. The reality is that our society prepare for an aging society, propose the necessity for a systematic study of retirement plan, but is not. Home as the centered society, government, individuals themselves to raise the retirement policy by developing a standardized measure is needed. Should also prepare measures for long-term retirement. Appeared to recognition a lot more conscious of life after retirement does not prepare the the current aging populations more conscious about retirement and retirement execution to act as an effective retirement plan desperate require. Childhood family with young children in the family life cycle stages, from the birth of the first child the birth of the youngest child to the birth of many children in the traditional period was longer. In recent years, low birth rate period of childhood family education expenses shorter but increasing. Before the start of school, but the child`s family childhood preparation for aging couples and young at the time of marriage, if the take the time period is. The government needs to prepare for an aging society, the elderly welfare system. Childhood family time at home in the family life cycle stages in the long-term, systematic retirement plan should be presented.

      • KCI등재

        자원봉사자의 자아실현자원봉사활동에 대한 참여동기,봉사만족도의 영향력에 관한 연구

        이애련 ( Ae Lyeon Lee ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2016 유라시아연구 Vol.13 No.2

        This study is self-realization of around 394 people to volunteer Volunteer Center Volunteer activities related variables were analyzed the affected on. The participation motivation, volunteer satisfaction, self-realization volunteering was conducted t- test, ANOVA analysis to determine the effect according to sociodemographic variables. Volunteers self-realization of the volunteer demographic factors (gender, age, income, religion, and service number) and sociological factors (living utilization and participation activeness, participation and rewarding) showed a significant effect on this. As in demographic factors, women are highly relevant, Motivation with colleagues than men, women are to be higher than men recognized each other fellow to serve with rewarding volunteer and encouragement and to feel Motivation through harmonious relationship appear. Age approval rating is high interest in exchange for 50, it showed that age has a more harmonious relationship the higher the self-realization volunteering. It is related that in life after retirement to self-realization through volunteering the desire for life. Service number was found weeks more the service time increased by four times or more the higher the approval rating interested people family and around good relationships with fellow increased, service continued willingness, through service to increase life satisfaction with the desire to meet. Also it showed their presence felt as useful, depending on the number of service increased, giving meaning to the life of a volunteer self-realization. In the sociological factors utilized to volunteer in life, and actively participate in volunteer activities, approval ratings to interested feel rewarded through volunteering, relationships with staff, relationship, serving business interests and associates, serve sustainable commitment, showed that high volunteer participation motivation, service satisfaction, self-realization. A regression analysis to determine the impact on Motivation, service satisfaction, self-realization volunteering according to demographic characteristics were conducted. The more one stage, age, number of times the service the more per week, higher living utilization showed a high degree of self-realization volunteering. The second phase is more interested in approval ratings, The better the relationship with the team showed a high degree of self-realization volunteering. In Step 3, the more lives leverage, the higher the approval rating of interested families and the people around, the higher the motivation to participate in volunteer service activities showed a high degree of self-realization. Therefore, future volunteer activities while helping those who need their help should focus on the qualitative aspects of life to experience the rewarding life based on the physical, mental and emotionally healthy life. Also must be able to continuously increase the motivation to volunteer to participate in volunteer activities, they receive the attention from family and people around should be made to maximize the effectiveness of volunteer activities. Through the development of service activities and the potential that they have to be prepared to take advantage and build systematic volunteer network with a variety of programs that can self-realization.

      • KCI등재

        요양보호사의 소진에 대한 직무관련변인 및 직무만족의 영향력에 관한 연구

        이애련 ( Lee Ae Lyeon ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2017 유라시아연구 Vol.14 No.2

        The nursing care provider provides appropriate quality care services for the elderly receiving long-term care insurance recipients. Care providers account for the largest number of skilled workers needed for elderly care. The exhaustion of caregivers has a negative impact on the individual`s physical, psychological and psychological aspects. Since nursing care workers have a great influence on the welfare policy of the elderly in the age of aging, measures are needed to prevent exhaustion of care workers. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of variables related to burnout on 288 caregivers of nursing home teachers. The t-test and ANOVA analysis were conducted to examine the effect of job exhaustion on job-related objective variables, job-related subjective variables, and job satisfaction according to demographic variables. The exhaustion of caregivers has a great impact on demographic factors(marital status, age, education level, living standards, religion). The higher the age, the higher the job satisfaction. The higher the education level, the higher the burnout. The higher the standard of living, the higher the degree of support for family and surroundings, and the higher the level of exhaustion(Christianity) in the absence of religion. The higher the turnover, the higher the job satisfaction. Exhaustion was closely related to high turnover, deterioration of service quality for clients, and decline of morale of caregivers. Health status, job reward and job injury were related to job pride, interest support, elderly, Relationship, job satisfaction, job commitment, and exhaustion. Regression analysis was conducted to examine the effects of socio-demographic characteristics on job-related objective factors, job-related subjective variables, job satisfaction, and job exhaustion. In the first stage, marital status was higher in married, lower living standards, and less religion than Christianity. In the second stage, work experience was less than one year, work less rewarding, and job injuries were more frequent. In the third stage, it was found that marriage status was married rather than widowed, religion was less than Christianity, severity of work injury was higher, job satisfaction was higher when job satisfaction was higher. Care providers play a role of directly providing care services to the elderly at home and at the facility in the age of aging. The services provided by caregivers enable the elderly to live more comfortably and satisfactorily, and also have a significant impact on the quality of life and welfare of the elderly. In order for caregivers to be exhausted, they should feel reassurance through nursing care services and receive other people`s attention and support in connection with their lives. In addition, in order to establish the welfare policy for the elderly in the age of aging, it is necessary to provide nursing care services and provide quality services for the nursing care workers to continue their nursing care work, and to improve the nursing environment.

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