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        소동물 영상시스템의 국내 개발 현황

        이수열,Lee, Soo-Yeol 대한의용생체공학회 2009 의공학회지 Vol.30 No.1

        Many types of small animal imaging modalities, like micro-CT, micro-PET, and micro-SPECT, have been recently developed worldwide. Small animal imaging systems are now recognized as indispensable tools to validate efficacy and safety of new drugs or new therapeutic methods using the animal disease models. With increasing demands for small animal imaging in biomedical research, multimodal small animal imaging systems, like micro-PET/CT or micro PET/MRI, are now also being developed. Small animal imaging with spatial resolution and sensitivity comparable to human imaging is quite challenging since laboratory small animals are much smaller than human beings. Research activities in Korea on small animal imaging systems are reviewed in this paper. In the field of micro-CT and micro-PET, many world-class technologies have been developed successfully in Korea. It is expected that the developed animal imaging system technologies can be used in the development of clinical imaging systems in Korea in the near future.

      • KCI등재

        재조일본인 2세의 식민지 경험

        이수열(Lee, Soo-Yeol) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2014 한국민족문화 Vol.50 No.-

        근대 시기 재조일본인에 대한 연구가 새로운 국면을 맞이하고 있다. 최근의 연구는 적어도 이주일본인들을 ‘침략의 첨병’으로만 바라보는 기존의 연구와는 관점을 달리하고 있다. 한마디로 식민지 시기 연구는 ‘수탈이냐 근대화냐’하는 이분법적 틀에서 벗어나 새로운 전기를 맞이하고 있는 것이다. 본고의 목적은 재조일본인들을 세대적으로 구분하여, 그중에서도 주로 식민 2세들의 경험과 의식을 그들이 남긴 문학작품이나 체험기를 통해 살펴보는 일이다. 식민 2세란 어린 시절 식민지로 이주해왔거나 또는 식민지에서 출생한 사람을 지칭하는 말로, 그들 대부분은 패전 이후 일본으로 되돌아갔다. 역동적인 역사경험 속에서 형성된 그들의 정신구조는 복잡한 양상을 보이고 있었다. 식민 지배의 책임 분담자로서 강렬한 제국 의식과 사명감으로 무장한 식민 1세들이 확고한 국가관을 지니고 있었던 것에 비해, 식민지에서 태어나 자란 2세들에게 고국은 환상 속에서나 존재하는 의식적인 것에 지나지 않았다. 그들은 일본인이면서 일본을 몰랐다. 자신들이 타자들로 둘러싸인 식민지에서 살고 있다는 사실을 안타깝게 생각했다. 그러한 고향상실자로서의 의식과 식민지적 차별과 수탈 위에 성립하는 그들의 생활은 식민 2세들을 나약하고 무능한 세대로 만들어갔다. 패전 이후 일본에서 식민 2세들에 의한 회상기와 체험담이 출현하기 시작하는 것은 1970년대 전후부터였다. 그것들을 살펴보면 패전 직후의 기아 상태와 곧이어 시작된 고도경제성장 속에 해소된 듯 했던 전후일본사회에 대한 식민 2세들의 위화감이 여전히 존재하고 있음을 알 수 있다. 조선 출신 식민 3세 시인 무라마츠 다케시는 그러한 식민 2세들의 정체성을 ‘반일본인?반조선인’이라고 표현했다. 식민 2세는 전후일본사회가 망각해온 식민지의 기억을 되살리는, 다시 말해 제국 일본과 현대 일본을 가교하는 존재이기도 하다. 본고가 식민 2세의 역사와 의식구조에 주목하는 이유도 바로 여기에 있다. Studies on Japanese settlers in colonial Korea are taking on a new aspect. Recent studies, at the least, are assuming a different standpoint from existing researches, which view Japanese settlers as "spearheads of invasion." Simply put, studies of colonial era are welcoming a turning point, breaking away from the dichotomous frame of determining "either exploitation or modernization." The purpose of this study is to classify Japanese settlers in colonial Korea by generation and to specifically investigate the experience and awareness of the second generation settlers through literature and stories they left behind. The second generation settlers refer to Japanese people who immigrated to the colony when they were young or were born in the colony. Most of them returned to Japan after Japan"s defeat in World War II. Their mental structure formed in the midst of dynamic experiences of the time show complicated aspects. Unlike the first generation settlers who shared a firm viewpoint of state armed with intense imperial consciousness and sense of duty as people sharing the responsibility of colonization, the second generation settlers who were born and raised in the colony regarded their homeland Japan nothing more than a ritual that exists merely in their fantasies. They were Japanese people, and yet were ignorant of Japan. They felt sorry for the fact that they were living in a colony surrounded by others. The awareness as person rid of hometown and the living that came into existence upon colonial discrimination and exploitation made these second generation settlers become feeble-minded and incompetent. The second generation settlers who had returned to Japan after the 1945 defeat started to publish memoirs and stories since the 1970s. Examining these literature, it was found that the sense of incompatibility among the second generation settlers for the post-war Japanese society, which seemed to have healed over with the rapid economic growth of Japan that began right after the post-war famine, was still prevalent among these generation. Muramatsu Takeshi, a poet and a third generation of colonial Korea, described such identity of second generation settlers of colonial Korea as "half Japanese-half Korean." These second generation Japanese settlers of colonial Korea are people who revive the colonial memory that post-war Japan have been neglecting. In other words, they act as a bridge between the Imperial Japan and the Japan today. This is the very reason why the present study underlines the history and consciousness structure of the second generation Japanese settlers of colonial Korea.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        오자키 호츠미(尾崎秀實)의 중국인식과 上海 경험

        이수열(Lee Soo-yeol) 부산경남사학회 2010 역사와 경계 Vol.75 No.-

        Ozaki Hotsumi was not only a well-known socialist but a famous China watcher of modem Japan. The purpose of this article is to think about the Chinese policy theory of Ozaki with connection with his Shanghai experience. Ozaki was a reporter for Osaka Asahi Shimbun. He met various people like Chinese socialism writers and some international communists in Shanghai. The papers of enormous quantity announced in 1930's was based on such Shanghai experience. At the same time, this article focuses at Shanghai as the center of the socialism network of the East Asia while paying attention to Ozaki's Chinese policy theory. Including Ozaki, many various people gathered in Shanghai of around 1930 and aimed at the world socialization. In this article, I thought about the meaning of Shanghai as the center of the socialism network of East Asia.

      • KCI등재

        로망스어의 강세 구조에 관한 비교 연구 -스페인어, 이탈리아어, 포르투갈어를 중심으로-

        이수열 ( Soo Yeol Lee ) 한국외국어대학교 언어연구소 2014 언어와 언어학 Vol.0 No.65

        The stress is the important factor in Romance languages and plays a role to distinguish the words that have the same pronunciation and the different meaning. In this study I analyze the prosodic structure of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese and propose the unified stress rule in these languages, according to their prosodic structure. The Romance languages reserve the prosodic characteristics of the Latin and one of these is the sensibility to the syllable weight. According to this principle, the Romance languages stress tends to fall on the heavy syllable. Also I analyze if this principle applies to Spanish, Italian and Portuguese and with this analysis realized I propose the ‘four-mora window’ in the Romance languages.

      • KCI우수등재

        ‘아시아 경제사’와 근대일본 : 제국과 공업화

        이수열(Lee, Soo Yeol) 역사학회 2016 역사학보 Vol.0 No.232

        Entering the 1980s, a new paradigm appeared to look at the economic history of Asia in Japan. Its representative researchers include Hamashita Takeshi, Sugihara Kaoru, Kawakatsu Heita. The researches varied in the subject, content, and time among the authors. In spite of such diversity, researches on the “Asian economic history” reached agreement inⅰ) refusing to consider the history of Asian economy as the collection of histories of national economies and regarding Asia as a broad regional unit,ⅱ) using a horizontal network among seaport cities rather than negotiations between nations, and ⅲ) shedding light onto the independence of Asia in modern times in its relations with the unified world since the 16th century. The new trend of Asian economic history formed a robust axis of Japanese academia today as it shared the problematic consciousness of modern historical studies including the criticism of nation-state paradigm and conquest of Eurocentrism. The European and American academic circles particularly welcome it more with a broad scope of support for it found in South Korea. The research of “Asian economic history”, however, has certain aspects that make it difficult to see it as economic history research derived from simple academic motives since it has a hidden topic of saving the modern times of Japan from the its imperialist history and highlighting its active aspects in the economic development of Asia.

      • KCI등재

        스페인어 복합어의 운율 체계

        이수열 ( Soo Yeol Lee ) 고려대학교 스페인·라틴아메리카연구소 2015 스페인라틴아메리카연구 Vol.8 No.2

        본 연구에서는 스페인어 복합어에서 나타나는 운율 구조의 특징을 살펴보고 이를 근거로 복합어의 제2강세 규칙을 도출하여 복합어에서 나타나는 리듬 특징을 살펴본다. 스페인어의 경우 비합성어의 운율 구조가 복합어 형성 시 그대로 유지되는 특징을 보여준다. 하지만 일부 복합어에서는 복합어의 내부 구조에 의해 비합성어의 운율 구조가 변하는 현상이 나타나는데 이는 복합어를 구성하고 있는 비합성어들의 결합 음절수에 따라 복합어에서 운율 구조의 변화가 일어난다. 3음절 이상의 어휘와 2음절의 어휘가 결합하여 복합어를 형성하는 경우 두 번째 구성 요소에서 대부분 변화가 일어난다. 이를 위해 본 연구에서는 먼저 스페인어 비합성어에서 나타나는 운율 구조, 즉 제2강세 구조를 분석해 본다. 스페인어 비파생어에서 제2강세 구조는 제1강세의 위치에 의존하면서 제1강세 왼쪽으로 강약음보를 구성하면서 나타난다는 사실을 밝힌다. 그리고 이렇게 형성된 비합성어의 운율 구조, 즉 제2강세 구조가 합성어에서는 어떤 형태로 실현되는지를 자세히 분석하면서 스페인어 비합성어의 제2강세 규칙이 복합어에서도 그대로 적용된다는 사실을 밝힌다. 스페인어에서 제2강세 규칙은 제1강세를 기준으로 왼쪽으로 이음절의 음보를 구성하면서 이 음보의 왼쪽 요소에 제2강세를 부여한다. This study is aimed to analyse the prosodic structure of the Spanish compound words and propose the second stress rules of theses compound words based on a look at the overall structure of the Spanish prosodic rhyme. In the case of Spanish the rhyme structure of a non-compound words remain in the compound words. However, some of the compound show that the metrical structure of a non-compound word is changed by the internal structure of the compound, due to the number of syllables of the compound word component, or the position of the primary word stress. If three or more syllables vocabulary words joints with the two syllable word, most changes occur in the second component. By analyzing these changes I reveal that the rule of Spanish second stress of the non-compound word is applied in the compound words. The second stress in a Spanish compound words will be given a second strong element on the left of the bisyllabic foot. depending on the position of the primary stress.

      • 근대 일본작가의 上海 체험

        이수열(Lee, Soo-Yeol) 한국해양대학교 국제해양문제연구소 2010 해양도시문화교섭학 Vol.- No.2

        In modern times, Shanghai was the foreign metro city that most Japanese visited. This article thought about a meaning of Shanghai as the space of the cultural contacts through analyzing some modern Japanese literary works such as Muramatsu Shohu, Tanizaki Junichiro, Akutagawa Ryunosuke, Takeda Taijun, Hotta Yosie. To say conclusively, among the literary people who noticed Chinese political reality through service in a war and domiciliation with the people who visited Shanghai as a tourist based on exoticism, many differences were watched. The article thought about possibility of the de-nationalism by taking up diverse aspects of such cultural contacts.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        ESS 지/단락 실증시험에 기반한 BESS 고장모의 해석

        수열(Soo-Yeol Kim),임지훈(Ji-Hoon Im),이일용(Il-Yong Lee),김진태(Jin-Tae Kim),최인규(In-Kyu Choi),김형근(Hyeong-Geun Kim) 대한전기학회 2020 전기학회논문지 Vol.69 No.10

        Battery ESS had been variously applied to power grid before recent ESS fires in Korea. An investigation committee was constituted to find fire causes and countermeasures to ESS fires. The investigation committee has identified top 4 causes for recent ESS fires as insufficient battery protection system against electric faults, incomplete system integration, inadequate management of operating environment, and careless installation. And recent 2nd investigation committee has presumed that battery abnormal condition was another reason for ESS fires. Battery protection system and system integration could be related with systematic issues such as insulation and protection coordination between PCS and battery system, information sharing and protection sequence. Manufactures made their best efforts to upgrade PCS and battery system by each, but had no much interest in the other subsystems of integrated system except their owns. Systematic analysis is very important to improve the reliability of ESS, which is combined by AC source and DC source via PCS. This paper reports system analysis results and suggests countermeasures against electrical faults, including simulation of ground fault and short fault, demonstration test result and systematic issues more than anything to solve for ESS business going forward.

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